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Model 72 Gate Valves OTECO Model 72 gate valves provide easy operation, tight shut offs, long periods before overhaul. This assures simple, {ast ow cost renewal in the fie, ‘Model 72 gate valve features and benefits: “= Standard gate packings are designed for @ wide range of fluids. Special rubber compounds on request for adcitional versatility ‘+ Ability to change valve subs in the field, Eliminates the ex- pense of replacing the valve body. + Body subs avaliable in buttweld, threaded, flanged, connector seal, union, etc, Valve manufactured to customer's exact specications. ‘The proven interlocking gate packing and wearplate design handles repeated opening and closing, Ths protects the valve body and cap, * Valve body protected by oil and abrasion resistant long lite rubber seals, + Full rising, ne piece forged gate and stem. Shows ata glance it valve is open, partly open or closed, + Extra large ballbearing and heavy duty stem threads, Mink mizes torque required for operation of the valve. OTECO, Inc. PO, Box 1849 Houston, Texas 77251-1849 Sal To order Specify 1) Valve size or replacement part description 2 Working pressure 3) Descriptive number or OTECO part number 4) Body sub connection” wong onsite ie sont 7 weet = ao ae = 201 va * so var = 20 var sto vos we so vase s = vor = so vo x a0 vate ms toes so ve x0 er a0 va = = var * = Th erderng valve, spoely type of body eub connoaton(a): tread, 8 round upsat Headed, butwold sch. 80, Sutweld sch. 160, buttweld 48, longed (RT¥ er raed face), unen, OTECO connecter seale ot ‘any combeaton tnereo. End comectons may affect working pressure “Spec RTJ a races face anges. Body Subs — fA PP || Tm || cd Se fA , fh, ae EI a si Sawai Fangeatodysvb Union boeyub 3} 695-0690 Fax (713) 695-3520 Telex 792 957 Gate Valve Replacement Parts OTECO Model 72 Note: OTEGO Model 72 pars intrchange with Cameron Typo SFlox Seal valvo prt, inch 3.inch ‘4ineh ‘Ssinch 2p soa s000 | 200 aon 500 | 2000 3000 som | 20m cco 5.000 no | we we we | we we we | we we we | we WP wR rect | van vars vaso | vaee voxe vaso | vam vane vaso | vse vst VED Tarot [Haw [Rvvazes | Rwsae [rivaae? [weed [AWA [WGed [RAGES | Viaed [AWAKE [RNASE symandvineot_| 1 [taovare|"samtae |'saoree | Yantae |'taoreo | tania | taovea | ‘aovea | tana | aot | rove | 2010 ‘onaai? [enaze? [Swan | enaae [ona |waai2 fen-aae [swaaee [snsoe2 | ewan [anaez [enaace 2ysiemout | 1_| to0222 | szoxa | vaczza | vzoza | raozea | roma | vzama | 000 | rams | vatze | aozes | vaieas ‘eat | G26 | om | ea | cam | cae | ca | cas | cas | cam | caw | cae sycate +__| saazae | sannzo | s20oz0 | sansse | vz0aas | vaoasa | saooee | rosea | seo | raosee | r2ooa | 12000 12) St Sone Sean? | sbaze? [s6.s2«2 | Seazer | sean | sare? [Soanu7 [sear [soa02 [Souza |so-aos2 [soon fosembiy” [1 | tapuar_| vaoeaa | vaoexz | rao | saoweo | vaoeez [rao | v20es | vaoees | rao | raoes | res wezee [ance [ence | apse [asc [aoce [aowee [enane [ase [ease lenses [oo-ceo sytonnat on _| 2 | s20ss2 | v20ss2_| vaossa_| vaosse | szose2 | vzosi2 | vzose2 | vzoses | vaoses | raosie | roses. | 120563 6) Bonnet Nazus [nazus [Nnaxs | wazus | Nezus [Nez wazue [Ne2us [Ne2us [WeZu |Neows [NOZuS ‘Scat | 2 | ‘aooea.