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Starbucks Company Market Analysis

0105.363.01 Marketing 20062 RIT Professor Marty Lawlor Team 5: Stacy Di Mora, Karyn Lewis, Sarah Lind

Executive Summary Starbucks Company Our team of external consultants has been queried to assess the gourmet coffee market for Starbucks Co. in order to develop a marketing strategy with recommendations for the company. Weve crafted a strategy to improve the sales of existing products and justify the launch of a new product offering, detailed in this document. We did this through completing a market analysis, determining the current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing the company, defining the market segmentation, target market, and product positioning for the company, and outlining the companys current and opportune marketing mix. As standing, Starbucks is the worlds number one specialty coffee retailer, currently with more 12,000 coffee shops in more than 35 countries. The outlets offer hot and cold coffee drinks and few food items, as well as beans, some coffee accessories, and teas. The company owns about 7,100 of its shops, which are located in about 10 countriesthough mostly in the U.S.while licenses and franchises operate more than 5,300 units worldwide. In addition, Starbucks markets it coffee through grocery stores and licenses its brand for other food and beverage products. Weve found the popular coffee company underscores a simple truism: a good idea is not enough; its execution is critical (Forbes). The company adds hundreds of outlets each year, yet quality and service rarely suffer. Furthermore, the success of the company underscores the fact that America can successfully compete even in non-high-tech products and services as long as there is an environment that encourages innovation in product and marketing creativity. If coffee behaves like pizza, hamburgers, any many other retail segments, it will mature from a fragmented collection of players into a segment dominated by a few large chains. In addition, customers will be expecting more from their coffee providers. Many local and regional operators are doomed. The bigger picture for Starbucks is building a brand that transcends java to include an array of other items, like custom-made food items, that can compete with the fast-food market. Its on its way to becoming the Nike or CocaCola of the market segment. However, the tables can turn. Starbucks has occasionally suffered the big chains burdenthe same kind of anti-corporate backlash that big businesses like McDonalds and Wal-Mart have faced. In the face of this competition, we recommend Starbucks enhance and expand the drivethru experience for the majority of their stores, open up and experiment with new venues of advertising, and make exclusive their development of made-to-order food products such as gourmet sandwiches to their product line, as tested in few outlets.

0105.363.01 Marketing AnalysisStarbucks Co.

Market Analysis Market Snapshot Right now the gourmet coffee business is hot. It is the ultimate commodityanyone can now grind coffee beans in their kitchen, and virtually every food outlet sells the stuff (Forbes). From multi-national fast food chains and service stations to street-corner coffee carts, a lot of new players want in on the boom. Big companies are moving in on the supply of specialty branded coffees and the battle is heating up. The current market is certainly sustainable for the number there is now, but it is yet unknown how it will hold up to more. Growth in the coffee industry is expected to peak around year 2010, and between now and then a slow but steady increase in the number of mergers is predicted (The Gale Group). The biggest competition the market faces is from overseas companies that are coming in and buying businessusing special discounts and perks despite the questionable quality of the coffee itself to increase its market share (Forbes). Specialty coffee is one of the fastest growing food service markets globally, with a net income of approximately $9.6 billion in 2004 in the U.S. alone, due to the explosion of cafes and gourmet retailers in the 1990s (The Gale Group). The industry trade group Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA), in its Retail in the USA 2005 report, stated that at the end of 2005, coffee sales had reached $11.05 billion. In 2005, Americans drank more than 300 million cups of coffee, with 75% of those being home brewed. 15% of all Americans drank a cup or more of specialty coffee daily, an increase of 6% from 2000. An early 1990s study by the SCAA noted above-average consumption in the Pacific, Middle Atlantic, and New England states and found gourmet coffee drinkers tended to be slightly more affluent than average and that they lived or worked in big cities (The Gale Group). Gourmet coffee consumption also rose with the drinkers educational level. Those who finished college bought 49% more gourmet coffee on average and those with some postgraduate education bought 71% more. Furthermore, households with children and two working parents bought 28% more gourmet coffee.

