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Opening : Ladies and gentlement, In this very glad opportunity, I wiil tell you a story by title Malin Kundang.

It is very well known story, isnt it ? Please listen to me... MALIN KUNDANG At one time, there lived Malin Kundang and his mother on the coast of Sumatera region. His father left them some years because the financial condition of the concerned famillies. Day by day, week by week, month by month... Malins father did not return to the village. After growing up, Malin felt sorry for his mother who worked very hard for a living to raise themselves. He thought, Hmm... I must go somewhere to get a job. I will have some money and I want to be a rich and success man. But.. how about my mother ? He tried to find a way to be rich man. Mom, I want to go to other city. I will go with te captain of Sumatera ship said Malin to his mother. His mother was very surprised What ? No my son ! But Iwant to help you. I will work hard, so you can take a rest. Please Mom.., Malin begged to his mother. He tried to persuadeher. Finally, his mother permitted Malin, if you are successful and become a wealthy man, please return here. Dont forget me, your mother. Malin smiled happily Yes !! Ok Mom..!! Next day, Malin went to the ship. He waved his hand to his mother. Malin was very sure that he will be success soon. Malin moved and built the new area. By working hard, he could change land to be fertile one. Malin gradually became a wealthy man. He had a lot of merchant ships and 100 people worked there. Than, he married to a very beautiful woman. Success news about Malin spread around to his village. His mother heard about it. She felt grateful and very happy. She always waited for him every afternoon. Oh Malin, when will you go home ? I miss you..!!! a wealthy man. Malin waqs interested in the

invitation of merchant ship captain. The captain was very poor and now became a very

Finally, Malin and his wife went home to his village. They made a voyage with a big and luxurious ship, full crews and bodyguard. Malins mother stayed and waited for him patiently. Malin Kundang my son... why are so long time to see me, cried his mother. But what happen ? Malin immediately released his mothers arm and pushed her down. What do you say ? Malin pretended not to recognize her mother, she looked very old and ugly clothes. What an ashame thing ! Is she your mother ? ask Malins wife. No, she just beggar who pretended to be my mother, She only want my wealthy. Lets go.. leave her away, said Malin to his wife. Hearing his statement, Malins mother was very angry. She didnt believe that Malin become rebellious man. Malins mother raised her hand, crying and saying How could you say that ? Oh God, if you are my son, I swear you became a rock. Soon the wind roared loud and violent storm destroyed the ship. After that, Malins body slowly becomes stiff. He cried Mom, forguve me... But .. he changed to the rock. His apologize was refused by the God.

Moral Value :
y Dont forget your parents especially your mother y Disobedience to parents is a very big sin y We must work hard if we want to be success man but dont be arogant

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