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THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. THE STRUCTURE AS A WHOLE. (Introeersion.) AL 2.2, 2, osraeey om Sauursniox. “Grace” ro Tues. Bi 13-26. Pa ©] 1. 27-2. 18. Exroerarion, avo Exauri or CHRIST. D/ 219-24. Tue Exams op TIMOTHY, (D| 2.25-20. Te Exavrse of EPAPHRODITOS, J5 Sovserroyy sox Tus Pau C18.1-4. 8. Bxouravi0¥ axo Exwurax or PAUL. B\ 410-20. Tae Poser Al 4 21-29, Ensrouny, ase Dosowoor, “Ceace” 20 Tum Souicituor rox PAUL: THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. 1, The apostlo's frst wisit to the city of Philippi, probably about 4. , 52-58 (Ap. 180), is recorded in Acta 16 Ho liad na companions Silas and Timothy, and the so of tho first personal pronoun, in'n 39 of ehat chapter, Inaientes that a fourth worker was with Iii. Probably Lake, the " beloved plyaieian”. Although we have 20 | particulars of Inter visits, yet Paul almost certainly Was fwice at Philippi subsequontly (Aet# 20.1 and ¢). 2, Wo infer that but few Jews would be at Philippi, there boing no intimation of obstruction from them, ‘and there was so synagoguo there, woless, indeed, the "place of prager” by tho riverside refers to one. The believers had rotained the ferveny of their first love, and inna gent once and again unto hia need. ‘The apostle ‘gratitade is shown repentedly, and he greatly honours his Philippian " bretbron, dearly Yeloved and Tonged for”, by designating them "my joy and crows 8. Noonoof Paul's Epistles is more clovated in charactor or more animating to Deliovers. Nor, it may bo sdded, one of better-defined frame, as will bo seen from the eounylete Structure above). Witton from Rome towarte tho end of his imprisonment, probably in 4p. 02, the apostles position wat then one of Walling, for ‘os to the day for his ennso to be hoard before tho tribunal forwhich he had apperled. And "08! ‘necessitated @ more rigid condition of imprisonment than when hw dwelt, as af frst, in hid own Inired nogee. Bt this, instead of hindering, hind oven farthened the preaching of Christ. Hence one enuae for {he tono of rejofoing throughout tho Bpistle. Like golden trend “joy” and ite kindred words ran throwgh- oat Philippians, nt" grace” does in Ephesians. 4. The city of Philipp, «Roman colong, was situated sbout eight miles inland from its port, Neapolis the modem Kavala. Not being a commercial centro, this may oxplain tho pascly of Tews umeng the inuabitanta Philippi no longer exits, for although the nestent Turkish hesilet beara the aucient name ina corsupted form, itis aot on thosite of the old ity, ine THE EPISTLE OF PAUL THE APOSTLE 10 THE PHILIPPIANS. 1 PAUL and * Timotheus, the °servants of) 2.2 wimatheun, See x Con 1 * Jesus Christ, toall the saipts*in= Christ | acreants Ap 10. 1° ‘Jesus which areat Philippi, with the bishops | Jesus Christ.” Ap a2. Jesus which ar sata ie Aig 2° Grace be ° unto you, and peace,’ from°’God| 12. Ap, 104. viti, our*Father, and fromthe'Lord! jesus Christ.| OSe'Foses An OB RTE 3 I°thank my*God“uponevery remembrance | bishops. Gr eplekopos, Soe Acie 0.20 of you, Goucons. ‘Ap. Ton Ets ‘The ony place where these “4 Always tin every °prayer of mine for youl ers are mention ogee. all mniking “request ° with joy, a Gree. ap 10h Le 2b 'For your ilowship "ia the © gospel #from| aEto~t, from, Ap. 104 iv llowship God. Ap. 96.1 5.1. the first day until now; Father, Ap 66. Tk 6 “Being confident of this very thing, that| Lord. Ap. 88 Vi.i.9.2 B, He Which hath ° begun a good workin you will ° perform i until the day of Jesus Christ: | 1. 3-26 (B, p. 1172, PAUL'S CONCERN FOR TRE. ci pv onl ie Sy of es Ca /8 o-n0 pm, Zag concen Hes a me or et et nate es Rs ON NAY AS |® | Eo nto “elence and Veoafirmation of the "gospel ye) || sae allare partakers of my "grace. eal Prayer, - bB 1st Confidence with rforenes to himsel ‘8 For?God is my *record, how "greatly Llong |g acy. ae, Sugence with eformes to hime, after you all "in the "bowels of Jesus Christ. | 208% See Act 2. ® Aad this T'*pray, “that your ‘love may | SPOR AP 10K ie 2, abound yet more and nore! in"Knowledge ana} S2T4Y°E,, Al 286 Th 8 inal °judgment ; Foquest, Samo aa prayer ove, “That ye may approve things that °are| with "Ap l0t 01 excellent *that ye may de” siacereand’ with: | B Fer. “Ay 100 ie 3. out offence “til the * day of “Christ; fan Gre Ap BL TI Being filed with tbe fruite of “righteous-| gospel. Ap. M0 ness, whi are “by Neots Chilst, santo the| © Beitg confident. Lit. Trusting, Ap 160.12 PSlaty and prize of2Gsa, Saget Srcomstonnt” Only here a Gut 3 Horm complete, Or. f 12 But I°would ye should °understand, bre-| Cn 18 32, piles Ap HES 8 See thren, that the °things which happened unto| 7 mect~just, or right, Ap. 191. 