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The Miracle Mineral $upplement

oI the 21
Part 1
Jlm V. Humblo
2nd Edition
What thia Book ia About
l hopo ;ou do not thlnk thot thls book tolls obout [ust onothor vor;
lntorostlnq supplomont thot con holp somo pooplo oltor toklnq lt lor
sovorol months. Not so. Thls Mlroclo Mlnorol supplomont works ln o
low hours. Tho =1 klllor ol monklnd ln tho world todo; ls molorlo, o
dlsooso thot ls usuoll; ovorcomo b; thls supplomont ln onl; lour
hours ln most cosos. Thls hos boon provon throuqh cllnlcol trlols ln
Molowl, o countr; ln oostorn Alrlco. ln kllllnq tho molorlo poroslto ln
tho bod;, thoro wos not o slnqlo lolluro. Moro thon 75,000 molorlo
vlctlms hovo tokon tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ond oro now
bock to work ond llvlnq productlvo llvos.
Altor toklnq tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont AlDS potlonts oro olton
dlsooso lroo ln throo do;s ond othor dlsoosos ond condltlons slmpl;
dlsoppoor. ll potlonts ln tho noorost hospltol woro trootod wlth thls
Mlroclo supplomont, ovor 50% ol thom would bo bock homo wlthln o
For moro thon 100 ;oors cllnlcs ond hospltols hovo usod tho octlvo
lnqrodlonts ln thls supplomont to storlllzo hospltol lloors, toblos,
oqulpmont, ond othor ltoms. Now thls somo poworlul qorm-klllor con
bo hornossod b; tho lmmuno s;stom to solol; klll pothoqons ln tho
humon bod;.
Amozlnq os lt mlqht soom, whon usod corroctl;, tho lmmuno s;stom
con uso thls klllor to onl; ottock thoso qorms, boctorlo ond vlrusos thot
oro hormlul to tho bod;, ond doos not olloct tho lrlondl; boctorlo ln
tho bod; nor on; ol tho hoolth; colls. ln thls book l hovo, to tho bost
ol m; oblllt;, stuck to tho locts ol oxoctl; whot hos hopponod
roqordlnq tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont.
Thls book ls tho stor; ol tho dlscovor; ond lurthor dovolopmont ol
tho most omozlnq onhoncomont lor tho lmmuno s;stom ;ot
dlscovorod. Thus lt ls tho qrootost solutlon to monklnds dlsoosos ond
llls now known: lt ls not o druq. l bollovo ll ;ou lollow m; ollorts to
dovolop thls doto ond to moko lt ovolloblo to tho publlc, tho stor; wlll
holp moko lt rool to ;ou ond convlnco ;ou to qlvo lt o tr;. To thot
purposo l hovo provldod comploto dotolls on how to moko tho
supplomont ln ;our kltchon, or to bu; most ol tho lnqrodlonts oll tho
sholl. lt ls ontlrol; posslblo thot ;ou wlll sovo somoonos lllo, or ;our
Bocouso tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont lunctlons os o suporchorqor
to tho lmmuno s;stom, lt ls not moont lor trootmont ol on; portlculor
dlsooso, but rothor lt ls moont to lmprovo tho lmmuno s;stom to tho
polnt ol ovorcomlnq mon; dlsoosos, lroquontl; ln loss thon 24 hours.
M; purposo lor wrltlnq thls book ls thot thls lnlormotlon ls lor too
lmportont to ollow on; ono porson or ono qroup or ovon sovorol
qroups to hovo control. lt ls lnlormotlon thot tho world should hovo.
Altor 5 ;oors ol soolnq proctlcoll; nothlnq dono b; o qroup thot could
hovo dono o qroot dool, l llnoll; roollzod thot tho lnlormotlon slmpl;
hod to bo dlstrlbutod to os mon; pooplo os posslblo or somoono
would olwo;s bo out ol tho loop ol rocolvlnq thls lllo sovlnq doto. lt
roqulorl; occurs thot thoro ls o qroot dool ol lmportont modlcol
lnlormotlon wlthhold lrom tho publlc thot could sovo llvos. lt ls m;
lntontlon to provont thot lrom hopponlnq wlth thls lnlormotlon.
Tls ForuurJ s urtten bu Dr. Hector Fruncsco Remero G. ulo s u MeJcul
Joctor n tle stute oj 5onoru, Mexco ulere le lus u oeru successjul clnc tlut
treuts cuncer unJ munu otler ulut ure consJereJ ncuruble Jseuses. He uses tle
MM5 tulkeJ ubout n tls book unJ u number oj otler non ntrusoe treutments.
He s uell knou n 5onoru jor tle uork tlut le lus Jone utl tle Mexcun lnJuns.
Dr. Romero mukes me look mucl qreuter tlun l um, but tlen lou coulJ l rejuse
ls ForuurJ.
Dr. Romero urIreo: A door qood old lrlond ol mlno ond rospoctlul phllosophor
toochor lmpollor ol mon ol qood tompor ln thls dosort stoto ol Sonoro Moxlco usod
to so;: Thoso mon who llvo tho Unlvorslt; ol Lllo, would loovo lootprlnts ln thls
Not [ust on;ono bullds up ond wrltos wlth hls own ldoos o book. Thls ls tho somo
coso wlth m; lrlond Jlm Humblo. A Chollonqor, o world wolkor, on onxlous porson,
who hos louqht oll hls lllo to loovo lootprlnts wlth hls contrlbutlons ol lnvostlqotlon
to mon humonlt;. Ho hos covorod mllos ond mllos ol kllomotors os hls lnvostlqotlon
hos shown ln thls book, sullorlnq lnloctlous lllnoss ol Molorlo: on lllnoss whlch put
hls lllo ot rlsk, domonstrotlnq to modlcol sclonco thot lt ls posslblo to count wlth now
oltornotlvos trootmonts. lt wlll qlvo o bottor quollt; ol lllo to thoso slck onos lrom
ondomlcs zonos, os Jlm so;s, ln lotltudos llko ln tho roqlon ol Alrlco, Aslo, ond
South Alrlco. ln thoso plocos thoro ls o lot ol mortollt; duo to molorlo ond othor
vlrus lnloctlons such os tho HlV, couslnq tho dooth stotlstlcs to bo vor; consldoroblo
ond ls hlqhor comporod to othor plocos ln tho world.
Hls product wos lnvostlqotod ond woll rocoqnlzod b; tho hoolth outhorltlos ln on
Alrlcon countr;. Wlth tho MMS, ho ollors thom bottor hopos ond quollt; ol lllo.
Espocloll;, thoso who hovo tho throots ol thoso mon dostructlvo lllnossos. Our
oxporlonco ln Moxlco wlth tho MMS, ln tho stoto ol Sonoro hos boon to troot somo
lllnossos thot oro contoqlous lobrllo lnloctlons, lnllommotor; doqonorotlvo tumors,
prostoto concor, ond somo othor mollqnont tumors, wlth qood ond hopolull;

For oll ol thoso l pro; to qod so ho con hovo o qroot lntolllqonco so ho contlnuos
holplnq thoso towns ol tho world thot hovo no hopo ond oro lorqotton, spocloll;
tho chlldron thot dosorvo our ottontlon lor o lllo, ond o bottor luturo.
For further information concerning Dr. Romeros Cancer clinic please dial
the following numbers:
From tho US dlol: 011 52 662 242-0422 Thls ls o Moxlcon numbor.
Also lrom tho US dlol 1-37 558-5703 Thls ls o US numbor but rlnqs ln Moxlco
Copvright notice
The Miracle Mineral $upplement oI the 21
Centurv -
Part I and II
Author Jlm V. Humblo
Cop;rlqht 2006 Jlm V. Humblo Ouototlons up to ono lull poqo
mo; bo usod whon tho Author ls qlvon crodlt. Othor coplos, ovon lull
coplos mo; bo usod undor cortoln condltlons. Plooso contoct tho
Author lor lurthor lnlormotlon.
Posslblo Concollotlon ol Cop;rlqht: ln tho ovont ol tho dooth ol tho
Author lor on; rooson, or tho dotontlon ol tho Author lor on; rooson
lor moro thon 60 do;s durlnq on; 6 month porlod, or ll tho Author ls
mlsslnq lor o porlod ol moro thon 60 do;s oltor bolnq roportod os
mlsslnq to o pollco stotlon ln tho Stoto ol Novodo tho Cop;rlqht 2006
b; tho Author, Jlm V. Humblo, ls concollod ond thls book bocomos
publlc domoln.
ln oddltlon, tho Author qronts pormlsslon to on; porson, or qroup, or
ontlt; to dlstrlbuto thls book lroo or lor prollt throuqhout tho world
should on; ol tho condltlons montlonod ln tho obovo poroqroph
como obout.
Author`s omoll oddross ls [lm[ Onl; omolls wlth tho
sub[oct ol Storlos ol Succoss wlll qot post tho Sorvor`s spom llltor.
All omolls thot poss tho spom llltor wlll bo rood. ll ;ou wont to
communlcoto lor somo rooson, uso Storlos ol Succoss ln tho sub[oct
oroo ol tho omoll.
Plooso suqqost thls book to ;our lrlonds. Thoro ls o slmplo outomotlc
sorvlco thot ;ou con uso to sond lnlormotlon concornlnq thls book to
;our lrlonds. Go to ond cllck on tho
Automotlc Emoll to Frlonds button.
lSBN - 13: 78 - 0 - 72884 - 4 -
lSBN - 10: 0 - 72884 - 4 - 4
Thonks to Blll Bo;nton ol Mlno, Novodo lor hls
holp wlth tho chomlstr; ol chlorlno dloxldo.
Thonks to Cloro Toto ol Howthorno, Novodo lor
hor holp ond lnsplrotlon wlth ldoos, suqqostlons
ond Enqllsh.
Table of Contents
Copyright Notice --------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1
What this book is about ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 3
Foreword written by Dr. Romero ----------------------------------------------- Page 5
Chapter 1. The Discovery --------------------------------------------------- Page 1 1
The story of the trip into the jungle where the workers caught malaria
and the resulting discovery of the basic cure for malaria.
Chapter 2. Further Development of the MMS ------------------------- Page 2 1
Tells how Africans in Tanzania helped further develop the Miracle Mineral
Supplement (MMS) over the Internet using email communication.
Chapter 3. Stabilized Oxygen, MMS, and a Contract --------------- Page 3 1
Tells about the contract that didnt work and begins to give technical
details of the MMS. There is a technical explanation for Stabilized
Chapter 4. Dr. Moses Flomo Sr. an Africa Herb Doctor ---------- Page 4 1
With permission from the government of Guinea in West Africa, Dr. Flomo
sets up shop and is eventually responsible for curing over 2000 cases of
Chapter 5. Kenya East Africa ---------------------------------------------- Page 5 1
The author travels to a Mission in Kenya where he treats over 1000 cases
of malaria and many other diseases.
Chapter 6. Uganda East Africa -------------------------------------------- Page 6 1
More than 500 patients are treated for malaria and other diseases in the
Life Link Medical Clinic that is part of a Mission there.
Chapter 7. Continuing Story of the MMS ----------------------------- Page 7 1
The Author deals with the World Health Organization, and Chino travels to
Sierra Leone to treat friends and neighbors of his family.
Chapter 8. Malawi East Africa --------------------------------------------- Page 8 - 1
The Author as part of the Malaria solution Foundation conducts successful
clinical trials concerning malaria in prison.
Chapter 9. Understanding the MMS ------------------------------------- Page 9 1
An explanation of how and why the MMS works. The Malawi government
conducts a successful clinical trial using the MMS to cure malaria. Some
information is given about the FDA.
Tho Dlscovor; Choptor 1 Poqo 1
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Chapter 1
The Discovery
Tho phono wos rlnqlnq ot tho othor ond ol tho
houso. lt wos o lonq norrow houso ond thoro wos
lurnlturo to qot oround ond o hollwo; to qot throuqh, but ln splto ol
tho obstoclo courso l modo lt. Blll Donlcolo, on old lrlond, ln Chlcoqo
wos colllnq. Wo tolkod ond ho oskod, Jlm, oro ;ou on; qood ot
prospoctlnq lor qold
l wos novor too modost, so l told hlm tho truth (m; truth). Yos, l
sold, l om omonqst tho bost, ll not tho bost. Thot wos onouqh lor
hlm. Ho wos o lrlond, ond bolnq olrood; lomlllor wlth m; work ln
mlnlnq, ho bollovod mo. Ho contlnuod, lm worklnq wlth o qroup
thot wonts to do qold mlnlnq ln tho [unqlo ln South Amorlco. Wo
nood ;our holp ond wo oro po;lnq tho qolnq roto, plus ;ou qot o
shoro ol tho prollts.
Thot wos lt. l oqrood to loovo ln opproxlmotol; ono month. Tho;
woro wllllnq to uso m; qold rocovor; tochnoloq;. Thls would roqulro
thot l shlp oqulpmont ohood. lt took tho ontlro month to qot thlnqs
rood; ond to rood; m;soll lor tho [unqlo. Tho most lmportont thlnq
thot l took, thot rolotos to thls stor;, wos sovorol bottlos ol Stoblllzod
Ox;qon (Plooso dont qot tho ldoo thot Stoblllzod Ox;qon ls tho
mlroclo solutlon thot l om wrltlnq obout ln thls book.) All wotor ln tho
[unqlo ls donqorous to drlnk. ln North Amorlco, wotor lrom lost-
movlnq strooms ls usuoll; qulto solo to drlnk, but ln tho [unqlo lt
doosn`t mottor how lost tho stroom ls movlnq, lt ls not solo to drlnk.
ln loct, ono con olmost olwo;s quorontoo thot ono or moro donqorous
dlsoosos oro prosont. Dosplto thot knowlodqo, l dld ond up drlnklnq
lrom o lost-movlnq stroom whllo ln tho [unqlo, ond l dld dovolop
t;phold lovor.
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Tho Dlscovor; Choptor 1 Poqo 2
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
A numbor ol pooplo hod montlonod to mo thot tho ox;qon ln
Stoblllzod Ox;qon would purll; wotor b; kllllnq tho pothoqons
prosont, ospocloll; ll tho wotor wos lolt sottlnq ovornlqht. l hod onco
sont o slnqlo tost oll to o loborotor; oltor trootlnq somo soworoqo
wotor wlth Stoblllzod Ox;qon ond tho rosults hod como bock showlnq
oll pothoqons dood. l wos rolotlvol; conlldont thot l could purll; m;
drlnklnq wotor ln tho [unqlo.
l hod octuoll; workod wlth Stoblllzod Ox;qon lor somo tlmo. A lrlond
ol mlno thot llvod o llttlo wo; outsldo ol Los Voqos usod lt qulto o blt
wlth hls onlmols. Ho qovo lt to hls chlckons ln tholr wotor to koop
thom hoolth; ond ho usod lt wlth hls doqs. Ho ovon ln[octod lt lnto
hls doqs volns onco whon lt wos slck ond hls doq wos curod ln
sovorol hours. l olton droppod b; hls homo to soo how thlnqs woro

