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Patrologiae Graecae vol.

45: Gregory of Nyssa

Patrologiae Graecae vol. 45: Gregory of Nyssa

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J.-P. Migne Patrologiae Graecae vol. 45: Gregory of Nyssa

Imprint: Paris:J.-P. Migne, 1863 Return to List of Titles

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Title Page -- col. 5 Elenchus -- col. 7 Pars II - Dogmatica (Andreae Gallandii Monitum) -- col. i Oratio Catechetica Magna, in XL capita divisa -- col. 9 De Pythonissa, epistola ad Theodosium episcopum -- col. 107 Quod Non Sint Tres Dii -- col. 115 De Fide ad Simplicium -- col. 135 Contra Fatum -- col. 145 Tractatus Adversus Graecos -- col. 175 De Anima -- col. 187 Epistola Canonica -- col. 221 Epistola S. Gregorii ad Petrum Sebastenum -- col. 237 Epistola S. Petri Sebasteni ad S. Gregorium fratrem suum -- col. 241 Contra Eudomium libri duodecim -- col. 243 Lib. I -- col. 247 Lib. II -- col. 463 Lib. III -- col. 571 Lib. IV -- col. 645 Lib. V -- col. 677 Lib. VI -- col. 709 Lib. VII -- col. 737 Lib. VIII -- col. 765 Lib. IX -- col. 799 Lib. X -- col. 825
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Patrologiae Graecae vol. 45: Gregory of Nyssa

Lib. XI -- col. 853 Lib. XII (pars I.) -- col. 883 Lib. XII (pars altera) -- col. 909 Adversus Apollinarem -- col. 1123 Adversus Eumdem -- col. 1269 Adversus Arium et Sabellium -- col. 1281 Contra Macedonianos -- col. 1301 Variorum Notae -- col. 1335 In Orationem catecheticam -- col. 1335 In Ep. de Pythonissa -- col. 1345 In libros contra Eunomium -- col. 1349 In Epist. ad Theophilum adv. Apollinarem -- col. 1351 Ordo Rerum -- col. 1355

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