Trends Within the gourmet coffee market, there have been more and more similarities to the sophistication of the wine industry. Once people drank simple wines, but now they are extremely brand conscious and have strong preferences. The same is being seen with coffee. With this, there is often a significant increase in sales every time a caf starts using branded consumables. The consensus is that these coffee drinks are a long-term trend, not just a flash in the pan, with the goal of elevating peoples taste for something theyre already quite familiar with and leading them to coffee houses to get it (Scarpa). Many companies are tinkering with expanded food menus as well. An in-store display of fresh baked goods and sandwiches and Ceaser salads has been shown to increase sales

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about 30% or more (Scarpa). Some feel that as the segment matures, customers will want more than just coffee. One of the newest trends in the domestic market is drive-thru coffee stores (The Gale Group). Starbucks had 540 drive-thru stores in early 2004, all of which were seeing continual growth and long lines. Another trend includes consumer requests for organic coffees, which provokes more emphasis by retailers on the beans growing environment (The Gale Group). The array of products was never wider as retailers added more flavors to whole beans and variations to the basics of espresso and steamed milk. The more clever retailers have added coffee shakes and iced tea concoctions such as chai to their menus to outdo competitors who offer mere iced lattes. Since most specialty retailers also retail whole beans, many stores have added home espresso machines, coffee grinders, and other brewing supplies for addon sales. To further increase market shares, many gourmet coffee companies have also ran catalog sales departments and competed for new wholesale clients such as restaurant chains and supermarkets. Many industry firms today, as well as Starbucks, sell whole beans in addition to their individual drinks at their stores. They serve coffee drinks to consumers in two forms: the filtered drip coffee familiar to most Americans, and European-style espressoa more concentrated form of the brewwhich is harder for consumers to make at home (The Gale Group). Despite efforts to expand coffees daypart, weve found that most coffee is consumed in the mornings (Scarpa). The following chart shows coffee consumption throughout the day. Share of Coffee Consumption Evening Lunch Afternoon Dinner Morning Breakfast

7% 8% 8% 8% 16% 54%

Primary Strategies The key to economic growth is not just the low cost of production, its the value-added the innovation, design or architecture, or the sheer intangible or exciting fashion of a brand (Forbes). Its more than just the product itself. Success in the gourmet coffee market requires a strong name, a good training program, and excellent customer service. Success is listening to the customers needs, devoting business and research means to come up with solutions, then creating products that serve each the customers, the environment, and corporate business objectives (Pigott). Businesses that have committed themselves to standing for something beyond their product in an authentic, meaningful way arent just connecting with their customersbut changing the way their employees feel about their place of work.

0105.363.01 Marketing AnalysisStarbucks Co.

With the evolution of the coffee shop from mere fueling stations to away-from-home gathering places, entertainment spots, and an alternative to bars serving alcohol, success is also making an effort to make branches all the more caf-like for a more friendly, casual atmosphere (Scarpa). The welcoming atmosphere has enabled Starbucks to sell an array of tempting and expensive extras such as pastries and CDs. Starbucks principle marketing strategy is inventing a new way to do something that people have been doing for years, and focusing their business around their customers. They employ themes such as using chalkboards to display menu items and prices, extras like CDs, and holidayrelated food and beverage items. The company has also achieved market dominance by imbuing in its brand social issues such as fair trade, sustainable development, literacy, and clean water (Pigott). The company also strategically pays attention to how it labels its products. Instead of small, medium, and large, for example, Starbucks uses tall, grande, and venti. In this way, the company underscores a simplistic truismthe execution of a good idea is critical to its success. The companys ultimate goal is to build on the brand that transcends java to include an array of other itemssuch as branded ice cream, bottled beverages, beer, and perhaps even cyberspace (Scarpa).