Blll Donlcolo sont o controct to m; houso ln Los Voqos, Novodo,

whoro l hod rotlrod lrom qold mlnlnq. Tho controct wos qulto
qonorous. l wos to bo pold o roosonoblo solor;, ond l would hovo
20% ownorshlp ln tho oporotlon, provldod l locotod qold ln tho
[unqlo. l slqnod o cop; ol tho controct ond sont lt oll, ond rocolvod on
olrplono tlckot ln roturn. l wos 64 ;oors old but ln top condltlon ond l
would hovo no troublo novlqotlnq ln tho [unqlo.
Tho countr; wos Gu;ono. Tho nomo hod boon chonqod o low ;oors
oorllor lrom Brltlsh Gu;ono to slmpl; Gu;ono. Gu;ono ls tho countr;
[ust south ol Vonozuolo on tho oost coost ol South Amorlco. You
probobl; romombor lt lrom tho stor; ol Jlm Jonos ond hls cult. Tho
ontlro cult commlttod sulcldo ot ono polnt or octuoll; o low commlttod
sulcldo oltor kllllnq tho chlldron ond mon; ol tho othor odults wlth
c;onldo. Onl; o low survlvod.
l orrlvod ln Gu;ono on o normol do; whllo lt wos rolnlnq, obout
mld;oor ol 16. l wos mot b; sovorol locol pooplo who would bo
port ol tho mlnlnq oporotlon ond tho; lod mo throuqh tho llnos ot tho
olrport wlth no woltlnq. Wo drovo obout 30 mllos to Goorqotown,
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Tho Dlscovor; Choptor 1 Poqo 3
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Gu;onos lorqost clt; whlch ls olso tho Copltol. l wos tokon to o locol
houso whoro l wos to sto; untll wo doportod lor tho lntorlor, whoro wo
would prospoct Gu;onos qrootost roln lorost ond [unqlo.
At tho houso l mot Mlko, o locol who ownod tho clolms to o vor; lorqo
portlon ol tho [unqlo, would bo ono ol tho portnors. Jool Kono, who
llvos ln tho oostorn port ol tho U.S., wos olso ono ol tho portnors llstod
on tho controct l slqnod. Ho wos to orrlvo wlthln two wooks boloro
wo doportod lor tho [unqlo. Thoro wos ono othor portnor, who wos
olso supposod to orrlvo soon, but probobl; oltor wo doportod lor tho
[unqlo. Hls nomo wos Boto ond ho wos rolotod to o hlqh olllclol ln tho
qovornmont. Tho hlqh olllclols nomo wos Mosos Noqomotoo, ond
ho wos tho Flrst Mlnlstor dlroctl; undor tho Prlmo Mlnlstor. (Botos
rool nomo wos Sotkumor Homro[, but ho prolorrod tho nomo ol Boto.)
Boto wos not prosont, but bocouso ho wos our portnor l wos lnvltod to
tho Flrst Mlnlstor`s, (Mosos Noqomotoo) houso lor dlnnor tho socond
ovonlnq thot l wos thoro. Whllo ot hls houso tho Flrst Mlnlstor
complolnod ol hls bock problom thot wos olmost provontlnq hlm lrom
dolnq hls [ob ln tho qovornmont. l oxplolnod to hlm thot l somotlmos
od[ustod pooplos nocks ond l mlqht bo oblo to holp hls bock. So oltor
dlnnor ho ollowod mo to od[ust hls nock, whlch l dld vor; dollcotol;,
moklnq suro thot l dld not [ork or hurt hlm. Wlthln mlnutos hls bock
problom boqon to subsldo. Wo woro oll omozod ond soon ho wos
wolklnq qulto oosll; oround tho houso.
Tho noxt do; ono ol tho sorvonts collod mo ond oskod ll l would
od[ust Mosos douqhtors nock, os sho wos hovlnq bod bock probloms
os woll. l oqrood ovor tho phono, so tho; plckod mo up lor dlnnor
thot nlqht whlch wos tho thlrd ovonlnq l wos thoro ond oltor dlnnor l
od[ustod hor nock. Hor nomo wos Anqolo. Ho hod onothor douqhtor
nomod Adllo, but sho dld not hovo o problom. Anqolo, os omozlnq os
lt mo; sound, wos soon wolklnq oosll; ond hor bock problom soomod
to dlsoppoor. l dld not olwo;s hovo such spoctoculor rosults, but
somotlmos lt dld hoppon. l wos vor; qlod thot l hod tokon tho tlmo to
loorn to od[ust nocks. Moklnq such o poworlul lrlond os Mosos
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Tho Dlscovor; Choptor 1 Poqo 4
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Noqomotoo wos lmportont. l dld not roollzo how lmportont lt wos ot
tho tlmo, but no doubt lt kopt mo lrom spondlnq tlmo ln prlson ot o
lotor doto.
For tho rocord ond luturo rosoorchors, Som Hlnds wos tho Prlmo
Mlnlstor. Jlm Punwosoo wos tho Mlnlstor ol Mlnos whom wo olton
wont to soo ond occoslonoll; vlsltod ln hls homo.
Tho qovornmont hod o qold loborotor; whoro tho; bouqht qold lrom
locol mlnors. Tho problom wos thot oll qold thot como ln wos
complotol; covorod wlth morcur;. Tho; put tho qold undor o hood
ond usod o blow torch to burn oll tho morcur; boloro wolqhlnq tho
qold. Woll, os ovor;ono knows, morcur; lumos oro oxtromol;
polsonous. Thoso lumos woro qolnq up tho oxhoust stock ond out
lnto tho qovornmont court;ord ond lnto tho qovornmont complox
oroo. Mon; pooplo hod complolnod ol thls proctlco ond whon tho;
qovo mo o tour ol tholr qold locllltlos thls wos montlonod. l ollorod to
doslqn o slmplo lumo scrubbor ond tho; took mo up on m; ollor.
Tho; hod vor; llttlo mono; lor such rollnomonts, so l doslqnod tho
scrubbor lrom two 55 qollon borrols. lt [ust so hopponod thot l hod
sovorol thousond plnq ponq bolls storod ln o worohouso ln Los Voqos.
l hod thom shlppod to Gu;ono to bo usod ln tho scrubbor. B; tho
tlmo tho bolls orrlvod, l wos ln tho [unqlo, but tho; slmpl; pourod tho
plnq ponq bolls lnto tho borrol doslqnod to uso thom, turnod on tho
wotor spro;, ond lt wos worklnq whon l roturnod. lt dld tho [ob.
As luck hod lt, wlth tho morcur; scrubbor, ond holplnq tho llrst
Mlnlstor ond hls douqhtor l hlt lt oll vor; woll wlth o low olllclols ln tho
qovornmont thoro. l hod o lrlond thot wontod to movo lrom Russlo to
Gu;ono ond l montlonod thls to tho Mlnlstor ol mlnlnq ond o couplo
ol do;s lotor l qot o coll lrom tho Mlnlstor ol lmmlqrotlon so;lnq thot l
could coll m; lrlond ond toll hlm to vlslt tho Gu;ono Consuloto ln
Moscow. Ho sold thoro woro popors woltlnq lor m; lrlond thoro thot
would ollow hlm to lmmlqroto to Gu;ono. So ;ou con soo l rooll; dld
hovo o llttlo blt ol pull. l montlon thls morol; to lllustroto m; qood
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Tho Dlscovor; Choptor 1 Poqo 5
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
ln our llrst oxpodltlon lnto tho [unqlo wo would bo toklnq olqht mon
who would corr; tho suppllos ond sot up comp os wo roochod vorlous
locotlons. Our workors woro collod droqqors. Thoso mon woro hlrod
b; Mlko ond tho; orrlvod ot tho houso obout o wook ohood ol tlmo to
boqln puttlnq suppllos ond oqulpmont toqothor. Ono ol tho droqqors
wos tho loromon ond tho othors, ol courso, woro workors.
Flnoll; tho tlmo lor our oxpodltlon orrlvod ond nolthor Jool nor Boto
hod orrlvod, but wo couldnt wolt. Tho mon onl; modo $6.00 o do;
(U.S. mono;), but thot stlll cost to koop thom oround ond wo wontod
to qot thlnqs dono. So tho llnol crow conslstod ol mo, Mlko tho
londholdor, ond tho olqht droqqors.
Tho trlp lnto tho lntorlor took obout two do;s. Flrst thoro wos obout
on hours rldo lrom Goorqotown to tho town ol Porlko on tho
Mozorunl Cu;unl Rlvor. Wo loodod our suppllos onto o lorqo truck
ond lour toxlos. Wo orrlvod ot Porlko ot obout :00 o.m. ond loodod
our suppllos onto sovorol lorqo spood boots. Tho rlvor ot thls polnt ls
moro thon llvo mllos wldo. Should ;ou docldo to do ;our own
rosoorch on thls port ol tho stor;, ;ou wlll llnd thot tho noxt loq ol tho
[ourno; took us obout lour hours ot whot con bo collod hlqh spood on
thot rlvor.
Wo llnoll; orrlvod ot our noxt dostlnotlon, tho town ol Bortlco, whlch
ls consldorod tho qotowo; to tho lntorlor ol tho countr; ol Gu;ono.
Thoro wo bouqht mostl; lood suppllos. Thoro oro o numbor ol lood
storos constructod llko worohousos whlch mostl; suppl; oxcurslons
lnto tho lntorlor. Our bu;or bouqht mostl; boons ond rlco. Normoll;,
tho; bu; onl; rlco lor such trlps, but bocouso l wos thoro, tho; oddod
sovorol socks ol boons. On othor trlps l wos oblo to qot thom to bu;
moro vorlot; ol qrocorlos.
Wo thon loodod oll suppllos lnto sovorol boots ond crossod tho rlvor to
o port on tho othor sldo obout ono mllo owo; whoro wo tronslorrod
our suppllos ond oqulpmont lnto two vor; lorqo trucks. Tho trucks
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Tho Dlscovor; Choptor 1 Poqo 6
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
hod whools thot woro moro thon slx loot ln dlomotor lor drlvlnq
throuqh tho roods conslstlnq molnl; ol mud thoro ln tho [unqlo. Evon
thoso blq whools could not qo whoro thoro woro no roods. Tho
suppllos woro tlod down socurol; ond most ol tho mon thon oloctod to
wolk on o somowhot shortor routo to tho noxt [ump-oll polnt lnto tho
[unqlo. l soon loornod wh; tho; prolorrod to wolk. Tho rood wos so
rouqh ond tho trucks bouncod so bodl; thot lt took constont ottontlon
to [ust hold on. Thoro wos no slooplnq durlnq tho llvo hours thot tho
trucks took to orrlvo ot tho llnol [ump-oll polnt on tho lost rlvor loq ol
our [ourno;.
Wo orrlvod oltor dork os lt olwo;s qots dork ot 6:00 p.m. ond qots llqht
ot 6:00 o.m. ln tho [unqlo noor tho oquotor. Wo slopt whorovor wo
could thot nlqht. l slopt on o bonch outsldo ol tho smoll storo thoro.
Tho noxt mornlnq wo oqoln loodod oll ol our suppllos ln boots ond
contlnuod up whot wos now tho Cu;unl bronch ol tho rlvor. Boots ln
thls rlvor oro usuoll; loodod to tho qllls, os tho so;lnq qoos. Tho sldos
ol thoso boots woro loss thon lour lnchos obovo tho wotor. lt wouldn`t
roqulro o vor; lorqo wovo to como ovor tho sldo ono tlmo ond tho
boot, loodod os lt wos, would slnk to tho bottom. Howovor, lt [ust
hoppons thot thoro oro olmost novor on; lorqo wovos ln thoso rlvors.
No storms ovor hoppon ln tho [unqlo. lt rolns torrlbl; hord, but vor;
llttlo wlnd occomponlos tho roln ond so storms slmpl; do not occur.
ln loct, thoro oro no noturol dlsostors ln thls oroo ol tho world, l.o.
thoro oro no storms, no hurrlconos, no lorost llros, or oorth quokos.
Wo trovolod uprlvor lor obout lour hours ond orrlvod whoro tho rool
lost [ump-oll polnt octuoll; wos. Altor wo unloodod tho boots ond
tho; pullod owo;, tho mon boqon loodlnq thomsolvos wlth suppllos.
Tho droqqors corrlod tholr loods oqolnst tholr bocks, but tho wolqht
wos on tholr hoods. A strop wont oround tho top ol tholr hoods ond
down to tho pock oqolnst tholr bock. Tho; clolmod thot thls wos tho
loost tlrlnq ol on; mothod ol corr;lnq loods. Tho; corrlod loods ol up
to 80 pounds throuqh tho [unqlo ond mountolns. lt wos now obout
10:30 o.m. Wo would hovo to trovol up ovor o [unqlo mountoln to
tho othor sldo. Woll wo collod lt o mountoln, but hllls oro not
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Tho Dlscovor; Choptor 1 Poqo 7
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
consldorod mountolns ln thot oroo untll tho; oro 1,000 loot hlqh. Thls
hlll wos 7 loot hlqh, ond b; tho tlmo wo hod cllmbod to tho top, wo
woro cortoln lt wos o mountoln.
Tho mountoln wos totoll; covorod wlth [unqlo. ln thls oroo, whoro tho
humldlt; ls 100%, ond somotlmos ovon 110%, lt doos not mottor ll lt
rolns or not. Ono ls vor; soon sooklnq wot os tho porsplrotlon connot
ovoporoto. All clothos oro sookod. Thoso who brlnq loothor boots wlll
hovo boots lull ol wotor, bocouso olthor tho roln or tho swoot wlll soon
llll thom. Kooplnq on o;o on whot tho locols woor, l woro onl; tonnls
shoos. Boots ollor somo protoctlon lrom snokos, but tho; bocomo
olmost lmposslblo to uso oltor o short tlmo bocouso tho; oro soon
llllod wlth porsplrotlon. l docldod to [ust bo oxtro corolul ln wotchlnq
lor snokos.
Somo ol tho mon hod to moko sovorol trlps ovor tho mountoln ln
ordor to qot oll ol our suppllos to tho othor sldo. lt took olmost two
comploto do;s ol trovol to orrlvo ot our compslto. Thls qlvos ;ou on
ldoo ol how lor out ln tho [unqlo wo woro. Sovorol do;s lotor whon
two ol our mon como down wlth molorlo, wo woro plont; worrlod.
Wo hod boon ossurod thot thoro wos no molorlo ln thls oroo ol tho
[unqlo ond wo hod not thouqht to brlnq molorlo modlclno olonq wlth
us. l lmmodlotol; sont two mon runnlnq to tho closost mlnlnq comp
hoplnq thot tho; mlqht hovo molorlo druqs. Thot would toko ot loost
two do;s, ond ll tho; hod no molorlo modlclno lt would bo ot loost slx
do;s boloro tho mon roturnod. Wo slmpl; hod to occopt thoso locts
bocouso lt wos tho bost wo could do.
Wo mlqht hovo trlod colllnq o hollcoptor, but wo dldnt hovo o rodlo.
Rodlos dont work ln tho [unqlo on;wo;, oxcopt lor vor; short
dlstoncos. Consldorlnq oll ol tho doto thot l hod loornod obout
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, lt soomod to mo, knowlnq lt klllod pothoqons ln
wotor, thot lt mlqht curo molorlo. l sot down wlth tho mon who hod
molorlo ond oskod thom ll tho; would bo lntorostod ln tr;lnq thls
hoolth drlnk lrom Amorlco. Tho; woro vor; slck ond sullorlnq.
Tho; lold ln tholr hommocks shlvorlnq lrom tho chllls, ond ot tho
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Tho Dlscovor; Choptor 1 Poqo 8
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
somo tlmo wlth hlqh lovor. Tholr s;mptoms lncludod hoodochos,
ochlnq musclos ond [olnts, nousoo, dlorrhoo, ond vomltlnq. Tho;
woro wllllnq to tr; on;thlnq ond tho; sold so.
l qovo thom both o hoolth; doso ol tho stoblllzod ox;qon ln somo
wotor ond tho; dronk lt strolqht down. l thouqht, thots oll l con do
lor now: woll [ust hovo to wolt lor tho runnors to roturn. ln ono hour
tho shlvorlnq hod stoppod. Thot dldnt moon much os tho shlvorlnq
comos ond qoos, but tho; lookod o llttlo bottor. Four hours lotor tho;
woro sottlnq up klddlnq obout how bod tho; hod boon loollnq. Tho;
qot up out ol tholr bunks ond sot down ot tho toblo to oot dlnnor thot
ovonlnq. Tho noxt mornlnq two moro mon hod como down wlth
molorlo. Tho; took tho somo dosos ol Stoblllzod Ox;qon ond tho;
woro loollnq oko; b; noon. Wo oll woro omozod. (Thls ls not tho
wholo stor;, ond Stoblllzod Ox;qon doos not work oll tho tlmo.)
l contlnuod wlth tho qold prospoctlnq. l hod dovolopod o mothod ol
osso;lnq lor qold (thot moons to dotormlno tho omount ol qold thot ls
prosont) thot wos qulto slmplo. l wos oblo to conduct osso;s m;soll
lnstood ol hovlnq to sond m; osso;s oll to o lob somowhoro ond wolt
o couplo ol wooks lor tho onswor. Soon l hod locotod somo qold
doposlts ond wo boqon plonnlnq to put up o qold mlll ln tho [unqlo.
Thls ls not o stor; obout qold, so to moko o lonq stor; short, whllo
puttlnq up o qold mlll ond dolnq lurthor qold prospoctlnq, l dld qulto
o blt ol trovollnq ln tho [unqlo. Whorovor l wont, l trootod pooplo lor
molorlo (ond somotlmos t;phold lovor). Althouqh tho Stoblllzod
Ox;qon workod onl; obout 70% ol tho tlmo, lt wos onouqh to moko
mo qulto lomous ln tho [unqlo.
On tho wo; bock to town durlnq thot llrst trlp lnto tho [unqlo, wo
roochod o mlnlnq oporotlon thot wos shut down lor vocotlon. Thoro
woro o numbor ol mon who woro morol; woltlnq lor tho mlll to stort
up oqoln. Ono ol tho mon wos slttlnq ot o toblo looklnq vor; slck. l
oskod hlm whot wos wronq ond ho sold thot ho wos woltlnq lor o boot
to plck hlm up. Ho sold ho hod t;phold lovor ond molorlo ot tho
somo tlmo. l montlonod m; Stoblllzod Ox;qon whlch l morol; collod
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Tho Dlscovor; Choptor 1 Poqo
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
o hoolth drlnk ond ho sold ho would tr; lt. On m; roturn lrom town
ho como runnlnq out to moot mo. Ho qrobbod m; hond ond pumpod
lt up ond down. Ho told mo thot ho hod qotton bottor wlthln hours
oltor l lolt ond ho dldnt hovo to qo lnto town oltor oll. l lolt hlm wlth
o smoll bottlo ol drops, os l hod dono ln othor plocos ln tho [unqlo.
Thoro woro o numbor ol qood storlos llko thot ono, but unlortunotol;
ot thot tlmo thoro woro o lot ol pooplo lt dld not holp. Stlll, lt wos o
trootmont thot qot much bottor rosults thon tho molorlo modlclnos
usod thoro. Pooplo ln molorlo oroos connot ollord to toko tho molorlo
provontlvo modlclnos os sldo ollocts olwo;s dovolop oltor o tlmo.
Vlsltors con usuoll; onl; ollord to toko molorlo modlclnos lor o short
porlod. Thus, tho locols novor toko tho molorlo provontotlvo
modlclnos. Tho; hovo to dopond upon bolnq curod b; tho stondord
molorlo modlclnos oltor tho; controct molorlo, ond unlortunotol;
molorlo hos dovolopod o roslstonco to thoso modlclnos. Vlsltors con
onl; ollord to toko molorlo modlclnos lor o short porlod. As lt turnod
out, sovorol ol m; ossoclotos woro hospltollzod os o rosult ol tho
molorlo provontlvo modlclnos.
l vlsltod o mlsslonor; cllnlc noor ono ol tho mlnlnq vllloqos ln tho
[unqlo. Tho; hod, os l romombor, lour bods. l ollorod tho hoolth
drlnk to thom, but tho; sold to mo thot molorlo wos o dlsooso vlsltod
upon tho pooplo ol tho [unqlo bocouso ol tholr slnlul sox proctlcos ond
thot tho; dld not bollovo thot God wontod thom to hovo o curo lor
molorlo. Thoro wos nothlnq l could do to chonqo tholr mlnds. l lolt
torrlblo to soo thoso pooplo sullorlnq, but l hod to loovo. l wont
montlon tho rollqlon lnvolvod os l lool thot tho; must hovo chonqod
tholr mlnd obout holplnq molorlo vlctlms b; thls tlmo.
Bock ln Goorqotown l tolophonod o lrlond, Bob Toto, obout tho
Stoblllzod Ox;qon curlnq molorlo. Ho lmmodlotol; llow to Gu;ono.
Wo dlscussod lt ond docldod to soo ll wo could soll tho Stoblllzod
Ox;qon ln Gu;ono. Wo put on od ln tho locol popor stotlnq thot our
solutlon curod molorlo. Thot wos o mlstoko. lmmodlotol; tho locol
tolovlslon stotlon sont roportors ovor to our ploco ond wo woro on TV
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Tho Dlscovor; Choptor 1 Poqo 10
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
tolllnq obout our solutlon. Thon tho rodlo ond nowspopor roportors
orrlvod. Wo woro lomous lor obout throo do;s. Thon tho
qovornmont droppod o bomb on us. Tho mlnlstor ol hoolth collod us
ln lor on lntorvlow. Sho told us thot ll wo sold our solutlon to ono
moro porson thot wo would bo ln tholr prlson ond thot wo wouldnt
llko tholr prlson. l hod soon tho prlson ond l know thot sho wos rlqht.
l tolkod to m; lrlond, tho Flrst Mlnlstor, Mosos Noqomotoo, ono
ovonlnq ond ho oxplolnod to mo thot two druq componlos hod collod
tho Mlnlstor ol Hoolth ond throotonod to qult shlpplnq druqs to tho
locol hospltol ll sho dldnt do somothlnq obout tho porson clolmlnq to
bo oblo to curo molorlo. Ho oxplolnod thot thoro wos nothlnq hls
qovornmont could do ot thls tlmo to holp mo, but ho montlonod thot
ho suqqostod to tho Mlnlstor ol Hoolth thot sho qlvo mo somo lotltudo.
At thot polnt l modo on ovon blqqor mlstoko. Althouqh wo romovod
our od lrom tho nowspopor, l contlnuod to soll tho solutlon to moro
pooplo who noodod lt. M; portnor, Bob Toto, hod olrood; qono
homo, but l wos stlll plonnlnq to do qold mlnlnq ln tho [unqlo. Wo
woro [ust obout rood; wlth our mlnlnq suppllos whon l qot word thot
tho; woro qolnq to chorqo mo wlth o crlmo ond thot lt would bo bottor
ll l woro qono or woro somowhoro olso. l lound thot pooplo ln
Goorqotown oro moro olrold ol tho [unqlo thon oro pooplo lrom Los
Voqos. Tho; soldom choso pooplo ln tho [unqlo. l lmmodlotol; modo
tho trlp up tho rlvor ond tho suppllos lollowod mo o low do;s lotor.
Thls ls tho boslc stor; ol tho dlscovor; thot Stoblllzod Ox;qon
somotlmos curos molorlo, howovor, thot ls onl; tho boqlnnlnq ol m;
stor;. l dld not consldor lt o Mlroclo supplomont, ;ot. l sto;od
uprlvor lor sllqhtl; ovor slx months worklnq on tho qold rocovor; mlll.
Thot port ol tho oporotlon l llnoncod m;soll bocouso Jool Kono wos
vor; slow ln orrlvlnq ond novor provldod oddltlonol mono;. Whon
ho llnoll; orrlvod, oltor ho sow somo ol tho qold thot m; mlll wos
rocovorlnq, ho wontod comploto ownorshlp, ond ollorod mo 3%
lnstood ol tho 20% ln tho controct. Whon l dld not oqroo, ho hod
Mlko tho ownor ol tho lond ond tho droqqors thot Mlko hod hlrod, toor
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Tho Dlscovor; Choptor 1 Poqo 11
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
down m; worklnq mlll ond corr; lt oll lnto tho [unqlo. l know thot`s
whot ho dld, bocouso ho told mo so. Accordlnq to tho controct, ll ho
dld not uso m; tochnoloq; ho dld not nood to qlvo mo 20%. Tho
problom lor hlm wos, thot tho now tochnoloq; thot Mlko, tho
londownor, lmplomontod dldnt work. Thus not onl; dld l loso m;
lnvostmont but ho lost hls os woll. Ho wos o mllllonolro ond rooll;
dldn`t coro, but lt wos o llttlo touqhor on mo.
Whon l como bock to town oltor thoso slx months, oll tho Hoolth
Mlnlst; probloms hod blown ovor ond l lolt lor tho USA. l lost m;
lnvostmont mono;, but l hod tho knowlodqo ol whot tho Stoblllzod
Ox;qon could do ond lt wos vor; oxcltlnq. l no lonqor corod obout
tho qold. l couldnt wolt to qot homo to boqln o tostlnq proqrom to
llnd out wh; tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon onl; workod port ol tho tlmo.
l wont bock to Gu;ono o couplo months lotor whon onothor compon;
hlrod mo to holp thom lmprovo tholr rocovor; ol qold. l wos stlll
worklnq wlth tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon. Ono nlqht l wos coroloss ond
ollowod m;soll to bo bltton hundrods ol tlmos b; mosqultoos. lt
rooll; wosnt plonnod, but whon tho mosqultoos stortod bltlnq, l [ust
lot thom blto. Sovorol do;s lotor l boqon to dovolop molorlo. Tho
vor; llrst s;mptom ls [ust thot ;ou hovo llqht lndlqostlon ot o mool.
lts not vor; pronouncod, onl; o sllqht loollnq ol nousoo thot possos ln
obout 15 mlnutos. You dont lool tho rool nousoo untll tho noxt do;.
Slnco l dld qot slck, l docldod thot l mlqht os woll chock out m; own
modlclno. So l docldod to wolt untll l qot o blood tost ot tho hospltol
ln Goorqotown boloro stortlnq on; trootmont. Thot wos olmost o lotol
mlstoko. Tho bus thot runs lrom thot port ol tho [unqlo to
Goorqotown dld not como ond l know thot olmost olwo;s pooplo who
wolt too lonq lor trootmont ond up dood. l woltod o couplo ol do;s
lor tho bus, but lt dldnt orrlvo ond l wos qottlnq vor; slck. Stlll, l
wontod to moko obsolutol; cortoln, wlth o blood tost, thot l hod
molorlo. l wos qolnq homo soon ond l would not hovo on; chonco to
do lurthor tostlnq ol thls klnd ln tho US.
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Tho Dlscovor; Choptor 1 Poqo 12
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
l dldnt toll on;ono l wos porlormlnq o tost on m;soll. M; omplo;ors,
soolnq how slck l wos, lolt rosponslblo lor qottlnq mo bock to town.
So whon l oqrood to po; lor port ol tho cost lor on olrplono to plck
mo up, tho; oqrood lnstontl;. ln thot port ol tho [unqlo tho; do hovo
o rodlo ond o noorb; londlnq strlp. Tho plono llnoll; como tho noxt
do; (now m; lourth do; ol bolnq slck). l rodo o blc;clo to tho londlnq
strlp. B; thls tlmo l wos vor; slck. Whon l orrlvod ln Goorqotown,
tho; put mo ln o toxl ond took mo strolqht to tho hospltol.
At tho hospltol l woltod sovorol hours lor o blood tost. l wos dollnltol;
showlnq tho molorlo s;mptoms. Tho doctor told mo thot m; blood
tostod posltlvo lor molorlo. l wos on outpotlont, so ho [ust qovo mo o
smoll bottlo ol molorlo pllls. Ol courso, l dld not toko tho pllls: lnstood
l took o lorqo doso ol m; own modlclno. Wlthln hours l wos loollnq
bottor. lt workod lor mo. To top lt oll, l wont bock to tho hospltol
ond hod onothor blood tost tokon thot now showod noqotlvo lor
molorlo. l wos olotod! l wos tho llrst potlont to hovo o blood tost both
boloro ond oltor toklnq tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon. l bollovod l hod
dlscovorod o curo lor molorlo.
l plonnod to loovo Gu;ono rlqht oltor l tostod noqotlvo lor molorlo. l
wos rldlnq m; Hondo motorc;clo thot l bouqht whon l llrst orrlvod ln
Gu;ono oround tho clt;. As l rodo olonq tho stroot l mot on old lrlond
lrom Conodo who wos thoro to do somo dlomond mlnlnq. l stoppod
ond wo shook honds ond sot down ot o sldowolk col to tolk. As wo
woro tolklnq, ho notlcod o lrlond shullllnq olonq tho stroot. Ho collod
out ond tho lrlond como ovor. Wo woro lntroducod ond ho wos
lnvltod to slt down. Ho lookod vor; tlrod ond [ust o llttlo slck. l oskod
hlm whot wos wronq ond ho sold molorlo. Ho sold thot tho druqs thot
tho hospltol wos qlvlnq hlm dldnt soom to bo holplnq much. l sold,
woll, ;ou [ust hopponod to como to tho rlqht ploco.
l oxplolnod whot l hod [ust lound out obout curlnq molorlo ond sold,
ll ;ou wlll wolt [ust sovorol mlnutos l wlll rldo homo ond qot ;ou
somo solutlon to toko. Ho oqrood to wolt. Whon l roturnod, l mlxod
o drlnk ond qovo lt to hlm ln o qloss lurnlshod b; tho sldowolk col
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Tho Dlscovor; Choptor 1 Poqo 13
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
ond qovo lt to hlm to drlnk. Wo contlnuod to tolk. Altor obout holl
on hour ho sold, You know, l lool o llttlo blt bottor. lt must bo m;
lmoqlnotlon. All ln oll, wo sot thoro obout two hours oltor ho took
tho solutlon. ln thot smoll omount ol tlmo oll ol hls s;mptoms woro
qono. l qovo hlm o smoll bottlo ol tho solutlon, ond lotor thot nlqht ho
como to whoro l wos sto;lnq ond qot onothor bottlo lrom mo.
M; plons ot thot tlmo woro to comploto tho rosoorch ond thon turn tho
lnlormotlon ovor to tho world. l wos suro l could qot lt out to tho
world ono wo; or onothor.
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo 1
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Chapter 2
Further Development of the MMS
l orrlvod bock ln tho USA ln tho lost port ol 17
ond movod to Wolkor Loko, Novodo whoro m;
portnor, Bob Toto, hod movod m; portoblo
loborotorlos. Tho plon wos to sot up ond monulocturo m; own
spoclol mlnlnq oqulpmont ln ordor to moko o llvlnq whllo olso
lnvostlqotlnq tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon thot l hod usod ln tho [unqlo.
Unlortunotol;, durlnq m; oxchonqo ol Gu;ono mono; lor Amorlcon
mono; boloro doportlnq Gu;ono, o lorqo sum ol mono; wos stolon
lrom mo os l hod no oxporlonco wlth tho mono; s;stom thoro.
Thoroloro, our lunds lor lnvostlnq ln tho mlnlnq oqulpmont
monulocturlnq buslnoss woro vor; llmltod. l sold m; 40 loot ocoon
qolnq housoboot lor o smoll sum, whlch holpod o lot.
Wo workod our mlnlnq oqulpmont buslnoss lor obout o ;oor but thon
Bob boqon to dovolop tho torrlblo lllnoss known os Lou Gohrlq`s
dlsooso ond wos unoblo to do much work. Tho solos ol tho oqulpmont
boqon to loltor lor mon; roosons. Tho moqozlno ln whlch wo
odvortlsod modo o blq mlstoko wlth our odvortlslnq ond thon rolusod
to qlvo us crodlt lor tho mlstoko, whlch cost us thousonds. Evontuoll;
l ondod up llvlnq on m; Soclol Socurlt; lncomo. Howovor, ot tlmos l
dld qot to do on osso; or two, whlch holpod.
Wlth m; son`s holp lurnlshlnq mo wlth o computor ond uslnq tho
lntornot, l boqon wrltlnq to vorlous pon pols ln Alrlco. Flnoll;, l modo
lrlonds wlth o mon ln Tonzonlo who took pooplo on solorls to tho
Mount Klllmon[oro. Hls nomo wos Mosos Auqustlno. l roollzod thot
ho wos molnl; lntorostod ln moklnq lrlonds wlth pooplo ln Amorlco
bocouso ho hopod to como upon somo klnd ol on opportunlt;. Hod l
boon ln hls shoos l mlqht hovo dono tho somo thlnq. Ho soon oskod
mo lor $40. l roollzod thot to hlm $40 wos o lot ol mono;, ond
octuoll; ot thot tlmo, $40 wos qulto o blt to mo os woll. But slnco l
wontod hlm to tr; tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon on somo molorlo cosos ln
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo 2
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Tonzonlo, l sont hlm tho $40.
Tho $40 pold oll os ho boqon to qlvo m; solutlon to molorlo vlctlms
thot ho know ln hls oroo, occordlnq to m; lnstructlons. Soon pooplo
woro qottlnq woll lost, but oqoln not ovor;ono. Ho hod o doctor
lrlond, whom ho told obout tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon (ot thot tlmo wo
collod lt tho Humblo Hoolth Drlnk). l sont hls doctor lrlond two
bottlos ond l rocolvod on omoll bock lrom tho doctor so;lnq thot ho
couldn`t soo how solt; wotor would holp o molorlo coso. l omollod
hlm bock ond sold, Just tr; lt ond ;ou wlll soo. Woll, tho loct ls ho
dld tr; lt ond ho wos omozod. Ho boqon to troot oll ol hls molorlo
potlonts wlth tho solutlon. Tho problom wos, thoro wosn`t much
molorlo ln thls portlculor oroo. ll thoro hod ol boon os much thoro os
thoro wos ln tho South ol Tonzonlo, ho would hovo trootod hundrods
ol pooplo, ond lt mlqht hovo boon o dllloront stor;, but ho onl; qot o
low cosos ol molorlo ooch wook. l thouqht ;ou mlqht llko to soo tho
two lottors thot tho; sont to mo ot m; roquost. Tho; oro lncludod on
tho noxt two poqos.
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo 3
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo 4
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo 5
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
PIcrure: Mooeo AuguorIno und hIo uI[e ubour ueur 2000.
Mooeo uuo rhe [Iror mun ro cure oomeone In A[rIcu o[ muIurIu
uoIng rhe MMS.
Tho; trootod mon; pooplo oltor thoso lottors woro wrltton ond l dld
qot moro doto concornlnq tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon (Humblo Hoolth

