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THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN. THE STRUCTURE OF THE BOOK AS A WHOLE. “BEHOLD YOUR GOD” (Isa. 40.9). (Introversion.) 3B") Al L.1-08, THE FORERUNNER, Bj L.v-s, THE BAPTISM: WITH WATER, ©/D[ts404, THE KINGDOM PROCLAIMED, ziowan me xxe ‘THE FOURFOLD Bl tact, THE KING wine LORD. iota }mumnonmp, | THELORD D/tt.-o—18.1, TE KINGDOM. B| 15,220.51, THE BAPTISM: OF SUFFERING (DEATH, BURIAL, AND RESURRECTION). A 211-1, THE SUCCESSORS. For the New Testament and tho order ofits Books, too Ap. 98. For the Diversity of tho Four Gespola, soo Ap. 08 {or the Unity of the Four Gospels, wee Ap. 97. ‘For the Fourfold Ministry of the Lord, see Ap. 119 For words peouliar to John's writings, oo sore &4 words recorded in the notes ‘The Divine purpose in the Gospol by Jon is to present the Lord Jesus as Gov. ‘This is the one great, feature which constitutes the difference between this Gospel and the odher three. ‘Tt has already been noted that in tho first ares Gospels the Lord Josus ia posonted rospoctivaly as Teruel King, Jebovat' Servant, and tho ideal Man ; and that thoso incidents, words, and works are selected, in ench ‘Gospel, which specially covord with such presentation. “Thus they present the Lord on the side of His perfoct humanity, Tt is this that links thom togother, and in the real roan for their being what is called "Synoptic", and for the marked difference butween them, taken together, and the fourth Gospel "Te would have boon « real mnaevol hed there been perfect similarity between the sslocted words and works which characterize the fret three Gospels and theso of the fourth, whoro the prosentation is on the gide of Hs Deity. “That would indeed have presented an insoluble problem. ‘Thi difrences which have bean notot ary not due to any peculiarity of era style, or of fndividual ‘character, but are necessitated by the special prosentation of the Lor which is the design of each Gospel, ‘Henen, in the Structure of the fourth Gospal (above), when compared with the othor throo, it Will be rnotod thet there is no Temptation in the Wilderness, and no Agony in the Garden. ‘The reason for this ts ‘Obvious, for both would havo beon entirely out of place, and out of harmony with the purpose of the Gospel Mawhole. “For the same reason, while the Transfiguration is recorded in the first threo Gospolg, no mention is made of it in John, the reason being that it concerned the tufferings and the earthly glory of the Son of man (ace ‘Ap. 08, XVI and 149), while in John the prosentation of the Sou of God (Ap. 88 XV) is concerned with His ‘atvenly and eternal glory. “Tho Only incidents which John records in common with the frit three Gospels aro seven in number (Ap. 10), vin. ‘The Work of John the Baptist. ‘The last Supper. ‘The Anointing st Bethany, ‘The Passion, and ‘The Resurrection, and ‘Two Miznclos: tho Fooding of the 6,000 and ‘the Walking on the Sea, In tho other Gospels, mirncles aro so call, or ‘mighty works”, butin John they are slways called “signs! (gee Ap. 170), because they aro recorded not at to their fuots or tholr effects, but as to their number and sig. Seation, a John I isthe Penton ofthe Tord thats presntd, rather than His fee and