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I) Fee for Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) programme



1) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x)

Application fee Registration fee/ Extension of Registration Tuition fee Laboratory fee (for subjects with practicals)* Computer Lab fee* Library fee Medical care fee* Reading Room fee* Change of Title/Guide/Co-guide/ Research Centre Conversion from part time to full time or vice-versa

650.00 6,500.00 2,600.00 ** 1,950.00 ** 650.00 ** 1300.00 300.00 ** 150.00 ** 1,300.00 1,300.00

* Only for those who work for Ph.D. programme in the University P.G. Departments. ** One term is of six months duration.


Evaluation fee (Ph.D.)



Extension of fee for submission of thesis i) ii) ii) Extension for one year beyond the prescribed limit Condonation of delay for submission of thesis beyond the prescribed limit Condonation of delay for submission of thesis after submission of final synopsis Resubmission of thesis after revision 1,950.00 1,950.00 2,800.00 1,300.00


Sd/REGISTRAR Note: 1) SC/ST and Cat-I candidates whose income limits provide for reimbursement of fee shall pay only 50% of the fees prescribed above (i to iii) 2) For Foreign Nationals and Non-Resident Indians, the fee shall be four times the fee fixed for each of the above items. 3) Research candidates of Institutions Recognised by Mangalore University are exempted from the payment of laboratory fee and Computer Laboratory fee.

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