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Islamic Banking


Banking global estimates US$200Billion+  More than 250 Islamic Financial Institutions in 27 Muslim countries and 16 Non Muslim countries  Islamic Banking is based on the principles and spirit of the Sharia h (Islamic Law derived from the Koran

Islamic Banking cont d ..


Business and Banking practices date back to seventh century  Islamic concept of Banking 1973 First Dubai Islamic Bank of Bahrain  Many Western concepts of Banking not acceptable  Collection of interest is sinful

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Activities supporting alcohol, tobacco, gambling and armaments are not permitted Islamic Banks co-governed by religious coleadersleaders-scholars Law of Prohibition on interest is prohibited leading to injustices Interest free loans (Benevolent Loans) based on profit sharing/ratio, fees & commissions

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of services rendered and providers of funds earn a profit on investment as opposed to interest  Profit-Loss sharing ratio varies most Profitcommon 80% for provider & 20% for borrower  Visit www.islamic-

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