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The man appear to be extremly pale and he seems to have sharp canine teeth.

Vampires are pale and generally seems slender and well built. The also are very attractive and most find them easy to talk to if they do not know there nature. They never have any reflections in any surface. Vampirism is spreed after a vampire drains the con score of a human to 1 point of consitution. +2 str, +2 dex, +2 cha-Vampire are strong and agile also very suductive and are easy to talk to. Speed- A vampire are unnaturally fast. 30 foot land movement. Undead type-Vampires are apart of the undead type, meaning they do not have constitution scores and are harmed by positive energy and healed by negative energy. Unlike most undead a vampire does not gain d12 for hit dice to class levels. Also any racial hit dice they decide to gain d8. Light sensitity- While in bright light a vampire take -2 to attack, damage and AC. Vampire weakness-While in true daylight, a vampire loses 1d10 hit point every 1 round and can not benefit from any ability that heal them. Vampires are repeled by holy symbols and if a holy symbol is forced to contact the vampires flesh they take 1d6 points of damage. Vampires also take direct damage from holy water dealing 1d4 damage. Vampires cannot enter a home or residency without being invited in. All damages in this section are untyped and are not subject damage reduction or elemental resistence. Damage reduction 5/silver this ability is not active while in sunlight. Excellerated healing-Vampires gain 5 hit points per hour while at night or while in darkness or deeper darkness. Bite-A vampire has a bite attack 1d6 points of damage. Drain-When a vampire hits and drains the blood of its victim. This drain deals 1 points of constitution damage. For each con damage they give to a victim they gain 1d8 points of hit points this cannot heal above maximum hit points. +2 to stealth and diplomacy. Languages- Vampire speak common and if they have been a vampire for a period they learn a secreat language that vampires used.

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