|'tansaa_|‘avezs | “aosan | ‘tawzs | ranean ["taoezs |'taoeas_|'Taocas_| “aoeza _|"zoena | 120620 S22 | sae | ss | sam | saa | sam | sam | sas | sas | sae | sao | oan stem pacsig |_1_| saoren | rauraa | vaorse | ranma | vaores | vara | saorea | vaores | vzors | szove2 | vaores | vaores a) stem packing ‘gpnzze [prac [spRaze | spnaae | SeRaze [Pras [seRa2e [Seren sone [span [seRAO6 [SPREE ‘i | ‘annzz_['renene_|"iacere | ‘eoene | ‘aoeee | v20e42 | 120042 | ra0ees | yaoes9 | s2o042 | vone4a | 120000 vem | vez | ve2s | vases | vase | veaso | veazs | ves | vows | vows | vows | veaco aivawetoay | 1 | Y20022 | van5x0 | t20005 | tame | sz0en3 | rzosas | savacz | r2ones | vaooes | 1200e2 | vzo01s | 20008 ze | 206 | om | om | m5 | se | am | os | as | a | «oe | opeatepscring | + | vzroze | rarozs | serosa | sara | savesa | sarase | toes | rorosa | roraea | rtoce | v2s010 | i080 weer |weasee |weaes [waza [wea |wesoe2 [wesaa2 | wrod | weuces | whaze? | waoed [WPase2 rnvveerpite | 2_| terrae | tasnes | sevtan | varie | sere | iar | eine | rane | ane | “rere | testa | er ‘onaza [onzee | oR?06 | naa | ORs36 | onane | Ona2 | onaos | ORaos | Onaz | once | ORE 210mg 2 | ovece | rata | waves | verre | vans | ais | wee | ae | eae | wee | woe | wee TayThwessed X] _|T054220" [T062067 [Tos-2067| Tossa |rassoe; |Tesaset Tes4240 | Tes-os7 |Tas-«aei| Tess2r1 | Tessa [TBS-s36) Tosyaum | 2 | -rovaza | vznaoy | vais | sanase | 17a | raise | reine | raises | saiaes | ratase. | rziass_| 121858 scam [aca | scaw [aca | ecw | aces | acu | aca | acso | ecu | eco | eco roreoay eso | + _| ravsze | savaza | raves | rarese | savesn | rss | vais | raves | vores | rare | reves | zie 75) Boay std nea | saat | a5as | psaz | ose | 8650 | osaze | e505 | ebasn | sacs | as.6 | o54s0 et | tensa | ravsse | raves | ravese | raves | raves | revoee | raises | raises | ravsse | 121600 | 121505 76) Body si Taner | ewzee [enaso [ ena | ena06 | aNas0 [eNA24 | eNaoS | eNaso | eNaze [ance | eNO rut | aveze | rareca_| roves | sasezn | s2veoo | rareoe | vase | raveas | raress | taseae | r21600 | rates 17) Gate paskng feimiiogss | 1 | rarraa | seven | ravvas | sarrae | r21r00 rairaa | serrae | sertas | saree | sarres | serrs ‘ew pts “bese numba“ OTEOD par mb Nate: Pans ar OTECO Mel Brat shown blow a the sare a thse sta or the OTECO Mol 72 ave OTECO Model 8 Danainerchanpnath Caress "yp Fi Srl pa OTECO Model 66 or °C Oe, Parts Required for Minor Overhaul: Doc, taceseauins ms ‘One (t) Gate Pact plus two (2) Wear Plates ” ‘One (1) Gate Packing with Integral Wear Plates as shown 2inch ch ‘4inch 200 som aco | 2000 300 som | 200 3.000 5000 no |we owe owe | we owe owe | we we we. raga| v2ze vz vaso | vaze vive vaso | voz vas va0 ware [waar [nwaae | Hwa2e | Rwe2e [Awaze | HWaRe | HWE [AE Mandates |x _|rzerar=| vasrae | verse | anrae | eta | vastee Saoves | 125000 aware | suze | swaee | snaoe | sna | sie Sune [Sve 2ystommt | 1_| sanzzt | vaeasa | tase | vaazae | vaenee | v2e202 ‘00 | tas200 4) Sot bonne ‘sezr2 | seaat |soam | sean | sea | saa S606 [S06 seaeroy | 1_| vzoazt | reso | vzoase | vzoese | rascce | race “naes_| 15400 Deserve nuiber ~~ GTECO pa rarer OTECO, Inc. PO. Sox 1849 Houston, Texas 77251-1849 Sales Telephone (713) 695-0690 Fax (719) 695-8500 Telex 792.957 Pressure Relief Valves + Pressure relief valves protect slush pumps, manifolds and ther expensive components used in dling operations. Helps raduce operating costs + Overpressures are rlieved by the shearing of OTECO shear pins. A metal chart Is placed on every valve to select the right size shear pin for the relief pressure required * Hardened stainless steel stems and hardened rick plated liner subs. Provides corrosion and erosion resistance. Extends product ife and cei ‘To order: Speciy 1) Vave size or replacement part description 2) Descriptive number or OTECO part number Pressure Relief Valves Pressure Deserve OTECO Approx Sie ange 5) ne panne We be x2 28 2 15-500 PaVaaoTS vamos SC 2 20-1000 av20210 wo as e rv.2s0a7 25 e Pav.21060 m6 Pv 2t010 as . PAV90880 8 Pressure Relief