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DISSERTATION SYNOPSIS Sandeep Ahuja A/2083/2008

A space is never about one thing, it is a place for many senses: sight, sound, touch and the unaccountable things that happen in between (Tadao Ando). In architecture we are able to use sounds to feel/ describe spaces. There are of course different sounds for different built environment. Different sounds to communicate with the inhabitants in it. Sight makes us communicate through our eyes, but a vision without sound effect is dull, plain and solitary. Sound enhances our view and emotions on something. By a research at Herz in 1998, it was exposed that sound has the highest stimulation to our emotions compared to sight and odor. Sound lead s to mood changes, and extrem e or important emotions . Sound also makes us connect with the architecture surrounding us when it is reflected through these structures. In addition, Echoes are produced only when there is an enclosed space. If there is no surface wher e sounds can be reflected, it will disappears by its own and echo will not be produced. As an additional example, an architecture which works with sound -the Roman Colosseum. The radial and round shape of the Colosseum amphitheatres amplifies sound in certa in manner. Sounds path are calculated and analysed properly to enable it to work with the structure, thus amplifying it. In this research, it is proposed to explore the seffect of sound in architecture

How have buildings in the past been designed keeping i n mind the sound in architecture; how are the buildings designed now considering the same; what techniques have evolved, and what techniques have stayed?

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