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'USO06916S84152 c2) United States Patent (0) Patent No.; US 6,916,584 B2 Sreenivasan et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 12, 2005, (5, ALIGNMENT METHODS FOR IMPRINT wo wooIme2 10201 TrmocRAPHy Wo | Woowmens toa Wo Woormmie tam (75) Inventors: Sidigata V Sreenivasan, Austin, TX wo Wo 02722916 ‘202 (US); Michael P. C. Watts, Austin, TX. wo wo 0224977 aed {US}, Byung J. Cho, Round Rock, TX OTHER PUBLICATIONS (US) Ronald D. Voisin, Fremont, CA sieyar “A Pato with Six Degtes of Freedom,” Pro (us) fla. Mech. Eng 1965p. 371-878, ol 180 1 No (79) Assignee: Moeelar Imprint Ines Austin, TX Poy et a, tlw to Design Fleaue Hinges” Machine « Design, Nov. 25, 1965, pp. 151-156. ee ee ty Math lah igied Pecillo Maga (9) Novice: Subjecto any asim tem ofthis TS Tranaeton of te ASME. Dural of Dyic Systm, Measurement and Consol, Tune 1981, pp. sib) by 14 days USE. 15D) by 4d Systems, ‘Menus > « Gotan e al, “Dry Etch Resistance of Organic Materials" (21) Appl. No. 10,210,780 Electrochem. 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