Valve Replacement Parts Zivctowprssue ‘inch ase 2inon am PI Seennghpsue pavzoois prvaoce | pavzosrs —pRVatGe?pRIoso | PRVGGOIO | PRVAOESE PRVADEEO Boy ‘vaio | vane | avasio | evass i ed ser! “uo 0125 wows | toras 0128 140195 140198 Sem east [teas [eee [eee | sewn | soxaz stom | soar 201 i221 141204 41204 ests i228 i202 141208 Pain searo | seano | seario | spario | eParo ‘seeno | sPario | tetaos | sesoas e025 i028 1005 esase rca coon oun seano | scam | scan | scam | scan | scerso oma 0225 140328 osas 092 140098 140305 aanire Bua | ava suse | aussie sste2i ene2a 141035 1105 sroans | svcares | sieaw | steams | stoaws | sToaie | stoasos | stossos Teer aub O-ng EEE Roz Roz | “| eas R025 ry ‘Bonnet Boze soz BO2150 Bo2610 022s ‘oats ‘a0ees 07s OTECO, Ine, P.O.80x 1849 Houston, Texas 77264-1049 Telephone (713) 6 Fax (713) 695-3520 ‘Type RR Manual Reset Relief Valves Manual Reset Reliet Valves femme ow ace Owcipive —-OTECO Approx sie eee guar no patna, Wee eae 7. Tacos TaaEs = ¥ 1300-5000 18 1320018 130280 3 3 70-250 42 rsos807 190825 = x 1.80, a aets 30350 Ey - Manual Resot Ralit Vale Replacement Parts inch 2inen [Bear aan [am um ammo | xo] ra —] oe to [Here [ero [tere | tere | tone Camera a rr Somromayvalgaaen] am | 1am | 1a evto_| saanso_| aase0 [arora Ome wae ee | oe feito | Seorwo_| este [utr eae aa mar | ar] es [esas] sane com a teareo_| tezteo_| feateo | tasteo_| seoreo_| tasteo iar an vase | race — [rome _ vaso | seaa00_|_tesevo Conversion Chart OTECO Replacement Parts for Cameron Reset Reliet Valves omcriton Sinn eangures) patna, neta, pan canpleevane “aoe ——S ‘e2s008 sea Complete rave 70-250 ‘sear canes Servet assonby 3 10-290 sot? sosieot Conpitevane 2 10.2009 re015 sounsee Scoot non a0 sons maeee Gonphtevane ar ‘oonts ‘asseoe oaeeo Senet aeenby e018 totasoe Conpetevane roms tasseat conputevane 3 rome rses Sconetseemoy v8 e068 Valve Rebuilding Service (OTECO can rebuild or exchange your worn o damaged OTECO, Cameron Type Bor Type A, ane Harrisburg reset aie! vale bore assem. Ask your OTECO distributor or sale representative forestall OTECO, Ine. PO. Box 1849 Houston, Texas 77251-1849. Sales Telephone (713) 695-0680 ‘The OTECO Type AA manual eset reli valve reduces operating costs by protecting slush pumps and mud manifolds. OTECO's Type AR manual reset velit vale teatutes an benotts “The Type AR valve automatically enape to « fll open positon when the preset pressure Is xoneded ‘ican be opened instantly a easily by pressing the manual release button, ‘The poston o the relaase button indicates at a ‘lance whether he valvais open or closed ‘Te pressure sottng is indicated by a pointer ard is adustable ver the operating range ofthe ‘The setting fe not affected by wiration o valve ‘operation ‘Two sizes and three pressuce ranges are aval ble + Stainless stoe piston and cadmium plated pars Improves comosion resistance. ‘No thing pars when coluased, Assure Safty *Fuly enclosed boonet assembly, Retains pro- tect grease coating on moving pars. Extends vale ie ‘Bonnet assembiy interchangeable with Cameron Type B and Type A, and Haresburg reset rast valves, Please toler to OTECO catalog. for Complete conversion Information. ‘Sait water and sour gas service type valve Toorder Spocity 4) Valva size or roplacomant part deseristion 2 Pressure range (PSI 3 Flow area 4) Deseriative numberof OTECO part number 3x 719) 695-B520~Telex 792 937 Replacement Packing Units for Hydril GK and MSP Annular Blowout Preventers Replacement packing unt for Replacement packing unit for Hyer! Gk annular blowout preventer Hiri MSP annular blowout preventer To order Specity Too dancter Noman Psi Deserptve OTECO Approx