1. me have falien cut rather unto thefarther-| me. oy" of the * gospels ‘because, Ap. 104, v. 2 ———— efonce, GF. apaopi= Seo Acts 22 3 eonftrmation. Gr. einiinin Only hor and Heh. Goan. A legal ton for 8 gonmantee, Bo used in the Sangre Dettakers or follom-partakors with ino of grace’ pariakora, “Gn ountuin na Se Rowe Unit,” "grace. Ap. 186, T.1, A bon which unites ll who reeeive i @ Tecord=—witness. Cp. Rome Breatly... long. Gr. epipothed. Sco Rom. 1.1 bowels, Gr. splanchna, Seo? Cor. Gis.” geet Christ,’ The taxta rea Christ Jeena, @ pray, AP 104. 1.8 that, “Gx Mina, Generally denoting « purpose, but here only the sulvject of the prayer. love. Ap. 196.111, ° knows! Todge. y-192.T. J Judgment. Ap. 77.1 '10 That yo may, &e.—To (Ap. 104. vi) your proving, of trying. are exdollent™diffor. Wo aro to test tho things, nnd having found them to Liffor shast not join them together, but Tightly divido thetn (vist, 2.1) sincere. Gr: ellkrines Only heresad2 Pet 1, Cp. Comb. without offence, Gr aprottopes, See Acts 24h. tll Ap. 104 vi. day of Crist, ‘Tho stimo expression in 2. Ye. Cpute 6 awd Cond #; 6.6.3 Cor. 1.1 aTiesa 2. 2, where seo note, Christ. Ap. 9% IX. 11 Being Alled=Having been filed, Ap. 126.7. Hghteoumesa Ap 191.8 By. AP IOL v1 unto, Ap IOGel glory. "Seep 1511, 1. 12-26 (8, tow). CONFIDENCE WITH REFERENOR TO HINSELP, 1/1418. What Past would have them know, Wien Christ preached biicie ‘Peat reoiing 42 [ 19. What Past knew, 4 Tae-28. Christ megnided. te] 3. Their ejtcing 12 would, be.= wish (Ap. 102.8) you understand. Ap. 182.1. things, Ae,= things with seferomco to (Ap. 104. me, fallon out. Lik coms, furtherance, Gx prokops. Here, 1%, nd Tim, ab Cp. Rom >, 18 113. PHILIPPIANS. 1. 26. 19 Sothat “my bonds ‘in’ Christ°are°mani-| 19 my bonds, fe ="my bonds tm sention to fog all the *palncs: end "ia all ‘Olver | Christ"? ie thet may baing 6 prisoner is ot on ae seat in runt of anyrine bly or recht 14 And ° many of the brethren !in the 7Lord,| manifest. See ‘Ap. 108. T, viii. Ad And naa Cl bymy onan arcmnachitors | paince, Gr. pritirem Gp. dist. 2,7, tnt Kalop crating confident by my bonds, ane much More | pe tra ged got reco Why crus ot nt Tee Be tt en ea «tbe tn iho tc, mut frat Prmoran deed “preach "Christ, even “of i i acarss wh act a, and strife; and *sor ‘also "of “good jn all, ke, =to sii the rest (Ap. 124, 8), ie. to the 1a "tne one “preach ®Chrit “of” contention, |e ames not ‘Sincerely, supposing to“add affliction | SSSe'Gonaen{ in tecme content. See ty bonds: See Ge set ns to Mena dene 7B heetner “of tove “knowing thatLam © wahrn SS” G52 oa aE Sa Bae set or the "detence ofthe «gospel vhs 18 What then? “notwithstanding, every way, | speak. Ap. 121.7. whether in *pretence, or in truth, Christ is| word. Ap. 121-10. ‘The texts add “of Goa, Mpreached ; without fear, "Seo 2 Cor. 16 10 25 Some. Ap. 124 preach. Ap 121.1. and I°therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice. | f= hrough.” Ap. 104 v, 2. thao, &2. of good will also, 19 For I "know that this shall *turn °to my good will." Gr. eudokin Seo Rom. 10-1 salvation “through. your ‘prayer, and the| Ye preach. ay. 12. © SSupply of the’ Spirit of "Jesus Christ, of Pan 10k si og | aomtenition. Gr. erttein, See Rom. 2 20 * According to my “earnest expectation | Bot. Ap. 105.1 and my flope, that in *nothing I shall be yare motive, Gr. hagnte. Only hore Saabamed, but shat with, all Tholdness, as | ppesing=tinhing "Only nx And ne always, so now also Christ shall be magnified | Gr. epipher. Seo Acts 19, 12, but tho bes Wathen i be © by life, ar by | texte rind "also" cap. 176, 11 4). denn body, whether Dy “Ife, oF “By | “Criiotion. “Gr. ipa. ge Acts 7.10 3 For tome to live is "Christ, and to die| #7 Knowing, An 192 1-3 8° gain. " a°But °if°T tive tin the Nest, °thig is the ) 28 notwithetandine orca Gr. pli, Foor, fruit of my Inbour: yet what F shall choose I | 0 sllves hore, Wie shal we es * * wot '*not. retence. See John 1b. 22. Bie amiga strat ntwit two, bang | Bartel pn Do yea which is “far better: 19 tuxn=turn ont, Seo Luke 21. 13 See getin tetean omore| Sesh ag ais aera tt IT wmcananen, 1 "anowtnat| Sose™ cine et Shanna Si sean ye A PO) A FT tee 30 gt ou “ejing may be more aan | Fo dant in * Jésus Christ °for me " by my coming | 20 According to Ap £04 a 0 you agi nothing, Gr. oudeis — See Ee See a itn coli hata ae Cth maabine® fe Oe Prorein Ap 104 vi to. Ap. TOL xy. 8 i

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