FT MV - Mu

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Leorn|ng Areo

Leorn|ng Object|ve
Ano|vs|ng Impu|se ond Impu|s|ve Force

Lesson No. / I|t|e
Lesson 22 - bnderstond|ng Impu|se ond
Impu|s|ve Force

Leorn|ng Outcome

/ :IucenI i: cL|e Ic:

Exp|cin whcI cn impu|:ive fc(ce i:.
Give excmp|e: cf Ihe :iIucIicn: invc|vinc
impu|:ive fc(ce:.
Define impu|:e c: c chcnce in mcmenIum.
i.e. Ft = mv mu
Define impu|:ive fc(ce c: Ihe (cIe cf chcnce
cf mcmenIum in c cc||i:icn c( exp|c:icn. i.e.

mu mv


Vocobu|orv lmpu|:e. impu|:ive fc(ce. mc::. weichI. (e:u|IcnI
fc(ce. chcnce in mcmenIum. (cIe cf chcnce cf
mcmenIum. cc||i:icn. impccI. exp|c:icn.

Fr|or Know|edge ond
SIucenI: kncw cnc unce(:Icnc Ihe ccncepI cf
fc(ce. ine(Iic. mcmenIum cnc Ihe effecI: cf fc(ce:.

$c|ent|||c $k|||s CL:e(vinc. mckinc infe(ence:. ccmpc(inc.
p(ecicIinc cnc ccmmuniccIinc.

Ih|nk|ng $k|||s /II(iLuIinc. ccmpc(inc cnc ccnI(c:Iinc. mckinc
ccnc|u:icn. (e|cIinc. evc|ucIinc cnc cnc|y:inc.

$c|ent|||c Att|tudes
ond Nob|e Vo|ues
/pp(ecicIinc cnc kncwinc hcw Ic mcke
cccc u:e cf Ihe kncw|ecce cLcuI impu|:e
cnc impu|:ive fc(ce.
8einc (e:pcn:iL|e cLcuI Ihe :cfeIy cf cne:e|f.
cIhe(: cnc Ihe envi(cnmenI.
8einc (e:pecIfu| cnc we|| mcnne(ec.
Ihinkinc (cIicnc||y.
Hcvinc c(iIicc| cnc cnc|yIicc| Ihinkinc

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LE$$ON 22: bnderstond|ng Impu|se ond Impu|s|ve Force


Ihi: :ecIicn ccn:i:I: cf 2
f(cme:. which inI(ccuce
Ihe :IucenI: Ic Ihe
ccncepI cf impu|:e cnc
impu|:ive fc(ce Lc:ec cn
eve(yccy expe(ience:.

SIucenI: hcve Ic cL:e(ve
Ihe cnimcIicn cf c
fccILc|| ccme cnc
ci:cu:: cLcuI iI.


Ihi: :ecIicn ccn:i:I: cf 4
f(cme:. which exp|cin
fu(Ihe( cLcuI impu|:e cnc
impu|:ive fc(ce Ih(cuch
excmp|e: cf cpp|iccIicn:
cf cu( cci|y ccIiviIie:.

SIucenI: hcve Ic cL:e(ve
vc(icu: :iIucIicn:
invc|vinc impu|:e cnc
impu|:ive fc(ce. cnc
ci:cu:: cLcuI iI.

3 of 4


Ihi: :ecIicn ccn:i:I: cf 1
f(cme whe(e Ihe :IucenI:
ccn cc c hcnc:-cn
ccIiviIy Ic fu(Ihe(
unce(:Icnc cLcuI Ihi:

/ p(inIcL|e ccIiviIy


Ihi: :ecIicn ccn:i:I: cf 2
f(cme:. which Ie:I: Ihe
:IucenI: unce(:Icncinc
cn impu|:e cnc impu|:ive

Ihe evc|ucIicn i: in Ihe
fc(m cf mu|Iip|e-chcice

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Ihi: :ecIicn wi|| :ummc(i:e
whcI Ihe :IucenI: hcve
|ec(nI in Ihi: |e::cn.

SIucenI: :hcu|c Le cL|e
Ic cefine cnc exp|cin
whcI impu|:e cnc
impu|:ive fc(ce: c(e.
SIucenI: :hcu|c c|:c Le
cL|e Ic cive excmp|e: cf
:iIucIicn: invc|vinc
impu|:ive fc(ce:.

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