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Billing and Mail Fraud by Duquense Power and Light By Anthony J. Fejfar, .B.A., J.D., M.B.A., Phd.

(C)Copyright (2011 C.E.) By Anthony J. Fejfar Duquense Power and Light bill for Anthony J. Fejfar June Average Kilowatt Hours per Day 47 X 30 days =1,410 Kilowatt hours per month

The correct calculation: 115 volts to the apartment continuously, as measured by actual reading with a volt-ohm meter .0001 amps to the apartment continuously, as measured by an actual reading with a volt-ohm meter 115 volts x .0001 amps = .01 watts continuously .01 kilowatt hour x 24 hours per day = .24 kilowatt hour per day 30 days x .24 kilowatt hours per day = 7.2 kilowatt hours per month 7.2 kilowatt hours per month x approximately 14 cents per kilowatt hour = monthly bill of approximately $10 **************************** not $210 as actually billed by Duquense Power and Light not the 1,410 kilowatt hours per month as stated by Duquense Power and Light Additionally, Duquense Light has an illegal multiplier of 12 on their alleged meter reading so that 12 kilowatt hours becomes 120 kilowatt hours, at 10 times the cost to the consumer.

Thus, we can see that Duquesne Power and Light is guilty of Billing Fraud and the Federal Crime of Mail Fraud. For your information, please see the billing statement below.

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