Kinds of Reports

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1. Account Analysis Report - This report gives the accumulated balances of a range of accounts. The report shows all journal entries within the specified range with source, batch name and description. 2. Account Analysis with Payables Detail Report - This report is a variant of the Account Analysis Report. The only additional data this report shows is vendor name and invoice number. 3. Budget Trial Balance Report - This report shows the GL account budget balances. It is possible to also specify the currency in which one wants this report. 4. Detail Trial Balance Report - This report lists the GL account balances and activity for GL accounts in detail. 5. Encumbrance Trial Balance Report - As the name suggests this report gives encumbrance balances and activity for GL accounts in detail. 6. Expanded Trial Balance Report - This report shows the trial balance for a period. It gives the beginning, ending, and net balances, as well as period activity, for a set of accounts. 7. Foreign Account Analysis Report - Gives the accumulated foreign balances of a range of accounts and all journal lines that affect that range. This includes source, batch name, and description. 8. Foreign Account Analysis Report with Payables Detail - This is variant of the above report. The only additonal details listed down are for each journal entry are vendor name and invoice number. 9. Foreign Currency Detail Trial Balance Report - Lists the GL account balances and activity entered in a foreign currency in detail.

10. Foreign Currency General Ledger Report - This report shows the beginning and ending account balances and all journal lines affecting each account balance entered in a foreign currency. 11. Foreign Currency Summary Trial Balance Report - This summary report gives the GL balances and activity entered in a foreign currency. 12. General Ledger Report - Shows beginning and ending account balances and all journal lines affecting each account balance in functional currency. Details listed for each journal line include source and category. 13. Summary 1 Trial Balance Report - Lists the GL account balances and activity for each segment value. 14. Summary 2 Trial Balance Report - Lists the GL account balances and activity for a combination of account segment values and secondary segment values. 15. Translation Trial Balance Report - Lists the translated account balances and period activity for a specific foreign currency.

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