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National Security

Allowing Islam Sharia law to be recognized in courts in the United States, as superceding Constitutional and democractically-based law.

Extremely Concerned Asked of N=324; 54% of Sample


Not Concerned Asked of N=64; 11% of Sample


We should follow our own Constitution and laws A threat to our values/principles Slippery slope Concerned about separation of church and state/religious freedom Sharia law is bad/discriminatory Would make us vulnerable/would help terrorists Political correctness threatens us Refused/Not sure Other

164 27 20 16 16 15 3 34 29

51% 8% 6% 5% 5% 5% 1% 10% 9%

Don t think it will happen Americans/American law will not let this happen We have bigger problems/other concerns This issue does not affect me Refused/Not sure Other

16 8 3 3 25 9

25% 13% 5% 5% 39% 14%

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