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Patrologiae Graecae vol.

41: Epiphanius

Patrologiae Graecae vol. 41: Epiphanius

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J.-P. Migne Patrologiae Graecae vol. 41: Epiphanius

Imprint: Paris:J.-P. Migne, 1863 Return to List of Titles

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Title Page -- col. 5 Elenchus -- col. 7 Notitia in S. Epiphanium -- col. i Vita Sancti Epiphanii -- col. i Alii Ephipanii -- col. iii Editiones S. Epiphanii -- col. vii Scripta Genuina Quae Exstant -- col. xi Scripta Perdita -- col. xix Dubia, vel quae Juniori cuidam Epiphanio Tribuenda Videntur -- col. xxi Inedita -- col. xxv Epistola Nuncupatoria -- col. 9 Praefatio ejusdem -- col. 15 Elogia Veterum de Epiphanio -- col. 19 Vita S. Epiphanii auctoribus Joanne et Polybio -- col. 23 Acta S. Epiphanii Bollandiana -- col. 115 Caput Primum -- col. 115 Caput II -- col. 119 Caput III -- col. 123 Caput IV -- col. 129 Caput V -- col. 135 Caput VI -- col. 141 Caput VII -- col. 145 Epistola Acacii et Pauli ad Epiphanium -- col. 155 Rescriptum Epiphanii ad Acacium et Paulum -- col. 157
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Patrologiae Graecae vol. 41: Epiphanius

Panarium Sive Arcula Adversus Octoginta Haeseses -- col. 173 Libri I Tomus I -- col. 173 Libri I Tomus II -- col. 281 Libri I Tomus III -- col. 577 Libri II Tomus I -- col. 845 Ordo Rerum -- col. 1199

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