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Expected Schoolwide Learning Results

Apostles Lutheran School

Apostles Lutheran School serves families of our congregation and community with excellence in
Christ-centered education. Therefore students who graduate from Apostles Lutheran School will:


Sp.1 Learn that Jesus is their Savior and the only way to heaven.

Sp.2 Reflect God’s love to others.

Sp.3 Apply Scriptural principles in every day life.


A.1 Use their God given abilities in pursuit of academic excellence.

A.2 Demonstrate a strong foundation in all academic areas.

A.3 Apply critical thinking and problem solving skills as lifelong learners.


So.1 Respect people and cultures worldwide as God’s creation.

So.2 Model God’s love through interpersonal skills.

So.3 Demonstrate effective communication skills through speaking, writing, and technology.


P.1 Recognize that their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.

P.2 Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for a healthy lifestyle.

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