Hi minitry i mai in Jerasalem and Judea rather than in Galilee. Tone ie Lard isto te Posi fd © epcal place (128,98; 5,1; 7,10 10.44; 1.04 &e) whit Hin in ulin neon mame nt nn Sein 0 ann cow ferences ary not to he condiaons of flour thought prevalent i Joba's day, ba to the presentation of the Lord for ail time sions thought pre 1810 NOTES ON JOHN'S GOSPEL. ‘The purpose of the Hisls Spirit by Jobn, in His presentation of the Mestiah isto say to usand to all, Behold Glad Ha Doty ia berved throughout this Gonpal, "Sou 131,33 94, «078.1043 0.34 265 ye; 18.25. ‘This ie emphasized by the first and last references i-teat 20 24, sn in tho prosontation of the Lord as having the Divine attsibute of "got entirely absent in the other Gospels; but ie pervades the fourth Gospel, and is manl- (sea the Table below ‘in this connexion the presentation of the Lord a3 God required special words which are not needed and are not found in the other Gospta.“Astention i aed to gone St in the note h But of important words which are charuetoristio ofthis Gospel, and are found in other Gospela, the necessity ‘of thelr more froquent tse Will bo seen from the following examples which fro det out below, aid referred tO fa the mates.” In most ongcy the number of tho oocrrences is moro than ja ell the other thres put together. "The namber of thelr oeurrences. ‘Tho charnctristic words wre — | Barn. | Me | Tren | Jom sbide=menst : ». fo fe) ata Teliove optus,” Ap. 150." : Dota joa | a | the Futher-ho Pr (osed of Gots “ap bari <1] a | 1B | at | aa My Father. Card ty he Lord =P, mw] = fT | ts fish tateiod : Ss] =o] 2] 6 fesh=vore : 5] a] 2] iB dlory = doze 8] 8 [a8 | io SRorlty dawnt o]or fo |e Jews“ ioudtintatng Mask 2» wnt Tob 8.23) a] a) ai a indge=irind e{— | 6) b mow noida, Seo Ap. 192.11" w | ie Sak | at 2 | 1 | oe | be eye] si % Tight=phe. "Sao Ap, 190.1 7 | a] 3 | 3 ifo=33. Soe Sp. 140 : 7] a) 8 | a ie give i t= opote3 =~|-=/= [4 livo-sand. Son Ap. 170 6) 3) el] a tare Monga en ap 185 1 1 |r ovo Vor) =agupad. “Soo Ap. 198.11 7] 6] | love Vorbhophie Ap aR Eb SS a} i] 2 | Drablo= parol : : ayalal' feod=penp Soe aptti.g Ll c] a) bm) & sen , 6 | oz | a | a Eso (aapy antes te. ap, 126.1" 1} i] 2} "ap. 178.2 =-|-=|/7/% ae : 1] 3] 3 |e : : as} 2] a | to : : =|] 3 : 1} =| o | 3 +) a] i] & s | 2] 3 | a si sl 3 |e Tt is not only the ase of cortain words that charwctorizss this special presentation of the Lord, bat tho | absence of others is equally instructive. For, as in Matthew and Tuke the Lord ia constantly addressed as “Lord, but not often in Mark, where it would not be in keepiog with His presentation as Jehovah's servant; oo in John the Lord is never reprosentod as praging® to the Father ar in tho other Gorpela, bat Always as saying or speaking to Him. This ise special charactoristio of the fourth Gospel, Wonderfully in barmony’ with i great design, On tho other hand, prayer is specially required on the part of «king as In Matthew) in rexpect of hie Aeegniad, (Matt. 14.23; 26. a6, 39, 4% 40); algo on tho part of a servant, in respect of His assumed. fection (ter, So'8c st; 44"su ayo sof an ieah Bo Feapec of ls epondgoce pon God eral times (Lake B38; 8,16; 6.13; 81a an apy 11-1; 20:4, 44 4a), ‘Thus, whilo in tho ftst three Gospals the Lord is presented on the side of Bis humanity, 9s in prayeron eight occasions, not once is Ho so pravented in John's Gospel.