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Vivek Good Morning ladies, Myname is VivekPange. Tell me what can I do for you ?

PriyankaYa, good morning we want to apply for life insurance, so we need some info. VivekYes sure, Life Insurance provides for financial security in the event of death or on the inabilityto earn dueto physical disabilities. ICICI provides variousschemes for its customers like ShwetaI know I need life insurance, but cannot afford the coverage I need. Can I do anything to lower the cost? VivekThe cost of life insurance depends on three factors: your age, health and your income. Wesuggest that you not compromise on the level of protection yourequire. You could purchase a basic protection policy that gives you the opportunityto pay onlythe minimumpremium. You can choo this affordable policy, without anyriders. se PriyankaCan I change my nomination? Yes. You can change your nomination at any timetill the maturity date. All you need to do is to inform us about the changehrough thespecified form. t AachalWhat details amI to provide about the nominee/s? The following details are necessary when filling in theproposal form: full name of thenominee, address, age, and therelationship between you and the nominee. ShwetaWhat is the difference between nomination and assignment? While nomination is an authorisation to receive the policy monies in the event of death of the life assured, it does not givethenominee an absoluteright over the money received tothe exclusion of legal heirs. Further, the nomination can berevoked or cancelled at anytime duringthe lifetime of the policyholder at his will and pleasure or bya subsequent assignment. On the other hand, assignment of an insurance policy is a transfer or assignment of all rights and liabilities of the insurance policy in favour of theassignee. ShwetaWhat parameters are considered by the company while asking the claimant to submit particular records / document? The Company considers the Sumat risk, cause, circumstances of claimand duration of thepolicy while asking for certain requirements. Eg. For accidental death, specific proofs such as Post Morte Police Report are required whereas for death dueto illness, the Company calls for records from hospital, test reports, etc AachalOnce all the requirements are submitted, how much time does the Company take to settle the Claim? The Company settles the Claim within 8 working days af all therecords, documents and necessary forms are submitted and documentation is completed. ter In case, the Claimwarrants further verification, the Company keeps the Claimant informed of thesame. Subsequently, when thedecision is taken, it is communicated to the Claimant by a letter. Fr November 2005, we have started sending SMS Alerts totheadvisor of the policy to enablethe quick communication of thedecis of the claimants. ion PornimaWho is entitled to receive the Claimbenefit? The nominee or appointee (in case of minor nominee) last recorded under thePolicy in case of Policy on own life. The proposer in case the Policy is not on own life. Assignee in case the Policy was assigned. Life Assured himself in case of policy on own life for living benefit claims (Eg Critical Illness rider) PornimaHow do I make a Maturity Claim? You must send us the: - Completed Claim form - Policy of life assurance - Proof of age, if not submitted earlier MallikaIn case I lose my policy document how do I obtain aduplicate policy? You will need to pay the charges towards the issue of a duplicatepolicy, which will also include the charges for stamp fee.We will send a Duplicate Policy Request formthat you will need to fill send us. MallikaHow do I notify achange in address? OR How can I change my policy details? You have the following options: 1. Download the Change Request form from the Download Centresection of our website, fill and send it to us. 2. Call our Customer Service Helpline numbers mentioned in the Contact Us section of the website. 3. Or write to us at the corporateaddress mentioned in the Contact Us section of the website. MallikaWhat do I need to do when the life assured becomes a major? When the life assured becomes a major, you need to submit the proof of his/her age with his/her correct date of birth. You also need to write a covering letter. AACHAL. Thankyou for providing us withthe info we needed. We needtime to think onthe applying for the policy Ya suretake your time and our doors will be open 24x7x365. Fell free to contact us anytime anywhere.

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