Competition Starbucks top competitors include primarily Dunkin Donuts, Nestle, and Tim Hortons (Bramhall). It is predicted that specialty coffee will follow the pattern of other fast-food segments, in which a few dominant chains gobble up weaker business, but a full-scale shakeout is still far off (Scarpa). Other signs of the maturing of the segment were the initial public offerings by small players determined for success in the market. Mall-based coffee inlets have a widespread franchise system and a big trade in whole beans, brewing wares, and coffee drinks. However, building lots of stores isnt the only definition of growth. Wholesale business is a large chunk of the market. Other than specific businesses, there are several other risks to the gourmet coffee market (Freidman, Billings, Ramsey). High gas prices, minimum credit card payments, and a slower housing market could cause the consumer to cut back on spending on food away from home. Spikes in dairy or coffee prices could hurt margins. Starbucks international business produces approximately 10% of earnings, primarily from Canada, the U.K., and Japan. Economic weakness or exchange rate fluctuations in these markets could have a negative effect on Starbucks. Expectations for Starbucks are very high, reflected in its P/E ratio. If same-store sales should slow below the markets expectations, the stocks reaction could be significant.

0105.363.01 Marketing AnalysisStarbucks Co.

The restaurant sector is a very competitive space, with few barriers to entry. Increases competition in specialty coffee, including new caf opening and entry into specialty coffee by larger fast-food or packaged food competitors, could hurt Starbucks. Terrorist incidents in the U.S. or abroad could hurt consumer spending. Weather can have a short-term effect on sales.

Positioning and Relative Market Shares Starbucks is a high-margin brand that serves about 4 million customers per week (Forbes). Furthermore, the company also currently owns Seattles Best Coffee and Torrefazione Italia coffee brands (Bramhall). The company is sitting comfortably in the stock indexes, currently included in the S&P 500, ranking in at #338 in FORTUNE 500, and #240 in FT Global 500. At the end of September, Starbucks 2006 sales were upwards of $7,786.9 million, with sales growth of 22.3% over a years span (Bramhall). Given the rate at which branches of Starbucks are springing up, it could be mistaken that consumers are so hooked on coffee that the two biggest makers of grocery store coffee Nestle and Kraftmust be enjoying unparalleled success (Claire). However, there is evidence that a more plentiful supply of specialty coffee drinks is making consumersin urban areas at leastturn their noses up at standard grocery brand coffees. The maturity of the coffee market means that the major manufacturers are searching for ways to squeeze out some value growth. The below highlights the market share of the top competition for gourmet coffee, compared to that of the market and industry median. Starbucks takes the lead in profitability.

Profitability Gross Profit Margin Pre-Tax Profit Margin Net Profit Margin Return on Equity Return on Assets Return on Invested Capital

Starbucks Dunkin 59.20% 11.60% 7.20% 26.1% 14.2% 19.6% -------

Nestle -------

Tim Hortons 27.90% 18.60% 12.90% 36.0% 11.4% 13.6%

Industry Median 24.50% 4.80% 3.80% 11.6% 6.2% 7.3%

Market Median 51.30% 6.40% 4.90% 9.4% 1.6% 4.3%

0105.363.01 Marketing AnalysisStarbucks Co.

Intended Customer Segment Starbucks is an international company that is recognized and respected. Its is well known for its coffee as well as the relationships formed with its customers. The typical gourmet coffee fan is that sought-after individual with high levels of education and disposable income (Scarpa). This targets college students and business people in general, as well as individuals from the baby boomer generation to generation Y. Starbucks aims to promote their brand and the coffee experience to foster human connectionswhich is what Starbucks advertising is all about (

SWOT Analysis Strengths - Customer LoyaltyStarbucks has very strong brand recognition and faithfulness among those who frequent the coffee shop. The Starbucks high flyers are known to frequent stores at least three times a week, if not more. Employee LoyaltyStarbucks partners are their greatest assets. They empower their employees, allowing them to make their customers experiences memorable and satisfactory. ThemesEach Starbucks store is allowed its own individuality, though the business as a whole is unified in the look and feel of the restaurant envionment. For example, chalkboards are used for creativity in expressing the menu. CDs, books and movies are also sold, which the company helps to produce and/or promote. The book readings and signings have been very successful for both Starbucks as well as the individual authors. Social IssuesStarbucks supports many social issues including, but not limited to: Fair Trade Organization, literacy, clean water and health issues. Coffee is still an up and coming industry, and Starbucks is growing right along with this business.

