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Counterfeit KJV Bibles

1. Genesis 1:1 2. Genesis 1:2 3. Genesis 8:1 4. Genesis 11:3 5. Genesis 11:3 6. Genesis 12:1 7. Genesis 21:26 8. Genesis 23:8 9. Genesis 24:57 10. Genesis 30:37 11. Genesis 31:42 12. Genesis 41:38 13. Exodus 8:23 14. Exodus 24:6 15. Exodus 25:30 16. Exodus 25:30 17. Leviticus 18. Numbers 10:25 19. Numbers 20:14 20. Numbers 22:26

True KJV Reading

heaven Spirit asswaged throughly morter shew to day intreat enquire chesnut labour Spirit to morrow basons shewbread alway jubile rereward travail furthur

heavens spirit assuaged thoroughly mortar show today entreat inquire chestnut labor spirit tomorrow basins showbread always jubilee rearward travel farther

21. Joshua 6:9 22. Joshua 6:13 23. Joshua 19:2 24. Judges 3:10 25. Judges 6:34 26. Judges 11:29 27. Judges 13:25 28. Judges 14:6 29. Judges 14:19 30. Judges 15:14 31. 1 Samuel 6:4 32. 1 Samuel 6:5 33. 1 Samuel 6:11 34. 1 Samuel 6:17 35. 1 Samuel 10:6 36. 1 Samuel 10:10 37. 1 Samuel 11:6 38. 1 Samuel 16:13 39. 1 Samuel 16:14 40. 1 Samuel 18:6 41. 1 Samuel 19:20 42. 1 Samuel 19:23 43. 1 Samuel 29:2

True KJV Reading

rereward rereward or Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit emerods emerods emerods emerods Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit musick Spirit Spirit rereward

rearward rearward and spirit spirit spirit spirit spirit spirit spirit hemorrhoids hemorrhoids hemorrhoids hemorrhoids spirit spirit spirit spirit spirit music spirit spirit rearward

44. 2 Samuel 8:4 45. 2 Samuel 23:2 46. 1 Kings 18:12 47. 1 Kings 22:24 48. 2 Kings 2:16 49. 2 Chronicles 15:1 50. 2 Chronicles 18:23 51. 2 Chronicles 20:14 52. 2 Chronicles 24:20 53. Job 6:2 54. Job 33:4 55. Psalm 51:2 56. Psalm 149:6 57. Proverbs 5:4 58. Proverbs 22:7 59. Isaiah 40:13 60. Isaiah 48:16 61. Isaiah 52:12 62. Isaiah 58:8 63. Isaiah 59:17 64. Isaiah 59:19 65. Isaiah 61:1 66. Isaiah 63:2

True KJV Reading

houghed Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit throughly Spirit throughly twoedged twoedged lender Spirit Spirit rereward rereward cloke Spirit Spirit winefat

hocked spirit spirit spirit spirit spirit spirit spirit spirit thoroughly spirit thoroughly two-edged two-edged leader spirit spirit rearward rearward cloak spirit spirit winevat

67. Isaiah 63:10 68. Isaiah 63:11 69. Isaiah 63:14 70. Jeremiah 6:9 71. Jeremiah 7:5 72. Jeremiah 7:5 73. Jeremiah 50:34 74. Ezekiel 11:5 75. Ezekiel 11:24 76. Ezekiel 16:9 77. Daniel 3:25 78. Joel 2:24 79. Joel 3:13 80. Matthew 1:19 81. Matthew 3:12 82. Matthew 4:1 83. Mark 12:1 84. Luke 2:11 85. Luke 3:17 86. Acts 27:40 87. 1 Corinthians 10:11 88. 2 Corinthians 11:6 89. Philippians 3:17

True KJV Reading

Spirit Spirit Spirit throughly throughly throughly throughly Spirit Spirit throughly the Son of God fats fats publick throughly Spirit winefat Saviour throughly hoised ensample throughly ensample

spirit spirit spirit thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly spirit spirit thoroughly a son of the gods vats vats public thoroughly spirit winevat Savior thoroughly hoisted example thoroughly example

90. 1 Thessalonians 1:7 91. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 92. 2 Thessalonians 3:9 93. 1 Timothy 6:20 94. 2 Timothy 3:17 95. James 4:13 96. James 4:13 97. James 4:14 98. 1 Peter 5:3 99. 2 Peter 2:6 100. 1 John 2:11 101. Revelation 1:16 102. Revelation 12:12

True KJV Reading

ensample we ensample so called throughly to morrow to day vapour ensample ensample darkness twoedged inhabiters

example who example so-called thoroughly tomorrow today vapor example example blindness two-edged inhabitants

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