hoes starmmim cones7 nel 82 Type ehes)—_aehet)— tating Matenal ne mine. weite 2) Pressure rating aves eee 3) Type or material ok 5 © m0 Nowal = OTOWN Zora 8 4) OTECO part number et we ae ‘+ Manutactured In OTECO's own rubber slant — gi Fe ee ee ey since Nite 74000 2107s2 151 + Choive of motu, nile or neoprene rubber Neoprene 700088210763 155 permits flexible dling applications. ao : be. a or oe aes Nine aa nt0002 188 Selecting packing unit material Neoprene maz 20033 188 Natural mubber ok 8 © Saco Natur ssn z08s1 222 For use with water base afling tuids at normal py ema) | seen oa temperatures wth low temperature lsiiity poke neg eget Theae 7 Longest Ite Packing unt marked! with mola ted sense i patches ok ‘ to 3000 Natwest ataig aster 200 Neoprene rubber aynthati: te porate For use with oll base éilng fuids under normal Neoprene erates = an1109 280 temperature operating conatons. ok : eC Packing uni markod wth molded yelow patches. pis eas ee Nite uber Buna NE Nesprne 3043S ZTE 55, For se orci adie dling Mis. ayy 123000 Natural =e ait 376 Packing unt marked with madd ble patones. Nate aren, ats ose Neoowne maeas asta 400, cK 12 Soc Natur ate 500 OTECO, Inc. PO. Box 1849 Houston, Texas 77251-1849 Sales Telephone (719) 695-0630 Fax (713) 695-3520 Telex 792 997 Replacement Seals for Hydril GK and MSP Annular Blowout Preventers Garda Nom sme PSI Desiptie OTECO No. Approx cwserption Tyne hones) "Ynenes)_ ting 'na panne. tee. tle Faaagsist Gx © 300 meer ok © sme owes arya ox 8 seco anaes zon ok © 5000 amos nase t8 ox 1 som meas a ox 2 pom aso mata 1a SF ok 1m seem sted east ya S Z vse 71 2200 rami sa me Ueno OK Tu ~~«8~~*«CaCOCmeI Sama a a SS ee 8 30m orkas ame 2s oh a re eer) oe On to 3000 aes zriag ka ek 2 nome 28 ck 19K 19wSomo stm] aztose 2a vse mau ora aaa Oana mae GK © 300 ana amma ok 8 30m es ams 218 oe 8 © Som soa ames 20 oe OH 10 30m meats asst Gk m2 koma mats? CK ioe tHe 000 asta arias) 22 Ceeusener MSP 21% a) —«abh maT) —«aatae 38 Uonsiover Gk 7m ~«8~*«ROMDCeo aa ck 7h Samo sommes ta oe 8 300 oes name See), oe On 10 3000s aettas 28 oe OH 10 Soom eset aattse 2a Gk tam om sera ate 2a use ae ma 2ama__arara— maz a THrdan Specify +) Bore alametor or nominal size Fsonnleaorenl teas came SSSGUERTOAE Hy ee anes Compete oR © acm seme aor eo —_—9) Descriptive number or woke GK 7 5 Som esos zanna tan, OTECO part numbor Ghoti pion GK © 30m Seas ammo ‘+ Manufactured in OTECO'S own rubber pant Mocmrien” Gk 5 tho ame amo acoMMMIOS fo CTEEON own mbes aoe () dee dens Serigp gee Manufactures t9 onginal specications. for Se 1 Same mm zz Tee al crewed head model. Those parte ting latebed head and heleopter it models ae Gk 19% 194 Somo ete zatasn saga ‘end an Booysieme SP ee Fe serach factory. ‘models. For liched head and elcpler Ii, contac! OTECO representative oF OTECO, Inc. FO. Box 1649 Houston, Texas 77251-1849 Sales Telephone (713) 695-0630 Fax (713) 695-3520 Telex 792 997 73 esacement BOP beso Sharpe 29 EOP 2 Pevaceront BOP nebersforGubrean A BEOP YX & Se pacing Feplacemant BOP mbt for Camaten ype ORC oe esacument SOP mbar or Canon tpe SS ren {ison ffero OTEOOcalalog or erg fora am pacer Tp sel os lacemant BOP robes for Cameron ye U BOP + Manutsctuesn OTEOO® Howton uber sl 1 Rinses om niet ubber Provides angie and ‘scelen selingapant ol oas a wale, Sr water on + Ofset me sia vpn eget fr Glbraan Sr asco, ‘To order: Specity 1) Type of BOP 2)Size of BOP 3) Pipe 0.0. 4) OTECO part number Replacement BOP Rubbers Shaffer 10" Shatter ‘Gulberson typecs types9__ A&B Peon. oTEco OTECO Approx. OTECO Approx. Desorption slept na. partno. wibs patna, mt be aceummen —c80~=«CaaatSwSSCRITTCSSSCSC CTO 2m uae 10 2a 2010s 93 oe mates oT pare 95 OG ‘ pans 88 NOT se pare 98. 