Weaknesses - Some of the stores may be overpowering to the cultures they merge into. For example, in their Dublin store in Ireland, local coffee shops open mid to late morning, while Starbucks opens much earlier. Some people feel that this takes away from the laid back atmosphere of the Irish culture (Hammonds). Starbucks has a somewhat narrow product line for their overseas countries. For example, it is hard for Starbucks Coffee to promote tea in China.

0105.363.01 Marketing AnalysisStarbucks Co.

Many people and industries view the companys lack of advertising as a negative business strategy. Over-expansion: too many stores. Starbucks may eventually become too big for itself. Over-expansion: too many products. Right now Starbucks is venturing out of the coffee industry and into music, books, entertainment, and other foods as well. Too many brand extensions may become harmful to the company.

Opportunities - Starbucks could add to their product line multiple brand extensions: desserts, sandwiches, coffee makers, espresso makers, IPOD stands, breakfast items, more coffee/hot chocolate variations, etc. There is a great deal of overseas expansion available to the Starbucks Coffee Corporation.

Threats - Immediate competition from fast-food restaurants catching on the specialty coffee wave and developing products that competes with Starbucks. -

Tim Hortons Dunkin Donuts McDonalds Nestle

Market Segmentation Target Market Starbucks is mainly adult-focused and aims to connect with their customers, communities, and children through various advertising tactics. The vast majority of these customers come from urban areas, where individuals are willing to go the extra mile to purchase costly gourmet coffee. Another new and large growing target market within the coffee industry is college-age students and post-graduate individuals residing in urban areas. These two segments account for the largest portion of gourmet coffee drinkers (Isidro). There have been studies showing that coffee consumption has increased with the drinkers educational level. Those who have finished college have bought a lot of coffee but those who are in

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the post-graduate level have bought 71% more (The Gale Group). Urban areas have the most coffee drinkers because it is where most of the educated professionals are located as well as the large universities. More and more individuals are becoming educated which shows that there will be a growth in the market of coffee drinkers. Since the largest number of consumers are those being educated or beyond that stage, sales should be increasing steadily. Starbucks, compared to other competitors such as Tim Hortons, experiences a larger degree of profitability in urban areas due to its creative ability to cater to the needs of the large market of young professional adults.

Market Attraction Targeting adults and young adults is a good mechanism for Starbucks because this age level has the same interests as the foundation that promotes arts, culture, education, and the environment ( The company satisfies their customers through their advertising, support programs and, of course, their coffee. This large portion of the coffee consuming market is attractive because Starbucks has the money, resources, and time to cater to young adults. In 2002, an innovative ordering program was createdcustomers can pre-order and prepay for coffee, etc. via phone or the Starbucks Express website (Isidro). This initiative and the drive-through are examples of how this market segment is attractive. Customers want fast service and/or ideas and methods that will save time. Now that Starbucks has established itself it is able to spend time to increase success among different segments. Since Starbucks has the resources to be innovative, they have captured the attention of the younger generation which is filled with individuals willing to shell out the extra dollar for great service, atmosphere, or even items that are affiliated with the brand. By catering to young educated adults, Starbucks will see increased profit levels now as well as in the future as the generation ages. Drinking coffee is a long-term growing trend that is becoming more and more popular among adults, especially the younger adults who make up the largest portion of the market. Segmentation Starbucks is a company that embraces diversity, not limiting themselves to one specific demographic, behavioral, or geographic segment. Individuals appreciate how, regardless of any little difference, at Starbucks they are always treated as equals. Most adults are very open-minded which is why they are a good target market. The company promotes minorities and women who own businesses. It works to encourage diversity and thus set new goals to create more inclusive businesses. This helps to increase the feeling among all their customers that they are valued ( Adults like to see companies embrace all groups because in that way their children will be prepared to be part of the global community where people of diverse backgrounds will have to learn to work together to promote greater harmony in the world.

0105.363.01 Marketing AnalysisStarbucks Co.

Starbucks advertising is under a heavy sensitivity review, which refers to the idea that any offensive material will be altered to avoid upsetting certain ethnic, racial, religious, or youth groups and other aspects that could turn customers away from Starbucks ( Adults have strong opinions regarding a large variety of issues, such as religion, race, age, money, and politics, and there are many things that could be potentially upsetting to various communities. This review is highly important because it prevents customers from becoming angered, and thereby avoiding negative publicity. The advertising may be for adults but it must remain child-and-minority-friendly. The sensitivity review works to keep customers coming back.

