Spidex IA Factsheet

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Flexible, configurable email alerts keeping you fully informed at all times.

Have you experienced situations in which important PM tasks have been overlooked owing to a sudden proliferation of unplanned activities, and have then fallen overdue? Whether for reasons of regulatory non-compliance or simple engineering best practice, such omissions could prove disastrous. However - if the relevant personnel had received advance notification that time-critical PMs are in danger of being missed, could the situation have been avoided? Thats where SpidexIA (Intelligent Alerts) comes in. This easy-to-use web module enables you to set up, configure and schedule individual email notifications against a wide range of parameters, so that those who need to know can be made aware that vital time-based maintenance works are approaching their due date.

Web-based, easy-to-use, highly flexible scheduling functionality You decide who needs to be alerted, about what and by when Email alert sent direct to relevant inbox when user-defined conditions apply Clicked-on link within email by recipient shows alert has been read Unread email will trigger further escalation procedures Escalations increase as time remaining to complete task diminishes Alerts triggered only by exception; no pointless everythings OK emails

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