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EXE) programs are documented in Appendix G of Stutzman & Thiele, "Antenna Theory and Design". They have been adapted for use on the IBM PC with a color monitor (CGA). Refer to the text for information on input variable definitions, etc. In addition to these two programs, a state-of-the-art analysis program for wire antennas is also provided on the disk. The program was written in Turbo Pascal 5.0 and comes with a default wire antenna problem built in. Several additional problems are provided with the extension "DTA," and may be loaded with the "F" option at the entry screen. If you boot the computer with this disk (after adding the system and GRAPHICS.COM from your DOS disk), the autoexec will take over and give you a menu of choices. The AUTOEXEC.BAT also installs the graphics driver for IBM compatible dot-matrix printers. You may also get this menu by typing "autoexec" at the DOS prompt. If you wish, you may start any of the EXE files separately. The only files used by ARRPAT or ARRFAC have the DAT extension. In general these programs are available for use and are not covered by any fee. You may copy the programs and make your own DAT files if you wish. The DTA files are examples for the wire analysis program. They include such antennas as a dipole, folded dipole, loaded monopole (80 meter mobile whip), Yagi, and vee dipole. The program does a full analysis and provides the current distribution and patterns. The program is essentially a new program, though some of the structure is derived from the MiniNEC program. The equations used are different and the analysis problems of earlier MiniNEC programs were eliminated. The polar plot of patterns is new with this program and includes both vertical and conical cuts. The standard rectangular plots are available if desired. A full development of the theory may be available in the professional literature in the future. Enjoy the program. I hope it solves the problems for some people. One such problem of interest might be the loaded monopole (mobile). To obtain a 50 ohm input impedance, a loading coil with a Q of about 50 was required. This gives an efficiency of about 5 percent. Dr. William Davis Department of Electrical Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. Blacksburg, VA 24061

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