5 per? a8 sm pare a7 ‘tam packing st raw 10 um 10 ear 70" GRC 12" ORC Pipe0D. OTECO Approx. OTECO Approx. OTECO Approx. Deserpten "ste par'na.wlbe patna, wtlbe—_porina, nt Canecnyoe c80=«weaaOSSCsCtC SSCL GFctentars 155 ROHR sisepaciing aso eran 60 2h mS a at DO 2m sor 5k aS ODA re ee ee ey oe teresa eae azn 009 5 ma 49mg ats 289 sie zen 203 os ness 188 5 2am 138 ow pease 249 ORC resr ase Ce ee ee ee) 7w'typeU___t"typeU__ 1344" typeU _ Ppe0D. OTECO Comeron _OTECO. Cameron OTECO_ Cameron ‘ike partno,parine, patna. partne. par no. Coneronypeu" ind — Uong ones a on Ts a ese aie © + screwed APtine pp tings avaiable in 2, 9- and 4inch sizes lscore he sensT tte TEGO 2. 3 and # and Sire Ings evaiabie uted ne 15" ogeep Eh 228 41a 2» GTECO tings are hydrostatic tested n plant Redutes chance Leng anen¥ wey arash foroaks n nota. ey Ye SrB00 mantodl ngs are coloured and ied t mine fon eng ene on To wer ww” — resifanes and abrasive wear, Lara chance ol wast Leg awe oe seuust ea gp ale dup to S000 PS) (38 bar) worn presore standard procs siannitn 5 Specal mings ara connectors aval on request co" ogevep Eh panes 57 Teorder: Specity 1) Fitting si 15¢1ong weap aus 2 2) iting description 3) Descriptive number or OTECO part number ang enep a tow Te wat we 2 Deserts ‘eorvarengngccemeck 8.08 - 4 w +180" stent 44-08 20 - Gr 1 ence gooerack wn oat eee i @ Leng omesot way sent ee 1 Long anes a ton To a Long wey seis tuca 8h Fabrication of Standpipe and Manifold Assemblies WO" sundipeposenesh «5508 299——_COTECO.manulaclures fo cuore’ designs and specicalions wtorveepiewemnect «seed an GOmplele 6000 PSI working pressure stancpipe manifold esserbes eee ee TE versa. ao scromses am) OTEOO stacipe manils assembles benef the customer by ae secto em gtuing + OTECO Model 72 gate valves 16° ong noep Et sus moro + OTECO pressure gauges + OTECO manifold tings sats ha06——4o.—_—Ereystandbpe manifold assem is sandblasted, epoxy coated and pies sor neres bus‘ Rosati teed pot fo span OTECO GUaly assures lcs Chance of owns oi ops ing spel ope lod connect ade CTECO wit manuacure, on emuest, complete maniokd assembles sotwed on 80" bata eh 80 4 uw 9S si nit eet ANS! S13 ONY and USC speccatons. Ts ncades ‘ray examination ofall weds, To.rder Contact your OTECO sales representative or local supaly etre OTECO, Inc. P.O. Box 1849 Houston, Texas 77251-1849 Sales Telephone (713) 695-0630 Fax (719) 696-3620 Telex 792 99) To order Specify Blinre tne gue OTECO elevator bak Wire Line Guides and Replacement Parts BJ Wire Line Guide Replacement Rollers Wire Line Turnback Assemblies Elevator Balancing Strap / Tong Pull-Back Strap 1) Description 2) Descriptive number or OTECO pant number i $ argo stan aero beam Seem — bie Pots for OTECO ancing strap features and benefits: + Keepe cantar latonelevatore balances in ary postion, This makes To order Specity OTECO, Ine. johandle. Reduces fatigue 1) Description 2)OTECO part number sat PO.Box 1849 Houston, Texas 77251-1849 Sales Telephone (713) 695 Wire Line Guides and Replacement Parts Descriptive Description ne. ‘Welne guide assertlyconpletewinvllas — G108 Hanoing assem ors Hanon assem Fs Wie ina uidecalerwihshattand bearing G10 Shattassemoiy clung twobearngs G08. ‘hat assemby without brings 1080 easing seo wo) e108 ‘ie in gular oer assay 6080 ole wanting only 00050 Buenng 200080 Lock st 700080 ote key 200080 ‘Wire tmback assembly ‘Assam st can ‘Assamy—eners ie ozone ‘Assamy—opseete ste exon) ‘Accum ee awe castng exHi00) ter 20 Base casting airs 2080R0) Base casting—opposte avec) Frame casing ‘ezorc bats et ot2 ozous Bearing