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Department of Education Region- 10 Division of Valencia City


Poblacion, Valencia City


Name of Teacher: ANALYN T.VESTIDAS Targets in the Action Plan Designation: Secondary School Teacher I Actual Accomplishment

A. INTRUCTIONAL COMPETENCE - Demonstrate instructional competence achieving at least a rating of 6 in all indicates Learners Achievement - Improve learners achievement in the posttest by at least 2.6 % over pretest. School, Home & Community Involvement -Organize & maintain functional Club Participate effectively in community projects achieving with at least rating of 6 in all indicates B. DEVELOPMENT / IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM - Filipino Club -Organize Social Studies in respective classroom Drop-out Intervention program Reduce drop-out rate by 2% Remedial/Tutorial Instruction - Improve learners achievement by 2% - Let The Intelligent Students Taught The Dull One During The Group Activity. - 100% supports from the students during the celebration of United nation 2009. - 95% attendance of the students is strictly checked, and conduct home visitation of SARDO. - Improve learners achievement in the posttest by at least 25% over pretest. -95% achievement of Filipino club attended, Information drive regarding the national celebration of National Language. -Demonstrate instructional competence achieving at least least a rating of 7 in 1-7 indicates , 6 in # 8 indicates and 10 in # 9 -16 indicates.

-Student Mentoring. C. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT - Improve & update the attendance of the students -80 % of the students in my class were present daily. D. SPECIAL SERVICES/PHYSICAL FACILITIES -Development/ Improve office environment - Assist in decoration in all school program and activities. E. RESEARCH - Improve students reading ability by 80% - 85 % of my students can read well in Filipino and English Language. F. SPECIAL PROJECT 2% increase of the physical facilities Classroom Repair.

Prepared By:


ANALYN T.VESTIDAS Signature above printed name

EDNA R. JUMAO-AS Dept. Head Filipino

SUSAN S. OLANA, Ph.D. Secondary School Principal III

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