® And the eason is obvious. Moreover, Heinyedown” His life: no one takes It from Him, This occ. only in John. “abide,” 92 times; ‘dwell" 6; “romain,” 5: “continue,” 8; endure,” 1; "be preaant,” once. In Jabn's Epistles it ove. 36-%imes 67 tizes in all 190,654 89,13 36 4p | UO.47 28 25529, 20 92, 75 14, 37,1520 29, 99) 285 Tt, 30,2643, 24; 16.10; 30,17, 17, 41. Om the other hand, the exprassian " cur Father” doss'not oscar at all and the reason is evident. Nok daos the wort hiliar=son, as used of beliovers as boing the " sons of God” ; bat always falmon. "Paul e608 huioe of believers (uss. 6. us 19. Gal. £1} But he te tekwon lao (Rom, & 14 1,34, PhIL'2 6." Eph. 6.1). John uses hufon almost exclusively for the Lora. ‘The reason for this is evident also. * In order to emphasize the grenter authority with which the Lord spoke, aa God, and asceming with double Importance, Thin witness was borne by the Father (Sohn 5.90, 27; 18); By the Son (8.14; 18, a1); by the Holy Spirit (16 265 16.13, 14) bythe woritton Word (140; 8.5%,40); by the works (O17, 36; 10.26; 14.11; 10.94); by the Forerunner (A 6 35,59); by Hie disiplee (10, 32; 19.8) 21.49). ‘Trua, the Haglish word * j2ay” ia used of the Lord in Job 16.26; 17, 0,9, 1 20; Dut the Greek word different, Tes eras to ak (Ap. 194 13), wad implioe familiarity 304 equality. isnot prvectomar Ap. I88. 11.3} as iu tho other Gospels. Th same is trae of proseuche, praye® (Ap. 184. TT, 2). ‘Seo note om 10.11, wt Asc DE Ba m ap. 26 THE GOSPEL JOHN ow the bs swas °the Word, “and Aste Word “was °with °God, and “the 1. 1-98 (A, p. 1510), THE FORERUNNER. (Gepeated Atternation and inroversion ) Word *was Goa. Aya /Olr 8 Goa tu s Twas 3 awit nf tite 12The same ? was tin the beginning *with | ere | were 3 All things °were made “by Him; °and ees Mission, HT | ye. Wie] Jom ° without Him ° was °not any made that on ‘Baprisr. °was made. At D | ‘Et[e, Light. ) mr 4)In Him *was life; and the life was *the We (TEIS ecenton, } er ight of “men. C4 an, ses wie 5 And ‘the light °shineth in °darkness; and sea) Jom ‘the darkness “comprehended *it “not. aye mes Lgihsaaind 6 °'There was a, ‘man °sent ‘from °God, [Pe eee eeption } toe whose name was ° John. Revealer of the Father, ) Won. Mi 72The same came ° for a witness, °to bear witness “of ‘the Light, °that “all men “through him might °*believe. 8° Se was ‘not °that Light, but °was sent "to bear Witness "of “that Light. 1 Inthe boginning. Gr. cn/Ap. 104. vill)arch’. Oco. ig, timer ihe SET, (Cpe. 1. content ways supply the dependent word (where itis not — expressed). Hore, and in v2 supply [of the afonr= ‘ages"]; forthe Logos then “ was” and the fone were prepared by Him (Hob. 1.2; 11,3) in Aets 11,18 euprly “fof car ministry” (2.4)], Tn PHIL 4. 19 supply "(che proclamation of} the Gospel. For the combination ‘of arene, with other propositions, soe notes on Jolin @. c+ (ez archis"); on Jolin & 44 (ap? arches"); oh Heb. 1. io(+kat archas"). was = was (sirendy pre-oxistont)," Oreation ie not mentioned till » 2. The ‘Word had no beginning”. Soov,s; 17-5. 1John 1.1, Eph. 1.4. Prov. 8:35, Ps 90.2, Op. tt. Not the same “war asine. 