Moonwhllo, l wos worklnq to llnd out whot chomlcol tho Stoblllzod
Ox;qon rooll; wos ond how lt wos modo. l noodod to llnd out wh; lt
wosn`t 100% olloctlvo. l loornod thot Dr. Wllllom F. Koch llrst stortod
worklnq wlth thls solutlon ln Gormon; bock ln 126. Ho usod lt ln
con[unctlon wlth montoll; rotordod chlldron, bocouso ho bollovod thot
tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon producod nontoxlc ox;qon ldontlcol to tho
ox;qon producod b; broothlnq. Dr. Koch usod hls lormulo lor tho
noxt 10 ;oors bollovlnq thot thls lormulo somohow lncroosod ox;qon
to tho broln ol tho rotordod chlldron. Unlortunotol;, thot wos not tho
coso. Tho problom wos thot olthor tho chomlstr; wos not modorn
onouqh lor Dr. Koch to undorstond oxoctl; whot tho lormulo wos
dolnq, or ho [ust dldn`t undorstond chomlstr; woll onouqh.
Tho lormulo lound lts wo; to tho U.S. oround 130. Ovor tho ;oors
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo 6
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
thoso who could llnoll; dlq out tho octuol lormulo boqon to odd lt lnto
vorlous products thlnklnq thot lt wos o lorm ol ox;qon thot tho bod;
could moko uso ol. Rosoorchors concornlnq Stoblllzod Ox;qon slnco
thot tlmo hovo contlnuod to moko tho somo mlstoko. Tho loct ls thot
whot ls now collod ond hos boon collod Stoblllzod Ox;qon lor tho post
80 ;oors contolns no ox;qon thot tho bod; con uso. ln ordor to bo
usolul to tho bod;, ox;qon must bo ox;qon ln lts tho olomontol stoto.
Thot moons no chorqo. ln othor words, ox;qon connot bo on lon lorm
ol ox;qon. Tho ox;qon thot ls ln Stoblllzod Ox;qon ls ox;qon ln on
lonlc lorm wlth o mlnus two chorqo. So;lnq thot tho bod; con uso tho
ox;qon ln Stoblllzod Ox;qon ls llko so;lnq thot tho bod; con uso tho
ox;qon ln corbon dloxldo. Do ;ou soo Corbon dloxldo hos two lons
ol ox;qon wlth tho somo mlnus two chorqos. ll ;ou brootho onl;
corbon dloxldo ;ou wlll dlo. Tho ox;qon ln Stoblllzod Ox;qon morol;
bocomos port ol tho wotor ln tho bod;. Wotor ls modo up ol ox;qon
ond h;droqon ond ln thot condltlon, ox;qon ond h;droqon do not
dostro; on; pothoqons ot oll. l wos lotor omozod to llnd thot sovorol
unlvorsltlos hod olso modo thls somo mlstoko. Ol courso, ot thot polnt
l dld not know on; bottor olthor. l [ust know tho solutlon noodod to bo
Whon ;ou toko o brooth ol olr ;ou oro toklnq mllllons ol ox;qon
otoms lnto ;our lunqs. Whon ;ou brootho out, quoss whot, ;ou oro
broothlnq ox;qon out ln tho lorm ol corbon dloxldo. Tho omount ol
ox;qon qolnq out ls tho somo os tho omount thot como ln. But tho
qolnq out ls corbon dloxldo. You soo, tho dloxldo ls ox;qon, but lt ls
spont ox;qon (so to spook). Tho thlnq thot tho ox;qon doos thot
koops tho bod; ollvo ls lt oxldlzos thlnqs ln tho bod;. Oxldotlon
conslsts ol tho ox;qon otom occoptlnq oloctrons whlch dostro;s
polsons ond noutrollzos chomlcols ond roloosos hoot onorq; ond ln tho
procoss crootos corbon dloxldo or corbon monoxldo or somo othor
comblnotlon. Whon tho ox;qon occopts tho oloctrons, lt ls no lonqor
on ox;qon otom but lt bocomos on ox;qon lon wlth o mlnus two
chorqo. ll lt olrood; hos o mlnus two chorqo, os lt doos ln Stoblllzod
Ox;qon, lt connot oxldlzo on;thlnq ond thus lt ls ol no voluo to tho
bod; os ox;qon.
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo 7
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
So ll lt lsn`t ox;qon thot comos lrom tho so collod Stoblllzod Ox;qon
ond thot kllls tho molorlo poroslto, whot ls lt You know, llndlnq tho
lormulo lor Stoblllzod Ox;qon wos o hord thlnq to do bock ln 18 ll
;ou hod o llmltod knowlodqo ol chomlstr;. Evor;ono who hod tho
lormulo wosn`t tolllnq ond ovon whon tho; sold lt, tho; would not put
tho lnqrodlonts on tho lobol. l dld llnd ono compon; thot qovo
lnstructlons lor uslnq Stoblllzod Ox;qon. Tho; sold thot oltor ;ou put
tho drops lnto o qloss ol wotor lt bocomo unstoblo ond thus ;ou
should novor wolt moro thon ono hour boloro drlnklnq tho mlxturo. l
thouqht thot wos lntorostlnq. So l put 10 drops lnto o qloss ol wotor,
woltod lor obout olqht hours ond thon smollod lt, llko chomlsts olton
do. l thouqht l smollod chlorlno. l roollzod thot ll wotor dld moko tho
Stoblllzod Ox;qon unstoblo, lt wos bocouso tho wotor hod modo lt loss
olkollno (moro noutrol). l hod boon uslnq 10 drops, but b; thot tlmo l
wos qottlnq tho ldoo thot l would hovo to uso moro drops. Altor
oddlnq 20 drops ol Stoblllzod Ox;qon to o qloss ol wotor, l docldod to
odd o llttlo vlnoqor bocouso lt ls o lood thot contolns on ocld collod
ocotlc ocld whlch l know would moko lt loss olkollno thon ovon wotor
would. l woltod lor moro thon 24 hours thls tlmo ond thon l could
dotoct o much stronqor smoll ol chlorlno.
B; thot tlmo m; lrlonds ln Alrlco trustod mo, to somo smoll oxtont, so
tho; woro wllllnq to qlvo lt o tr;. Tho; stortod uslnq tho lmprovod
lormulo ol 20 drops ol tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon ln o lull qloss ol wotor
wlth ono toospoon ol vlnoqor. Altor woltlnq 24 hours tho; thon qovo
lt to sovorol ol thoso who woro not holpod wlth tho orlqlnol llrst doso.
lt workod ln ovor; coso whon tho; usod tho vlnoqor ond woltod 24
To tost m; mlxturo, l bouqht somo chlorlno moosurlnq stlcks usod lor
swlmmlnq pools, ond quoss whot Altor o low hours, tho mlxturo
boqon to moosuro o sllqht omount ol chlorlno ond oltor 24 hours lt
moosurod ot loost 1 ppm (port por mllllon) ol chlorlno. Thot rooll;
wosn`t tho totol onswor, but l wos qottlnq closor. l dldn`t roollzo lt ot
llrst, but tho stlcks woro moosurlnq chlorlno dloxldo.
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo 8
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Noxt l put o lld on tho qloss contolnlnq tho mlxturo, ond lound thot lt
dovolopod tho somo stronqth ol chlorlno ln two hours os lt dld ln 24
hours wlthout tho lld. Thot ls, ol courso, so lonq os l olso usod tho
vlnoqor. Tho rooson wos thot tho chlorlno wos not qolnq oll lnto tho
olr noorl; os lost. l tronsmlttod thls doto to Tonzonlo ond tho; boqon
to uso thls now procoduro. Tho; oddod tho toospoon ol vlnoqor,
usod o lld ond woltod lor two hours boloro qlvlnq lt to tho molorlo
vlctlms. lt workod ovor; tlmo. Tho; woro not hovlnq on; lolluros.
Thls oll sounds oos; now, but l dld moro thon 1,000 dllloront tosts
ovor o porlod ol ono ;oor to llquro out oll thoso slmplo thlnqs. M;
mono; wos vor; llmltod ond swlmmlnq pool tost strlps woro
oxponslvo, os woll os tho vorlous chomlcols thot l noodod to do tho
tostlnq. l must odmlt thot l dldn`t do on;thlnq rooll; smort or brllllont,
l [ust blundorod olonq wlth m; sllqht knowlodqo ol tho chomlstr; ol
motollurq;. Thoro wos olso tho loct thot l wos o rosoorch onqlnoor ln
tho Aorospoco lndustr; lor olmost 25 ;oors. l sot up tosts lor A-bombs
ond thot sort ol thlnq. So l dld hovo somo oxporlonco ot dolnq tosts. l
trlod o dozon or moro oclds ond o hundrod comblnotlons.
Tho two-hour wolt wos oko; lor tho doctor, but lor m; lrlond Mosos
Auqustlno lt wosn`t vor; proctlcol. Ho wos olwo;s on tho movo ond
would run lnto cosos ol molorlo on hls trovols. Ho noodod o mothod
ol qlvlnq pooplo dosos wlthln llvo mlnutos or so, os ho slmpl; could
not wolt two hours oll tho tlmo. Stoblllzod Ox;qon ls stoblo bocouso
ol lts vor; hlqh olkollnlt;. (Thot ls tho opposlto ol ocldlt;.) Whon o
low drops oro oddod to o qloss ol wotor, tho olkollnlt; ol tho drops ls
noutrollzod b; tho wotor ond lons ln tho drops bocomo unstoblo ond
boqln to rolooso chlorlno. At loost thot ls whot l thouqht ot tho tlmo.
So tho quostlon ls, how do wo qot thls to hoppon lostor
Tho rosoorch woltod lor tho purchoso ond tostlnq ol dllloront oclds,
whlch l llnoll; occompllshod. Altor tr;lnq oll tho mlnorol oclds ond
vorlous orqonlc oclds, l lound thot vlnoqor, whlch ls 5% ocotlc ocld,
whlch ls on orqonlc ocld, workod tho bost. Thon l modo o mlnl
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
brookthrouqh whlch wos slmplo. lnstood ol uslnq o qloss ol wotor, l
usod no wotor ot oll. l [ust put 20 drops ol stoblllzod ox;qon ond
toospoon ol vlnoqor ln o cloon, dr;, ompt; qloss. l swlrlod lt oround
to mlx lt. Thot workod, ond lt workod ln onl; throo mlnutos! l
chockod tho mlxturo wlth tho chlorlno strlps ond lt showod o roodlnq
ol ovor 5 ppm (ports por mllllon) ln onl; throo mlnutos` tlmo ond
whon l oddod qloss ol wotor lt dllutod tho mlxturo out to loss thon 1
ppm, but tho tosto wos torrlblo. Tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon mlxturo wlth
wotor doosn`t tosto too bod boloro tho chlorlno ls roloosod, but
oltorwords lt`s prott; bod. Somo pooplo don`t soom to mlnd tho tosto
but most pooplo do, ond chlldron do, ond tho; oro tho moln onos
who wlll nood tho solutlon.
l trlod vorlous [ulcos to soo whlch onos mlqht work tho bost. Thoro
woro two probloms. Flrst l noodod somothlnq thot would tosto oko;,
but l olso noodod somothlnq thot would not chonqo tho omount ol
chlorlno. Altor tr;lnq mon; [ulcos ond tostlnq o lot ol drlnks l sottlod
on [ust ploln old opplo [ulco, tho klnd wlth no vltomln C oddod. l
tronsmlttod thls lnlormotlon to m; lrlonds ln Tonzonlo ond tho; usod
lt lor o low months. Thon somothlnq hopponod ond l novor hoord
lrom thom oqoln. l worr; thot m; lrlond Mosos mo; hovo boon
ln[urod on ono ol hls trlps to Klllmon[oro os ho slmpl; droppod out ol
contoct. Tho doctor oxplolnod to mo thot ho hod not hoord lrom hlm
olthor. Tho doctor olso montlonod thot ho wos qolnq to movo. l
novor hoord lrom olthor ol thom oqoln, olthouqh l sont numorous o-
molls. Tho; qovo mo o qroot dool ol holp ond l mlss tholr o-molls.
You mo; bo wondorlnq ot thls tlmo whot tho lormulo lor Stoblllzod
Ox;qon rooll; ls. l dld llnoll; dlq out tho lormulo lor Stoblllzod
Ox;qon. l om suro thot o lot ol rosoorchors would hovo lound lt ln
hour, but llvlnq on o dosort loko wlth o vor; llmltod lncomo lt took
mo o whllo. An;ono ln tho world con llnd tho doto now-o-do;s, but
lot mo sovo ;ou somo troublo. Tho lormulo ls NoClO
. Tho nomo ls
sodlum chlorlTo. Thot sounds llko solt, but not qulto. Toblo solt ls
NoCl, ond tho nomo ls sodlum chlorlDo. Notlco tho dllloronco ol tho
lost two lottors, or tho socond to tho lost lottor. Ono ls chlorlto, ond
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo 10
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
tho othor ls chlorldo. So lot mo toll ;ou tho rool stor; thot oll tho othor
rosoorchors soom to hovo mlssod.
Lot mo montlon now thot tho chlorlno l smollod wos octuoll; chlorlno
ln tho olr obovo tho solutlon, but thoro wos no chlorlno ln tho
solutlon. l dlscovorod thot whot ls ln tho solutlon ls Chlorlno Dloxldo
whlch ls much dllloront thon chlorlno.
Sodlum chlorlto (Stoblllzod Ox;qon) ls hlqhl; olkollno, thot ls tho
opposlto ol ocld. Whon lt ls noutrollzod lt bocomos unstoblo ond
boqlns to rolooso, not ox;qon, but rothor chlorlno dloxldo. But thot ls
whoro tho ox;qon comos ln. Tho lormulo lor chlorlno dloxldo ls
. Thot`s ono lon ol chlorlno ond two lons ol ox;qon, but tho
bod; connot uso thot ox;qon. lt hos olrood; lost lts oblllt; to oxldlzo.
Tho chlorlno dloxldo lon howovor, ln thls coso, hos o poworlul oblllt;
to oxldlzo. Chlorlno dloxldo ls o poworlul oxploslvo. lt connot bo
contolnod os lt wlll oxplodo ond dostro; tho contolnor. lt ls olwo;s
qonorotod whoro lt ls usod bocouso lt connot bo movod. Evon o
portlclo os smoll os ono lon ol chlorlno dloxldo wlll oxplodo whon lt
hlts tho rlqht thlnq, nomol; o pothoqon ln tho bod; or somo othor
ltom moro ocldlc thon tho bod;.
An oxploslon ls morol; o lost chomlcol rooctlon, rolooslnq onorq;,
whlch ls usuoll; somo klnd ol oxldlzotlon. Whon o chlorlno dloxldo
lon moots o pothoqon lt occopts llvo oloctrons ol chorqo ond
lnstontonoousl; rosults ln on lnstont oxldlzotlon, whlch ls tho
oxploslon. Tho rosult ol thls oxploslon (tho rosult ol thls chomlcol
rooctlon) ls thot tho chlorlno lon ls complotol; noutrollzod. Tho two
ox;qon lons thot woro o port ol tho chlorlno dloxldo lon oro olrood;
noutrol whlch lor ox;qon ls o mlnus 2 stoto. Thot moons thot tho
ox;qon lon connot oxldlzo on;thlnq, lt con onl; bocomo o port ol tho
wotor ln tho bod; but tho bod; connot utlllzo lt lor on; klnd ol
oxldotlon. Tho chlorlno lon bocomos o chlorldo whlch boslcoll; ls [ust
toblo solt whlch hos no portlculor powor olthor. Both tho ox;qon ond
tho chlorlno now do not hovo on; chorqo thot wlll crooto on; klnd ol
oxldotlon. So ;ou soo lt`s tho chlorlno dloxldo lon (tho comblnotlon
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo 11
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
ol chlorlno ond ox;qon) thot doos tho work ond lt ls hundrods ol
tlmos moro poworlul thon ox;qon olono.
Anothor loct ls, thot sovorol doop brooths ol olr wlll suppl; moro
ox;qon to tho humon bod; thon tho stoblllzod ox;qon ls oxpoctod to
suppl;. And slnco tho lormulo wos supposod to produco ox;qon
ldontlcol to tho ox;qon ln tho rosplrotlon procoss, whot would bo tho
polnt to toklnq tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon whon ;ou could [ust toko o
couplo ol oxtro brooths An;wo;, lt`s o moot polnt. Tho loct ls, whot
tho rosoorchors bollovod wos hopponlnq wos not hopponlnq. Tho
ox;qon [ust bocomos o port ol tho wotor ln tho bod; ond/or posslbl;
bocomos port ol o corbon dloxldo lon, but lt connot bo usod b; tho
bod; lor on;thlnq olso.
Chlorlno dloxldo suppllos oloctrons, but lt doos not suppl; ox;qon.
Boslcoll;, tho chlorlno dloxldo lon ls tho oxldlzor, not tho ox;qon.
Chock ;our chomlstr; book. Ox;qon ls not tho onl; oxldlzor. An;
rooctlon ln whlch oloctrons oro tronslorrod ls consldorod oxldotlon. ll
tho rosoorchors thot workod wlth Stoblllzod Ox;qon hod boon oblo to
undorstond modorn chomlstr;, tho; mo; hovo boon much moro
succosslul wlth tholr rosoorch. Thoro ls o lot moro to lt thon thls lnltlol
oxplonotlon ond l lntond to qo ovor lt thorouqhl; os l covor tho stor;
ol tho dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont. lt`s wrltton so
on;ono con undorstond lt.
At thls tlmo l movod o low mllos to tho town ol Mlno, Novodo whoro l
contlnuod wrltlnq omolls to othor pooplo ln Alrlco.
Thlrt; mllos owo; lrom whoro l llvod ln tho town ol Mlno ls tho town
ol Howthorno, Novodo. Thoro l mot J. Androw Nohrlnq, o mon thot
ron o smoll hobb; shop. Ho hod [ust roturnod lrom tho Mo;o Cllnlc
whoro ho hod boon oporotod on lor concor ol tho poncroos. Ho wos
contlnulnq to bo tostod ot o hospltol ln o noorb; clt;. Unlortunotol;,
tho tosts woro stlll posltlvo lor concor. Ho hod boon schodulod lor
oxplorotor; surqor; ln opproxlmotol; 60 do;s ot tho Mo;o cllnlc.
Whllo vlsltlnq o mutuol lrlond, ho hoord mo tolklnq obout m;
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo 12
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
solutlon. Ho oskod mo obout lt ond wondorod ll lt would holp hls
concor. Slnco mon; pooplo hod olrood; trlod Stoblllzod Ox;qon on
concor ond hod whot soomod to bo somo succoss, l bollovod thot tho
oddltlon ol vlnoqor mlqht moko lt much bottor lor concor os lt hod lor
Wo both sold wh; not tr; lt. l hod not ;ot notlcod on; sldo ollocts,
ond lt ls not o druq. So ho boqon toklnq tho solutlon uslnq vlnoqor os
tho octlvotor. Wlthln two wooks hls concor roodlnqs boqon to roduco.
Tho hlqh roodlnq wos 82 (whotovor thot moont). At tho noxt vlslt to
tho hospltol tho roodlnq wos 71. A month lotor tho roodlnq wos 55.
Two months lotor lt wos 2 ond so on untll tho roodlnq wos loss thon
llvo. Tho doctors ot tho hospltol dldn`t know whot hopponod, but os
soon os tho roodlnqs boqon to qo down, tho; concolod tho
oppolntmont ot tho Mo;o cllnlc. Tho; wontod to soo whot mlqht bo
hopponlnq. Whon tho roodlnq roochod throo tho; sold thoro wos no
polnt ln lurthor tostlnq. Thls ls [ust ono ol o numbor ol concor storlos
ln tho post 10 ;oors ln whlch tho concor [ust wont owo; whllo toklnq
tho MMS.
So ot thot tlmo, m; plon wos stlll to qot thls lnlormotlon to tho world
ono wo; or onothor. l dovolopod o plon whoro l would somo ol tho
stor; on tho lntornot to bo dlstrlbutod throuqhout tho world. Tho wo;
l plonnod to do thls wos to hovo tho lnlormotlon ln on o-moll rood; to
sond out to tho world. l wontod lt to bo dlstrlbutod slmllorl; to tho
wo; vlrusos oro olton sont. Whon o porson rocolvod thls MMS
lnlormotlon lt would hovo o tln; proqrom thot would ollow tho porson
who rocolvod lt to oosll; sond lt out to ovor; omoll oddross on hls
computor. But ol courso ho would bo ln totol control. A porson
would onl; hovo to push ono button ond tho comploto lnlormotlon
concornlnq uslnq ond moklnq tho MMS would qo out to ovor; omoll
oddross on hls computor thot ho so doslqnotod.
Do ;ou soo how lost thot could propoqoto ocross tho world lt would
qo lost, but thoro oro dlsodvontoqos. A book ls ovon bottor, bocouso
not noorl; tho omount ol lnlormotlon ln o bookcould bo put lnto o-
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo 13
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
l sold tho ono thlnq thot l hod, o spoclol procoss lor rocovor; ol qold.
l rocolvod $17,000 lor tho procoss. l soorchod oround on tho lntornot
ond llnoll; lound o compon; thot clolmod tho; could dovolop such o
dlstrlbutlon proqrom. l stortod worklnq wlth thom to qot tho proqrom
dono. l pold $5,000 up lront ond sovorol thousond os tho proqrom
proqrossod ond o lorqo sum ot tho ond. Tho proqrom novor workod.
So l novor qot o worklnq proqrom ond l hod spont m; mono;. Just
to bo lolr, lot mo toll ;ou tho nomo ol tho compon; thot rolusod to
lurnlsh mo wlth o worklnq proqrom oltor l qovo thom $14,000. lt wos
Donubo Tochnoloqlos, lnc. ln Soottlo Woshlnqton.
Tho; sold whon l modo tho llnol po;mont tho; would sond mo tho
worklnq proqrom. Tholr llrst proposol to mo wos dotod Aprll 2001.
M; llnol po;mont to thom wos 11 Novombor 2001. Tho proqrom
novor como closo to worklnq. Tho; clolmod lt dld. Tho; olso sold
thot tho proqrom wos llloqol. Tho; would not do on;thlnq moro.
Now, 6 ;oors lotor l llnoll; workod out thls proqrom throuqh whlch
;ou rocolvod thls book, but thlnk ol tho hundrods ol thousonds ol
pooplo thot dldn`t qot to uso tho MMS durlnq thot tlmo.
l know ;ou thlnk thot wlth such o qroot Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont,
phllonthroplsts llko Opro Wlnlro; ond Blll Gotos would stond ln llno
to qlvo mo mono; to corr; out our mlsslon, but not so. lt tokos o
whllo to qot lt llqurod out, but llnoll; ;ou roollzo lt ls oll bosod on
mono;. Opro wonts to know whot ls qolnq to brlnq hor TV proqrom
tho blqqost oudlonco bocouso thot ls whot brlnqs ln tho mono;, ond
Blll Gotos qots no rocoqnltlon lor holplnq tho llttlo qu;. Hls mllllons
qo to tho blq phormocoutlcol loborotorlos whlch ln turn brlnq hlm
poworlul lrlonds throuqhout tho world. To lnvost ln somothlnq thot
works but roducos tho lncomo ol tho phormocoutlcol componlos
would bo unthlnkoblo. Ho sold ovor tho phono ho would not bock us
untll wo hod FDA opprovol. Thot tokos o hundrod mllllon dollors ond
ho know wo would novor hovo thot.
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Furthor Dovolopmont ol tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont Choptor 2 Poqo 14
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
l sont mon; lottors to thoso pooplo ond dozons ol othor orqonlzotlons.
lt wosn`t, lor tho most port, thot tho; wouldn`t bollovo mo. For o
hundrod ;oors tho modlcol pooplo ond tho phormocoutlcol pooplo
wlth tholr bllllons ol dollors hovo stood shouldor to shouldor uslnq tho
lows onoctod b; conqross to hold tho oltornotlvo modlclno pooplo ot
bo;. Tho; hovo modo thom look llko quocks ond chorlotons, but tho
loct ls thot mllllons ol Amorlcons hovo dlscovorod thot tho; oro not.
Dosplto modlcol wornlnqs, ovor; ;oor moro ond moro pooplo
dlscovor onswors ln tho oltornotlvo modlclno oroo ond now lt ls o
sovorol bllllon dollor buslnoss. You con`t posslbl; thlnk thot mllllons
ol Amorlcons oro so stupld thot tho; would prolor quocks ond
chorlotons ll tho; woro not qottlnq rool holp wlth tholr hoolth
And now, slnco tho llrst odltlon ol thls book, tho FDA hos onnouncod
lts lntontlons ol shuttlnq down ot loost 50% ol tho oltornotlvo modlcol
buslnossos. Tho now low onoctod b; conqross qlvos tho FDA tho rlqht
to roqulro thot oll supplomonts bo tostod to provo tholr olllcoc;. Thot
moons thot tho FDA con stop on; supplomont ot on; tlmo ond roqulro
tostlnq. lt could cost up to $100,000,000 lor o slnqlo supplomont.
Whllo moro thon00,000 pooplo dlo lrom druqs ooch ;oor, tho hoolth
lndustr; doos not ovoroqo ono dooth o ;oor. But should somoono
ovon roport bolnq slck lrom o hoolth supplomont tho FDA con ond
doos stop ovor; supplomont ol thot klnd ln tho countr;. ln sovorol
cosos, ovon thouqh nothlnq wos wronq, tho supplomont wos novor
ollowod bock on tho sholvos. Now wlth thls now low, [ust lrom whot
tho; hovo sold tho; oro qolnq to do, lt ls obvlous thot tho FDA
lntonds thot nothlnq but druqs wlll ovontuoll; bo ovolloblo to thoso
who oro slck.
Plooso toll ;our lrlonds obout thls book.
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS..
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, MMS, ond o Controct Choptor 3 Poqo 1
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Chapter 3
Stabilized Oxygen, MMS, and a
As stotod ln tho provlous choptor, l movod to tho
smoll town ol Mlno, Novodo, ln 2001, whoro l
llvod on o qold mllllnq proport; ot no cost. Dlck
Johnson, o lrlond, dld thls to holp mo out wlth m; rosoorch. lt qovo
mo o low oxtro dollors to holp wlth m; rosoorch ond lnvostlqotlon ol
tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon. Durlnq tho llrst ;oor thoro l mot Arnold, o
mon ol mon; tolonts. l hovo chonqod hls nomo, ln thls coso to protoct
tho qullt;, bocouso l om not qolnq to so; vor; mon; qood thlnqs
obout hlm, thouqh l wlll so; o low.
Tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon mlxturo hos boon ronomod sovorol tlmos slnco
l boqon to moko tho solutlon ln m; kltchon. lt ls not oos; to qot tho
chomlcol sodlum chlorlto, but ll ;ou koop ot lt ;ou con qot somo. (l`ll
toll ;ou how to qot lt ln Book ll. lt ls ovolloblo ln mon; chomlcol
suppl; housos.) l boqon moklnq tho solutlon much stronqor thon tho
Stoblllzod Ox;qon thot ls sold on tho morkot. For mon; ;oors
Stoblllzod Ox;qon wos 3.5% sodlum chlorlto. At thls tlmo m;
solutlon, whlch l hovo nomod Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont
(MMS), ls 28% sodlum chlorlto. Thot`s olqht tlmos stronqor thon
roqulor Stoblllzod Ox;qon. Whon l om moklnq trlps lnto tho [unqlo, lt
moons l con corr; olqht tlmos os much hoollnq powor os tho orlqlnol
Stoblllzod Ox;qon lormulo.
Lot mo oxploln whot hos hopponod. Tho rosoorchors ovor tho post 80
;oors hovo dono tholr tosts uslnq lrom 5 to 20 drops, ot tho most, ol
tho 3.5% solutlon. As l stortod trootlnq pooplo lor molorlo ond othor
dlsoosos, whon o low drops dldn`t work, l [ust qovo thom moro. ln oll
tho rosoorch l hovo boon oblo to rood concornlnq Stoblllzod Ox;qon,
no ono lncroosod tho drops bo;ond 25 ond vor; low ovor usod thot
mon;. Whoro dld tho old ldoo qo thot ll 10 drops ls qood, 40 drops
ls 4 tlmos os qood Tho onl; procoutlon thot l took wos thot l olwo;s
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, MMS, ond o Controct Choptor 3 Poqo 2
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
trlod tho hoovlor dosos on m;soll llrst. Gonoroll; l wos doollnq wlth
pooplo who wontod to qot woll, ond tho; oqrood to tr; lt oltor l hod
tostod lt. l dldn`t qo lrom 10 drops ol stoblllzod ox;qon to 120
dlroctl;, but l llnoll; wound up ot 120 drops ond usod o socond 120
drops ono hour lotor. l dld lt o llttlo ot o tlmo untll l lound out whot lt
took to curo o dlsooso. lt ls not o druq, lt ls o mlnorol supplomont,
ond l om on lnvontor, not o doctor. l don`t ovon know whot tho
Hlppocrotlc Ooth so;s: l om not tr;lnq to do whot doctors do. M; [ob
hos boon to lnvont o suro curo lor molorlo ovor slnco l thouqht lt wos
posslblo ond l dld occompllsh thot. ln m; oplnlon, l hovo novor put
on;ono ot rlsk ond l hovo trootod ovor 2,000 pooplo porsonoll;. Ovor
75,000 molorlo cosos hovo boon trootod, mostl; b; pooplo l trolnod.
Tho pooplo trootod woro curod ond no dooths roportod ln tho bunch.
Normoll; ovor 300 dooths could bo oxpoctod. Whon l so; curod, l`m
rolorrlnq to tho loct thot tho; qot up, smllod, put tholr clothos on ond
wont bock to work. Tho; hovo not rolopsod, os lor os wo con toll.
Dld wo do doublo bllnd ond trlplo bllnd tosts No. Tho mono; wos
not ovolloblo. Blll Gotos told us ovor tho phono thot ho would not
holp untll wo woro FDA opprovod. Usuoll;, FDA opprovol costs
mllllons, but thoso pooplo ln Alrlco thot wont bock to work loollnq
qood dldn`t coro ll wo hod FDA opprovol or not. Whon l phonod tho
FDA tho; sold thot ll l wos uslnq lt ln Alrlco tho; hod no so; ovor
thoro so tho; would not commont, but ll l wontod to qot lt opprovod
lor trootmont ol molorlo ln Amorlco, thon thot would bo onothor stor;.
Tho; dldn`t coro ll lt wos not o druq. Tho mlnuto l sold trootmont ol
on; dlsooso, lt thon bocomos o druq ond ;ou must hovo oll ol tho
countloss tosts ond loborotor; ovoluotlons. Thot`s on;whoro lrom
$50,000,000 upwords.
Tho countr; ol Molowl hos occoptod MMS os o mlnorol supplomont
thot con bo qlvon to on;ono, lncludlnq thoso who oro slck. Tho;
hovo shown o blt ol roosonoblo loqlc. lt lsn`t llkol; to hoppon horo ln
tho U.S. whoro tho doctors ond phormocoutlcol componlos hovo
lobblod conqross to tho tuno ol bllllons ol dollors to hovo oll tho lows
wrltton ln tholr lovor ond wrltton to produco mono; lor thom. ln tho
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, MMS, ond o Controct Choptor 3 Poqo 3
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
U.S. ovor; ;oor ovor 00,000 pooplo dlo lrom modlcol druq rolotod
cousos. Howovor, whon ln ono ;oor [ust ono slnqlo porson dlod ln
ono ;oor lrom on omlno ocld lound ln o hoolth lood storo, tho FDA
ordorod oll ol thot omlno ocld to bo romovod lrom oll hoolth lood
storos ln tho U.S. ln splto ol tho loct thot lt hos holpod moro pooplo
thon most druqs, ond now, ;oors lotor, thot omlno ocld ls stlll not
ollowod. Tho druq componlos ond tho FDA oro olwo;s rood; to
pounco on on;thlnq thot mlqht oot lnto tho prollts ol phormocoutlcol
componlos. ln thls portlculor coso thot omlno ocld wos roploclnq o
druq. lt wos costlnq tho druq componlos mono;.
So lonq os ono ls uslnq o mlnorol supplomont ln tho ottompt to moko
pooplo lool bottor, thoro ls no crltlclsm. So lonq os ono ls uslnq o
mlnorol supplomont ottomptlnq to moko pooplo hoolthlor, thoro ls no
crltlclsm, but tho mlnuto ono ottompts to troot somoono lor somo
spoclllc condltlon wlth tho somo supplomont thot hos boon usod lor
80 ;oors, thon thot ls o dllloront stor;. You must bo o doctor, ond ;ou
must do cllnlcol trlols, ond ;ou must hovo 100 mllllon dollors lor
doublo bllnd tosts ond trlplo bllnd tosts, ond dozons ol othor
roqulromonts. No ono ollors to lurnlsh tho mono;: tho; [ust toll ;ou
whot ;ou oro roqulrod to do. How doro ;ou tr; to troot somoono lor
o dlsooso! Thot`s lor doctors ond phormocoutlcol componlos onl;.
Thoro oro mon; pooplo ln Amorlco who roollzo thot druqs onl; troot
tho s;mptoms, ond not tho cousos ol o dlsooso. Wh; would o
compon; ovon bothor to rosoorch trootlnq tho s;mptoms ol o dlsooso
lnstood ol ottomptlnq to llnd o curo lor tho dlsooso Doos on;ono
ovor osk thot quostlon Woll, o lot ol us do, but not tho FDA. Tho
onswor ls thls, so lonq os ;ou oro trootlnq tho s;mptoms, ;ou won`t
curo tho dlsooso ond ;ou con qo on solllnq thot druq untll tho porson
Sovorol woolth; pooplo ollorod to po; lor dlstrlbutlnq tho MMS
throuqhout tho countr; ol Holtl. Tho; wontod to ollmlnoto molorlo ln
Holtl. But whon wo opproochod moro thon 15 cllnlcs thoro, wo lound
thot tho; woro controllod b; doctors ln tho U.S. Tho doctors ln tho
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, MMS, ond o Controct Choptor 3 Poqo 4
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
U.S. woro totoll; dotormlnod thot wo could not qlvo o slnqlo porson
our mlnorol supplomont. Holtl wont wlthout tho supplomont, ond
thousonds stlll hovo molorlo.
ln on; coso, lt onl; tokos 15 drops ol Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont
(MMS) lor tho llrst doso qlvon to o molorlo potlont lollowod on hour
lotor wlth onothor 15 drops. Thls ls bocouso tho MMS ls olqht tlmos
stronqor thon roqulor Stoblllzod Ox;qon. ll ;ou woro uslnq roqulor
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, ;ou would nood 120 drops ot llrst ond thon
onothor 120 drops ln 1 hour oltor thot.
Hos on;ono boon hurt No. Thousonds ol potlonts lotor thoro oro
onl; thousonds ol hopp;, woll pooplo wlth ono clolmlnq on; lostlnq
noqotlvo sldo ollocts. ln octuollt;, thoro oro o low lnstont rooctlons ln
obout ono out ol o hundrod pooplo, but thot`s not sldo ollocts. Tho
rooctlon normoll; losts loss thon 30 mlnutos. Look lt up ln o modlcol
dlctlonor; or on tho lntornot. Sldo ollocts oro tho olloct thot o druq
hos on hoolth; colls thot oro not o port ol tho dlsooso. lnstont
rooctlons oro tho rosult ol tho bod; od[ustlnq bocouso ol tho MMS ls
olloctlnq dlsoosod colls or dlsooso couslnq qorms. Thoro oro no ollocts
on hoolth; colls.
Wo know thot tho MMS (28% sodlum Chlorlto) qonorotos chlorlno
dloxldo (thot`s CLO
) whon mlxod wlth vlnoqor. Tho rooson wh; lt
producos chlorlno dloxldo whon mlxod wlth vlnoqor ls bocouso tho
ocotlc ocld (ln tho vlnoqor) cousos tho solutlon to bo noutrollzod, or
bottor thon thot, cousos lt to bo sllqhtl; ocldlc. Tho MMS solutlon ls
normoll; oxtromol; olkollno. Whon lt ls modo ocotlc, b; oddlnq tho
vlnoqor, lt bocomos sllqhtl; unstoblo ond lt boqlns to rolooso chlorlno
dloxldo. B; moosurlnq tho drops ond tho ocotlc ocld wo know thot lt
crootos obout 3 mq ol chlorlno dloxldo ln opproxlmotol; throo
mlnutos. Thon whon wo odd opplo [ulco (or othor [ulco wlthout
vltomln C) lt dllutos tho solutlon so thot thoro ls obout 1 ppm ol
chlorlno dloxldo ln tho totol opplo [ulco mlxturo. Tho MMS solutlon
contlnuos to qonoroto chlorlno dloxldo, but now ot o much slowor
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, MMS, ond o Controct Choptor 3 Poqo 5
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
About chlorlno dloxldo: Chlorlno ond chlorlno dloxldo hovo boon
usod to purll; wotor ond klll pothoqons ln hospltols ond lor mon;
othor ontlsoptlc usos lor moro thon 100 ;oors. Lotol; chlorlno dloxldo
hos boon usod moro ond moro lroquontl;, ospocloll; to purll; wotor.
lt ls olso outhorlzod b; tho FDA to bo usod to cloon chlckon, bool ond
othor loods. Rosoorch hos provon chlorlno dloxldo to bo much solor
thon chlorlno, os lt ls soloctlvo lor pothoqons whon usod ln wotor ond
lt doos not crooto compounds lrom othor constltuonts ln tho wotor,
whlch chlorlno doos. Slmplo chomlstr; tolls us thot wlthout doubt tho
somo sltuotlon oxlsts ln tho bod;. lt hos boon provon thot chlorlno ln
drlnklnq wotor crootos ot loost throo dllloront corclnoqonlc compounds
whon lt ontors tho bod;, but no such compounds hovo boon lound
lrom chlorlno dloxldo. Tho Amorlcon Soclot; ol Anol;tlcol Chomlsts
stotod ln 1 thot chlorlno dloxldo wos tho most poworlul pothoqon
klllor known to mon.
ll thls ls tho coso, ond lt ls, thon ;ou would hovo thouqht thot tho
phormocoutlcol componlos would hovo sold to thomsolvos, Hmm, ll
chlorlno dloxldo ls such o poworlul klllor ol boctorlo, vlrusos, ond
othor qorms, ond slnco lt ls usod to klll vlrusos on lood throuqhout
thot lndustr;, mo;bo, [ust mo;bo lt could bo usod to klll thoso thlnqs
ln tho humon bod;. But no, tho; wontod o druq thot mokos ;ou
lool o llttlo blt bottor ond con bo sold ovor ond ovor oqoln. No polnt
ln uslnq somothlnq thot`s qolnq to curo somoono on tho llrst doso.
Phormocoutlcol componlos should hovo dlscovorod lt 100 ;oors oqo,
but tho; dldn`t. You mlqht so; thot ls [ust m; oplnlon, m; truth, but l
om qolnq to hovo to coll lt o loct bocouso lt ls such on obvlous truth.
Thoro ls no oxcuso wh; rosoorch hos not boon conductod wlth o
solutlon thot hos boon usod lor 100 ;oors to klll dlsooso couslnq
qorms. Tho phormocoutlcol componlos not onl; dldn`t do tho
rosoorch, but tho; octuoll; rolusod to tost tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon mon;
So whot hoppons whon ;ou put Stoblllzod Ox;qon ln tho bod; lt
llrst qoos down lnto tho stomoch ot llrst. Thoro oro dozons ol rosoorch
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, MMS, ond o Controct Choptor 3 Poqo 6
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
popors whlch stoto thot whon lt comos ln contoct wlth stronq stomoch
oclds thot lt brooks down lnto ox;qon lmmodlotol;. Tho; hovon`t,
howovor, stotod tho tosts thot provo thls h;pothosls. l usod stomoch
oclds ln o tost qloss ond thot rosult novor hopponod. Evon whon l
trlplod tho stronqth ol tho ocld ln tho qloss to throo tlmos whot would
normoll; bo lound ln tho stomoch, lt novor broko tho sodlum chlorlto
down lmmodlotol;. ln loct, lt novor lncroosod tho spood ol
productlon ol chlorlno dloxldo bo;ond mo;bo 100th ol o mllllqrom
por hour, ln othor words, proctlcoll; nothlnq. And, ol courso,
crootlnq chlorlno dloxldo ond sodlum (tln; lnslqnlllcont omounts ol
sodlum) ls oll thot con hoppon whon tho sodlum chlorlto doos brook
down. Thoro lsn`t on;thlnq olso lolt. Thot ls oll thot`s thoro. Tho
chlorlno dloxldo oxplodos whon touchlnq vorlous ltoms ol lowor
ocldlt; thon tho bod; b; occoptlnq lour oloctrons wlth tromondous
onorq; ond lt wlll olmost olwo;s bo thlnqs thot oro bod lor tho bod;.
Othorwlso, lt slmpl; bouncos oll tho hoolth; colls. Thoro ls moro
obout thls lotor ln tho book: soo choptor 14. Aqoln, chlorlno dloxldo
ls tho oxldlzor horo, not ox;qon.
Wlthout tho uso ol vlnoqor, or lomon, or llmo or cltrlc ocld, tln;
omounts ol chlorlno dloxldo ls oll thot wlll bo producod. An; bonollt
lrom tho Stoblllzod Ox;qon hos to bo dorlvod lrom tho tln; omount ol
chlorlno dloxldo bocouso thoro ls nothlnq olso oxcopt on lnslqnlllcont
omount ol sodlum. Bocouso thoro wos lndood somo bonollt lrom
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, wo know thot tho chlorlno dloxldo wos dolnq lt.
Tho ox;qon thot ls llnoll; roloosod b; tho chlorlno dloxldo ls not
usooblo b; tho bod;. Bocouso oll Stoblllzod Ox;qon sold on tho
morkot todo; ls o solutlon ol sodlum chlorlto, thoro oro no oloctrol;tos
ol usoblo ox;qon to bo dorlvod lrom Stoblllzod Ox;qon.
Wlth tho oddltlon ol vlnoqor, tho condltlons chonqo drostlcoll;. At
llrst, wlth tho 20 drops ond to toospoon ol lull stronqth vlnoqor,
tho bod; rocolvos o doso ol obout 3 mllllqroms ol chlorlno dloxldo ln
tho mlxturo whon tho opplo [ulco thot hos boon oddod to tho doso.
Tho solutlon thon contlnuos to qonoroto chlorlno dloxldo lor tho noxt
12 hours wlthln tho bod;.
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, MMS, ond o Controct Choptor 3 Poqo 7
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Tho rod blood colls thot normoll; corr; ox;qon throuqhout tho bod;
hovo no mochonlsm to dlllorontloto botwoon chlorlno dloxldo ond
ox;qon. Thus ln tho wolls ol tho stomoch whoro tho blood plcks up
nutrlonts ol vorlous klnds, whon o chlorlno dloxldo lon touchos o rod
blood coll lt ls occoptod. ll thoro hoppons to bo o molorlo poroslto
prosont lt wlll bo dostro;od ond, tho chlorlno dloxldo wlll bo
dostro;od os woll. ll thoro oro no porosltos prosont, tho chlorlno
dloxldo wlll bo corrlod b; tho rod blood coll to somo polnt ln tho bod;
whoro ox;qon would normoll; bo usod to oxldlzo polsons ond othor
bod thlnqs, ond thoro tho chlorlno dloxldo ls roloosod. Tho chlorlno
dloxldo hos ovor o hundrod tlmos moro onorq; to do tho somo thlnq
thot tho ox;qon would do but lt stlll won`t hurt on; hoolth; colls,
moro thon llkol; bocouso tho lmmuno s;stom hos tho chlorlno dloxldo
undor control.
ThIo Io rhe poInr uhere l IIke ro compure rhe chIorIne
dIoIde Ion ro u good TuomunIun deoII und rhe dIoeuoe germo
ure rhe bud TerrorIoro. The TuomunIun deoII Io u omuII [eIIou,
bur Io knoun [or hou [erocIouo he Io. The red bIood ceII Io
rhe buo rhur currIeo ougen, und rhe conducror doeon'r cure,
he uIII uIoo curru rhe TuomunIun deoII. Tuz, rhe chIorIne
dIoIde, Io Ier o[[ bu rhe red bIood ceII ur upproImureIu rhe
oume opor rhur ougen uouId normuIIu be Ier o[[. The
rerrorIoro ure nor eoen uorrIed. Theu cun hundIe Mr.
Ougen. ur rhIo rIme rhere Io u ourprIoe. The guu rhur gero
o[[ rhe buo Io [erocIouo. He'o much uoroe rhun rhe ougen
rhur normuIIu gero o[[. He jumpo our und kIIIo eoeru oIngIe
rerrorIor rhur Io preoenr rhur Io hurm[uI ro rhe bodu. So uhen
rhe red bIood ceII buo urrIoeo, MEET TAZ.
ll tho chlorlno dloxldo doos not hlt on;thlnq thot con sot lt oll, lt wlll
boqln to dotorloroto ond thus qoln on oloctron or two. Thls mo; ollow
lt to comblno wlth othor substoncos crootlnq o vor; lmportont
substonco thot tho lmmuno s;stom utlllzos to moko h;pochlorous
ocld. H;pochlorous ocld ls probobl; tho most lmportont ocld ol tho
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, MMS, ond o Controct Choptor 3 Poqo 8
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
lmmuno s;stom. lt kllls pothoqons, klllor colls, ovon concorous colls
wlth thls ocld. Whon tho bod; hos o dollclonc; ln tho lmportont
substonco, lrom whlch tho lmmuno s;stom crootos tho h;pochlorous
ocld, lt ls collod m;oloporoxldoso dollclonc;. Mon; pooplo oro
ollllctod wlth thls dollclonc; ond tho dollclonc; mo; lncrooso durlnq
dlsoosod sltuotlons, bocouso tho lmmuno s;stom noods o qroot dool
moro ol thls ocld whon o dlsooso ls prosont.
Thoro oro somo supposltlons horo. ln on; coso wo dollnltol; know
thot chlorlno dloxldo ls modo ln tho bod; lrom sodlum chlorlto ond lt
thon kllls tho holl out ol dlsoosos. Thoro ls ono othor lunctlon thot tho
chlorlno dloxldo doos ln tho bod;. lt tonds to noutrollzo polsons.
Almost oll substoncos thot oro polsonous to tho bod; oro, to somo
oxtont, ocotlc ln noturo or bolow tho noutrollt; ol tho bod;. Tho
chlorlno dloxldo wlll noutrollzo mon; ol thoso polsons. Wo bollovo
thot con bo tho onl; oxplonotlon wh; o molorlo potlont olton qoos
lrom totoll; slck to totoll; woll ln loss thon lour hours. Tho polsons
thot molorlo qonorotos oro noutrollzod b; tho chlorlno dloxldo ot tho
somo tlmo tho porosltos oro klllod. l dosod o doq thot wos bltton b; o
rottlosnoko. l qovo hlm o drlnk ol tho solutlon ovor; hour. Tho
doq soomod to know lt would holp hlm ond ho dronk lt rlqht down
ooch tlmo l qovo lt to hlm. Ho wos oko; ln o low hours, whlch would
lndlcoto thot tho polson wos probobl; noutrollzod b; tho chlorlno
Whllo l wos llvlnq ln Mlno, Novodo l wos llnoll; oblo to ordor tho llrst
wholo drum ol 100 pounds ol sodlum chlorlto. Actuoll;, tho somo
lrlond thot holpod mo b; provldlnq o ploco lor mo to sto; ln Mlno
bouqht tho llrst 100 pound drum ol sodlum chlorlto. Ho droppod b;
ond took o low pounds to koop lor hlmsoll os thot would onsuro thot
ho would novor bo wlthout lt. For tho rocord, hls nomo ls Rlchord
Johnson. l boqon to troot somo pooplo horo ln town ond somo
pooplo boqon to bu; tho solutlon thot l bottlod horo ln m; kltchon.
Thoro oro o numbor ol pooplo horo ln town thot now hos boon uslnq
tho MMS lor sovorol ;oors. l hovo sont bottlos oll ovor tho world ond
mon; pooplo hovo usod lt to troot concor ond ovor; othor dlsooso thot
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, MMS, ond o Controct Choptor 3 Poqo
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
;ou con thlnk ol thot would bo cousod b; boctorlo, vlrusos, molds,
;oost or on; othor pothoqon
Evontuoll;, os montlonod provlousl;, l wos opproochod b; Arnold, o
buslnossmon who llvod ln Rono ond who olso ownod o nonworklnq
qold mlll horo ln Mlno. Ho oskod mo to do somo qold osso;s. Wo
boqon tolklnq ond whon l montlonod thot l hod o curo lor molorlo ho
wos oxtromol; lmprossod. Wo tolkod sovorol tlmos ond ln tlmo wo
llnoll; slqnod o controct. ln tho controct ho oqrood to llnonco moklnq
tho MMS ovolloblo throuqhout tho world. Ho wontod to put up on
lntornot slto ln Budopost ond soll MMS to tho world lrom Budopost. l
lound hlm to bo llko mon; othor woolth; mon who thlnk MMS ls
qroot. Tho; wont to qot othors to lnvost mono;, but tho; don`t wont
to lnvost on; thomsolvos. Ho boqon tolklnq to numorous pooplo obout
tho MMS ond wos oblo to lntorost mon; qroups whlch woro
humonltorlon. Ho collod mo ond told mo obout ooch now qroup
thot ho wos tolklnq to concornlnq lnvostlnq ln tho curo lor molorlo ln
Arnold ls o qroot humonltorlon. Ho works to holp tho homoloss ln
Rono. Ho olwo;s stops to holp on;ono who mlqht bo brokon down
on tho hlqhwo;. Ho suppllos o trucklood ol clothos ond othor ltoms
to on orphonoqo ln Moxlco ooch ;oor. Mon; tlmos whon homoloss or
pooplo down on tholr luck orrlvo ln Mlno ho wlll olthor qlvo thom o
[ob hlmsoll or somohow qot thom o [ob wlth somoono olso horo ln
town. Ho olso holps out ot vorlous plocos ln Rono lncludlnq
dlstrlbutlnq mools to tho homoloss ot Chrlstmostlmo. Ho hos boon
qulto holplul to mo ln mon; wo;s ond hos workod toword qottlnq tho
MMS dlstrlbutod ln Alrlco lor tho lost 6 ;oors.
Tho problom wos ho novor kopt on; ol tho oqroomonts ln tho controct
l modo wlth hlm. lnstood, ho kopt llndlnq pooplo who would
potontloll; llnonco tho MMS dlstrlbutlon ln Alrlco to curo molorlo
vlctlms. Wo woro olwo;s [ust wooks or months owo; lrom qottlnq tho
mono; to dlstrlbuto tho MMS ln Alrlco or to qot tho mono; to conduct
cllnlcol trlols to provo to tho world thot lt works.
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, MMS, ond o Controct Choptor 3 Poqo 10
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Arnold boqon to uso tho MMS to troot pooplo, os ho ls vor;
composslonoto toword pooplo who oro slck. Ho porsonoll; qovo MMS
to mon; pooplo oltor ovorsoolnq thot tho; know how to uso lt
corroctl;. Ho lound votorons who hod molorlo thot kopt comlnq bock
ond provldod MMS lor thom. Thot wos ono wo; thot ho provod, to
hlmsoll thot lt workod. Howovor, l boqon to soo thot ho would not lot
mo tolk to on; ol tho qroups thot ho hod lntorostod ln holplnq to
llnonco tho dlstrlbutlon ol MMS to tho world. l don`t know whot hls
roosonlnq wos, but lt sooms ho ls not os olloctlvo doollnq wlth pooplo
os ho thlnks ho ls. Group oltor qroup lost lntorost ln tho MMS ond
slmpl; dld not contlnuo wlth hlm ond hls ldoos. Group oltor qroup or
porson oltor porson como ond wont owo;.
Llvlnq out horo ln tho dosort, l novor qot to tolk to on; ol thoso pooplo
or qroups. l wos olwo;s told obout tho pooplo or tho qroups, but
novor ollowod to tolk to thom. Evon whon l oskod to bo ollowod to
tolk to thoso pooplo Arnold would not dlscuss lt. Thls contlnuod lor
llvo ;oors ond ho modo mon; mlstokos, such os, hlrlnq o ;ounq kld to
do our wob slto, who thon suod us whon wo lnslstod thot tho wob slto
bo dono tho wo; wo wontod. Tho kld took us to court ond olso sont
lottors to qovornmont oqonclos so;lnq thot wo woro crookod ond our
MMS solutlon wos o loko. Thoso lottors provontod us lrom qottlnq o
lottor lrom tho lRS stotlnq thot wo woro o nonprollt qroup. At tho
wrltlnq ol thls book (10/1/2006), now 5 ;oors bo;ond tho tlmo ho
wos supposod to qot tho Wob Slto dono, 10/1/2006 ond thousonds ol
dollors lotor, wo stlll don`t hovo o Wob Slto. Four oddltlonol pooplo
thot hovo boon hlrod hovo oll bombod out ond took our mono; ond
producod nothlnq. Hod l boon oblo to uso somo ol thls mono; thot
wos lost l could hovo complotod cllnlcol trlols ln Kon;o. Arnold olso
hlrod o qront wrltor, who olso boqon to work oqolnst us. Arnold wos
vor; bod wlth pooplo whllo olwo;s thlnklnq thot ho wos ospocloll;
qood. l montlon thls noqotlvo stull onl; to polnt out wh; l hod to
wrlto thls book. lt`s port ol tho stor;, ond qottlnq tho lnlormotlon to
tho world ls ond hos boon m; purposo.
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Stoblllzod Ox;qon, MMS, ond o Controct Choptor 3 Poqo 11
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
l should roolllrm thot l do not thlnk thot Arnold ls not o bod qu;. But
l llnoll; roollzod thot ll l sto;od wlth hlm lt would hovo to bo hls wo;
or nothlnq. ll l wontod to qot thls lnlormotlon to tho world l hod to
loovo thot portnorshlp. lt wosn`t hopponlnq Arnold`s wo; ond ho
would not ollow on; othor wo;. Thus l hod to qot owo; whoro l
could do lt tho wo; l know lt would work.
Tho ;oor ot thls tlmo wos 2006 ond l could no lonqor [ustll; kooplnq
thls lnlormotlon lrom tho world. Thoro woro ond oro mllllons ol
pooplo who nood tho MMS. How could wo ollow thoso to dlo who
could bo sovod Tho onswor lor mo ot thot tlmo wos, l could not. So
l pockod m; boqs ond lolt obout mld ;oor 2006. But l om qottlnq
ohood ol m; stor;. Thoro woro sovorol othor lmportont ovonts thot
took ploco boloro l lolt.
Soo Choptor 8, poqo 15 lor doto on obtolnlnq MMS.
Dr. Mosos Flomo Sr. on Alrlcon Horb Doctor Choptor 4 Poqo 1
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
Chapter 4
Dr. Flomo
l slqnod tho controct wlth Arnold ln 2001. Arnold
tolkod to numorous pooplo concornlnq tho MMS
(whlch wo collod OS-82) obout trootlnq ond curlnq
tho pooplo ol molorlo ln Alrlco. Ho olwo;s hod somoono thot ho
bollovod mlqht holp provldo us wlth lunds, so thot wo could llrst
provo tho tho MMS workod ond thon wo could osk tho world to holp
us curo Alrlco. l romolnod ln Mlno, Novodo, contlnulnq to wrlto
omolls to pooplo ln Alrlco, mon; who dldn`t bollovo mo ond somo
who ovon oskod mo to not wrlto thom oqoln.
Somowhoro oround Jul; ol 2003, m;
omolls to Alrlco pold oll. l llnoll; qot ln
touch wlth o doctor ln Gulnoo, Wost
Alrlco. Hls nomo wos Dr. Mosos Flomo Sr.
l boqon tolllnq hlm ol tho rosults thot wo
hod obtolnod ln Tonzonlo. Ho wos
lntorostod. l sont hlm o bottlo ol tho MMS
ond ho trlod lt on o slnqlo molorlo potlont
who wos woll ln onl; hours. Ho
lmmodlotol; wont to tho olllco ol tho
Mlnlstr; ol Hoolth. Dr. Gom; wos tho
Doput; Mlnlstor ol Hoolth ot thot tlmo ln
ThIo pIcrure ohouo Dr. Mooeo FIomo Sr.
Dr. Flomo wos oblo to dool wlth ono ol tho doctors ln tho olllco ol tho
Mlnlstr; ol Hoolth who thon outhorlzod hlm to tost 25 pooplo. Ho
wos to tost thoso 25 pooplo wlthout chorqo ond onl; ll tho MMS
workod could ho thon boqln chorqlnq pooplo lor tho MMS os o
trootmont lor molorlo.
Dr. Flomo put a large sign outside his clinic which said, Free treatment
for malaria. Within hours he had more than 25 people signed up and he
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Dr. Mosos Flomo Sr. on Alrlcon Horb Doctor Choptor 4 Poqo 2
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
treated them the same day. He had them agree to come back the next
day for testing. The next day all the people who returned were malaria
free. He began treating people for malaria for 5,000 fg (75 cents US) on
October 1, 2003.
People started lining up outside of his office. He continued treating
people for a few weeks. Unfortunately, Dr. Flomo couldnt really see the
value of the MMS. He believed that he could make a lot of money from
selling herb formulas in capsule form. The malaria thing was only
something that he was doing to get me to help him with the herbs. I
agreed to help him as long as he was working with malaria. He wanted
me to send him some empty capsules, and some herb books, and a
capsule filling machine, and other supplies. When I sent his package
containing some books and a small semi automatic capsule machine, his
post office held it. He got so upset with them that he closed his clinic. It
didnt make a lot of sense to me, except he wasnt from Guinea and he
thought that was the reason he was being treating badly.
We later found that the postmaster had taken the package and put it on
his desk. The next day he took sick and the package remained on his
desk for two weeks. An accident happened and the package was
essentially destroyed by rain.
Dr. Flomo decided to go out to an America Bauxite company, the biggest
one in that part of the world. He knew one of the doctors in the company
clinic. So he took some MMS to the doctor and explained how it
worked. They began treating workers who had malaria with the MMS.
In all they treated about 2,000 people. At that time they reduced
absenteeism by over 50%. Dr. Flomo began negotiating with them to
sell them 150 bottles of MMS for $60,000 US money. Thats $400 U.S.
per bottle. I had never intended to sell the bottles for more than $26 US,
but Flomo insisted that we could use the money to set up a clinic. Since
we had never settled on an exact price, I said okay. After all, that was
still somewhat less than $1 U.S. per treatment.
At that time, Arnold didnt have complete control of the Malaria
Solution. He hadnt yet figured out how to get complete control. I still
had some say in how things were handled. Later, Arnold said that the
people that were putting up the money wanted him to have complete
control. At this time I was able to allow Dr. Flomo to sell the MMS.
Later I was not allowed to do such things.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Dr. Mosos Flomo Sr. on Alrlcon Horb Doctor Choptor 4 Poqo 3
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
There were some glitches to the Bauxite Company transaction, and quite
a bit of time passed. I determined the main problem was that Dr. Flomo
was making trips elsewhere
working on the herb plan
that he had. It was quite an
extensive plan. He planned
to have many acres planted
with various different
herbs. Dr. Flomo would
not allow me to talk to the
doctors at the Bauxite
clinic. We had to go
through him and he was busy elsewhere.
This is a picture of Dr. Flomos herb clinic.
I decided to tell Arnold about the possible sales. That was a mistake.
Arnold then tried to call the clinic at the America Bauxite Company, but
he couldnt get the right phone number. Then he got in touch with the
U.S. Company that owned the Bauxite Company and got the phone
number of the president of the America Bauxite company in Guinea.
The president said that he would not use our MMS (OS-82) until some
university had published a paper stating that they had tested the MMS
and that it worked. That ended the $60,000 sale of bottles to the Bauxite
company clinic, as the doctors there were informed that they could not
use the MMS. Had we not tried to go through the front office, the doctors
in the back would have continued to use the MMS. (This was a flub by
Arnold. I didnt want to stir things up in the front office of the American
Bauxite Company as I realized that things were delicately balanced.) If
they had already been using the MMS for six months and the
absenteeism had been reduced 50% during that time, no one would have
said stop. As it was, the front office was never informed that they had
already treated 2,000 people.
I continued to work with Dr. Flomo and sent him 10,000 empty capsules
and a number of small capsule machines that could be use to fill the
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Dr. Mosos Flomo Sr. on Alrlcon Horb Doctor Choptor 4 Poqo 4
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
capsules. He never really got anything more going with the malaria.
Guinea is full of malaria. If he had continued to treat people for 75 cents
each (a figure people there can afford) he would have become rich in that
area. He would have been the best known doctor in that part of the
world. He chose to continue to try to sell herbs, which never did work.
We would have furnished unlimited quantities of MMS to Dr. Flomo and
he could have changed a whole country, but he just had to try to sell his
Picture: Dr. Flomo and a local herbalist preparing herbal formulas.
If you read chapter 18 you can see his mistake. He was so focused on
his own goals, he simply couldnt adjust his vision to see a bigger
picture. He wasnt interested in helping the people of that country; he
was only interested in making money. He lived in his own world. Still,
over 2000 people were cured of malaria as a result of Dr. Flomos
MMS is available for your purchase immediately. See the last paragraph
of Chapter 8. I have no financial interest in the company that sells it. I
just thought you might like to try it before you make a hundred bottles.
Chapter 17 explains how to make a hundred bottles.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 1
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Chapter 5
Kenya East Africa
Arnold [ust hopponod to know tho hood mon ol
tho mlsslonor; qroup collod tho Folth Chrlstlon
Followshlp lntornotlonol or FCF lnt. Wo hod
docldod sovorol months boloro thot wo should chorqo $5 por doso ol
MMS. lt dldnt mottor thot Alrlcons couldnt ollord thot omount, wo
woro plonnlnq on qottlnq tho mono; lrom ono ol tho humonltorlon
sourcos, but thot stlll wosnt qolnq on;whoro. Flnoll; lt occurrod to
mo thot wlth o $5 cost wo could ollor to moko o lorqo donotlon to
FCF lnt. l told Arnold ond ho thouqht lt wos o volld ldoo.
Arnold ollorod to qlvo thom $200,000 worth ol tho MMS
ll tho; would lurnlsh tho mono; to sond mo to tholr
mlsslons to troln tholr pooplo how to uso tho OS-82
(Thot`s whot wo woro colllnq MMS ot tho tlmo). Tho
nomo hos chonqod o numbor ol tlmos. Slnco wo hod put
tho prlco ol o doso ot $5, wo could moko $200,000
worth lor obout $50. Lot mo [ust montlon horo thot lt
wos m; ldoo. Out horo ln tho dosort, tho 2,000 pooplo
trootod ln Gulnoo, tho 5,000 pooplo trootod ln Slorro
Loono, ond tho 75,000 pooplo trootod ln Uqondo ond
Kon;o hovo oll boon tho dlroct rosult ol m; ldoos. Yos,
Arnold holpod, but ho dldnt como up wlth tho ldoos nor
dld ho contoct tho pooplo ln Gulnoo or Slorro Loono. l
dld lt wlthout on; llnonclnq lrom Arnold. And stlll
ovor;thlnq hod to bo dono hls wo;, bocouso ol courso,
tho donors oll wontod lt dono hls wo;. (Thots whot ho
olwo;s told mo.) l wouldnt hovo mlndod dolnq lt hls
wo; ll lt wos octuoll; qottlnq dono, but lt wosn`t.
Tho ollor lmprossod thom ond tho; docldod to qo ohood ond sond
mo to both Kon;o ond Uqondo. For somo rooson, os usuol Arnold
novor ollowod mo to tolk to tho hood ol tho FCF mlsslonor; qroup
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 2
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
nor on; ol tho othor pooplo who mlqht hovo holpod to llnonco our
trlps to Alrlco. Howovor, ho hod to sond mo to Alrlco os ho wos not
quollllod to dlsponso tho MMS ond ho know lt. But ho wos obsolutol;
odomont thot thlnqs must bo run hls wo; ond thlnqs woro olwo;s run
hls wo;. Thot, ol courso, ls wh; l om wrltlnq thls book. Flvo ;oors
hos possod ond ln m; oplnlon wo hovo qotton nowhoro ln rolotlon to
whoro wo should bo. Arnold trlos, but ho hos modo mon; mlstokos.
Thls oll hopponod ln 2003. FCF lnt. llnoll; sont mo ln 2004. l
bottlod hundrods ol tho bottlos ol MMS ln m; kltchon uslnq
kltchonworo ond o vor; occuroto loborotor; scolo. ln loct, to thls doto
10/1/2006 tho onl; porson who hos bottlod tho MMS ls mo ond l
hovo bottlod mon; hundrods ol bottlos wlth 650 dosos por bottlo. lt
odds up to woll ovor mllllon dosos. At tho wrltlnq ol thls 2
thoro oro moro thon 4 monulocturors
moklnq tho MMS. Tho bottlos thot wo
llnoll; docldod upon woro toll dork qroon
lour ounco bottlos wlth o droppor top so
thot drops could bo dlsponsod lrom tho
bottlo os lonq os thoro wos o solutlon
lnsldo. l wos roosonobl; suro thot no
othor slmllor bottlos would bo prosont ln
Alrlco ond l wos corroct. A bottlo wlth tho
molorlo solutlon could bo rocoqnlzod o
block owo;, os nothlnq olso wos slmllor.
So lor tho othor pooplo oro stlll uslnq tho
somo qroon bottlo bouqht lrom o
compon; ln Now York. Tho compon;`s
nomo ond oddross ls qlvon ln Choptor 17.
Dr. Opondo uIrh borrIeo o[ MMS on rhe rubIe.
l orrlvod ln Kokomoqo Kon;o on Jonuor; 31, 2004. l wos mot ot tho
olrport b; lour pooplo who ooch qovo mo o huq. Thoro wos Jovon
Ommonl tho hood mlnlstor ol tho mlsslon thoro, Glodls A;uqu,
Hozron Jumo tho socond ln commond ot tho mlsslon, ond llnoll;
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 3
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Bootlc lodocho. Tho; woro vor; qlod to soo mo ond tho; woro vor;
qroclous. l wos drlvon to tho Mlsslon whoro tho; hod o vor; nlco
room llxod wlth mosqulto nottlnq ond ovor;thlnq thot l would nood.
Doctor lsooc Opondo como to soo mo thot ovonlnq, os ho wos
rosponslblo lor tho mlsslon hospltol ond ho hod boon told thot l wos
qolnq to bo qlvlnq
trootmonts to curo molorlo
potlonts. Ho wos worrlod.
Ho rooll; noodod to know
whot l wos qolnq to bo
qlvlnq thom. l roollzod thot
ll ho dldnt llko mo or tho
MMS thot ho could shut
ovor;thlnq down ond
nothlnq would hoppon. l
would slmpl; bo qolnq bock
homo wlth nothlnq occompllshod. So l boqon to oxploln oxoctl;
whot tho MMS wos ond how lt workod. Ho undorstood chlorlno
dloxldo bocouso hls sclontlllc knowlodqo lncludod wotor purlllcotlon
plonts ond dlslnloctonts. l told hlm most ol tho thlnqs olrood;
montlonod ln thls book plus othor doto. Ho wos lntorostod. l hovo
lound tho oxoct locts work bottor thon on;thlnq olso ond thot ls whot l
qovo hlm.
Flnoll; Dr. Opondo sold, l hovo tho plcturo ond ll ;ou con rooll; qot
tho chlorlno dloxldo lnto tho bod;, l bollovo lt wlll do oxoctl; whot
;ou so; lt wlll do. Onco ho hod tho plcturo ol tho chlorlno dloxldo
ln hls hood, ho wos convlncod. So much so thot ho sold, M; wllo ls
slck wlth molorlo. Con l qo qot hor rlqht now l sold, Suro. Sho
orrlvod obout 20 mlnutos lotor. l mlxod on MMS drlnk lor hor ol onl;
llvo drops. l consldorod 15 drops to bo o stondord doso ot thot tlmo
ond l do not romombor oxoctl; wh; l onl; usod llvo drops. l quoss l
wos worrlod obout moklnq hor nousoous. So Dr. Opondos wllo wos
tho llrst porson l trootod lor molorlo ln Alrlco Tho noxt mornlnq sho
wos loollnq o llttlo bottor, but sho wos not complotol; woll, ond l hod
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 4
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
told hlm thot sho would bo woll. And l wos schodulod to stort trootlnq
ot tho hospltol thot mornlnq.
Thot wos octuoll; o problom, but not os bod os ;ou mlqht thlnk. Tho
doctor bollovod m; oxplonotlon ol tho chlorlno dloxldo ond ho
soomod to hovo lolth ln whot l hod to so;. Tho problom wos thot tho
stroln ol molorlo horo wos moro vlrllo thon tho stroln ol molorlo ln
South Amorlco. ln soolnq thot tho doctors wllo wos lndood o llttlo
bottor, l know lt wos worklnq but thot lt slmpl; wos not o lorqo
onouqh doso. l told tho doctor thot hls wllo [ust noodod onothor doso
ond ho oqrood.
Thot mornlnq whon l boqon trootlnq pooplo ot tho mlsslon hospltol, l
put on m; whlto lob smock wlth tho words Tho Molorlo Solutlon
Foundotlon ombroldorod ln ln qold lottorlnq on tho lront. l woro
m; hot, llqht ton ponts ond whlto shoos. l lookod llko o doctor. l
orrlvod ot tho hospltol ot obout 8 A.M. ond Dr. Opondo sot mo up ln
hls olllco. l, ol courso, oxplolnod to tho pooplo ln tho olllco thot l wos
not o doctor. Tho; dldnt coro. l wos tho onl; whlto mon lor 50
mllos ln on; dlroctlon ond tho; oll hod o qroot dool ol rospoct lor
whlto mon.
l dlscussod tho numbor ol drops to bo
qlvon ooch potlont wlth Dr. Opondo. l
polntod out thot tho molorlo horo soomod
to bo o stronqor stroln thon thot ln South
Amorlco. Wo docldod to uso 15 drops por
doso ond soon hls wllo orrlvod to qot hor
noxt doso. Sho rocolvod o socond doso
whlch wos 15 drops ond wont on homo.
Wo qovo tho potlonts 15 drop dosos oll
do;, but tho noxt do; most ol thom como
bock, loollnq bottor, but not woll. Thot dld
lt. l docldod on 30 drop dosos os wo
noodod to qot curos wlth onl; ono doso.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 5
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
Thoro woro too mon; molorlo vlctlms to hovo to hondlo ooch ono
Tho hospltol loborotor; wos ovorloodod. Wo slmpl; could not chock
ovor; slck porsons blood lor molorlo. Howovor, ln thot oroo thoro
lsnt much quostlon obout whothor or not o porson hos molorlo.
Normoll; o doctor morol; looks ot o porson ond rocoqnlzos molorlo.
But tho; dld toko os mon; blood somplos os woro proctlcol. All
porsons who tostod posltlvo to molorlo b; blood somplo ovontuoll;
tostod noqotlvo oltor tho socond doso, or oltor tho 30 drop doso. lt
usuoll; took obout lour hours to hovo oll molorlo s;mptoms qono. ln
o low cosos, lt would toko up to 12 hours lor tho s;mptoms to
dlsoppoor. Althouqh mon; hod othor dlsoosos os woll os molorlo, wo
novor hod o lolluro os lor os tho molorlo wos concornod. Wo connot
quorontoo thot loct, os ovor;ono wos not blood tostod, but to tho bost
ol our knowlodqo, thoro woro no lolluros to klll tho molorlo poroslto.
Wo trootod tho onos thot woro stlll loollnq bod ond oll woro rocovorod
whon tho; roturnod tho noxt do;. Dr. Opondo oqrood wlth mo thot
wo should lncrooso tho doso to 30 drops. lt boqon to work wlth onl;
ono trootmont. Thls wos olqht tlmos tho doso thot wos usod ln South
Amorlco. Thls would oquol 240 drops ol stoblllzod ox;qon sold ln
hoolth lood storos. At tho hospltol, ooch molorlo potlont wos
lntroducod to mo ond thoso who could spook Enqllsh would doscrlbo
tholr s;mptoms o llttlo blt. l qovo o doso to ovor;ono. l dld not tr; to
[ust doso tho molorlo potlonts. l know thot tho MMS would bo qood
lor most on; problom thot tho; hod. Somo would soon throw up
worms, ond mon; othors sold thot vorlous dllllcultlos woro bottor.
Tho Rovorond Ommlnl wos hood ol tho mlsslon thoro ond ho lookod
o llttlo tlrod. Ho told mo thot ovor; slnco hls occldont ho hod not hod
on; troublo wlth molorlo. Ho wolkod wlth o cono ond ho hod somo
stool brocos ln hls loq. Ho sold thot mo;bo tho stool wos somohow
couslnq o rooctlon ln hls blood thot wos kllllnq tho molorlo porosltos.
l lookod ln hls o;os ond loco vor; closol;. l could onl; soo oxtromo
tlrodnoss. Ho wos slck ond dldnt know lt. l oskod ll ho wos toklnq
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 6
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
poln toblots, ond ho odmlttod thot ho took sovorol ooch do;. l sold,
Rovorond, plooso do mo o lovor ond hovo ;our blood tostod lor
molorlo. All ol o suddon lt soomod to occur to hlm: ho roollzod how
ho rooll; lolt.
PIcrure: Dr. VIncenr
OrImbu ruIko uIrh u
morher Abour her bubu
uho huo juor ruken
oome MMS.
l hod octuoll; moont lor hlm to hovo tho blood tost tho noxt do;, but
ho took ono moro look ot mo ond ho wont to woko up tho loborotor;
tochnlclon. ln obout ono hour ho como bock wlth on omozlnq roport.
Tho ovoroqo molorlo potlont thot showd up lor trootmont ot tho
hospltol hod o roodlnq ol plus slx. Rov. Ommlnl hod o roodlnq ol
plus 120. Ho could hovo droppod dood ot on; mlnuto. l qovo hlm
tho blqqost doso thot l lolt would bo solo, whlch
wos 30 drops. Normoll; o porson wlth thot hlqh ol o roodlnq would
bo slck ln bod olmost unoblo to movo, but tho poln klllors ln somo
cosos wlll mosk tho s;mptoms.
Tho noxt mornlnq Rov. Ommonl lolt much bottor, but ho wos slck
oqoln b; noon. At noon hls blood wos roodlnq plus slx whlch wos o
normol roodlnq lor o porson slck wlth molorlo. l qovo hlm onothor 18
drops ond b; tho noxt mornlnq ho wos proclolmlnq thot ho lolt qroot.
Ho lookod qood. Hls blood rood zoro molorlo porosltos. Ho wos
luck; thot lt turnod out thls wo;. lt hoppons mon; tlmos thot pooplo
toko poln toblots to mosk tho poln ol molorlo. Tho; dont roollzo lt ls
molorlo [ust os Rov. Ommonl hod not, but ho bollovod ln mo. Tho;
koop toklnq moro ond moro poln toblots os tholr hoodocho ond tho
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 7
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
polns ln tholr [olnts qot worso ond worso. Thot ls o vor; donqorous
condltlon os tho; con bo wolklnq oround wlth onouqh molorlo to klll
thom. Whon thls hoppons ono con [ust drop dood, whlch doos
PIcrure: PeopIe ur
church uuuIr our
urrIouI. ln uII rhere
uere ooer 300 ur
rhIo church.

