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Lovely School of Technology Department of Management Name of the faculty member: Mandakini Paruthi Course No: MGT 222 Course Title: Human elements at work Section: k27b1 Max. Marks: 25 Date of Submission: 10th Novemember 2010

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Roll No 347007009 7 347007002 3 347007008 2 347007002 5 347007003 2 347007013 3 347007006 4 347007011 8 347007001 1 347007013 1 347007007 3 347007012 4 347007014 1 347007001 9 347007008 3 347007003 8 347007014 5 347007004 8 347007010 7

Objectives of Academic Activity


Assigned Job The See-Saw of work and life Sustaining high performance teams Competency Mapping Need of cross cultural negotiations Encouraging Innovation at Work Place Job Satisfaction Talent Poaching Alternate Work Schedules E-HRM Emotional Intelligence 360 Degree feedbackappraisal or development Employee Attrition Employee Retention Effectiveness of variable pay packages Time Management Stress Management Golden Handshake :the need of an hour Challenges in Recruitment Work Force Diversity

Model* The students have to submit a well documented hand written report covering all the aspects. The report needs to be in accordance with the objective of academic activity.

the The objective Search of the Internet, Journals, Books academic activity in the etc. and give the complete details subject Managing Human Elements at Work are as follows: 1. To build upon concepts of various issues of subject 2. To imbibe the habit of analysis and rational thinking among the students.

The credentials that will be taken into consideration for evaluation are as follows: 1. Emergence of the topic 2. Review of literature 3. How companies are handling these issues 4. References

Academic Integrity: Students found to have copied both, the one who copied and from whom copied, will be awarded ZERO marks.

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Multi Cultural Teams Whistle Blowing an ethical dilemma in HRM

Golden Parachute
Managing diversity n BPO industry Performance Management Paper-less Organization Corporate Social Responsibility Management Development programs and its benefits. Glass Ceiling Is it a reality?

Employee Assistance Programs VRS

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