To: Seekers of Truth (Rev 2)

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of the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

To: Seekers of Truth

The Sacred Eternal Life Fellowship (S.E.L.F.) is a Fellowship of Truth Seekers and
Truth Teachers, who present the tools necessary for attaining Spirit Consciousness to
anyone who has the burning, unquenchable desire to KNOW and not just believe. What is
the Truth? No one can tell you, or it would just become another belief! You must find it
for yourself by experience, not by written texts or spoken words, but by demonstration to
All Truth Seekers become Truth Teachers, for we teach best what we need to learn
most. You will discover this after your re-birth into Spirit Consciousness. In fact, you
cant attain higher states of Spirit Consciousness without teaching Truth! This you will
also discover after your first illumination and re-birth into Spirit Consciousness. This is a
Perfect Law, which assures that everyone, someday, will attain perfection.
Learning Truth remembering what we already know.
Teaching Truth helping others remember.
Doing demonstrating that we know it.
Two Possible Truths to discover:
1. What is the greatest of God's Commands?
You may find that there is no greatest of God's Commands. The golden string of
truth binds them all, which is love divine. If one is full of Love, they can do naught but
worship God, for God is Love. If one is full of Love, one can do naught but honor man
and God. In fact, if one is full of Love, ONE NEEDS NO COMMANDS OF ANY KIND!
Conclusion: You may find that Love is the Answer to everything!
2. What is the greatest thing one can do?
Become Living Love, Devotion True, and you'll know God, inside of you! Do this
and you will know, and not just believe. Try it and see for yourself!
How do you do that? It all begins with the mastery of your self. The first belief to
turn into knowing is the belief that you can learn to know Truth, and not just believe it.
Surely, you can learn to know yourself and master your self. Where did you come from?
Why are you here? Where are you going? Try it and see what happens! If you have the
burning, unquenchable desire to KNOW and not just believe, your journey has begun!
Perfection, Knowing, Compassion, and Truth, await you in the Christ Light!
Truth Teacher
P.S. The reason you are reading this is no accident, it is your destiny!
Permission to copy given if this notice is attached. Copyright 1982 2015 Sacred Eternal Life Fellowship
Published by S.E.L.F. Publishing Division of the S.E.L.F.


of the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Who Are The Sacred Eternal Life Fellowship (S.E.L.F.)

God has no darkness within, for God is Light, and God is Love.
God of no darkness is sacred eternal life, Christ, the force of PERFECTION.
God the Light is wisdom, knowledge, and power, the force of KNOWING.
God the Love is mercy, charity, and forgiveness, the force of COMPASSION.
Christ Light is perfect knowing and compassion, the force of TRUTH.
No darkness can withstand The Christ Light, for it is perfection, the absence of darkness.
All who awaken to the Christ within shall never die, become free, and the living Truth.
They are the offspring of perfection, the Sons and Daughters of The Light.
They are the Sacred Eternal Life Fellowship of the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

The Triune Creeds of Fellowship

I am a being of Light!
I hold the torch high!
For God and Freedom, I dedicate my existence.
The end of darkness is my mission,
The enlightenment of mankind is my goal,
To be one, master of self, is my purpose,
And Christ is with me all the way.
Praise God, be free, I am!
The Spirit of God has come upon me.
The God I AM has ordained me,
To teach the God Spell of Truth to the deceived,
To set the captives of The Darkness free,
To heal broken hearts and open sightless Spirit eyes,
To bring relief to those oppressed and bruised,
And to boldly proclaim,
The New Age of Freedom has arrived!
My Father-God, how I love You,
To You always, I will be true!
For I am free, bearer of Your Light,
No darkness can withstand Its might!
I seek the captives, set them free,
I light a path for all to see!
In brightest day, or darkest night,
This is my power, the Truth, Christ Light!

Permission to copy given if this notice is attached. Copyright 1982 2015 Sacred Eternal Life Fellowship
Published by S.E.L.F. Publishing Division of the S.E.L.F.

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