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For nearly 20 years, millions of consumers in Japan and Brazil, where stevia is approved as a food additive, have been using stevia extracts as safe, natural, noncaloric sweeteners. Japan is the largest consumer of stevia leaves and extracts in the world, and there it is used to sweeten everything from soy sauce to pickles, confections, and soft drinks. Even multinational giants like Coca-Cola and Beatrice Foods use stevia extracts to sweeten foods (as a replacement for NutraSweet and saccharin) for sale in Japan, Brazil, and other countries where it is approved as a food additive. Important Information About The Plants Varity of Plant No. of Plants Sowing Time Soil Total Plantation Time Irrigation System Production Product Cost of Cultivation Annually Maintance and Labour & Water, Fertilizers, Pesticide Cost Total Production Cycle Market/Buy Back Rates Total Income Buyers Activities & Achievement More than 400Farmers are working with us and Total Land area is almost 2000Acre Uses:Stevia is being used as a natural sweetener diabetes high blood pressure and for cavity prevention Stevia is being used as a weight loss aid. It Kills bacteria, kills fungi, kills viruses and reduces inflammation Morita-1, Morit-2, Morita- 3, SRB 512,SRB128, SRB 123 30000 Plants Whole Year(In Irrigated Land) Good Quality Soil PH level Recomanded by Experts 6-8 5Years Drip ( More Effective) Dry Leaves 135000 INR ( One Time Investment with Drip Irrigation System) 25000 INR (per Year) 2500 Kg. Dry Leaves 100 INR Per Kg. 250000 INR Suger free Product base industries, Bulk Buyer Coca Cola, Liquid based industries

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society

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