Keyboard Shortcuts

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Shortcuts Ctrl+1 Ctrl+9 Ctrl+Shift+9 Ctrl+0 Ctrl+Shift+0 Ctrl+` Ctrl+A Ctrl+B Ctrl+C Ctrl+I Ctrl+K Crtl+N Crtl+O Ctrl+P

Ctrl+S Ctrl+T Ctrl+U Ctrl+V Ctrl+X Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Alt+Tab Ctrl+Alt+Print Screen Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Tab Ctrl+Arrows Crtl+Enter Crtl+Mouse Wheel Ctrl+Page Down Ctrl+Page Up Ctrl+Shift+Arrows Ctrl+Shift+7 Ctrl+Shift+_ Ctrl+Spacebar Ctrl+Tab Shift+Arrows Shift+Enter Shift+F2 Shift+Spacebar Shift+Tab F2 F4 F7 F9 F11 F12 Alt Alt+Tab Alt+F8 Hold down Alt Alt, Letter

Keyboard Shortcuts for Excel Purpose Opens cell formatting Hide Row Unhide Row Hide Column Unhide Column Toggle between formula view and normal view Select entire worksheet To Bold the cell Copy To italicize the cell Insert a hyperlink New document Open document Print Save Insert a table To underline the cell Paste Cut Undo Increase Indent Take a picture of current screen that can be pasted into other programs Decrease Indent Navigate through blocks of data Paste one formula within selected cells Zoom in & out Moves to next worksheet Moves to previous worksheet Highlights all cells before next empty cell Automatic border Gets rid of border Select entire column Cycle through open Excel workbooks Select multiple cells Opposite of Enter Insert New Comment Select entire row Opposite of Tab Edit text within a cell Locks cells referenced within a formula Spell Check Calculate Now Quick chart Save as Use File, Edit, View Circulates through open programs Macros screen In Excel 2007, to access shortcut letter commands on ribbon Underlined letter within toolbar menus to execute this option

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