Product Positioning Starbucks is listening to the needs of the educated by devoting its business and research to developing ways to cater to this groups wants and needs (Pigott). Theyve begun to revamp its company by creating a drive-thru for the popular urban areas. The drive-thru caters to the new generation of coffee drinkers because college-age students and the general population are always in a rush with little time to spare (The Gale Group). The drive-thru stores came out in 2004 and have been enormously profitable, making the process of buying coffee easier by eliminating long lines or creating alternative ways to buy coffee faster and avoid the prospect of impatient customers (Isidro). Starbucks continues to create a retail store experience that attracts customers and has them repeatedly coming back. In 2001, the coffee stores began to offer wireless highspeed Internet access to enhance the gourmet coffee experience for its new-age consumers who consist of students, business travelers, and web surfers (Isidro). By offering Internet service, customers are feeling more and more comfortable, allowing people to sit back and enjoy their coffee while enjoying the opportunity to be virtually connected to the world or listening to their favorite song. The company knows that the younger generation is concerned with brand affiliations and they have begun to diversify their product line. Later this year or in 2008, they plan to introduce CD burners so that customers can sample online music while sipping their coffee (Isidro). The company currently has mugs, bags, and other durable products with their logo which have been gobbled up by consumers who are coffee lovers. These promotions are also methods with cash in mind. By detaining customers in the stores, there is a greater opportunity for more purchases, whether they are more cups of coffee, food items, or other products. The world today as we know it is mostly based on convenience, electronics, and the latest new fad. Most of the new additions such as a drive-thru, a diverse selection of music aimed at different types of individuals, and high-speed internet access are all attempts aimed at younger individuals with less time on their hands (Isidro). By being innovative and increasing store ambiance, an environment that enhances and complements the coffee drinking experience has emerged.

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Brand Image Starbucks has positioned itself so that it keeps customers satisfied the minute they walk in, to placing an order, to receiving the cup of fresh coffee within a timely manner, and finally to either being able to relax and feel at home in the rich ambiance that is offered or moving on with their daily routine (Isidro). A large reason for Starbucks success is accredited to the fact the company is dedicated to keeping customers satisfied. There is not one strategy in which the corporation partakes that is not directed at satisfying consumers. Furthermore, Starbucks does not market children or youth directly, but uses advertising and event-sponsorship programs for community activities that are important to a younger audience. The company supports youth education programs that benefit diverse and undeserved communities in order to please adults and attach the brand name to a good cause. These events and programs are usually child-friendly, which pleases the parents who tend to be the Starbucks customers ( Starbucks has entered the age where it is now a known brand with positive affiliations in the community as well as towards helping children. By being involved in community activities and education programs for children, Starbucks is indirectly earning the respect of its consumers who are the future of the company. Another good reason for satisfying parents or communities is that later on, when the children become of age, they will buy the coffee that they have seen their parents or older individuals drink. Educated customers with a large degree of discretionary income know that any of the products purchased will be satisfactory and enrich their coffee experience.

Marketing Mix Product The customer base is asking us to be innovative, says Richard Feinberg, director of the Perdue University Retail Institute, on behalf of Starbucks. Our organization is really looking to enhance the food side of our business (Schouten). It would be most beneficial for Starbucks to focus on their in-store items and baked goods. The test locations have already started to focus on this trend, and have given positive feedback and results. The focus product will be the in store made sandwiches. This breakfast option is scheduled to go company wide within the 2007 fiscal year (starbucksgossip). Multiple choices are available in Washington D.C. and other locations already (Zimmer). These variations include: ham, bacon, sausage, eggs Florentine, turkey with spinach and sundried tomatoes. Also, modifications of these made-to-order products will be available. The breakfast sandwich is largely based on the companys need to compete with McDonalds fast food restaurant, that has recently added Gourmet Coffees to its menu. Although Starbucks coffee sales continue to rise, McDonalds has become a strong competitor in the industry. Egg McMuffin is often used as the general term for