ae of oe Shat assem cas ‘OTECO tong pulibeck features and benefits: panne so1500 180 ane were. 380 we 0 + Moves the pipe tongs back quickly with minimum otf. This speeds ‘operations on thetig floor and reduces rg person + Pultback needs tobe This assures easy instalation. fatigue. Elevator Balancing Strap and Tong Pull-Back Strap passerby oe 25 Unk a faancng erep only ess clamp and U bol aed) Cisne set wih nate lock washore Bakrcing strap aatomblyfor3" Inks Satnaing sap ony les clamp anaUdot assombty, clamp 1680 Fax (718) 695-3520 e000 220304 20108 hed ony slighty fr proper operation wes 20 10 28 12 Telex 792 997 Mud Guards / Oil Guards / Chain Connectors / Impact Box End Wrenches To order Specify 1) Description 2) Ping or tubing 0.0. size (complete unitiens seals only) 9) Descriptive number or OTECO part number (OTECO Mud Guards and Oil Guards Dossrpton Dessriton ro Complete quar epsty en eal ig a) MG 800 Era cel (panty neal br) wast ‘Sie soa 46-502 Dechatge hose 318 et ona) 190-503 Eg size fess cai) wo.soe le 9p it hin) vuc.s05 Nts bot ore seals o-so7 Nuts bts or ent ses wo-s0e Compete mud aur ep and ea pipe ze) M00 na sels (spacty pp =) 6-601 ‘Se sois o.eoe ‘iehargs has (42"togt 1uc.608 ts Joss eran) o-eoe ts nena) G08 Metal sal races uceeae Ne ate esd ele Geo? Ne ter ana so Geos Compe nud auard(specty se zal N00 nd sels (Se ene pe ae) Get ‘eso (CR So) uc ea2 Ceca nee 2") oes Esse os chi Gene a 6 920 win chao} NG e05 etal a achat) Nceas Nuts ons ors els (Sa) Near ute bots or ond seat) NG 606 ‘Specty or etcomectan hain Connector Chain Connectors Deseriton Unehes) No.2emamconnacer alr sna sa tom 24 at aPiotayotab ‘en connector nani ai wie oonaina by austrg Nook, To order: Specify 1) Description 2) OTECO part number Ropes ‘weit 50 102 OTECO Apres “x01 33 ‘Complate oll guar Complete mud guard {for tubing) (for rill pipe) “+ Manufactured in OTECO's oum plant OTECO quality is assured. + Molded from rubber compounds resistant to oil base muds. + Save ieloss af expansive ing uid Reduces operating expanses, + Cut wasncown ime an rig tor. Reduces labor costs, + Reduce potantial for accidents ce to slippery ig oor, Impact Box End Wrench Impact Box End Wrenches —_— Ferwsewith —_—OTECO. Approx. Dosetition (inches) ee) BOE ut Hous aoe neo ta aut 4 sud ears 18 wees ns nut stu 25088 28 ews 16 at 1 sus apt as ewes a mt ty oud eats a8 WEI ake ut tw stud casts 5 WEIN at ty sd aastso 6 ens7s 2 ut re ews ayo re wea aut 2 swe = asm fwezzs ay aut 2 stud asa E250 ae ut 2% sud 550 OTECO, Ine. P.O. Box 1649 Housten, Texas 77251-1849 Sales Telephone (713) 685-0830 Fax (713) 695-3520 Telex 792 037 Pressure Gauges + Manutactured in OTECO's own gauge factor. Quality is assured. + Buitin dampening mechanism. Minimizes wear and mechanical shook Longer gauge ie + Special oll surtounds the gauge mechanism, Wl withstand temper atures from ~80°F lo 60°F. Wear from vibration snd mechanical shock minimized, ‘To corder: Specity 1) Pressure range and unit of measure 2) Type of sorvice 3) OTECO part number (€™ Ferkminouedal lace, change ist oko ge numero. so aaa kgm io mabe aig Feruminaisdal ce change lst ott gauge nureerto2 Shipping woghis: 2% APL6BK 2b (1454) OTECO, Inc. P.O. Box 1849 Houston, Texas 772511849 + Heavy duty seals keep tine tu trom entering gauge mechanism, + OTECO gauges have rubber satety plugs installed in vento! over pressurization. Assures safety as gauge will ot explode. + Allgauges available for standard, salt water, or sour gas or ol sevice. (OTECO vereaily Gauge Rebuilding Service COTECO wil rebull worn or damaged gauges to “ike naw” condition Reduce operating costs, Ask your OTECO sales