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A lamppost from four directions may look different, from north it will have a different face, from west

it will have different. And in-betweens innumerable combinations can be judged. But does that change the lamppost. Of course not, it is still a lamp-post. But does looking from different direction makes its untrue the way it looks to the person from one direction in comparison to another. Of course not. The concept of truth will be different for one person compares to another person. Two people standing in the different direction can see the same truth in a different light, but there visual might be different. If the start fighting for their visuals only, then of course there wouldnt be any solution to this problem, because from both perspective they are right. There vision is rights, but its completely different for one person than the other. They cannot accept the truth of the other person as true, because what they are seeing is true also. But the ultimate truth is only one. Thats it is a lamppost. Does taking a holistic approach makes it different. You can spend all your energies traversing to different directions with different distance from the lamppost, each time it will look different. So what could be the easy way out to accept the reality?

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