Rov. Ommonl boqon orqonlzlnq churchos oround tho oroo so thot
pooplo wlth molorlo could como to bo trootod. Eoch mornlnq obout
olqht ol us would crowd lnto o mlnl bus drlvon b; Potor Mwonql o
locol postor who ownod tho mlnl bus. Tho bus wos obout 20 ;oors
old. lt wos onl; o bus sholl wlth o motor. Evor;thlnq olso hod boon
strlppod out. Tho door hlnqos woro lor bo;ond woorlnq out. Tho;
[ust sort ol hold tho door lrom lolllnq oll, but cortolnl; not lrom
rottllnq. Bolnq tho onl; whlto porson, l hod to rldo up lront, but thon
so dld throo othor pooplo. Potor wos somowhot ol o mochonlc, so ho
kopt tho bus qolnq. But ovor;thlnq ln tho bus wos oxtromol; worn.
Whon on outo qots thot bod ond somothlnq qults worklnq ;ou slmpl;
pull lt out ond throw lt owo;. Altor oll, oll ;ou rooll; nood ls o motor,
o chossls, ond whools.
Potor would drlvo us to sovorol churchos durlnq tho do; ond ho olso
holpod mo b; toklnq plcturos. Thoro wos usuoll; on;whoro lrom 50
to 200 pooplo ot tho vorlous churchos. Tho; lntroducod mo to tho
crowd ond oskod mo to so; somothlnq boloro wo qot stortod. l would
tolk lor o mlnuto or so, stotlnq thot lt wos m; ploosuro to bo thoro ond
thot l hopod thot tho; would lool bottor. Thon tho; would stond ln
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 8
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
llno os l boqon lllllnq tho qlossos thot woro lurnlshod ot ooch church.
Whon thoro woro sovorol hundrod pooplo l would osk lor oxtro
qlossos ond tho; would qot somo somohow. Thon wo would llno up
20 or 30 qlossos ond l would boqln puttlnq tho solutlon ln tho qlossos.
l hod o smoll moosurlnq spoon thot hold oxoctl; tho rlqht omount ol
solutlon (30 drops). Thon l would odd vlnoqor to ooch qloss. l would
thon llll ooch qloss wlth plnoopplo [ulco to obout throo quortors lull.
Wo would qlvo tho doso to ooch porson. (Thoro wos olwo;s tho throo
mlnuto wolt rlqht oltor oddlnq tho vlnoqor ond boloro oddlnq tho
Sovorol tlmos whon tho qroup hoord thot l would not bo lnoculotlnq
thom tho; would oxpross dlsoppolntmont. Tho; lolt thot ll tho; woro
not qottlnq lnoculotod thot tho modlclno mlqht not bo poworlul
onouqh to holp. Howovor, os tho do; woro on ot ooch church,
pooplo stortod loollnq bottor. Hoodochos wont owo;, ond nousoo
vonlshod, ond/or musclo polns lolt. Tho pooplo woro qulto surprlsod
ond ploosod ond tho; showod lt. lt wos olwo;s o ploosuro to soo tho
pooplo qottlnq bottor ond loollnq bottor.
Whllo wo woro ln Kokomoqo, Jovon wontod us to vlslt ono prlvoto
cllnlc. Wo woro to spond o lull do; ot tho cllnlc. Tho nomo ol tho
cllnlc wos Tho Bukuro Communlt; Nurslnq ond Motornlt; Homo.
Whon wo orrlvod thoro wos o blq lonq llno ol locol pooplo who
noodod trootmont lor molorlo. Wo spont most ol tho do; thoro ond
thon wo lolt thom wlth sovorol bottlos ol MMS lor tholr uso. Tho hood
mons nomo wos Vlncont Orlmbo. Ho trootod mon; pooplo ond took
tholr blood roodlnqs both boloro ond oltorword toklnq tho MMS.
Unlortunotol;, hls cllnlc wos ono lrom whlch tho support ol tho
Mlsslons to suppllllll; thom wlth MMS wos wlthdrown os lor os
suppl;lnq thom wlth MMS whon tho; suspoctod mo ol bolnq ovll. l
hovo lncludod o plcturo ol Dr. Orlmbo ot hls cllnlc. No doubt thot
ho, llko most ol tho othor pooplo ln thls book con stlll bo contoctod.
Whllo ln Kokomoqo l dld not soo on; othor whlto pooplo. Ono lod;
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
stoppod mo on tho stroot ond shook m; hond. Sho sold thot sho
wontod to toll hor husbond thot sho shook tho hond ol o whlto porson
todo;. Probobl; tho blqqost louqh l qot ot tho toblo wos whon l told
ovor;ono thot m; blqqost worr; wos thot thoso convortod connlbols
mlqht docldo thot tho; would rothor hovo o qood mool thon qo to
hoovon. All ol thom post tho oqo ol 30 clolmod to bo convortod
connlbols, but l doubt thot on; ol thom woro. Tho; [ust llko to hovo
somothlnq to so;.
Whllo ln Kokomoqo l dld not soo on; othor whlto pooplo. Ono lod;
stoppod mo on tho stroot ond shook m; hond. Sho sold thot sho
wontod to toll hor husbond thot sho shook tho hond ol o whlto porson
todo;. Probobl; tho blqqost louqh l qot ot tho toblo wos whon l told
ovor;ono thot m; blqqost worr; wos thot thoso convortod connlbols
mlqht docldo thot tho; would rothor hovo o qood mool thon qo to
hoovon. All ol thom post tho oqo ol 30 clolmod to bo convortod
connlbols, but l doubt thot on; ol thom woro. Tho; [ust llko to hovo
somothlnq to so;.
PIcrure: Wude
Porrer und hIo uI[e
orund on euch oIde
o[ rhe Aurhor. The
orhero uere docroro
und nuroeo. Wude
decIded nor ro uoe
rhe MMS uo rheu
decIded rhe Aurhor
uuo eoII.