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breakfast sandwiches, and Starbucks is attempting, with their own products, to break that name brand association. These sandwiches are similar to the McMuffin, but with a much wider range of freedom for their customers palettes. For example, Starbucks will offer a whole-wheat muffin, sourdough muffin, and plain white muffin for the product base. There are multitudes of options for the meat, including: turkey, chicken, ham, sausage and bacon. Also, a mix and match of toppings gives the customers an extended opportunity to personalize their choices. A variety of house selections will be created, and the chalkboard menus will allow variation from store to store; week to week. Such options will include: Eggs Florentine Muffin, Turkey Jack Muffin, Lumberjack Muffin, etc. These pre-fabricated sandwich options will be described in full on the menu board. Another product that will be promoted is a breakfast parfait. This product is in direct competition to the McDonalds breakfast parfait (Kramer). Starbucks customers have been looking for healthier options, and along with their fat-free and reduced-fat baked items, this fruit-filled option has already been a success in Starbucks test stores (Kramer). The breakfast parfait will contain a non-fat vanilla yogurt; while McDonalds offers a plain yogurt. There will be seasonal fruit options including: watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cantaloupe, honeydew and pineapple. McDonalds parfait contains only strawberries and blueberries. Whole-grain granola will be added to the parfait as well to provide texture and fiber to our consumers. This option will succeed due to its high health benefits and high portability as well.

Price The breakfast sandwich will range in price from $3.99-$5.99 depending on location and type of sandwich. In general, Starbucks will be making a 15%-30% profit off of each sandwich produced. This will vary and can be higher in simpler menu items. For example, the meatless Egg Classic will produce a 50% profit, while the Lumberjack Muffin that contains a variety of meats only comes in at an 18% profit. Due to the fact that Starbucks breakfast sandwiches are a much higher quality than those of McDonalds, Starbucks prices will be set marginally higher. McDonalds also offers a greatly limited variety of products, and Starbucks customers will be willing to pay the increased price for a customized product, rather than a flash frozen fast food creation. Starbucks customers have strong brand loyalty, and the breakfast line will give them more of a quality one-stop-shopping experience, rather than a fast-food experience. The breakfast parfait item is currently offered in the New York metropolitan test markets at $3.45 (Kramer). This price will vary slightly due to the change in demographics of each store, as it does with their basic menu items. Although the company will be using

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seasonal fruits as well as frozen, the price will remain constant year round in order to provide stability to their customers.

Place With over 8,000 stores worldwide, Starbucks products are well-tested in multiple locations prior to distribution company-wide. Their test markets include thier larger stores, such as those in Indiana (Schouten), Washington D.C (Zimmer), New York City, Connecticut, and their California Markets (Kramer). With success in these locations, Starbucks is certain to succeed with their test products in other locations as well. Starbucks announced this year that it wants grow worldwide from 12,000 stores to more than 40,000a strategy that requires rapid expansion outside densely populated metropolitan areas (Starbucks Pours it on). Indiana has become a headquarters for that strategy. Two years ago, Starbucks opened a regional office in downtown Indianapolis that supports coffee shops in 18 states. The company also has used Indiana to test new products including warm cereal and desserts, breakfast sandwiches and a new kind of whipped cream. Well over 1,000 stores are located in Supermarket locations (Major). For this reason, testing in this atmosphere is important. Supermarket stores are projected to do very well in the breakfast segment of their company sales as more and more people continue to visit for a sit-down experience either before or after shopping. Since Starbucks does not franchise their supermarket stores, a consistent Starbucks quality product being produced to this niche is foreseen. These items will do spectacularly in overseas markets as well. For example, take the store in Dublin, Ireland. Unlike most Irish coffee shops, Starbucks is open during their standard American coffeehouse hours, while the locals dont open until mid morning (Hammonds). This will provide clientele a means of breakfast to go along with the wake up call of coffee. There are similar situations in other overseas stores as well.

