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The DAQ system consists in a hardware device which receives data over SPI port and transmit it via USB to a PC. 2. The DAQ system contains: a. A uC HCS08AW32 for receiving the data over SPI b. A Software that handles the data c. A paralel toUSB chip FT245RL which receives data from uC and transmit it via USB to a PC. 3. The DAQ system has a RAM data buffer of 1024 bytes where it stored the data received. 4. The DAQ system has an operating system with 3 tasks for receiving data, transmitting data and idle. 5. The operating sytem activates the RxDATA task when a command is sent by PC. 6. The operating sytem activates the TxDATA task when the 1024 bytes buffer is full. 7. The operating system stops the RxDATA task when a command is sent by PC. 8. The TxDATA task contains a communication driver with FT245RL. 9. The PC contains a communication layer via USB with FT245RL. 10. The DAQ system has a PC software attached for translating the data received which is called DIL (DAQ in Loop). 11. The DIL has a graphical view as well for transmitted data. 12. The DIL PC software will have several configuration options: a. The size of data package. 13. The DAQ system has a green LED with a frequency of 3.(3) Hz which shows that the DAQ is receiving and transmitting. 14. The DAQ system has a red error LED which is ON when the system is not receiving of transmitting. 15. The DAQ system has a 4 th operating system task called DIAG task for diagnose of last errors such as transmit, receive, others possible errors od DAQ system. As well this task will be able to sent back commands to the DaTR device via the same SPI port. If no response will be received, then the DaTR is labeled as DIAG not possible for DaTR . -> this point tbd

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