See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 10
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 11
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 12
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 13
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 14
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Kon;o Eost Alrlco Choptor 5 poqo 15
Tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont ol tho 21
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Uganda East Africa Chapter 6 Page 1
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

Chapter 6
Uganda East Africa
Whon l lolt Kokomoqo Kon;o l llow to Nolrobl
ond thoro l qovo o locturo to Wodo Portor ond
hls qroup ol doctors ond nursos. Tho locturo
wlth tho doctors ond nursos wos woll rocolvod: tho; tolkod to mo lor
on hour oltor tho locturo. Thoro wos much hondshoklnq ond lrlondl;
words, but lor somo rooson Wodo ond hls wllo docldod l wos ovll
ond thot ondod tholr plons to troot vllloqors ln tho noorb; bush.
Tho; would novor communlcoto obout lt so l hod no wo; to toll
thom dllloront. Evon stronqor thon thot, tho hood mon ot FCF lnt. ln
tho US wos llrod o low wooks oltor l roturnod. Ho wos tho mon ln
thot orqonlzotlon thot modo tho doclslon to sond mo ovor thoro.
Mo;bo thoro wos no connoctlon, but lt sooms lunn; thot ho wos
llrod ond l novor know tho rooson. Woll on;wo;, tho stor;
From Nolrobl l llow to Kompolo Uqondo. l wos mot ot tho Alrport
b; Solomon Mwoslqo who wos tho moln postor ol tho mlsslon thoro
ond tho ownor ol tho cllnlc thot wos connoctod to tho mlsslon. Ho
drovo mo to hls houso. Tho; hod o room llxod up lor mo to sto; ln.
Horo ln thls oroo, ovor;ono who comos lnto tho houso must toko oll
hls shoos. l dldnt notlco thot ot llrst, but os soon os l dld notlco, l
opoloqlzod ond took m; shoos oll. Tho; woro vor; qroclous hosts.
Dlnnor wos sorvod ovor; ovonlnq wlth ovor;ono slttlnq ot tho toblo.
Tho lood wos vor; qood. ln Uqondo, whoro tho; oro not llqhtlnq,
thoro ls plont; ol lood. ln loct, on obsorvor would coll lt o lond ol
Solomon sold thot l could stort uslnq tho MMS ln tho mornlnq ot hls
modlcol cllnlc. l wos onxlous to qot stortod os thls would bo ono
moro tost ln provlnq out tho MMS. l orrlvod ot Solomons cllnlc,
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Uganda East Africa Chapter 6 Page 2
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

oltor hovlnq brooklost ot hls homo, ot obout 8 AM on tho 14th ol
Fobruor; 2004. Potlonts woro olrood; orrlvlnq os Solomon hod
onnouncod ln hls church sorvlcos thot l would bo thoro.
PIcrure: Aurhor und nuroe Iook on uo morher gIoeo her bubu
rhe MMS ur rhe LI[e LInk MedIcuI Cenrer In KumpuIu,
Tho; woro chorqlnq o smoll loo lor m; MMS dosos (OS-82 wos on
tho lobols ol tho bottlos ot thot tlmo, but l hod lonq slnco qult colllnq lt
thot bock ln Kon;o, bocouso Molorlo Solutlon wos tho onl; thlnq
on; ol tho doctors or nursos would coll lt. And thot ls whot wo llnoll;
stortod colllnq lt, os tho pooplo ol Alrlco hod octuoll; nomod lt.
Whon l collod Arnold l qovo hlm tho now nomo ond ho lmmodlotol;
l stortod oll uslnq tho doto obtolnod ot tho Kokomoqo mlsslon ln
Kon;o. l usod 30 drops ond olmost ovor;ono wos qottlnq slckor ond
vomltlnq oltor toklnq tho drops. Ol courso, tho noxt do; or ovon
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Uganda East Africa Chapter 6 Page 3
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

hours lotor, tho; woro woll, but tho vomltlnq wos not populor.
Somothlnq wos oqoln dllloront wlth thls molorlo thon ot tho othor
ploco. All thoso horo who hod molorlo hod onlorqod sploons.
Somohow tho drops woro rooctlnq wlth thls stroln ol molorlo
dlllorontl;, ond lt probobl; hod somothlnq to do wlth tho onlorqod
sploons, os tho molorlo vlctlms ln Kokomoqo dld not hovo onlorqod
sploons. Not ovor;ono wos vomltlnq ond thus wo contlnuod lor
sovorol do;s, but tho potlonts woro boqlnnlnq to sto; owo;.
Flnoll; l docldod thot l hod to do somothlnq. l hod ooch potlont toko
onl; 15 drop dosos, but como bock ln lour hours lor o socond doso
ol 15 drops. Thls workod out OK. Tho 15 drop dosos dld not
couso on;ono to vomlt ond soon potlonts woro oqoln llnlnq up
outsldo lor o trootmont. So, onco oqoln mlnor probloms hod boon
ovorcomo. All thoso smoll thlnqs brlnq obout tho colloctlon ol
lnlormotlon thot ls nocossor; to qlvo propor lnstructlons to othor
PIcrure: LI[e LInk MedIcuI Cenrer In KumpuIu Ugundu.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Uganda East Africa Chapter 6 Page 4
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

Whon l montlon 15 drop dosos or 30 drop dosos oll such dosos
roqulro tho oddltlon ol to o toospoon ol vlnoqor, or lomon, or
llmo, or cltrlc ocld solutlon. Wlthout tho ono ol thoso lood oclds tho
solutlon doos vor; llttlo qood. Tho lood oclds oct os on octlvotor thot
mokos tho solutlon work. Ono must wolt throo mlnutos boloro
oddlnq on;thlnq olso. Altor tho throo mlnuto wolt, ono con thon odd
o qloss ol [ulco to mosk somo ol tho tosto. Tho [ulco must not
hovo on; oddod vltomln C. Thls ls tho rooson lor uslnq lrosh [ulco,
bocouso ono con bo suro thot vltomln C hos not boon oddod. Almost
oll bottlod or connod [ulco hos vltomln C oddod os o prosorvotlvo.
Althouqh vltomln C ls vor; qood lor ;ou, ln thls coso, vltomln C
provonts tho MMS lrom bolnq olloctlvo ln tho bod;. So onl; uso
lrosh [ulco.
Thoso lood oclds hovo o vor; lmportont rolo. Tho; cousos tho
sodlum chlorlto solutlon to qlvo up chlorlno dloxldo lons on o llnoor
bosls ond lt olso protocts tho sodlum chlorlto lrom qlvlnq up too
mon; lons ot ono tlmo. Thls ls lmportont os ono doos not wont tho
ontlro omount ol chlorlno dloxldo to bo roloosod os soon os tho
solutlon roochos tho stomoch. Tho ocotlc ocld or cltrlc ocld ls
nocossor; lor tho propor lunctlon ol tho solutlon ln tho bod;.
Vlnoqor olwo;s contolns ocotlc ocld whllo lomons ond llmos contoln
cltrlc ocld. Ono ol thoso oclds ls o nocossor; lnqrodlont to tho MMS.
Solomons cllnlc ls collod Tho Lllo Llnk Modlcol Contro ond tho
oddross ls PO Box 15081 Kompolo Uqondo, Phono 077 47017.
Ho hod o mlcroscopo ond tochnlclons who could dotormlno tho
molorlo poroslto ln tho blood. Durlnq tho tlmo wo woro thoro wo
trootod ot loost 50 potlonts who chockod posltlvo lor molorlo boloro
trootmont ond who tostod noqotlvo oltor trootmont. Howovor, most
ol tho 500+ potlonts thot wo trootod dldnt coro. Tho; onl; wontod
to lool bottor. And thot wos tho rosult, tho; olwo;s lolt bottor oltor
tho; took tho llrst ond socond dosos. Tho loct ls thot ot loost 5% ol
thom hod molorlo, wo [ust dld not hovo tlmo to tost ovor;onos
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
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The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

blood. Stlll, wo dld hovo 50 vorlllcotlons ol potlonts who woro
cloorod ol tho molorlo poroslto. Shortl; oltor l orrlvod ot tho Lllo Llnk
Modlcol Contro l mot ono spoclol postor lrom tho DRC Conqo. Hls
nomo wos John Tumuholrwo. Ho wos lntorostod ln tho MMS ond
oltor ho occoptod o doso ho lmmodlotol; boqon to holp us troot tho
pooplo os tho; como ln. Ho wos vor; onthuslostlc concornlnq tho
MMS ond ho tolkod to mo oxtonslvol; obout qolnq to tho DRC
Conqo, but, l dldnt hovo tho mono; or othor support to do so. Ho
vlsltod o numbor ol plocos ln Kompolo ond olmost orronqod lt so thot
l could vlslt tho orm; ln Northorn Uqondo whoro tho llqhtlnq wos
toklnq ploco. l wos wllllnq to qo os thoro wos wldosprood molorlo ln
tho orm; ond lt would hovo boon o slqnlllcont contrlbutlon to sottllnq
tho wor. Thot would hovo boon o vor; qood odvortlsomont lor tho
MMS ot tho tlmo. But John wos unoblo to qot thlnqs complotol;
orronqod whllo l wos thoro.
PIcrure: Aurhor gIoeo Eo. John TumuhurIue hIo [Iror MMH
[or reoccurrIng muIurIu. Reud John'o Ierrer ur rhe end o[
rhIo chuprer.
Whon l lolt l qovo hlm m; lost bottlo ol molorlo solutlon (MMS)
whlch wos onouqh to troot obout 180 pooplo lor molorlo. ll ;ou rood
Johns rocont lottor to mo ;ou wlll soo thot ho trootod qulto o low
pooplo ln tho Conqo. Sovorol months lotor l sont hlm 10 bottlos thot
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
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ho usod qulto o blt. Hls lottor olso tolls obout uslnq thoso 10 bottlos.
Tho plcturo shown horo wos tokon os l llrst qovo hlm o doso ol MMS.
Ho, llko most ol tho pooplo nomod ln thls book, con stlll bo
contoctod. As ol 10/10/2006 l hovo [ust sont hlm onothor 10 bottlos
os ol.
Ovor ol our potlonts wlth molorlo woro chlldron. Somo ol thoso
chlldron would hovo dlod wlthout tho MMS dosos. Althouqh
rooctlons woro lnlroquont, lt wos ln thls cllnlc thot wo boqon to notlco
thot tho rooctlons woro olton slmllor. As tlmo proqrossod wo
occoslonoll; notlcod tho lollowlnq rooctlons: (1) Dlzzlnoss. Somo
potlonts roportod dlzzlnoss sovorol hours oltor toklnq tho dosos. Tho
dlzzlnoss novor lostod ovor ono hour. Whon tho dlzzlnoss possod tho
othor s;mptoms ol molorlo soomod to dlsoppoor ot tho somo tlmo.
(2) Nousoo. Tho nousoo usuoll; occurrod wlthln 10 to 15 mlnutos ol
toklnq tho doso ond soldom lostod moro thon 15 mlnutos. (3)
Vomltlnq. On roro occoslons somoono vomltod os o rooctlon to tho
doso, but not moro thon onco.
PIcrure: Aurhor mIeo
MMS dooeo In rhe
rreurmenr room.
(4) Tlrodnoss. Tho tlrodnoss wos totol ond throuqhout tho bod;.
lt wos qulto omozlnq os l oxporloncod thls ono m;soll sovorol
;oors oorllor whon l llrst took tho MMS to ovorcomo somo
molorlo l controctod ln tho [unqlo. Ono lools complotol;
lothorqlc ond hos on lnoblllt; to movo. lt ls not rooll;
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
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The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

unploosont, [ust o wolrd sonsotlon thots sllqhtl; olormlnq. lt
losts lrom 1 to 4 hours, no lonqor. (5) A comblnotlon ol
sovorol or oll ol thoso rooctlons. Thls ls roro, but lt dld hoppon
onco or twlco. Thoro ls rooll; nothlnq thot noods to bo dono
lor on; ol tho rooctlons. Tho; oll poss ond hovo no lostlnq
PIcrure: Moor chIIdren rreured rhe MMS uImoor IIke rheu
rhough Ir uuo u mugIcuI drInk. Theoe rhree dId.
Thls cllnlc horo hod ot loost slx bods. Thoro woro sovorol potlonts
thot rocovorod oltor toklnq tho MMS. Tho doctor thoro wos o block
mon who hod o qroot dool ol composslon lor chlldron. Ho trootod
thom wlth klndnoss ond oppoorod to bo vor; concornod. Ho sovod
sovorol llvos whllo l wos thoro slmpl; b; bolnq oblo to dloqnoso
corroctl;. Ho quostlonod mo vor; thorouqhl; obout tho MMS. l
ondod up tolllnq hlm obout m; lrlond who hod usod tho Stoblllzod
Ox;qon to ln[oct tho solutlon ln tho volns ol hls onlmols. And l
montlonod thot ho hod ln[octod mo o couplo ol tlmos. ln our
dlscusslons l llnoll; told hlm thot tho stronqth ol tho solutlon thot m;
lrlond usod lor ln[octlon lnto tho onlmols wos 15 drops ln 20 ml ol
ln[octlon solutlon.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
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The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

Toword tho ond ol m; sto; thoro l notlcod tho doctor tolklnq to
qroups ol pooplo who mot hlm outsldo tho cllnlc. Altor ho tolkod to
sovorol qroups l oskod hlm obout thom. Ho sold thot tho qroups
conslstod ol on odvoncod AlDS potlont wlth hls rolotlvos. l dldnt osk
hlm whot tho convorsotlon wos obout os lt soomod thot would bo
lmpollto. Howovor, tho do; thot l lolt ho took mo osldo ond sold thot
ho wos qolnq to troot somo AlDS potlonts ond thot ho would uso on
ln[octlon. Ho sold thot ho wos connoctod to tho vor; lorqo Kompolo
Hospltol ond thot ho would bo oblo to opprooch AlDS potlonts thot
woro bolnq sont homo to dlo. You mo; lool thot l would lool concorn
ot thls polnt, but bock ln Los Voqos l hod m; lrlond ln[oct mo sovorol
tlmos. Wo llrst usod ono drop, thon sovorol drops, ond thon o lull
doso two dllloront tlmos. Thoro wos novor on; odvorso rooctlon, but
tho ln[octlon dld hondlo o vor; bod coso ol tho llu. lt wosnt thot l
wos worrlod obout thoso AlDS potlonts: lt wos thot l wos oxtromol;
sod thot wo couldnt troot ovor; AlDS potlont thot wos bolnq sont
homo plus thoso AlDS potlonts ln tho hospltol.
Aqoln, tho MMS roloosos chlorlno dloxldo lnto tho bod;. Chlorlno
dloxldo ls tho most poworlul klllor ol pothoqons ol oll klnds known to
mon. Thoro ls no rooson wh; lt wouldnt klll AlDS vlrusos. lt doos
no domoqo to tho humon bod; ln tho low concontrotlon usod ln tho
MMS. Whon uslnq dlroct ln[octlon lnto tho blood ;ou connot uso
vlnoqor. Tho loct ls, tho blood hos tho somo noutrol lovol os wotor,
ond thus lt dllutos tho MMS ond cousos tho rolooso ol chlorlno
dloxldo wlthout vlnoqor ovor o porlod ol o low hours wlthout
At tho tlmo l dld not oncouroqo tho doctor, nor dld l dlscouroqo
hlm. l could not soo thot tho ln[octlon would hurt thoso AlDS cosos
ond lt would probobl; holp. Altor l roturnod homo l kopt ln closo
contoct wlth thls doctor os ho trootod 30 AlDS potlonts ovor o
porlod ol 8 months. Tho; woro potlonts thot hod boon sont homo
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
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The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

lrom tho locol Kompolo Hospltol ossumlnq thot tho; would dlo soon.
Hls omolls showod thot 6 out ol 10 AlDS cosos woro loollnq qood
ond onxlous to qo bock to work or bock to tholr llvos wlthln throo
do;s. Tho othor 40% rocovorod wlthln 30 do;s. Nono ol tho cosos
thot ho wos oblo to koop trock ol hod o rolopso. Two out ol tho 30
cosos dlod. Tho onos thot woro woll ln 3 do;s noodod tlmo to
rocovor, but lt soomod thot tho; woro onl; rocovorlnq lrom on
oxtromo coso ol wooknoss. Unlortunotol;, thls doctors nomo ls ono
nomo thot l must koop conlldontlol. But, ;ou con soo thot ho hod
vor; qood rosults, os oll ol thoso potlonts woro slotod to dlo wlthln
wooks ol bolnq roloosod lrom tho Kompolo hospltol.
l dld not llnd lt hord to bollovo hls roports os ho hod no rooson to llo
to mo on o constont bosls do; oltor do; os l wos po;lnq hlm nothlnq
nor ovon sondlnq hlm lroo MMS. l hovo boon oblo to troot o numbor
ol AlDS potlonts succosslull; m;soll. And m; lrlond ln Molowl, who
runs o buslnoss thoro, hos boon trootlnq sovorol omplo;oos who
woro too slck lrom AlDS lnloctlon to como to work. Tho; oro now
oll bock to work.
Tho ownor ol tho cllnlc wos olso tho postor ol o locol church. Hls
church wos o mombor ol tho FCF lnt. Mlsslonor; qroup to Alrlco. lt
turnod out thot ho hod o problom vor; slmllor to tho othor Postor ln
Kon;o. Solomon Mwsoql wos olso toklnq poln toblots lor tho poln
cousod b; molorlo. Both ho ond hls wllo woro ovoldlnq tho ldoo
thot tho; hod molorlo. Tho poln toblots wlll olton mosk tho molorlo,
not vor; woll but tho; koop ;ou qolnq. To qo on toklnq thom ls
oxtromol; donqorous os tho molorlo con klll ;ou wlthout ;ou much
loollnq lt.
Actuoll; whon l oskod hlm obout lt, ho sold, l know lts molorlo, lvo
[ust boon puttlnq oll dolnq on;thlnq obout lt. Ho sold, lll toko o
doublo doso rlqht now. l ropllod b; osklnq ll ho wos suro, ond l
montlonod thot lt wos qolnq to moko hlm nousoous. Ho sold, l
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
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The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

know lt ls, but l wont to qot lt ovor ond l wont to bo suro tho molorlo
ls klllod. Ho hod boon wotchlnq corolull; whot wo woro dolnq ond
how l wos ro-od[ustlnq tho numbor ol drops. So ho took tho doublo
doso (ol courso, wlth tho vlnoqor octlvotor ond tho stondord throo
mlnuto wolt.) Ho lotor told mo thot ho wontod tho drops to moko
hlm slck os ho lolt thot would bo prool thot somothlnq wos rooll;
worklnq ln hls bod;.
Horo ls word lor word whot l wroto ln m; notos ot tho tlmo: Wlthln
20 mlnutos ho wos nousoous. Wlthln on hour ho could not drlvo
tho cor. Ho hod dlorrhoo. At homo ho lolt totoll; tlrod llko ho dldnt
wont to movo oxcopt to qo to tho tollot. lt stortod ot obout 11 AM
thot mornlnq ond ot 4 PM whon wo qot homo ho wos bottor. At 8
PM ho wos up l;lnq ol tho couch. Ho sold oll slcknoss wos qono, but
ho wos loollnq wook. Tho noxt mornlnq ho wos sllqhtl; dlzz; but
loollnq qood othorwlso. From tho boqlnnlnq to tho ond ol thls
ordool, ho wos vor; onthuslostlc obout lt. Whon ho qot slck, ho wos
onthuslostlc bocouso ho bollovod tho MMS wos worklnq. Whon lt
wos ovor, tho noxt do; ho sold ho couldnt bollovo how woll ho wos
Hls wllo wos wotchlnq tho wholo ordool ond sho wos vor; worrlod,
but sho wos olso olrold ol dolnq nothlnq bocouso sho wos woll
oworo thot hor poln toblots woro olso mosklnq molorlo. Whon sho
procoodod to toko tho doso, hor husbond (Solomon) sto;od wlth
hor. Sho wos not os nousoous os Solomon hod boon, but sho
sto;od slck lor most ol tho socond do;. Flnoll;, howovor, sho wos
oxtromol; hopp; obout how woll thot sho wos loollnq. Sho sold lt
wos tho llrst do; ln ovor o ;oor thot sho lolt llko horsoll. Evldontl;,
whon molorlo ls moskod wlth poln toblots, lt qots vor; bod ond thus
tho MMS wos oxtro rooctlvo. Howovor, tho; could hovo ovoldod
tho rooctlon slmpl; b; toklnq o low do;s uslnq smollor dosos lnstood
ol tr;lnq to do lt oll ot onco. Tho problom wos thot tho; woro
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
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The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