reoresentative oF clatrbuter ordeals, Model 6 * Combination 2nch line pipe threaded male and ‘inch line pipe threadad female connection. o-6000851 seen amen o-m00-s, san serra aor 0-7000046a 2511 swzsz1 22501 0.42088 omnes neat seo o-oog asst sear ara Model 6 Flanged + Avaliable in various flange sizes, Standars Sour gas oral Pressure range “rece ‘nice ape @ aE 0-1oqn0Ps g g 0-t5000Pe1 a a o-z00m-81 ie a a a c-7oo00 a 2 e o-ro00 ka & 6 o-wg00 kPa x x 2 2 oso105% 3 3 0-008 2 a D a es Telephone (713) 695-0630 Fax (719) 695-2520 Telex 792 997 Pressure Gauges Model? +2 Sour gat oro Pressure range tenis ‘sence o-remPsI omn ar are o-so00est aren am ara o-sonest ann aria ara o-con0est aun aman sre 0-700KP aan sa rai o-21000%9 amen ora vam o-asonoKra arn sr ora) o-a2000%ra aren sr rae o-7oear osm saa ara omnes san srs 73331 Also atable niglom ome sean aren aoa Forlurirous lt ac, cangelas gt of gage ramberto2 ramps S714 37142 . ‘Shpping weiss: Stancadversce ——_zbIbe tS) Model 8. + Dual face pressure readings in PSI kglcm’ Satwatersevice — 35ibe (ka) kPa/ PSI and Bars /PSI Sourgascralisenee 25Ib6 (19%) + 6:inch large dal face tor distance viewing * Impact resistant polymer lens, ‘* Combination 2.inch line pipe threaded male ‘and tinch line pipe threaded female connections. + Availabe in flanged connections. ‘Standard Sa water Sour ges oro Prosurerange___semice—sanice aa O-DmPSI —O-TORgEM! abr ania) avian O-an00FS! —o-210hgKm? asters ates tat 0-6000FS! O-4204gem!—ablett—ataas ast c-1oc0rs! — o-tolgen® sis s81s21 BSS C-15000PS! 0-toH0Koom ates aateat at c-z0000S! o-wsookgem? seis 3B1720 ana o-7000K —o.nguoRs ea wear sez j o-no00Ks © o-somopsi saat aazrat = azzat oe ee a) , o-7ommpePa —onoomvrsi seas asaya o-romopsi snort antares o-aooors anes) aaaeet aaa o-so00rs: ase uaueey = antaay Forkuinous dal ac, chango las ego gouge number to2 c-mooops: sass 3005212601 Ena SEH Wet? o-tpqoors: aos aoeat e601 ‘Shoping wolgte: Standard eenice 2018 1Ks) o-zopnnesi —aanr1 aay Satwatersevice ibe 18549) nO Scurgasoralaenee ibe iSag) COTECO allows fll ctu eight cost to any single point in the Continental U.S.A, Hawall ang Alaska ‘exclude on single purchase orders having aret catalog weight of 500 pounds or more. On such orders for ‘shipment to Hawail or Alaska, OTECO allows freight to pat ot ext rom Continental US.A.only COTECO reserves the right 0 use the lowest cost transportstion method. Exoese charges reeulting tom spectc routing requests willbe addee to your Invoice from OTECO. Snipments not qualifying for transcortation alonance will be shipped prepaid, and the charges wil be includes on your invoice from COTECO unless a credit stuation requires a collector C... shipment. Tle and risk o loss or damage 10 {goods passes to the customr upon deer to the eave, regarcegs of who pays the shipping cost. Export shipments ae F.0.8. the point of manutactur, OTECO, Inc. PO.Box 1849 Houston, Texas 772 1849 Sales Telephone (718) 895-0880 Fax (713) 695-3520 Telex 792 937 OTECO Connector ‘Tho OTECO 1" through 12" Connector has all ofthe advantages of ANS! and API flanged connections with these addtional features: + The OTECO Connector is much smaller and lighter in weight than ‘standard bolted flanged connection. ‘+ The OTECO Connector clamp, unlike @ standard bolted flanged Connection, can be rotated to provide maximum clearance from objects in ts proximity ‘+The OTECO Connector offers minimum assembly and disas- sembly time. + The OTECO Connector is competitively priced, The OTECO Connector features precisely manufactured compo- nents made from certifiable materials, ‘The metal seal is selfenergized during assembly to atfect