4, the Word. Gr. Logos, As the spoken word reveelsthe iavieble thought, 0 the Living Word reveals the invisible God. “Cp. 16 and. Noto the Fig. Polysyndeton. -Ap. 6 ‘ith. Gr, prot. Ap. 10k. 3v. 8. Tmplying personal presenos and relation. “Cp. ela. "God. With the Art. =the evealad God of the Biblo. Ap. 08. Li.1. tho Word was God, This is correct. "Tho ‘Art. designatan "tho Wort "aa the aubjost. ‘Pho onder of the words hes to 40 only with the empliass, which, J thus placed on the predicato, while "the Word” ia tho subject. ‘was God,” Here "God is without the Art, Bocuse it denotes the conception of God as Tafinta, ternal, Porfect, Almighty, ke. Contest 4. "Pho samo—This {Word}, ox Te. 3 All things.” Rofereing to the infinite detail of creation, ‘were mademcame into being. Not tho same word asinw.1. by=through. Uy. dia. Ap. 90k 1. Asin Rom, tise Gol 1.16 Heb. 1.2, and without, &o. Note the Fig. leona Ap. 8. with ‘out=apars from: ‘was—eame into being. Not the samo word as in oo ‘hot any thing=not feren one thing. Gr. oude, compound of ow Ap. 105.T. was madg—hath come into ting. ite. Gr. 208” Ap. 110. 1: Le. the fountain of lif Heneo 1 Jabn 5.14, 12, and Pa 46.+? masifested (1); ‘obtained (840); possessed (4. 14); gustained (6.38); ministered (t. 9);"abounding (0 10); resurrection (11 24.10. A characteritio word of this Gospel. Seo nota on p. 1611, the light. ‘Note light. Op. 2, Gz. phos ‘Ap. 190.1. A charsctoriatio word of this Goapel. S00 note on p. 1a ‘mon. Gr Bl. of| anthropos, “Ap. 128.1." “g-shinoth.” Gr. phain Ap. 106.1 1. datkneas—the darkness. Pre supposing the Fal. Gon, 3,10, comprehiondod it. This is direct from the Valgate. ‘The Gr. kuta- lanbant is 0 rendered only here. Tt means, overcamo or overpowered Hin not,” Seo Thess. 5, (overtake). ‘Mari 6.18." John 6.9,4 (ake); 12.36 (come apon hostilely). it. Referring grammatically to phos the light neuter); but logically to the Word. - Quoted ly Tatina (a.m. 160-190), Orad ad Graccos, xii Note the Fig. Parechtey (Ap. 6)in the Aramaic (not in the Gree or Engh), “larknese comprehended”. Arar. EDM faba Ob OE ou, Ap 100.0) 6 hore was There aes, Notte sume word as in. nt. Cp. Mat, 1, "Gr. apestlld (Ap. 178.1, whienaa we have out Apestle™=one sent, John not oaly ‘came, but was sont”, from=from besids. Gr.pare, Ap. 104. xii. 1, Not “ty”, bat from. ‘Cp. 15.46 Goa! "Near “Cp.e 1, Apis Lil Jobin? i.e, John the Bapeist; the John of the narrativa, not of the Gospel, “Occ. twonty times, and is novor distinguished by the ttle "Baptist, na in Matt, Mazi, and Luke, """“y for a witness: je. with a view to bearing withese; ot merely to bo e witness. Tha ‘would be martur (marta, ns in Acts 1.4 3,0). ‘eating witness. Gr. es, Ap. 104. vi Not the sumo word aa lit. in onlor that (Gx, hina) he might bear witness, Gz. marture, « characteristic word of this Gospel. "eritmess,, Gr. marturia, oing. Gr. peri. Ap. 104. xiii 1. that--in order that Gr. hina. Often found io Jobn, at ‘chrough. Gr. dia. Ap. 306, v1. sim," John the Baptist, believe.” Soe Ap. 160. Lf. “A characteristic word of this Gospel. Soo note on p 1611,” 8 G¢=That one. Gp.22i, that Light =the Light. p02; 32.28 was sent. Supply “camo” from v.7, 1a

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