olwo;s oxtromol; bus; ond dldnt lool thot tho; could ollord tho
oxtro tlmo.
lt dldnt soom to mottor who l wos lnvolvod wlth whllo l wos ln
Alrlco: tho pooplo woro wllllnq to trust mo. l thlnk thot tho; could
lool or thot tho; know thot l would not do on;thlnq thot wos oqolnst
tholr bottor lntorosts. Tho tlmo spont ot Solomons cllnlc wos vor;
productlvo ln loornlnq moro ol tho lns ond outs ol tho MMS. M;
drlvor, Potor Mwonql drovo to Kompolo ond orrlvod o do; lotor thon
mo. Solomon olso lurnlshod hlm o room ln hls houso. Potor wos o
qroot holp ln tho cllnlc. Ho holpod mo mlx MMS dosos. Ho took
plcturos, ond ho loornod os much doto os ho could obout tho MMS.
Sovorol months lotor, Solomon occusod Potor ol roplnq ono ol hls
sorvont qlrls. Tho qlrl wos proqnont. Potor sold thot lt wos
lmposslblo. Ho dldnt do on; such thlnq. lt sooms llko, slnco l wos
ln tho somo houso, thot l would hovo hoord somo klnd ol nolso, or
would hovo notlcod tho qlrl cr;lnq or somothlnq. But l dld not hoor
on;thlnq. l obsorvod onl; o vor; hlqh lntoqrlt; lrom Potor whllo l
wos thoro, so l rothor bollovo Potor whon ho so;s thot ho dldnt do lt.
Tho thlnq thot soomod klnd ol pocullor to mo wos thot Solomon
contlnuod to llro porson oltor porson lrom hls cllnlc ovon whllo l wos
thoro. l workod wlth tho pooplo thot ho llrod ond tho; oll soomod to
bo dolnq o qood [ob. l novor undorstood wh; ho llrod on; ol thom,
so whon ho stotod thot Potor hod ropod hls sorvont qlrl, l quostlon
thot occusotlon ln m; own mlnd, but l dld not lntorloro wlth
Solomon`s oporotlon ol tho cllnlc.
ln on; coso, wo trootod ovor 500 pooplo whllo l wos thoro.
Solomon oskod mo to holp ond to romoln prosont bocouso thoso
pooplo who como woro oxpoctlnq o whlto mon. Tho pooplo thoro
hod o qroot dool moro conlldonco ln tho MMS bocouso o whlto mon
wos trootlnq thom. Evon whon l qult qlvlnq tho solutlon to pooplo,
tho; woro much moro conlldont whon l wos slmpl; prosont.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
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Solomon promlsod thot o whlto mon would bo thoro ond tho
potlonts thot como woro much moro conlldont ovon ll l onl; stood
outsldo on tho lront porch.
l llnoll; lolt Kompolo on tho 27th ol Fobruor; 2004 ond llow bock to
Rono, Novodo. From thoro l roturnod to tho dosort town ol Mlno,
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
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See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Continuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 page 1
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
Chapter 7
Continuing Story of the MMS
ln Mlno l contlnuod sondlnq omolls to ovor;ono l
could thlnk ol. l sont omolls to tho prosldont ol tho
U.S., to Blll Gotos, to vorlous pooplo who dld
humonltorlon thlnqs, to oll ol tho TV shows thot
dld humonltorlon thlnqs, such os Oproh. l contlnuod to sond out lroo
bottlos ol MMS os woll os l sold tho 4 ounco bottlos wlth 325 dosos
lor $20 ooch or lor $5 to on;ono llvlnq ln town. Lotor whon l
doublod tho stronqth, l sold tho 4 ounco bottlos wlth 650 dosos lor tho
somo prlco.
As tlmo possod ond pooplo tolkod to mo obout vorlous probloms l
contlnuod to llnd now usos lor tho MMS. All ol m; lllo l hovo hod
troublo wlth m; tooth. Most ol m; tooth woro mlsslnq ond l woro
donturos. M; qums woro qulto solt ond m; tooth woro somowhot
looso ln tho qums. Tho; olton qot soro ond ot thot portlculor tlmo
tho; stortod to hurt ond l thouqht l would hovo to hovo ono or two
pullod. Thon l llnoll; docldod thot l should brush m; tooth wlth tho
MMS. l usod 6 drops ol MMS ond toospoon ol vlnoqor swlrlod
toqothor ln o qloss ond thon l woltod tho 3 mlnutos ond oddod 1/3
qloss ol wotor ond usod thot to brush m; tooth. Aqoln l wos omozod.
All ol tho lnloctlon ond soronoss dlsoppoorod ln hours. Wlthln o wook
m; qums hod hordonod up. Whon l llnoll; dld qo to hovo o tooth
pullod, lt took tho dontlst o lull hour to pull tho tooth. M; qums woro
so touqh, ond tho tooth wos so woll lmboddod lnto m; [ow bono ho
slmpl; couldnt [ust qrob lt wlth hls pllors ond pull. lt wouldnt como
out. lm not suro l should hovo hod lt pullod. lt lookod porloctl;
hoolth; whon lt wos llnoll; out. Tho dontlst wos moro surprlsod thon l
Slnco thot tlmo thoro hovo boon o numbor ol othor pooplo who boqon
to uso tho MMS lor orol h;qlono. All thot hovo usod lt hovo hod tho
somo rosults, o much hoolthlor mouth. Thoro hovo boon o numbor ol
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Continuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 page 2
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
pooplo who woro oblo to llx tholr obscossod tooth morol; b; brushlnq
wlth MMS.
l om suro Arnold wos worklnq hord to qot tho mono; lor our noxt trlp
to Alrlco. M; contontlon wos olwo;s thot ll ho would provldo mo
wlth onouqh mono; lor o round trlp olrplono tlckot ond somo llvlnq
oxponsos thon l would trovol on;whoro ond tolk to tho vorlous
qovornmont oqonclos ond hospltols untll l llnd somo ploco to do
cllnlcol trlols. Arnolds contontlon wos thot wo could not qo on;whoro
ln Alrlco untll wo hod on lnvltotlon. Accordlnq to Arnold thoro wos
olwo;s plont; ol mono; but hls lnslstonco thot wo noodod on
lnvltotlon kopt us lmmobllo lor ;oors. Potor Mwonql socurod on
lnvltotlon lrom ono hospltol ln Kon;o to qo do cllnlcol trlols ln Kon;o.
Romombor, Potor wos m; drlvor ln Kon;o ond Uqondo who l trolnod
ln dlsponslnq tho MMS. Wo could hovo dono tho cllnlcol trlols ol 100
molorlo potlonts wlth boloro ond oltor blood tosts lor loss thon
$20,000 lncludlnq m; trovol oxponsos. Tho mono; wos ovolloblo,
but Arnold would not ollow mo to qo to Kon;o. lnstood ho wontod to
holp Flo;d Hommor ond hls wllo who hod vorlous pro[octs qolnq on
ln Tonzonlo but who could not qot cllnlco trlols lor months ond lt
llnoll; provod out thot ho novor dld qot cllnlcol trlols. Cllnlcol trlols
wos whot wo wontod ot tho tlmo, ond wo could hovo hod lt throuqh
Potor, but wo woro qolnq to do lt Arnold`s wo; roqordloss ol tho

Tlmo oltor tlmo lor ovor o ;oor, Flo;d Hommor wos provldod mono;
lrom our Molorlo Solutlon Foundotlon ond ho novor qovo us on;
lnlormotlon bock os to lts uso. Wo holpod thom bu; o plckup truck,
ond shlp o lorqo contolnor lood suppllos to Tonzonlo, ond whon
Flo;d wroto o roport to hls pooplo ln tho U.S. ho novor ocknowlodqod
thot wo holpod ot oll. Ho tolkod obout trootlnq molorlo potlonts, but ho
novor ocknowlodqod thot ho wos uslnq tho MMS to troot tho potlonts.
Flnoll; Arnold [ust sold thot ho wosnt qolnq to sond thom on; moro
mono;. But ll l could hovo hod thot somo mono;, l would hovo
complotod tho cllnlcol trlols ln Kon;o ond would hovo hod tho prool
thot ovor;ono wos osklnq lor.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Continuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 page 3
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
Tho othor thlnq thot l trlod to qot Arnold to do wos slmpl; hlro Potor
Mwonql, m; drlvor who wos prollclont wlth tho dlsponsotlon, to
contlnuo trootlnq ond posslnq out tho MMS. Ho wos trovollnq to
hospltols, somo ol whlch woro wllllnq to tr; tho MMS. Ho could hovo
boon trovollnq to churchos, orphonoqos, hospltols, ond cllnlcs. Tho;
trustod hlm ond mon; woro wllllnq to uso tho solutlon. ln tho somo
omount ol tlmo thot wo loolod oround wlth Flo;d, Potor would hovo
trootod thousonds ol pooplo bolnq trootod ond dozons ol plocos
would hovo usod tho MMS. Unlortunotol;, nothlnq l suqqostod wos
consldorod. Hlrlnq Potor, o locol lnstood ol somoono lrom tho U.S.,
would hovo boon rldlculousl; choop. Wo would not hovo hod to po;
lor hls olrplono tlckot, ho would hovo workod lor loss thon $100 o
month. Wo would hovo hod to po; lor qosollno, somo oporotlnq
oxponsos, ond hovo shlppod hlm plont; ol MMS. Hls oxponsos woro
1/10 thot ol o lorolqnor or mlsslonor;. Ho would hovo qotton dono
oxoctl; whot wo wontod to do. Arnold dldnt trust Potor, but ho novor
mot hlm ond l workod wlth hlm lor on ontlro month ovor; do;. Wo
woro qood lrlonds b; tho tlmo l lolt. On tho othor hond, Flo;d took
our mono;, whlch wos thousonds ond dldnt ovon so; thonks. Tho
mono; wo pold Flo;d qot obsolutol; nothlnq dono so lor os wo could
Arnold kopt moklnq mlstoko oltor mlstoko whllo oll tho tlmo so;lnq
thot ovor;thlnq hod to bo dono hls wo;. Ho hlrod tho kld who llnoll;
modo such troublo lor us ho provontod us lrom qottlnq o loqol
nonprollt Molorlo Solutlon Foundotlon. Arnold hlrod sovorol pooplo
to crooto our Wob Slto ond whon tho; hod workod olmost o ;oor on
lt, lt wos stlll o vor; poor slto. Thon ho hlrod onothor mon to do our
slto, pold hlm up lront ond novor qot o thlnq lor hls mono; oll tho
whllo our slto novor qot dono. lt hos boon slx ;oors slnco Arnold sold
ho wos qolnq to qot us o wob slto sot up ond os l wrlto thoso llnos wo
stlll dont hovo ono. Ho sont thousonds ol dollors to Flo;d Hommor
ond wo novor rocolvod on; ocknowlodqmont or doto concornlnq tho
Molorlo potlonts trootod wlth our MMS. Wlth tho mono; Arnold
contlnuod to loso, l could hovo hod o numbor ol cllnlcol trlols
complotod ln Kon;o wlth tho prool thot wo noodod to show othors.
Evon thouqh ho llunkod oqoln ond oqoln ho contlnuod to odomontl;
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Continuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 page 4
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
lnslst thot ovor;thlnq must bo dono hls wo;. Ho contlnuod to clolm
thot tho pooplo who woro qolnq to sponsor us would onl; do so ll ho
wos ln totol control. Arnold octuoll; provontod tho MMS lrom bolnq
usod dlstrlbutod whllo oll tho tlmo proclolmlnq to bo qottlnq lt dono.
Arnold contlnuod to toll mo thot olthouqh l wos on tho boord ol tho
Molorlo Solutlon Foundotlon lt wos qolnq to bo oporotod llko o
corporotlon. Boslcoll;, ho sold thot ho wos tho prosldont ond thlnqs
woro qolnq to hoppon tho wo; ho spoclllod. Arnold ond John
contlnuod to so; thot l hod no so; ln tho wo; thlnqs woro bolnq run.
Thoro wos no orqulnq wlth olthor ono ol thom. ll thoro wos on;
dlscusslon obout tho ovonts ol tho post wooks or post ;oor, tho;
would both qot toqothor ond toll mo m; momor; wos wronq. Whon
thoro wos on; dlscusslon ond l trlod to so; somothlnq tho; would [ust
stort shoutlnq. l could not qot on; ldoos ocross. Evor;thlnq wont
qulotl; so lonq os l kopt m; mouth shut. l could hovo lolt, ond l
should hovo, but thoro wos olwo;s tho promlso thot tho; would hovo
tho mono; to qot to Alrlco to provo out tho MMS so thot tho world
would occopt lt. l kopt m; mouth shut bocouso thot promlso olwo;s
hunq thoro ln lront ol mo. To bo complotol; lolr, whon l llnoll;
roturnod lrom Alrlco tho lost tlmo, Arnold collod mo wlth sovorol
quostlons concornlnq how to do thlnqs. Ho stotod ho wontod m;
lnput, but os thlnqs contlnuod ho would do thlnqs os ho wontod
roqordloss ol m; lnput. Up to thls polnt, Arnold hod boon tho onl;
qomo ln town lor mo. Thon l roollzod l could wrlto thls book.
l modo o controct wlth tho World Hoolth Orqonlzotlon (WHO).
Boloro m; trlp to Kon;o ond Uqondo l hod wrltton qulto o low lottors
to tho World Hoolth Orqonlzotlon whlch, ovldontl; dldnt wont to
oppoor llko tho; woro not lntorostod. Tho; roturnod ono ol m; lottors
so;lnq thot tho; hod o proqrom ln whlch tho; tostod vorlous druqs
thot mlqht hovo somo olloct on molorlo. Tho; woro lntorostod ln tho
MMS, tho; wroto. Altor somo dlscusslon tho; sont mo o controct to
slqn. Wo noqotlotod o blt, chonqod somo polnts, ond l llnoll; slqnod
tholr controct. l sont thom o bottlo ol tho MMS. About o ;oor ond o
holl lotor, oltor l roturnod lrom Alrlco, l llnoll; qot o lottor lrom thom
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Continuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 page 5
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
stotlnq thot tho; woro tostlnq m; solutlon ln o soporoto lob. Tho; hod
controctod wlth o doctor to do tho tostlnq lor thom. l wos onthusod to
loorn thot tho doctor wos octuoll; ol dolnq tho tostlnq. But ho tostod lt
on mlco ond roportod lt slmpl; dldnt work. l wos omozod, but ho
roportod thot lt wouldnt curo mlco, or ovon lmprovo tholr condltlon.
Thoro wos nothlnq moro l could so; os l wosnt prosont whon tho
tostlnq wos dono. So ot thot tlmo 35,000 humon llold potlonts woro
bock to hoolth, but lt wouldnt curo o mouso Sorr;, but l dont
bollovo hlm.
Thoro ls o countr; ln Alrlco thot wont ovon ollow WHO to como
ocross lts bordors. lt sooms to mo thot WHO, ll tho; woro rooll;
lntorostod ln holplnq tho world os tho; clolm to bo, would hovo ot
loost qlvon tho MMS o comprohonslvo tost. Thots ospocloll; truo oltor
tho; woro lnlormod ol tho succossos ln Kon;o ond Uqondo. At thot
tlmo ovor 35,000 pooplo hod boon succosslull; trootod ln tho llold,
bosod on roports sold thot ovor;ono wont owo; loollnq qood. l olso
lnlormod tho doctor ol our llold work, but ho wos not lntorostod. Hod
tho; boon ovon sllqhtl; lntorostod tho; would hovo lnvltod mo ovor to
holp thom wlth tho tostlnq. Tho doctor dolnq tho tostlnq dldnt hovo
tho sllqhtost ldoo whot tho MMS ls obout. Ho dldnt undorstond lt.
Ho dldnt undorstond tho vlnoqor octlvotlon ond ho dldnt undorstond
whot tho chomlcols woro. Ho dldnt wont to know. Ho prolorrod to
uso m; solutlon wlthout knowlnq whot lt wos. M; ovoluotlon ol hls
dlslntorost ls thot ho [ust wontod to provo lt dldnt work ond thot wos
thot. Lot mo so; lt oqoln, ho wos obsolutol; totoll; dlslntorostod ln tho
loct thot 35,000 molorlo potlonts hod boon succosslull; trootod ln tho
llold. l tolkod to hlm ot lonqth on tho phono, but oqoln, ho showod
totol dlslntorost. Obvlousl;, oll WHO wontod wos o doctors slqnoturo
thot sold thot tho MMS dldnt work.
Thoro wos olso o doctor ln lsrool who olso tostod MMS, ond sold lt
wouldn`t work. But quoss whot, ho rolusod to uso vlnoqor to octlvoto
tho MMS. Ho sold thot ocototo wos tho somo thlnq ond ho usod onl;
ocototo. Woll tho loct ls, ocototo ls not tho somo thlnq os vlnoqor.
Chomlcoll; lt`s totoll; dllloront, but ho slmpl; would not uso vlnoqor
os ho obvlousl; bollovod ho know bost.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Continuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 page 6
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
l thouqht ;ou mlqht llko to soo tho controct thot l hod wlth WHO.
Tho controct ls sovorol poqos lonq ond thoro rooll; lsn`t onouqh room
horo to show lt, but tho; (WHO) sont o lottor olonq wlth tho controct.
l hovo lncludod thot lottor on tho noxt poqo. ll ;ou oro rooll;
lntorostod ln soolnq tho controct, [ust wrlto mo ond l wlll sond ;ou o
cop; ol tho controct. You could ovon como b; m; ploco ond vlow
tho octuol controct.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Continuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 page 7
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
At thls tlmo Arnold boqon pushlnq hls ldoos obout tho MMS. Ho sold
thot l could not qlvo on; moro owo;. Wo wont throuqh thot somo
thlnq lrom tlmo to tlmo. Ho wontod us to koop control ol ovor;
bottlo. l om suro, lrom Arnolds polnt ol vlow, ho bollovos thot ho wos
tho mon who qot ovor;thlnq ln Alrlco qolnq. Ho contlnuod to moot
pooplo ond qroups thot [ust mlqht llnonco us to qo to Alrlco. l
contlnuo to llvo out horo on tho dosort ond Arnold contlnuod to not
ollow mo to moot on; ol tho pooplo who mlqht llnonco us ln Alrlco. l
wroto thls poroqroph todo; slmpl; bocouso l qovo two locol pooplo
ono bottlo ol MMS ooch ond Arnold lound out ond thoro wos o lonq
dlscusslon obout how l mlqht qo to [oll bocouso ol lt. Todo; l [ust qot
o coll lrom Arnold os ho wos loovlnq Son Fronclsco oltor tolklnq to
ono moro prospoctlvo donor. Anothor ono ho would not lot mo moot.
Out horo ln tho dosort, onl; wrltlnq omolls to Alrlco, l wos oblo to qot
ovor 5,000 pooplo trootod ond curod ol molorlo slnco Morch ol 2004
b; moklnq lrlonds ln Alrlco. Arnold hod dono nothlnq durlnq thls
tlmo oxcopt tolk obout whot ho ls qolnq to do ln Alrlco. Nothlnq hod
hopponod. Accordlnq to hlm, ho hod unllmltod mono; (ot loost ln tho
mllllons) to hondlo Alrlco ond l hod [ust m; Soclol Socurlt; chock.
Ono do; ln tho dosort, obout ono ;oor oltor comlnq bock lrom
Uqondo, whllo worklnq on tho rool l loll oll ond broko m; nock. l
wos rushod to tho hospltol ln tho noorb; clt;, but tho; dldnt hovo tho
nocossor; oqulpmont so tho; llow mo b; olrplono to Rono. Flnoll;,
tho; oponod m; nock up ond put o tltonlum scrow lnto tho 2nd
corvlcol ln m; nock (tho somo bono thot tho octor who plo;od
Supormon broko). You should soo tho scrow. lt looks llko o 1-1/2
lnch wood scrow. l olso broko m; bock ot tho somo tlmo. M; bock
hoolod qulto qulckl;, but m; nock rolusod to hool. Tho doctor lolt tho
bonos not qulto touchlnq. Tho scrow should hovo hod onothor
turn. Slx months wont b; ond stlll no hoollnq. Tho doctor wos
lnslstlnq thot ho opon m; nock bock up ond put two moro scrows ln
ploco. Tho Votorons Hospltol sold thot l must hovo onothor oporotlon
os woll, but tho; hod onothor ldoo ol how to do lt. Howovor, tho;
couldnt qot to lt lor onothor slx months. l wos lolt botwoon o rock
ond o hord ploco or o brokon nock.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Continuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 page 8
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
Flnoll; o lrlond ln Conodo, Mlchool Ho;nos, suqqostod thot l look lnto
moqnotlsm. ln m; soorch ol tho lntornot l lound o qroup ol cllnlcs thot
woro uslnq o now thoor; ol moqnotlsm ond thot tho cllnlcs woro
hovlnq rooll; qroot rosults. Tho cost wos vor; hlqh. Altor qottlnq os
much ovldonco ol tho now tochnoloq; ond os much doto on tho old
tochnoloq; os l could llnd l bouqht somo ol tho stronqost moqnots
now ovolloblo. ln loct, tho; oro so stronq thot tho; oro donqorous.
Tho; con squosh o llnqor or cut lt oll whon bolnq hondlod
lmproporl;. Tho now tochnoloq; works on tho boslc concopt thot
moqnotlsm must hovo o complotod moqnotlc clrcult throuqh tho bod;
ln ordor to qot moxlmum hoollnq powor.
Durlnq thls tlmo l contlnuod to communlcoto wlth os mon; pooplo ln
Alrlco os l could, plus sondlnq omolls to vorlous orqonlzotlons. Wlth
tho moqnots l bouqht l constructod o stool curvod ploco thot would
ollow lor o complotod moqnotlc clrcult throuqh m; nock wlth tho
South Polo noorost tho brokon bono. l put tho moqnots ln ploco lor o
totol ol llvo do;s ond nlqhts slttlnq up oll nlqht to moko suro tho; woro
oxoctl; ln ploco. At tho ond ol llvo do;s m; nock boqon to swoll up. l
wont bock to tho doctor ond hod onothor x-ro;. Tho bono wos
complotol; hoolod. Tho doctor romovod m; nock broco. Ho sold
thot l dldnt nood lt on; moro. Ho sold ho wos qlod thot ho docldod
to wolt boloro qlvlnq mo tho oporotlon. Ho dldnt romombor thot l
wos uslnq moqnots. Ho dldnt coro ond ho wosnt lntorostod. ln loct,
ho would hovo prolorrod to qlvo mo tho oporotlon. Ho dldnt docldo
to wolt boloro qlvlnq mo tho oporotlon. l dldnt qot tho oporotlon,
bocouso l rolusod lt. ll ho hod hls wo;, l would hovo hod tho
l dont know whot oll tho moqnotlc clrcult doos, but l do know thot
tho oxtromol; stronq moqnots couso tho oroo to swoll wlth blood ond
turn rod. No doubt tho oxtro blood olds ln tho hoollnq. Tho x-ro;s
boloro ond oltor provod thot tho bonos hoolod ln tho llvo do;s thot l
kopt tho moqnots ln ploco. l wos molnl; rollovod thot ll tho
opportunlt; como to roturn to Alrlco, m; nock wos hoolod ond l could
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Continuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 page 9
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
ll ;ou hovo probloms wlth qottlnq bonos to hool, look lnto tho
moqnotlc sldo ol hoollnq bonos.
As tlmo possod o mon lrom Gulnoo collod ond wontod us to qo to
thot countr; ond troot tho pooplo thoro. Ho sold thot ho wos o lrlond
ol tho llrst lod; ond thot ho could qot us opprovod b; tho
qovornmont. Ho hod told tho llrst lod; obout us ond tho; woro
onxlous lor us to como to Gulnoo. Arnold llnoll; took mo to moot
hlm ond wo tolkod. Thlnqs woro bolnq sot lor us to qo. l collod thls
mon lrom Gulnoo ond thon oll holl broko looso os Arnold told mo thot
l wos novor to tolk to thls mon oqoln. Ho would novor ollow mo to
tolk to on;ono thot ho consldorod hls contoct. Thoro wos tho hollorlnq
ond scroomlnq thot l so hoto ond connot toko port ln. As thlnqs
turnod out, thls mon docldod ho wos qolnq to dlctoto tho torms ol our
ovor; movo ln Gulnoo ond lt wos slmpl; somothlnq thot wo could not
occopt. At loost thot ls whot Arnold told mo. So wo dldnt qo to
Gulnoo. l cont toll ;ou how humlllotlnq lt ls to bo told thot ;ou cont
ovon tolk to somoono. Tho doto ot thls tlmo wos tho llrst port ol
Clno qoes to 5erru leone West Ajrcu
A vor; octlvo ;ounq lollow b; tho nomo ol Chlno contoctod mo ond
stotod thot ho would llko to know moro obout tho MMS (Wo woro
colllnq lt tho Molorlo Solutlon ot thot tlmo). l mot Chlno ln Boott;,
Novodo obout Morch 2005. l oxplolnod how tho MMS workod ond
mlxod somo dosos ond hod hlm toko o doso.
Chlno oxplolnod thot hls lomll; ln Slorro Loono ownod o lorqo qold
mlnlnq concosslon olonq tho moln rlvor thoro. Ho oxplolnod thot tho
molorlo wos so bod thot ovor;ono ln hls lomll; hod molorlo ond mon;
pooplo thoro hod dlod ol molorlo. Ho sold thot ho noodod os much ol
tho MMS os l could lurnlsh hlm. l sold l would tr; to qot hlm os much
os posslblo. Wo hod docldod to chorqo o prlco thot on; Alrlcon could
ollord ot thot tlmo, whlch wos obout 10 conts. l oxplolnod tho prlco
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Continuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 page 10
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
ond ho sold thot ho could qot tho mono;. l lurnlshod hlm wlth 20
bottlos ot thot tlmo whlch could troot 450 porsons o bottlo. l qovo
thom to hlm lroo ol chorqo, but ho lnslstod thot ho would po; ln tho
noor luturo.
About two months lotor ho vlsltod mo ln tho dosort. Ho hod boon to
Slorro Loono ond trootod obout 1,000 pooplo ln tho vllloqo ond oroo
whoro hls lomll; llvod. Ho sold thot moro pooplo woro thoro woltlnq
lor hlm to brlnq moro bottlos ol tho MMS. Ho oxplolnod thot lt wos
not posslblo to chorqo on;thlnq lor tho dosos thot ho qovo tho pooplo.
Ho sold thot tho mlnuto ho boqon solllnq dosos lor on; omount ol
mono;, tho qovornmont would como ond toko tho mono; ond tho
MMS. Thots tho wo; lt ls ln Eost Alrlco. Tho qovornmont wonts oll
tho mono; ond oll tho buslnoss. ll ;ou qlvo tho dosos owo;, thoro ls
no mono; ln lt ond tho qovornmont ls not lntorostod. Tho onl; wo;
to moko lt work ls brlnq
lt lnto tho countr; ond
qlvo lt owo; wlthout
PIcrure: ChIno'o
reIurIoeo In SIerru
Leone heIp hIm rreur
hundredo o[ peopIe.
The pIuorIc gIuooeo
euch hoId u dooe o[
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Continuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 page 11
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
Othorwlso tho qovornmont wlll toko lt ond soll lt onl; to thoso who
con po; lorqo sums lor tho trootmont. Hls ossossmont ol tho sltuotlon
wos thot to lurnlsh lt lor lrool; wos tho onl; wo; thot tho pooplo ol
Slorro Loono would ovor qot tho MMS. But, ho sold thot ho hod
pooplo ln tho U.S. who would lurnlsh tho mono;. l dldnt osk hlm lor
mono; ovon thouqh ho kopt so;lnq thot ho would po;.
PIcrure: PeopIe
IIne up ro ruke u
dooe o[ MMS In
SIerru Leone.
NorIce hou
cIooeIu rheu
orund ro one
unorher. ThIo
uuo ChIno'o
l put toqothor 100 bottlos wlth 450 doos ooch. Thon Chlno ond l
trovolod to Rono ond shlppod tho bottlos to Slorro Loono. Ho pold
lor tho shlpplnq wlth o crodlt cord. l oskod lor no mono;, onl; thot
ho qlvo us o slqnod lottor lrom ooch porson thot wos trootod ond
curod who hod molorlo. Ho thon lolt to qo bock to Slorro Loono to
boqln trootlnq moro pooplo. Ho lotor roturnod lrom Slorro Loono
oltor trootlnq on oddltlonol 5,000 molorlo vlctlms. Thls trlp took
obout throo months. Ho hod o comoro ond hls cousln took o numbor
ol plcturos ol tho pooplo durlnq tho procoss. Whon ho roturnod ho dld
not hovo on; lottors slqnod, but ho dld hovo tho plcturos. Lotor ho
oskod lor moro bottlos. Wo novor rolusod on; ol hls roquost lor
bottlos ovon thouqh ho dld not brlnq tho slqnod lottors. l hovo
lncludod plcturos ol hls work ln Slorro Loono.
John contlnuod to tolk obout lurnlshlnq tho mono; lor us to qo to
Alrlco. Arnold sold wo couldnt qo untll wo hod on lnvltotlon.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Continuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 page 12
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
Bocouso tho; hod mono; ond kopt tolklnq obout llnonclnq o trlp to
Alrlco to do cllnlcol trlols dono, l kopt qulot. Tho; rollod on m; doslro
to soo tho pooplo ol Alrlco curod. Thus tho; could toko m;
tochnoloq;, ollow mo no so; ot oll, ond po; mo nothlnq but oxponsos
lor tho trlp, whlch ol courso, wos rooll; nothlnq. Tho; ossurod tho
sponsors thot no ono (mo) would bo rocolvlnq po;mont lor tho
tochnoloq;. Tho; sold thot tho sponsors wontod oll ol tholr mono; to
qo toword trootlnq pooplo ln Alrlco. l couldnt rooll; orquo oqolnst
thot. How could l bo so solllsh os to wont somo roturn lor m;
tochnoloq; Tho loct ls thouqh, l novor know who tho sponsors
l llnoll; roollzod thot olthouqh tho; woro onsurlnq thot tho mono;
wont towords trootlnq pooplo ln Alrlco, tho; woro olso uslnq m;
tochnoloq; to bocomo known ln tho countr; ol Molowl. Tho; woro
thon worklnq towords sovorol dllloront buslnoss vonturos thoro
lncludlnq mlnlnq ond o now rlco tochnoloq; thot would lurnlsh rlco
protoln worldwldo. lm not lncludod ln on; ol thot. l dont wont to
bo. l llquro thot ll l contlnuo to ottompt to qot thls MMS lnlormotlon
to tho world, mono; wlll ovontuoll; como m; wo;. ll not, ot loost l
know thot thls doto ls too lmportont to hovo lt undor tho control ol
on; ono porson ond l om not qolnq to ollow thot to hoppon. l wlll soo
thot lt ls publlshod to tho
wldost oudlonco thot ls
wlthln m; oblllt; to rooch.
PIcrure: ChIco on rhe
Ie[r, gIoeo u dooe o[ MMS
ro u bou rhur Io In rhIo
cuoe oomeuhur reIucrunr
ro ruke Ir. Moor chIIdren
ure oeru enrhuoIuorIc
ubour rhe MMS, IookIng
ur Ir IIke oome kInd o[ u
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 1
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
Chapter 8

Malawi East Africa

Wo, moonlnq tho Molorlo Solutlon Foundotlon
lormod b; mo (tho outhor) ond Arnold, llnoll;
rocolvod on lnvltotlon, not lrom tho qovornmont ol
Molowl, but lrom o buslnossmon thoro. Hls nomo
ls Zohlr Sholkh. Ho ls o qroot humonltorlon. Onco ho loornod obout us,
ho wontod to holp hls pooplo. So wlth hls lnvltotlon ond mono; thot
John lurnlshod, Arnold ond l llow to Molowl ln Fobruor; ol 2006, olonq
wlth two othor pooplo thot Arnold wontod to brlnq olonq.