a low pressure seal and Is prossure energized to maintain a high pressure ‘sal. For high pressure application the seltenergized metal seal has been proven to be exceptionally efficient ‘The OTECO Connector is sold as individual parts with standard butt- old connections, in accordance with ANS! B18, The complete unit is comprised of and can be purchased as follows: (OTECO Connector, assembled * two hubs * one seal ring * two clamps. * four stud bolts + eight nuts OTECO Connector Clamp + OTECO clamps are manutactured in interchangeable segments. ‘Twoclamps, four studs and eight nuts are required per assembly. + Standard clamp materials are carbon steel (A266Class Il) and stainless stee!(A-182-F204), Other materials available on request. To order: Specity 1) Clamp size 2 Material OTECO Connector Butteld Hub + OTECO hubs can be furnished rom the same material classtcation as the other parts of an assembly. Standard hub materals are A105, and A182-F316, Other materials available on request. + Protection for the carbon tal hub sealing surface is provided by an lecroloce nikal plating + The weld bevel and al pipe tolerances are in accordance with ANSI BIBS, “To order: Specty "Nominal pipe size 2} Schedule or weight OTECO Connector, exploded view 3) Hub size y OTECO, Ine. PO.Sox 1849 Houston, Texas 77251-1849 Sales Telephone (712) 695-0630 Fax (713) 695-3520. Telex 792 997 Fluid End Products OTECO Fluid End Products, fully manufactured to exacting standards, meet or exceed original equipment specifications ang API standards. Normal to Mildly Corrosive Conditions OTECO Induction Hardened Slush Pump Liners Select OTECO Induction Hardened Slush Pump Liners for long wearing, inexpensive performance in normal ta mildly corrosive mud conditions Corrosive Conditions OTECO Premium Slush Pump Liners (Choose OTECO Premium Slush Pump Liners for superior performance under tough, corrosive conditions, ‘Both types—OTECO Induction Hardened Liners and OTECO Premium Liners —are manufactured from steel forgings in the company's Houston plant and are available In a OTECO Premium Slush Pump Liners: OTECO Deluxe Liner Packing For both high pressure and low pressure applications, OTECO Deluxe Liner Packing offers one-piece moided Construction which will not extrude under pressure. Hard, fabric-reinforced corners made from rigid, thermosetting material bridge worn gaps for long life To order: Consult he OTECO, Ine wide range of liner bore sizes. To order: Consult the OTECO, Inc. catalog Section 8-100 Fluid End Products a ‘OTECO Premium Valves and Seats Designed to work efficiently at all crilling fluis pressures, OTECO Premium Valves and Seats deliver long lives of light, efficient sealing at low wear rates, To order: Consult the OTECO, Inc. catalog catalog Section 8-100 ‘Section 8-200 Fluid End Products Fluid End Products (OTECO Replacement Fluid End Products include: * Induction Hardened Slush Pump Liners for normal ‘+ Promium Piston Rods for corrosive conditions mildly corrosive conditions ‘+ Promium Slush Pump Liners for corrosive conditions + Pump Studs * Deluxe Liner Packing + Croashead Extension Rods + Gland Bushings & Junk Rings + Hammer-Up Lug Nuts ‘+ Premium Pistons & Rubbers * Induction Hardened Piston Rods for normal to milly corrosive conaitions + Piston Rod Packing * Stuffing Boxes + Premium Valves & Valve Seats + Valve Cap & Cylinder Head Gaskets + Valve Seat Pullers ‘+ Washpipe & Washpipe Packing To order: Consult the OTECO, Ine. catalog Section 8 Fluid End Producte OTECO, Ine, PO Box 1849 ston, Texas ephone (713) 695-0830. Fax (718) 696-3

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