Promotion Nobody has ever seen a Starbucks ad, billboard, television commercial, or mass media marketing; this is something that is, and will continue to be, part of the Starbucks company philosophy. Avid fans and devoted employees can do more to boost a brand than the best of marketing programs, says CEO Jim Donald (Pellet). Through their strength in consumer brand loyalty, Starbucks will focus on delivering a high-quality product and letting word of mouth, miniscule local advertising, and Internet blogs and websites carry their products forward. The chart on the following page shows the top ten Restaurant Chains. It tells the percent of market share each company holds and the amount of dollars each company spends on mass advertising. Starbucks ranks sixth in the market share percentage and uses the least amount of dollars for mass media advertisements. This company will continue to have the philosophy that word of mouth and good service is far superior to mass marketing.

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13 proves to be one of Starbucks biggest sources for marketing. The company uses the site to display new products that will be hitting the shelvesand at which stores customers can visit in order to obtain these products. Success can be tracked through the number of hits on this link, and by reading the consumer responses to the ideas and postings. Not only will the company be able to read consumer responses through this website, but our partners (employees) responses as well (starbucksgossip). This website will help determine the companys post service response as well.

(Chart provided by John Moore) The companys biggest source of post service response will be through the dedication of their partners. Being that they are trained to provide above-average customer service and are already expected to communicate with their customers (Pellet), the company expects nothing less from them on this matter. They will continue to provide quality service and post service, making sure their customers are satisfied fully with their purchases. If a customer has not had a satisfactory experience with the new food product, a short verbal survey will be conducted in order to discover what could make the product more satisfactory. The answer handed in to management for changes. Starbucks customers are not quiet in their feedback methods. They send in thousands of comment cards daily with both positive and negative critiques. These are helpful and necessary for the companys success. Pre-stamped comment cards will be handed out in take out bags, hoping to increase response about the new breakfast line. A Likert Scale will be the method of response, with a comment line available after each question, and an additional space for comments at the bottom. These cards will help to measure the success of the Starbucks breakfast line.

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Again, dependence on all of their partners in the promotion of Starbucks breakfast items cannot be stressed enough. CEO Jim Donald says it best: You have to continue to engage all of your partners. If everybody in the company is on board with this project, it will be a tremendous success. This includes not only their partners on the in-store levels, but their growers, corporate members, franchisees and franchisers, and most importantlythe customer. With the support of all of the Starbucks partners, the new breakfast line items will succeed.

Recommendations Drive-Thru Starbucks is popular enough to sustain the possible downfalls of taking risks. The drivethru may not be risky but we recommend that there be risks taken to diversify it and differentiate it from the usual drive-thru. Perhaps, while customers are waiting, interesting non-elevator type music could be played. Or between the windows of making the order to collecting it, there could be a widescreen television advertising Starbucks products. Especially in urban areas, it is harder to keep customers captivated because there are always companies coming out with new ideas in regard to satisfying the latest wants and needs. However, since Starbucks has managed to maintain its popularity, it should take some risks and show their customers that they are better than ever. A drive-thru is a good opportunity for a lot of new publicity and higher levels of sales. The key to making the drive-thru a success is to insure that it runs efficiently and customers leave satisfied. Workers need to communicate effectively with the customers, and if a customer is not satisfied they need to find out why. The idea of a drive-thru is fantastic but it needs to be operated correctly. A drive-thru will do best in urban areas where there are a lot of students, and in familyoriented areas where families with children have been reported to be the purchasers of the second largest chunk of the coffee sales. The idea of a drive-thru may not be original but it is popular among those in a rush and should be incorporated into the majority of Starbucks stand-alone stores across the nation for the greatest benefit of the company.

New Advertising Venues Brand management today means figuring out how to reach out to surprise and delight customers wherever they may bethe Internet, a retail store, a bar, a street corner-rather than just through media advertising (Pellet). For Starbucks, that translates to devoting zero dollars to national television or print campaigns, and a "very small amount for a company of our size" to local marketing efforts. Instead, the company's retail outlets serve as its only ads.