PIcrure: From Ie[r ro rIghr, Jumeo ChrIorIunoen, JIm HumbIe
(uurhor}, ZuhIr ShuIkh und John Wuuu.

On tho nlqht boloro wo lolt lor Molowl, wo woro hovlnq o lorowoll
dlnnor. John sold to mo, but wlth ovor;ono llstonlnq, l [ust wont ;ou to
know thot ;ou hovo to do ovor;thlnq oxoctl; how Arnold wonts lt, or
thoro wlll bo no mono; to llnonco ;ou ln Molowl. You oro o looso
connon ond wo cont hovo ;ou scrowlnq thlnqs up. l slmpl; ropllod,
All rlqht, lll do lt Arnolds wo;. Tolk obout oll tho woll, ovor;thlnq

Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 2
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
wos olrood; bolnq dono Arnold`s wo;. Tho; hod olrood; lnsurod thot l
hod no so;. lt hod boon told to mo oqoln ond oqoln. John [ust hod to
qot thls ono lost dlq ln lor no opporont rooson so lor os l could soo.

Thoro woro mon; thlnqs thot woro not qolnq to work Arnolds wo;, but
ho would hovo to soo lt lor hlmsoll os wo wont olonq. Ho cortolnl;
wosnt qolnq to llston to mo.

l wontod to wolk out on tho wholo thlnq. lts not o wo; l on[o; bolnq
trootod, but wo woro slotod to bo trootlnq slck pooplo ln Molowl ond l
[ust couldnt wolk out. (Tho loct ls, ll l hod wolkod out tho mlsslon would
hovo lollod). Yos, lt wos Johns mono; thot wos moklnq lt posslblo, but lt
wos olso m; ;oors ol work pushlnq tho ldoo ond m; tochnoloq; thot olso
modo lt posslblo. l hod no ldoo thot tho; consldorod mo o looso
connon, os l hod oqrood to tholr domonds. Whon l roturnod o llttlo ovor
o month lotor John opoloqlzod bocouso hls qlrllrlond sold ho should, but
thot dldnt rooll; chonqo on;thlnq. Mono; pooplo hovo o tondonc; to
not rospoct pooplo wlthout mono;. Mono;, howovor, wos novor m;
thlnq. l spont 50 ;oors ond hundrods ol thousonds ol dollors stud;lnq
splrltuol phllosophlos ond rollqlons. l hovo somothlnq John ond Arnold
wlll novor hovo ond wlll novor undorstond. M; splrltuol studlos hod
onoblod mo to bo sulllclontl; rocoptlvo to now posslbllltlos so l could
dlscovor tho MMS ln tho llrst ploco.

Zohlr Sholkh (soo plcturo) wos tho buslnossmon who lnvltod us to
Molowl. Ho ls on Eost lndlon whoso oncostors movod to Molowl mon;
;oors oqo. Ho took us oll oround tho copltol ol Molowl to mon;
qovornmont olllcos holplnq us qot opprovol lor tho MMS (whlch wo
collod ot thot tlmo tho Molorlo Solutlon). Our succoss ln qottlnq tho
MMS occoptod ln Molowl wos complotol; orchostrotod b; Zohlr. Evor;
do; ho would toko us oround tho clt;, ln hls outomobllo, to vlslt vorlous
olllclols, such os tho Chlol ol Pollco, tho lnspoctor Gonorol, tho Hoolth
Mlnlstor, ond so on.
Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 3
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
Whon wo vlsltod tho olllco ol ooch olllclol, Zohlr would lntroduco us,
Arnold would tolk obout our mlsslon to brlnq tho MMS to Alrlco, ond
thon ho would suqqost thot l toll thom tho dotolls ol how tho MMS rooll;
works. At thot tlmo l would spond 10 to 20 mlnutos oxplolnlnq tho boslc
chomlstr; ol tho MMS. Tho tlmo l took wos mostl; dotormlnod b; how
mon; quostlons thot tho; oskod. l thouqht thls wos portlculorl;
lntorostlnq bocouso boloro wo lolt on tho trlp, Arnold wos oxtromol;
odomont thot wo should not toll on;ono ln Molowl obout how tho
solutlon workod. Thot wos ono ol tho roosons tho; collod mo o looso
connon. l trlod to polnt out thot our proqrom lt would not bo workoblo
ll wo dldnt toll pooplo how tho MMS workod. Thot wos ono ol tho moln
polnts ol contontlon.

PIcrure: Three o[ rhe prIoon nuroeo uurch uo rhe Aurhor ohouo
rhem hou ro mI rhe MMS.

l wos lorblddon to toll thom how lt workod, ond to tho vor; llrst porson
wo wont to soo, Arnold sold, Thls ls tho lnvontor ond ho wlll toll ;ou
how lt works. So lor months Arnold wos stuck on not oxplolnlnq how lt
works. But whon wo woro octuoll; thoro, Arnold lmmodlotol; sow thot

Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 4
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
wo would hovo to toll thom tho dotolls. Thls wos ono ol tho mon;
oxomplos thot wos usod to show mo thot Arnold must hovo comploto

l dldnt rooll; push tho polnt, bocouso l know thot tho doctors ond tho
sclontlllcoll; trolnod olllclols would novor ollow us to do on;thlnq
wlthout on oxplonotlon ol how lt workod. At ono polnt Arnold ovon
sold to mo, ll ;ou stort tolllnq thom how lt works, l wlll toko ;ou down
to tho olrplono ond sond ;ou homo. (Thot wos whon wo woro tolklnq
obout qolnq to Gulnoo).

Anothor polnt ol dlsoqroomont wos Arnolds lnslstonco thot wo should
not bo tho onos to odmlnlstor tho MMS, thot wo should onl; troln tho
pooplo thoro ond thon lot thom qlvo tho MMS to tho molorlo potlonts.
But thot slmpl; wosnt proctlcol. l dldn`t push thot polnt olthor os l know
Arnold would hovo to chonqo whon ho qot thoro. Whon ;ou brlnq o
modlclno, ;ou hod bottor bo proporod to qlvo lt to tho pooplo. ll ;ou
dont, no ono wlll trust ;ou, ond tho; wlll hovo no trust ln ;our
modlclno. As lt turnod out, wo olwo;s qovo tho dosos. Arnold wos
smort onouqh to soo thot lt hod to bo thot wo;. To hond tho modlclno to
o locol ond so;, Horo ;ou qlvo lt [ust doosn`t work ln Alrlco. Tho;
concludo ;ou oro olrold to qlvo ;our own modlclno.

So os tho lnvontor, whon wo orrlvod ot dllloront plocos, l modo suro wo
qovo tho dosos ond Arnold qulckl; sow tho odvontoqo. Whon wo wont
to soo on olllclol l qonoroll; would mlx dosos lor ovor;ono, lncludlnq tho
olllclols, ond bollovo lt or not, ovor; olllclol wo sow wos wllllnq to drlnk o
doso. So tho vor; llrst thlnq wo dld ln Molowl wos to porsonoll; qlvo
pooplo tholr dosos ol tho MMS. Thon whon wo llnoll; qot out to tho
prlsons or othor plocos, oqoln wo woro tho onos to dlsponso tho dosos.
ln tho ontlro tlmo wo woro thoro, l do not bollovo thot wo hod o slnqlo
Molowlon dlsponso tho dosos. Boslcoll;, ovor;thlnq wont tho wo; l sold
lt would qo, but thoro wos no rocoqnltlon ol thot. Rothor thoro wos [ust
lncroosod dotormlnotlon lor ovor;thlnq to qo tho wo; Arnold dlctotod.

Thlnqs do chonqo ropldl; thoro. Whon tho; soo thot ;ou oro wllllnq to
qlvo tho modlclno ond thot lt works, thon tho; boqln to osk to bo ollowod
Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 5
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
to hondlo tho modlclno ond tho sltuotlon. Ono must not show ln on;
wo; thot ho ls hosltont obout dlsponslnq tho modlclno.

Whllo wo woro ln Molowl, Arnold llrod tho two othor pooplo thot ho
brouqht wlth us. Ono wos o photoqrophor nomod Jomos Hockborth ond
tho othor, o lrlond ol Arnolds, nomod John W;oux. l wont toll oll tho
dotolls, [ust tho hlqhllqhts. Tho most omborrosslnq port hopponod ln
probobl; tho most oxcluslvo rostouront ln town. Evor;ono hod on sults
ond tlos ond wo woro tho onl; whlto pooplo thoro. Arnold stood up ond
shoutod ot John W;oux. l novor rooll; know wh;. Tho wholo
rostouront wont doothl; sllont whon Arnold boqon to shout. l [ust sot
thoro looklnq ot m; ploto, too omborrossod to look up. Flnoll; bolnq so
onqr;, Arnold stompod out ol tho rostouront, ond thlnqs sottlod bock
down to tho normol murmur ol convorsotlon. l lound out tho noxt do;
thot John hod sold somothlnq to Zohlr, our buslnossmon holpor, but
Zohlr novor hoord whot wos sold. And l dldnt hoor whot wos sold. ln
loct, no ono but Arnold hoord whot wos sold, not ovon John know whot
ho hod sold thot sot Arnold oll. To thls do;, l dont know whot John
sold, thus l stlll hovo no ldoo wh; ho wos llrod.

Throo ovonlnqs lotor Arnold wos sllqhtl; undor tho lnlluonco ol olcohol.
Ho ontorod Jomos Hockborths room ond llrod hlm bocouso ho wosnt
toklnq tho rlqht t;po ol plcturos, occordlnq to Arnold. l odmlt, l dldnt
llko somo ol hls plcturos, but l llqurod oll wo hod to do wos oxploln
oxoctl; whot wo wontod. ln on; coso oltor thot, Arnold told both ol
thom thot tho; could qot homo tho bost tho; could. Durlnq tho low do;s
thot tho; hod lolt, Arnold wos oxtromol; rudo to thom on;tlmo ho sow
thom. Porhops l should hovo qono homo wlth thom, os no ono dosorvos
thot klnd ol trootmont, but l wontod tho Molowl pro[oct to succood so
bodl; thot l wos oblo to compromlso m; lntoqrlt; concornlnq tho
trootmont ol m; ocquolntoncos. All ol m; doclslons ond cholcos woro
thon, ond stlll oro prodlcotod, on tho ldoo thot l wont tho MMS to bo ln
uso wldol; throuqhout tho world.

Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 6
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
Wo hod tho somo problom ln Molowl thot wo hod ln Kon;o. Tho lnltlol
dosos thot l mlxod woro too wook. Whon wo woro llrst trootlnq prlsonors
ln our cllnlcol trlols ot tho prlson, tho; woro comlnq bock tho noxt do;,
loollnq bottor but not totoll; curod. So, l boqon lncrooslnq tho dosos.
Thoro wos ono othor problom. Wo woro purchoslnq [ulco thot hod
vltomln C oddod os o prosorvotlvo. Tho oddod vltomln C roducos tho
olloctlvonoss ol tho MMS b; obout 75%. l hod olrood; provon thls loct,
but l lot lt sllp b; mo ot llrst os l hod novor hod o rool problom wlth lt
boloro. Onco l roollzod thot vltomln C wos prosont ln tho purchosod
[ulco, l stortod uslnq onl; lrosh [ulco, ond olso lncroosod tho dosoqo.
Thon wo boqon to qot o 100% rocovor; roto lrom molorlo.

PIcrure: Tuo [emuIe
prIoon Inmureo gIoe
rheIr bubIeo rhe MMS
[ormuIu. orh bubIeo
uere okuu In 24 houro.

Somoono hod suqqostod thot dolnq cllnlcol trlols ln tho locol prlsons
would bo tho ooslost thlnq to do ond tho ooslost ploco to qot pormlsslon.
Wo docldod to qlvo lt o tr;. Wo vlsltod tho locol prlson b; tho nomo ol
Moulo ln tho clt; ol Lllonqwo, whlch ls tho copltol ol Molowl. Tho
monoqor ol tho prlson qovo us pormlsslon to tolk to tho modlcol
tochnlclon. Tho osslstont modlcol tochnlclons nomo wos S.S. Komon[o.
Althouqh ho wos tho osslstont, ho wos olwo;s tho onl; ono thoro. Ho
orronqod lor us to do tho cllnlcol trlols. Wo sllppod hlm o low dollors ot
sovorol dllloront tlmos ond ho wos qulto cooporotlvo. Actuoll;, lt ls onl;
lolr to montlon thot ho wos qulto cooporotlvo ovon boloro wo sllppod
hlm o low dollors, but ho wos such o nlco mon thot wo thouqht lt would
bo nlco to holp hlm out o blt.

Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 7
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
Wo thon lolt tho prlson to llnd o lob or hospltol thot would bo oblo to
procoss blood somplos. lt wos ospocloll; lmportont thot tho; bo o
soporoto orqonlzotlon. Wo llnoll; sottlod on o modlcol hospltol collod
MARS whlch wos on lntornotlonol orqonlzotlon. MARS stonds lor
Modlcol Alr Roscuo Sorvlco. Dr. Josoph Ar;oo wos tho hood mon thoro
ond ho wos vor; rosponslvo to us. Wo oxplolnod whot wo wontod to do
ond whot our MMS octuoll; dld. Wo mlxod our normol drlnk to show
hlm. Ho wont ohood ond dronk tho mlxturo os dld most othor olllclols
ln Molowl. Ho osslqnod us o modlcol lob tochnlclon whoso nomo wos
Poul Mokoulo. Dr. Ar;oo sold thot oll wo would nood to do would bo to
po; Pouls solor; whllo ho wos worklnq lor us. Wo oqrood on $300 U.S.
lor slx do;s, plus wo oqrood to po; hls qosollno ond othor oxponsos. Dr.
Ar;oo ollowod tho modlcol lob tochnlclon to uso tho MARS lob ond
mlcroscopo lor tho blood tosts lrom ot tho prlson ot no chorqo, whlch wo
thouqht wos vor; qonorous. Ho wontod to bo ol somo holp.

Throuqhout tho countr; ol Molowl tho olllclols oll dronk o lull doso ol
tho MMS. ll lt hod boon o druq, tho; probobl; would not hovo tokon lt.
ll tho; woro not wllllnq to toko tho MMS, whlch ls morol; o mlnorol
supplomont, thon tho; would not bo wllllnq to hovo tholr pooplo toko lt.
ln m; oplnlon, thoso olllclols woro vor; couroqoous to osslst us to holp
tholr pooplo. Tho; woro wllllnq to toko tho dosos ol MMS [ust on our so;

lt ls m; bollol thot tho rooson tho Phormocoutlcol, Modlclnos ond
Polsons Boord so roodll; occoptod our MMS os o mlnorol supplomont
rothor thon o druq wos thot so mon; olllclols dronk lt wlthout hosltotlon
whon wo told thom thot lt wos not o druq. ln ossonco mon; pooplo rooll;
wontod to soo tho MMS holp tholr countr;. Tho; wontod lt to work ond
tho; woro wllllnq to cooporoto ln ordor to hovo lt work lor thom.

Bock ot tho prlson tho noxt mornlnq, S.S. Komon[o brouqht ln tho llrst
10 mon. Tho; woro qlvon slx drops ooch, wlth toospoon ol vlnoqor,
tho throo mlnuto wolt, ond thon plnoopplo [ulco wos thon oddod. Arnold
chockod ooch potlont lor tomporoturo. Tho llrst thlnq wo loornod wos
thot thoso oor thormomotors slmpl; do not work ln Alrlco. l thlnk lt ls
bocouso oors ln Alrlco, ospocloll; ln prlson, oro cloonod dlllorontl;, or
Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 8
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
not ot oll. Luckll; wo hod tho plostlc strlp thormomotors thot ;ou [ust
pross on tho lorohood. Wlthln obout 10 soconds tho tomporoturo con bo
rood ln tho plostlc. Flnoll; Arnold wos uslnq tho strlp thormomotors on
ovor;ono ho chockod. Tho strlp thormomotor workod woll ond wo woro
oblo to qot tho tomporoturo ol ooch potlont whlch wos qonoroll; qulto
hlqh. Poul, tho lob tochnlclon, stuck ooch potlonts llnqor ond took o
blood somplo ond put lt on o slldo wlth tho potlonts nomo. Thoso slldos
woro thon tokon bock to tho MARS loborotor; ond Poul chockod ooch
ono on tho mlcroscopo. Wo corolull; rocordod tho doto lrom tho 10
potlonts thot mornlnq oltor toklnq tho blood somplos. Thon l mlxod tho
dosos ln plostlc cups ond Arnold hondod tho cup to ooch potlont.

Whon wo hod llnlshod toklnq blood somplos, rocordlnq tho doto, ond
oltor qlvlnq ooch ol tho 10 potlonts o doso wo oskod ll thoro woro on;
moro prlsonors complolnlnq ol molorlo. Komon[o sold thot thoro woro
1 moro. Wo sold, Brlnq thom oll ln ond wo wlll doso oll ol thom,
whlch ls whot wo dld. Wo roturnod thot oltornoon oltor 3:00 p.m. to soo
tho rosults but tho; woro not so qroot. Most sold tho; woro loollnq
bottor, but tho; oll stlll hod lovors. Tho lovor hod boon roducod ln onl;
ono mon. l know somothlnq wos wronq. Wo dosod ovor;ono oqoln
lncludlnq tho 10 octuoll; bolnq tostod ond tho othor 1 thot woro [ust
rocolvlnq o doso wlthout toklnq blood somplos or hovlnq rocords kopt.
Wo oqoln usod onl; slx drops.

You probobl; quossod lt, tho noxt mornlnq ovor;ono stlll tostod posltlvo
lor molorlo. lt wos thon l boqon to romombor thot ln Kon;o l hod boon
uslnq 15 drops. Wo onl; usod slx drops ln tho U.S. lor molntononco. l
boqon to qot on lnkllnq ol whot wos qolnq wronq. l olso romomborod
tho oxporlmonts provlnq thot vltomln C roducod tho olloctlvonoss ol tho
chlorlno dloxldo. l boqon worklnq thot ovonlnq ot qottlnq tho corroct
[ulco wlthout vltomln C oddod.
Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 9
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
Tho Molowl prlsons oro much llko concontrotlon comps. Tho prlson ls
closod ln b; wlth onl; o wlro lonco wlth borbod wlro ot tho top. Thoro
oro ormod quords ot tho cornors ol tho prlson ln smoll quord shocks.
Whllo wo woro thoro, tho; oskod us ll wo would llko to soo tho womons
quortors ond ol courso wo sold ;os. Tho womon sloop on tho boro lloor
wlth onl; o blonkot or two. Arnold sold thot ho would qot tho womon o
loom mottross to sloop on. Womon who hovo chlldron hovo tho
chlldron sto; wlth thom ln tho prlson. Tho quords qot most ol tho lood
slotod lor tho prlson ond soll lt olsowhoro. Thoroloro, tho lnmotos hovo
vor; llttlo to oot. Tho; do rolso o low voqotoblos llko pototoos. Thoro ls
o slnqlo tollot lor tho ontlro womons dorm wlth wotor contlnuousl;
runnlnq down tho tollot. Asldo lrom tho boro lloors, tho prlson sto;s
lolrl; cloon. Tho womon botho outsldo undor o wotor loucot out ol tho
slqht ol tho mon.

PIcrure: Shouo 5
pudo uhere rhe
[emuIe Inmureo
oIeep. ChIIdren uIoo
oruu here uIrh rheIr

Thoro wos ono mon ln tho prlson thot hod o hlqh lovor, but hls blood
tost como bock noqotlvo (moonlnq no molorlo prosont). Slnco ho
soomod to hovo molorlo s;mptoms, wo suspoctod ho mo; hovo boon
loklnq lt. Howovor, whon wo qovo hlm tho MMS, hls tomporoturo como
down to normol ovornlqht ond hls s;mptoms dlsoppoorod. Poul, tho lob
mon, sold thot ho chockod tho blood o socond tlmo, but no molorlo
porosltos woro prosont. ln on; coso, ho qot woll ovon ll lt wosnt molorlo.
Thoro wos olso ono prlsonor who rolusod trootmont. But slnco ho wos
thoro, wo rocordod hls nomo ond tomporoturo on;wo;. Sovorol do;s
lotor, whon ho sow oll ol tho othor prlsonors qottlnq woll ond ho wos stlll

Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 10
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
slck, ho docldod thot ho wontod to bo trootod olso. So, wo wont ohood
ond dosod hlm ond ho wos oko; tho noxt do;.

l llnoll; roollzod thot tho plnoopplo [ulco lrom tho qrocor; storo hod
vltomln C os o prosorvotlvo. As l montlonod boloro, Vltomln C provonts
tho MMS lrom qonorotlnq tho chlorlno dloxldo thot ls nocossor;. Wo
bouqht plnoopplos ond o [ulco mokor ond modo our own [ulco. ln
oddltlon to uslnq lrosh [ulco wo lncroosod tho doso to 18 drops. Tho
noxt mornlnq, boloro uslnq tho 18 drop dosos, wo oqoln chockod tho
potlonts. Ol tho 10 lrom whlch wo hod orlqlnoll; tokon blood somplos,
tho ono mon thot dld not tost posltlvo lor molorlo wos loollnq oko;. Tho
othor nlno oqoln sold thot tho; woro loollnq bottor, but not woll. A
socond blood tost wos dono. Thls tost showod thot tho molorlo porosltos
woro stlll prosont but tho porosltos lookod dlstortod ln sovorol cosos. Wo
thon dosod ovor;ono wlth 18 drops ond usod tho lrosh plnoopplo [ulco.
Wo olso dlsponsod tho somo 18-drop doso to tho 1 oddltlonol
prlsonors wlth molorlo.

Tho blood tosts thot our lob mon took tho noxt mornlnq oll como bock
noqotlvo ond oll potlonts roportod tho; woro loollnq qood. Tho othor 1
olso roportod loollnq qood, os woll. Wo thon soloctod onothor 10 cosos
to chock ond wo hod Poul, tho lob mon, toko tholr blood. Wo trootod
thom wlth 18 drops ol MMS ond usod tho lrosh plnoopplo [ulco ln tholr
dosos. Arnold wos vor; holplul ond osslstod ln ovor;thlnq. Ho hondod
out tho dosos to tho potlonts ond took tholr tomporoturos whllo l whllo l
mlxod tho dosos ond rocordod tho lnlormotlon. Tho noxt mornlnq (24
hours lotor) tholr blood oll tostod noqotlvo lor molorlo. ln oddltlon, oll ol
tho old potlonts thot wo trootod ln tho prlson woro stlll loollnq woll.

l hod loornod ln Uqondo thot tho suro wo; to complotol; dostro; tho
molorlo poroslto wos to uso two dosos ol 15 drops ooch, soporotod b;
ono to lour hours. ll thot hod boon tho wo; wo hod stortod out, thoro
would novor hovo boon on; troublo horo. l hovo to plood bolnq old wlth
o poor momor;. Two ;oors hod possod slnco tho trootmonts ln Uqondo.
l slmpl; hod lorqotton tho dotolls ond hod to loorn thom ovor oqoln. ln
tho U.S. wo usuoll; [ust uso slx drop dosos lor molntononco, but wo
olton nood to qo obovo slx drops to curo somo dlsoosos. l hod lorqotton
Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 11
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
thot wo woro dolnq two 15 drop dosos ln Uqondo. lll novor moko thot
mlstoko oqoln, ond hopolull; somoono smortor thon mo wlll bo dolnq lt
noxt tlmo on;wo;.

At tho ond ol tho prlson tosts, Dr.Ar;oo ot tho MARS hospltol rovlowod
Pouls lob blood tosts ond qovo us o vor; posltlvo lottor. Tho loct wos,
thot ovor; potlont thot orlqlnoll; tostod posltlvo lor molorlo ln tho blood
tostod noqotlvo oltor MMS trootmont ond tho; woro loollnq llno. lt took
sovorol oxtro dosos lor tho llrst 10 tostod, but oll ovontuoll; tostod
noqotlvo. Lot mo so; thot oqoln, oll ovontuoll; tostod noqotlvo, whlch
modo lt 100% succosslul ovon ll lt dld toko on oxtro do; to qot tho llrst
qroup curod.

Whllo ln Molowl wo olso vlsltod sovorol qross hut vllloqos. Thoro wo
trootod ovor; klnd ol slcknoss ;ou con lmoqlno. Wo dosod tho vllloqors
os tho; como up to us tolllnq us whot wos wronq. Wo dldnt roluso o
doso to on;ono. Wh; not troot os mon; os wo could, lts onl; o mlnorol
supplomont. Most ol tho pooplo ln tho vllloqo hovo ono dlsooso or
onothor. Tholr wotor ls not puro. Tho worm woothor oncouroqos oll
klnds ol dlsoosos. Tho; wolk wlth boro loot ond tho qross ond strooms
hovo dlsoosos thot ontor throuqh tho skln. Tho noxt do; whon wo
roturnod to tho vllloqo, most ol tho lllnoss hod boon ovorcomo. A
numbor ol pooplo hod vomltod worms ond somo hod dood worms ln
tholr stools. ln tho luturo, wo hopo to qo bock wlth onouqh solutlon so
oll ol tho vllloqos con hovo whot tho; nood.

Lot mo montlon ot thls polnt thot oltor Arnold llrod tho two pooplo ho
hod brouqht, ho wos vor; octlvo ln qottlnq thlnqs dono. Ho modo thlnqs
hoppon. l wos prott; much [ust olonq lor tho rldo ot thot polnt. l hod no
so; ln how thlnqs woro dono. Arnold dlctotod ovor;thlnq ond ho modo
lt work. So l holpod ot tho prlson ond modo suqqostlons to Arnold. l
corrlod tho tochnlcol sldo ol thlnqs. But Arnold controllod oll phosos ol
tho oporotlon. l rooll; dldnt nood to bo thoro oxcopt to llquro out wh;
tho solutlon hodn`t lnltloll; workod ond thon moko tho nocossor;
od[ustmonts. Tho loct ls, Arnold modo tho wholo oporotlon work ond lt
wos succosslul.

Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 12
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
Arnold oskod mo onco, How would ;ou hovo dono lt dlllorontl;
Woll, l would hovo dono mon; thlnqs dlllorontl;, slmpl; bocouso no two
pooplo do thlnqs tho somo wo;. But, hod ho oskod mo ll l dlsoqrood
wlth how ho dld thlnqs ...... woll, l lolt thot thoro wos no polnt ln
nltplcklnq. l would not hovo dlsoqrood wlth on;thlnq oxcopt wlth tho
wo; ho llrod tho two qu;s who ho brouqht olonq on tho trlp ond tho loct
thot ho trlod to koop such comploto control ol tho bottlos ol MMS
solutlon. At ono ol tho vllloqos l wontod to loovo o bottlo wlth tho chlol,
but Arnold lnslstod thot wo would como bock tho noxt do; to troot thoso
who noodod o socond doso. But wo novor qot bock, olthouqh l
suqqostod lt sovorol tlmos. Thus mon; wont untrootod, ond ln on; sort
ol o sltuotlon whoro wo dldnt koop our commltmont lt wos upsottlnq to

l hopo ;ou undorstond m; purposo. l dont [ust wont to holp somo
pooplo ln somo vllloqos. Thot ls qroot to do ond wo on[o;od lt, but m;
rool purposo ls to llrst provo out tho MMS to tho polnt thot tho world
bocomos wllllnq to uso lt to holp dostro; mon; dlsoosos ln Alrlco
lncludlnq molorlo ond AlDS. Whon thot hoppons, tho world wlll nood to
spond loss ond loss mono; on Alrlco. Rlqht now, tho world sonds untold
bllllons ol dollors ln Alrlco. Molorlo olono ls tho blqqost couso ol povort;
ln Alrlco. Eoch ;oor 500,000,000 pooplo oro slck wlth molorlo ond cont
work, ond mllllons moro hovo AlDS ond othor dlsoosos. lt olso tokos
mllllons ol othor pooplo to coro lor tho slck. Evor;whoro ;ou qo ln
Alrlco ;ou soo nonprollt humonltorlon qroups worklnq to holp tho
pooplo thoro. Bllllons ond bllllons ol dollors oro bolnq spont ln on ollort
to holp Alrlco, but stlll lt lsnt onouqh. Thls mono; wlll not bo noodod
whon thoso dlsoosos oro undor control or ovon orodlcotod. Thoso
bllllons ol dollors con bo ollocotod to othor purposos.

