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National Security

Homegrown jihadist terrorists. A jihadist is a Muslim involved in a holy war of destruction targeted against those who do not share their religious beliefs.

Extremely Concerned Asked of N=336; 56% of Sample


Not Concerned Asked of N=51; 9% of Sample


The might attack us/Easier to attack us They are harder to identify Their beliefs/religion They are already here Worried about all terrorists Political correctness prevents us from dealing with them properly We let them into the country too easily We don t do enough to stop them Refused/Not sure Other

84 67 46 33 19 8 7 6 20 46

14% 11% 8% 6% 3% 1% 1% 1% 3% 8%

Think the problem is over stated/We have bigger problems to worry about I feel safe/trust the government Don t like to live in fear More worried about other kinds of domestic terrorism Overseas terrorists are more concerning Refused/Not sure Other

12 6 4 3 1 12 13

24% 12% 8% 6% 2% 24% 25%

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