50 Quick Report Card Comments For Assessing Elementary Student Attitude and Effort

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50 Quick Report Card Comments for Assessing Elementary Student Attitude and Effort 1.

While this student has shown improvement in their attitude towards school assignments, he or she is not showing constant changes. He or she will need to obtain guidance throughout the remainder of the school year from both home and school. 2. _____'s grades are a direct reflection on their attitude towards school and schoolwork. There is room for improvement with their overall attitude and dedication to school. 3. When _____ applies him/herself to their schoolwork, their overall work is improved. However, this student needs to focus more on getting work done in the time allotted. 5. You child is showing great improvements in group activities, and he or she is eager to learn. 6. ____'s attitude is improving and he or she is always happy to participate in class discussions. 7. While _____ attitude is acceptable, he or she needs to put more effort into their daily schoolwork. 9. _____ has a great attitude towards school and schoolwork, and is always helpful to other students. 10. Your child is the classroom leader, and is always willing to help out other classmates when needed.

12. _____ is extremely enthusiastic when it comes to participating in class, and it is always a pleasure to have him or her take part in discussions. 13. _____ responds well to direction, and quickly applies this correction to their work and social habits. 14. _____ has a good attitude towards work. 15. This student has plenty of personality, and it always first to raise their hands to answer a question. 16. _____ is respectful to the other students, and takes turn talking. 17. _____ has a sense of humor that is quite enjoyable in the classroom. 19. Your child is extremely pleasant to have around and very friendly to everyone in the class. 22. Your child is very confident in their school abilities and also exemplifies excellent manners. 23. This student's disposition is very pleasant, and all of the other students enjoy spending time with him or her. 24. ____ was shy at first; however, he or she is quickly gaining self-confidence within the classroom. 25. Your child is learning how to be a better listener, and takes direction very well.

28. Your child is very helpful around the classroom and is also extremely dependable. 29. This student has made improvements in his or her _____ skills. 30. _____ is showing consistent improvement with their attitude and effort in the classroom. 31. Your child is eager to learn, and is quick to improve in areas that are lacking. 34. Your child makes friends very easily and is getting along with nearly every classmate in his or her room. 36. _____'s attitude is excellent, and it is a joy to have him or her in the classroom. 37. Your child is showing a mature vocabulary, and is eager to learn new words. 40. This student takes his or her academic studies very seriously, and is excelling within the class. 42. _____ can follow directly extremely well, and is extremely self-sufficient within the classroom. 43. In the beginning of this reporting period, ____ was far behind the class, however, he or she has improved their efforts in the classroom and is now performing greatly in all subjects. 45. Your child is learning how to become a better listener as well as learning how to cooperate with other

student effectively. 46. _____ has shown great potential with their efforts, however, I would like to see them more focused on completing their school assignments. 47. Your child is an extremely motivated student, and is always applying his or her highest effort into all of their classroom assignments. 48. _____ has shown improvements with their attitude towards school, however, he or she still needs to focus more within the classroom.

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