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However, its known the company mainly aims to see itself as an experiencean environment that is created in a store and becomes a community that is meaningful to the people who go there. "Our goal is to continue to stay on point for new areas of focus we can convert into beverage and food offerings and other forms of keeping the Starbucks experience out in front of everyone," says Donald, who notes that the company vets each potential extension for appropriateness and practicality. "We have invisible guardrails that we stay between by making sure that what we put out is core to the coffeehouse experience and that it works for our partners [store employees]. A new food offering, for example, has to be something our partners can deploy without reducing the speed of service."

Exclusivity of New Food Products We highly recommend Starbucks promote their line of made-to-order gourmet sandwiches and specialty food items and make permanent this launch of new product offering. The new line has already been tested and deemed successful, and the company is looking for a way to take the lead in the gourmet coffee market. Its competitors are right in line with their fast-food items. The company must not stop innovating and taking risks. Expanding the entire Starbucks franchise to include breakfast items as well is another great way to spark attention from regular customers. Often times students and regular working citizens will purchase their morning ritual drink of coffee or tea from Starbucks and then stop off somewhere to get a bagel or such. Food items usually offered at Starbucks are not so breakfast friendly. Bagels are becoming a more and more popular breakfast and anytime snack item, making them a quite versatile and worthwhile marketing item. Having a selection of breakfast foods to go along with the drinks offered at Starbucks will not only make current customers happy but draw in new customers as well.

0105.363.01 Marketing AnalysisStarbucks Co.


Bramhall, Joe. Starbucks Corporation. Hoovers. Online. RIT Library Online Database Search. 5 January 2007. Claire, Murphy. Revolution in a Coffee Cup. 3 June 2004. EBSCO Host Research Databases. Online. RIT Library Online Database Search. 5 January 2007. Forbes, Steve. Whoda Thunk It? Coffee Is Hot. Forbes Vol. 176 Issue 12 (Dec. 2005). EBSCO Host Research Databases. Online. 5 January 2007. Freidman, Billings, Ramsey. Woodruffs Weekly Starbucks Skinny. 18 Dec. 2006. Business and Company Resource Center. Online. RIT Library Online Database Search. 5 January 2007. Hammonds, Keith H. The Starbucks Effect. Fast Company. Boston: June 2006. Iss. 106; pg 31, 2 pgs. Isidro, Isabel. Learning from Starbucks: 10 Lessons for Small Businesses. October 2004. Power Home Biz. Online. Google Search. 23 January 2007. Koteff, Ellen. HAVING WORDS WITH Jim Donald. Nations Restaurant News. New York: 20 June 2005. Vol. 39, Iss. 25; pg. 74, 1 pgs. Kramer, Louise. Starbucks Layers on the Competition in Breakfast Battle with Low-Fat Parfait. Nations Restaurant News. New York: 4 Sept. 2006. Vol. 40 Iss. 36; pg.26, 1 pgs. Major, Meg. Brewing Distinction. Progressive Grocer. New York: 1 Jul 2005. Vol. 84, Iss. 10; Pg. 66, 3 pgs. Moore, John. Starbucks Market Share and Media Spending. Brand Autopsy. 17 Jan 2007. <>. Feb 2007. Pellet, Jennifer. Lessons FROM Brand Leaders. Chief Executive. New York: Oct/Nov 2006. Iss. 221; pg. 26, 6 pgs. Pigott, Tony. The Marketplace of Meaning. Canada Business Vol. 79 Issue 19 (Sept. 2006). EBSCO Host Research Databases. Online. 5 January 2007. Scarpa, James. Grounds Keeper. Restaurant Business Vol. 96 Issue 4 (Feb. 1997). EBSCO Host Research Databases. Online. 5 January 2007. Schouten, Cory. Starbucks Pours it on in Indiana. Indianapolis Business Journal.Indianapolis: 4 Dec. 2006. Vol. 27, Iss. 39; pg A3. 27 Jan. 2007. <>. Starbucks Corporation. About Us. Starbucks Coffee: The Company. Online. 27 December 2006. The Gale Group. Specialty Coffee. Business and Company Resource Center. Online. RIT Library Online Database Search. 5 January 2007. Zimmer, Erin. DC Area Is Starbucks Favorite Testing Ground. Food & Restaurant News: 24 Jan. 2007.

0105.363.01 Marketing AnalysisStarbucks Co.


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