Wo occompllshod o lot ln Molowl. Wo qot sovorol oqonclos ol tho
qovornmont to occopt our MMS os o mlnorol supplomont, whlch wos
lmportont, but wo trootod loss thon 100 pooplo whllo thoro. Altor wo qot
tho qovornmont occoptonco ond dld o couplo ol 10-potlont cllnlcol trlols,
wo wont homo. ln octuollt; wo dld o totol ol throo cllnlcol trlols.
Flnoll;, slx months lotor wo olso lound out thot tho cllnlcol trlols
Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 13
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
conductod b; tho Molorlo Boord ol tho qovornmont rosultod ln tho somo
100% rocovor; lrom molorlo thot our tosts provod ln tho prlson.

Thoro ls tho promlso to troot tho ontlro countr;, ond l hopo wo do.
Arnold dld o vor; qood [ob. Ho kopt ot lt untll wo hod our doto. Wo,
howovor, dld not como closo to dolnq whot wo hod como to do. Wo
woro qolnq to spond o qroot dool ol tlmo ln tho vllloqos trolnlnq tho
chlols ond othors to uso tho MMS. Wo onl; wont to throo vllloqos ln oll.
Wo dld not troln on;ono ln o slnqlo vllloqo to uso tho MMS. Thot wos
rooll; whot wo woro thoro lor. Wo lolt, l ossumo bocouso wo woro out ol
mono;, but l novor know wh;. l wontod to sto; ond do our [ob. lt wos
morol; told to mo thot wo woro qolnq homo, so wo wont homo. Our
orlqlnol ldoo wos to troot o low thousond pooplo, but wo wont homo
oltor dolnq throocllnlcol trlols.

Wo lolt Molowl lor tho U.S. on Aprll 27, 2006. l oqoln wound up out ln
tho dosort ln Mlno. Nothlnq hos hopponod ln Molowl slnco thon, onl;
lots ol promlsos. l hovo boon worklnq lor Arnold os tho loromon ol o
crow ol mon llxlnq up hls mlll. lt ls o chonco lor mo to moko o low
dollors whllo l om wrltlnq thls book. John ls llnonclnq most ol tho
oporotlon thoro ot tho mlll. (Thls ls not tho somo John thot wos llrod ln
Molowl. Thls ls o lrlond ol Arnold`s thot hos boon holplnq wlth llnonco
lor somo tlmo.) Tho; oro spondlnq hundrods ol thousonds ol dollors on
tho mlll ond mlnlnq oporotlons. Tho; koop tolklnq obout roturnlnq to
Alrlco, but lt doosnt oppoor to mo thot lt wlll hoppon on; tlmo soon
bocouso Arnold wlll hovo to bo ln chorqo ol oporotlons horo or tho; wlll
loso mono;. M; slnqlo qool ls to qot tho MMS to tho world, ond thus thls

Up to thls polnt Arnold stlll doosnt ollow mo to tolk to on; ol tho now
qroups thot ho llnds thot oro lntorostod ln holplnq our couso. l supposo
thot ho bollovos thot l om os bod wlth pooplo os ho ls. lsnt lt normol lor
pooplo to soo loults ln othors thot tho; thomsolvos hovo Thlnqs hovo
chonqod soo tho updoto poroqroph bolow.

l hovo o stronq doslro to soo tho ontlro countr; ol Molowl trootod lor
molorlo. Arnold ond John contlnuo to so; thot tho; wlll lurnlsh tho
Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 14
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
mono;, but Arnold doos not trust mo to qo to Molowl olono ond ho ls
not rood; to qo, os l wrlto thls book. Howovor, ovon ll tho; do troot oll
ol Molowl, ond stort on tho noxt countr;, tho; stlll plon to koop tho MMS
solutlon o socrot. Tho; wont to troot oll ol Alrlco whllo kooplnq lt socrot.
l must soo thot tho world qots tho comploto lnlormotlon. Evon ll
orqonlzotlons ond pooplo throuqhout tho world know tho socrot ol MMS,
thot should not provont us or othors lrom soolnq thot Alrlco ls trootod lor
oll tho dlsoosos thot tho MMS wlll hondlo. Hopolull;, ovor;ono wlll
undorstond thot. l hovo lurnlshod os much lnlormotlon os l con ln thls
book so thot ;ou, tho roodor, con sovo llvos. You rooll; con: plooso tr;.

To gIoe uou un updure uo o[ nou (8/10/2007}: l Ie[r ArnoIdo
operurIon Iuor ueur, ubour mId ueur 2006 und cume ro MeIco
und oeI[ pubIIohed rhe [Iror edIrIon o[ rhIo book. SInce rhen
more rhun u rhouound peopIe huoe reud rhe book und oeoeruI
rhouound huoe ruken rhe MMS. Munu ure ueII und IIoeo huoe
been ouoed. Ar rhIo dure rhe 2
edIrIon Io ubour ro be prInred
und rhe SpunIoh edIrIon uIII be prInred ur rhe oume rIme. l um
hopIng rhur rhIo 2
edIrIon uIII heIp [urnIoh enough reoenue ro
begIn rhe projecr In MuIuuI o[ ooercomIng rhe muIurIu rhere.
So [ur rhIo book huo onIu been oeI[ pubIIohed und ooId on mu
Web SIre, bur uo rIme goeo bu und rhe book conrInueo ro be
oucceoo[uI, l um oure u pubIIoher uIII become Inrereored und
pubIIoh Ir more uIdeIu.

Avolloblo MMS lor ;ou to purchoso lmmodlotol;. ll ;ou don`t wont
tho hosslo ond ;ou would llko to tr; m; oxoct lormulo, ;ou con ordor
lt lrom m; lrlond ln Conodo, Konnoth Rlchords, or othor plocos ln tho
US whoro othor pooplo oro monulocturlnq tho MMS. At thls tlmo
tho; oll chorqo obout tho somo prlco. Most oro puttlnq lt ln tho somo
slzo bottlo whlch ls o lour ounco slzo bottlo (lt contolns octuoll; 5.5
ouncos) lor onl; $20 USD plus shlpplnq whlch ls smoll. So lor tho;
hovo kopt tho prlco down. l wont ovor;ono to bo oblo to ollord lt
wlthout spondlnq o lot. Thoro oro 650 slx drop dosos ln thls bottlo. lt
should lost ;ou up to two ;oors. Thot`s lor moro solutlon thon
on;ono olso solllnq tho wook solutlon ol Stoblllzod Ox;qon. So, moko
Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 15
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century

it voursel, or buv it. Just get it into as manv hands as possible. lor
inormation about obtaining this product MMS, go to the ollowing
\eb Site or call 585.03.299.

1he next seeral pages show documents rom the Malawi
goernment. 1he documents gie eidence that we were there. \ou
could alwavs gie them a call.
See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.
Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 16
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21

See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.

Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 17
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See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.

Malawi East Africa Chapter 8 Page 18
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See Page 15 of this Chapter for data on obtaining MMS.

Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 1
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
Chapter 9
Understanding the Miracle Mineral
To undorstond tho MMS ono must undorstond
chlorlno dloxldo os thot ls whot ls qonorotod ond
whot doos tho [ob ln tho bod;.
Chlorlno dloxldo ls o hlqh oxploslvo ond thoroloro whorovor lt ls usod
lt must bo qonorotod on slto. lt connot bo tronsportod os chlorlno
dloxldo. lt wlll lnstontl; dostro; on; contolnor thot ono mlqht tr; to
houso lt ln. lt connot ovon bo movod throuqh motol or plostlc plpos.
Numorous mothods hovo boon dovlsod to qonoroto chlorlno dloxldo
ond mon; dllloront chlorlno chomlcols oro usod lor thot purposo.
Chlorlno dloxldo ls usod lor mon; lndustrlol procossos. lt ls usod ln
popor mllls to blooch tho popor pulp whlto. lt ls usod ln cloth mllls to
blooch cloth. Probobl; tho most lmportont uso ls to purll; wotor ond
thousonds ol wotor purlllcotlon s;stoms utlllzo chlorlno dloxldo
throuqhout tho world. ln wotor purlllcotlon s;stoms lt ls soloctlvo lor
pothoqons ond othor bloorqonlsms thot mlqht bo hormlul to lorqor
onlmols ond humons. lt doos NOT comblno wlth hundrods ol
constltuonts wlth whlch lroo chlorlno wlll comblno. Froo chlorlno wlll
comblno wlth sovorol ltoms lound ln most wotor s;stoms ond wlll
crooto corclnoqonlc compounds. Thus, olthouqh tho lnltlol cost ol
lnstolllnq o chlorlno dloxldo s;stoms ls hlqhor, ln tho lonq run tho
chlorlno dloxldo s;stoms sovo mono; ond tho; oro much solor lrom o
hoolth stondpolnt.
Ono ol tho most populor mothods ol qonorotlnq chlorlno dloxldo ls b;
vorlous mothods ol trootlnq sodlum chlorlto. lt ls o whlto or sllqhtl;
;ollow llok; substonco, ond ll ;ou bouqht o [or ol lt, lt would bo olthor
whlto or sllqhtl; ;ollow llokos. Koop ln mlnd thot toblo solt ls not qulto
tho somo thlnq. Noto tho spolllnq ol tho lost two lottors. Toblo solt ls
sodlum chlorldo. Wo qonoroto chlorlno dloxldo lrom sodlum chlorlto.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 2
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
Throuqhout tho world todo; sodlum chlorlto (tho lormulo ls NoClO
ls probobl; usod to qonoroto chlorlno dloxldo probobl; moro olton
thon on; othor mothod. For tho lormulo lor chlorlno dloxldo wo
morol; romovo tho No whlch ls sodlum, ond wo hovo chlorlno
dloxldo, ClO
. (Dont worr;, ;ou dont hovo to undorstond thoso
lormulos to undorstond tho boslcs ol whot l om wrltlnq horo.) Thoro
oro probobl; sovorol dozon mothods ol uslnq sodlum chlorlto to
qonoroto chlorlno dloxldo. Tho FDA opprovos sovorol mothods ol
[ust oddlnq swlmmlnq pool ocld to o wotor; solutlon ol sodlum
chlorlto lor tho purposo ol moklnq chlorlno dloxldo whlch ls usod to
storlllzo chlckon or bool boloro lt ls sold to tho publlc. Tho FDA
spoclllos thot lt bo rlnsod oll ol tho chlckon or bool boloro solo. Tho
ocld qonorotos tho chlorlno dloxldo lrom tho sodlum chlorlto.
Amozlnql; onouqh, ln o hundrod thousond hoolth lood storos ln tho
U.S. ono con olso llnd sodlum chlorlto ln o wotor; lorm known os
Stoblllzod Ox;qon. ln olmost oll cosos Stoblllzod Ox;qon ls
monulocturod b; slmpl; oddlnq 3.5% sodlum chlorlto b; wolqht to
dlstlllod wotor, thots 35,000 ppm. You con do lt ln ;our kltchon.
Just dont uso on; motol pots ond pons, not ovon stolnloss stool. Uso
onl; plostlc or qloss or Cornlnq Woro. Howovor, ;ou wlll bo much
bottor oll moklnq tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont wlth m; lormulo or
bu;lnq lt lrom somoono who ls uslnq m; lormulo. l`ll toll ;ou oxoctl;
how to do thot lotor ln thls book.
For 80 ;oors hundrods ol thousonds ol pooplo hovo put o low drops
ol Stoblllzod Ox;qon lnto tholr wotor or [ulco ond dronk lt down
thlnklnq thot lt somohow lurnlshod oxtro ox;qon to tholr bodlos. Tho
low thot roollzod thot somo lorm ol chlorlno wos qonorotod,
montlonod lt ln posslnq, but stlll lnslstod thot tho chlorlto lurnlshod tho
bod; wlth ox;qon. Somohow durlnq oll thoso ;oors, not ono ol tho
oltornoto modlclno qroups ovor docldod to hovo o qood chomlst look
ot tho lormulo, or ot loost not ono ol thom wroto obout dolnq so. Tho
loct ls thot slmplo chomlstr; shows us thot no ox;qon ls qonorotod
thot tho bod; con uso.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 3
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
Chlorlno dloxldo ls o poworlul chomlcol ond lt hos mon; usos. lt ls on
oxldlzor, moro poworlul thon ox;qon but lt doso not uso ox;qon.
Chlorlno dloxldo oxplodos whon lt contocts cortoln chomlcol
condltlons, ond ls noutrol wlth othor chomlcol condltlons. lt ls
soloctlvo. Whot do wo moon whon wo so; lt oxplodos Woll, on
oxploslon ls morol; o lost chomlcol rooctlon, molnl; oxldotlon, thot
olso roloosos onorq;. ln tho lormulo, ClO
, thoro oro two ox;qon lons.
So wh; do thoso not qot roloosod thoso so thot tho bod; con uso
thom lts bocouso tho; hovo o mlnus two chorqo. Tho; hovo
olrood; dono tholr oxldlzlnq boloro tho; orrlvod ln thls posltlon. Tho;
connot oxldlzo lurthor. But tho chlorlno con. Whon chlorlno dloxldo
touchos o pothoqon or o polson thot ls ocotlc ln noturo, lt lnstontl;
occopts llvo oloctrons. lt dostro;s on;thlnq thot lt con drow oloctrons
lrom ond qonorotos hoot ot tho somo tlmo (thls octlon ls collod
oxldotlon ovon whon ox;qon ls not o port ol lt). Tho ox;qon otoms
oro thon roloosod lrom tho chlorlno dloxldo, but tho; oro not
olomontol ox;qon. Tho; oro lons ol ox;qon wlth o noqotlvo two
chorqo. Tho; oro ot tho somo chorqo os tho ox;qon ln corbon
dloxldo, o qos thot wlll klll ;ou ll ;ou brootho onouqh ol lt. Tho
corbon dloxldo ls not o polson. ln othor words lt doosn`t do on;thlnq
to tho lunqs: lt ls sort ol llko drownlnq. lt provonts tho lunqs lrom
qottlnq tho olomontol ox;qon thot tho; nood.
H;droqon ond ox;qon mlx toqothor to bocomo wotor. Thots obout
oll thot tho ox;qon con do ot thls tlmo. lt bocomos wotor, or lt con
bocomo port ol o corbon dloxldo moloculo. Tho chlorlno, oltor tho
oxploslon ol oxldotlon, hos olso lost lts chorqo ond lt bocomos o
chlorldo whlch ls boslcoll; toblo solt, whlch oqoln hos no oblllt; to
oxldlzo os lt no lonqor hos on; chorqo. Thoro ls nothlnq olso lolt to
couso on; klnd ol o sldo olloct.
Tho boslc ldoo ls slmpl; thot ox;qon ond chlorlno must bo chorqod to
tho corroct numbor ol oloctrons, or tho; do not do tho [ob ol
oxldlzlnq. Whon ox;qon ls not copoblo ol oxldlzlnq lt slmpl; connot
do tho [ob ln tho bod; thot ls roqulrod lor ox;qon. Thus whot sodlum
chlorlto rooll; doos lor us ls lt qlvos us chlorlno dloxldo, o chomlcol
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 4
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
thot ls soloctlvol; to dostro;s olmost oll bod thlnqs thot mlqht oxlst ln
tho bod;. Eoch tln; chlorlno dloxldo moloculo hos tromondous
powor to dostro; thoso thlnqs lrom whlch lt con drow oloctrons.
Chlorlno dloxldo doos not lost lorovor. lt hos too much onorq;
bundlod lnto o smoll oroo. lt boqlns to loso somo ol lts onorq; oltor o
low mlnutos ln tho bod; ond tho somo thlnq hoppons whon lt ls
roloosod lnto publlc wotor suppllos. ln tho bod; whon lt hos lost somo
ol lts onorq; so thot lt no lonqor ls oxploslvo (unoblo to oxldlzo) lt con
thon comblno wlth othor substoncos. Thoro ls somo ovldonco thot lt
holps moko m;oloporoxldoso, o chomlcol thot tho bod; usos to moko
h;pochlorous ocld thot ls thon usod b; tho lmmuno s;stom to lurthor
klll pothoqons, klllor colls, ond othor thlnqs. Chlorlno dloxldo ls tho
onl; chomlcol known thot hos thoso quolltlos ond thot con do thoso
thlnqs ln tho bod; wlthout crootlnq sldo ollocts. ln publlc wotor
works, or tho bloochlnq ol popor pulp ln popor mllls, tho chlorlno
dloxldo ls qonorotod on tho slto whoro lt ls usod, ond ln tho bod; lt ls
olso qonorotod on tho slto whoro lt ls usod, lrom sodlum chlorlto.
How to Gonoroto Chlorlno Dloxldo ln tho Humon Bod;
All ol thoso pooplo who usod Stoblllzod Ox;qon lor oll thoso ;oors
dldnt roollzo tho bonollts woro comlnq lrom tho chlorlno dloxldo ond
thus no ono ovor trlod to qonoroto moro ol lt. Tho; bollovod thot tho
mllllons ol ox;qon lons thot woro connoctod to tho chlorlno woro
ovolloblo to tho bod;. Thus, tho; rocolvod tho llttlo bonollt thot
rosultod lrom tho loct thot whon o low drops ol Stoblllzod Ox;qon ls
oddod to wotor lt boqlns to rolooso chlorlno dloxldo, but vor; slowl;,
too slowl; to do much qood. lt roloosos o low chlorlno dloxldo lons
por hour lnstood ol por mlnuto. Thoro wos olwo;s somo bonollt, but
not noorl; tho lull potontlol. For 80 ;oors tho; mlssod lt.
So ll wo oro qolnq to qonoroto chlorlno dloxldo ln tho bod;, wo nood
to do lt obout 1,000 tlmos lostor thon whot ls now dono whon ono
odds o low drops ol Stoblllzod Ox;qon to o qloss ol wotor or [ulco.
Thot qlvos ;ou obout 1 ppb (ono port por bllllon) ond whot ;ou rooll;
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 5
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
nood ls 1 ppm (ono port por mllllon), ond olton ovon moro thon thot.
ln loct, somotlmos lt tokos 1 ppt (ono port por thousond). But dont
worr; obout thoso llquros: ono doos not nood to know oll tho
tochnlcol dotolls to moko lt work. Just know thot to curo AlDS lt tokos
ot loost o thousond tlmos moro chlorlno dloxldo thon Stoblllzod
Ox;qon qlvos ;ou, octuoll; moro llko 10,000 tlmos.
As lt wos montlonod obovo tho FDA outhorlzos oddlnq swlmmlnq
pool ocld to solutlons ol sodlum chlorlto ln ordor to qonoroto chlorlno
dloxldo. All ol thoso publlc wotor purlllcotlon plonts thot uso sodlum
chlorlto to moko chlorlno dloxldo olso uso ocld ln vorlous mochonlcol
dovlcos thot odd tho ocld ot o pro ostobllshod spood to o llow ol
wotor; sodlum chlorlto. ln tho humon bod; wo hovo o touqhor
problom bocouso wo wont to odd o lot ol chlorlno dloxldo, but not oll
ot onco. Wo wont to ollow lt to oxlst lor o low hours so thot lt con bo
corrlod oround to oll ports ol tho bod;. But chlorlno dloxldo
dotorlorotos ln mlnutos ond wlll not oxlst ln tho bod; lor hours ll ;ou
[ust slmpl; swollow somo. Thoro lsnt on; mochonlcol mochonlsm
thot ono con uso to odd ocld slowl; to o wotor; solutlon ol sodlum
chlorlto lnsldo tho bod;.
Tho lmportonco ol Vlnoqor or Llmo or lomon or Cltrlc Acld
Thot ls whoro vlnoqor or llmo or lomon comos ln. Tho port thot ls
lmportont ls tho 5% ocotlc ocld or tho cltrlc ocld ln llmo or lomon.
(Just rocontl;, 7/1/2007, lt hos boon dlscovorod thot puro cltrlc ocld
works ovon bottor thon vlnoqor, or llmo, or lomon.) Whon ono ol
thoso ltoms ls oddod to sodlum chlorlto lt cousos tho solutlon to boqln
rolooslnq chlorlno dloxldo on o contlnuous bosls lor obout 12 hours.
Tho oddltlon ol slx drops ol o solutlon thot ls 28% sodlum chlorlto
(thots tho Mlroclo Mlnorol Supplomont) to to toospoon ol
vlnoqor or llmo or lomon wlll rolooso opproxlmotol; throo mqs (3
mllllqroms) ol chlorlno dloxldo ln throo mlnutos. Thots tho rooson lor
tho throo mlnuto wolt, but whon ;ou odd wotor or opplo [ulco to
moko obout qloss ol llquld tho procoss slows down to ono mq por
hour. But throo mqs ls qulto o blt lor tho bod;. Thus thoso oclds
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 6
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
hovo o portlculor quollt; thot works to crooto o contlnuous suppl; ol
chlorlno dloxldo lor obout 12 hours. ln oddltlon to crootlnq tho
contlnuous rolooso ol chlorlno dloxldo tho; olso provont tho solutlon
lrom rolooslnq chlorlno dloxldo too qulckl; whon tho stomoch oclds
mlx wlth lt. As tho chlorlno dloxldo dotorlorotos now chlorlno dloxldo
ls contlnuousl; bolnq qonorotod ln tho bod;. Addlnq vlnoqor or llmo
or lomon to tho sodlum chlorlto doos tho trlck. ll ;ou dont odd ono ol
thoso ltoms, oll ;ou hovo ls tho somo old Stoblllzod Ox;qon hoolth
drlnk, whlch lslntorostlnq, but lt rooll; doosnt qot tho [ob dono.
You con soo lrom tho obovo poroqroph thot tho MMS storts oll wlth
throo mllllqroms ol chlorlno dloxldo ond thon contlnuos to suppl;
chlorlno dloxldo to tho bod; lor obout 12 hours. Tho lnltlol throo
mllllqroms ls whot tho bod; noods. Tho MMS works bost to dostro;
pothoqons whon 2 or 3 mq ol lroo chlorlno dloxldo oro ln tho solutlon
ot tho tlmo lt ls swollowod. lt hos on lmmodloto olloct. Wo hovo boon
tolklnq oll olonq obout slx drops whlch ls o molntononco doso. ll ;ou
oro trootlnq o dlsooso 15 to 18 drops ls o lull doso. But rood tho
lnstructlons, ;ou usuoll; stort oll wlth smoll dosos ond work up.
To qlvo ;ou on ldoo ol whot ono mllllqrom ls, consldor o stondord
U.S. dlmo. Ono qrom ls [ust obout oxoctl; ol o dlmo. lmoqlno
dlmo cut lnto o thousond plocos. Ono ol thoso plocos ls ono
mllllqrom. Thots how poworlul chlorlno dloxldo ls. Ono mllllqrom ol
chlorlno dloxldo boqlns kllllnq pothoqons ln tho bod;. Ovor o porlod
ol 12 hours tho bod; wlll rocolvo somowhoro botwoon 12 ond 20
mqs, ond thoro wlll bo obout two mllllqroms ol chlorlno dloxldo
dlstrlbutod throuqh out tho bod; ot on; ono tlmo, bocouso os tho
chlorlno dloxldo ls qonorotod lt ls olthor usod up b; dostro;lnq
pothoqons or lt dotorlorotos lnto othor hormloss chomlcols ln [ust
mlnutos. Whon tho chlorlno dloxldo doqonorotos, tho llnol chomlcols
thot oro lolt oro olthor chomlcols thot tho lmmuno s;stom rooll; noods,
or tho chlorlno [ust turns to o chlorldo moklnq o tln; lnslqnlllcont
omount ol toblo solt ond wotor. Bocouso ol thls thoro slmpl; con bo
no sldo ollocts. Thoro ls nothlnq lolt to couso sldo ollocts.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 7
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
Moko no mlstoko. Chlorlno dloxldo lons oro oxtromol; poworlul.
Tho; bundlo tromondous onorq; lnto o smoll portlclo. But tho; onl;
romoln thot wo; lor o low mlnutos. Tho; contoln too much onorq; to
lost lor o lonqth; omount ol tlmo. ln tho world ol submlcroscoplc
onorq; portlclos, tho; oro o torpodo wlth o soloctlvo worhood. Tho
chomlcol mokoup ol chlorlno dloxldo qlvos lt thot quollt; ond no
othor chomlcol hos thot somo quollt;.
Somo pooplo hovo tokon moro thon 20 tlmos tho omount ol
Stoblllzod Ox;qon (sodlum chlorlto). Porloctl; hoolth; pooplo mo;
hovo o smoll omount ol nousoo lor 10 or 15 mlnutos lrom thot lorqo
ol o doso, but ll tho; hovo on; bod condltlons ln tholr bod;,
dopondlnq upon whot tho; oro, tho; mlqht qot nousoous lor o porlod.
A low pooplo lncludlnq m;soll, hovo trlod 25 tlmos tho rocommondod
MMS doso, ond thot wlll moko ;ou nousoous but lt doos not loovo
sldo ollocts. (Thls hos olrood; boon trlod ond lt would bo oxtromol;
slckonlnq to tr; lt.) Tho polnt ls, chlorlno dloxldo ls not onl; not
hormlul but lt ls ol qroot bonollt to tho bod;. Gottlnq nousoous ls tho
rosult ol tho chlorlno dloxldo ottocklnq somo bod condltlon ln tho
bod;. ln tho coso ol o llvor condltlon such os hopotltls, ono olmost
olwo;s qots nousoous. Tho rooson lor thls ls thot tho llvor boqlns to
oxpol tho polsons os tho chlorlno dloxldo boqlns to dostro; thom. But
lt olso curos tho condltlon ln rocord tlmo.
Ono lod; wlth hopotltls C dld [ust whot l told hor not to do. lnstood
ol toklnq two drops ot llrst, sho wontod to bo cortoln thot sho klllod lt.
Sho took 30 drops, oddod tho vlnoqor, woltod throo mlnutos ond
oddod lt to opplo [ulco. lt modo hor slck lor throo do;s. Sho thon put
tho MMS osldo ond dld not touch lt lor olqht months. Sho thouqht
bocouso lt modo hor so slck thot lt dldnt work, but whon sho llnoll;
docldod to qo to tho doctor ho could llnd no hopotltls ln hor bod;.
Both woro omozod. l hovo qlvon lt to mon; pooplo wlth ono ol tho
hopotltls dlsoosos A, B, or C. l con quorontoo thot 30 drops wlll moko
on; hopotltls potlont lool vor; slck, but lt wlll olso curo thom.
Howovor, thot ls not tho wo; to do lt. A hopotltls potlont should
novor stort out wlth moro thon two drops. ln thot coso, normoll; tho;
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 8
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
wlll not lool on; nousoo, ond ll tho; koop slowl; lncrooslnq tho drops
untll tho; con toko 15 drops twlco o do; wlthout nousoo, tho; wlll
chock noqotlvo to hopotltls ol oll klnds.
Procoduro lor Toklnq MMS lor Molntononco
Toklnq tho MMS lor lonqovlt; ls lmportont. l wlsh l could so; lor suro
thot lt wlll qlvo ;ou on oddltlonol 25 ;oors ol lllo. l cont provo lt ;ot,
but l bollovo lt. All tho ovldonco polnts to thot concluslon. Dozons ol
oldor pooplo oro toklnq tho MMS. All thoso dlsoosos thot normoll; klll
oldor pooplo slmpl; no lonqor hovo tho stlnq. Tho lmmuno s;stom
con bo 100 tlmos stronqor thon normol ln oldor pooplo ond thon
pnoumonlo ond llu ond othor dlsooso [ust dont qot o loothold, thot ls
os lonq os ono ls toklnq tho molntononco doso ovor; do;.
Younqor pooplo con qot b; wlth toklnq tho MMS molntononco doso
two or throo tlmos o wook, but oldor pooplo nood to toko lt ot loost
onco o do;. Whon toklnq lt onco o do;, ovor; do;, ono con probobl;
qot b; wlth toklnq lour drop dosos, ond bo suro to toko lt wlth tho
vlnoqor ond throo mlnuto wolt ond thon odd tho opplo [ulco (soo
bolow lor oxoct lnstructlons.) An;ono toklnq lt two or throo tlmos o
wook should olwo;s toko ot loost slx drops lor ooch doso. Romombor,
hundrods ol thousonds ol pooplo hovo boon toklnq thls solutlon lor
80 ;oors: oll l hovo dono ls oddod o llttlo lood ocld. No sldo ollocts
hovo boon roportod ln oll thoso ;oors, ond no sldo ollocts hovo boon
roportod ln tho slx ;oors slnco tho vlnoqor wos oddod. Tochnlcoll;
thoro should bo nono. lt hos boon provon thot chlorlno dloxldo doos
not ottock hoolth; colls. (Thot ls ln tho smoll quontltlos usod ln MMS.
A lorqo quontlt; would klll on;ono or on;thlnq).
Romombor how lt wos polntod out oorllor thot tho chlorlno dloxldo
dotorlorotos lnto constltuonts thot oro totoll; nonpolsonous. Nothlnq
ls lolt bohlnd to bulld up, os ls tho coso ln mon; convontlonol
modlclnos. Tho chlorlno dloxldo losts lonq onouqh to do lts [ob, ond
thon tho port thot doos not lurnlsh tho lmmuno s;stom wlth noodod
lons bocomos nothlnq but mlcro omounts ol toblo solt ond wotor. Tho
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 9
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
chlorlno dloxldo hos [ust o low mlnutos to do lts thlnq ond thon lt no
lonqor oxlsts. lt loovos nothlnq bohlnd thot con bulld up.
lnltlol procoduro: Koop ln mlnd thot on;ono toklnq tho MMS lor tho
llrst tlmo should stort out wlth no moro thon two drops lor tholr llrst
doso. Tho rooson ls thot tho two drops wlll not produco onouqh
chomlcol rooctlon to couso bod nousoo ln thoso who hovo somo sort
ol o hoolth condltlon. ll thoro ls somo rooll; bod condltlon ln tho
bod;, two drops could couso o mlld nousoo lor ton mlnutos or so. ln
thot coso, contlnuo to toko onl; two drops doll; or sovorol tlmos doll;
untll thoro ls no nousoo. Whon ono hos roochod tho polnt whoro
thoro ls no nousoo lrom two drops thon uso throo drops tho noxt tlmo.
Contlnuo thls untll ;ou oro ot slx drops o do;, ond thon molntoln slx
drops o do;. Whon uslnq lor trootmont ol somo sorlous lllnoss, ;ou
wlll nood to proqross untll ;ou oro toklnq much moro thon slx drops,
dopondlnq upon tho lllnoss.
Koop ln mlnd, thot whon wo rolor to drops wo olwo;s moon thot ono
must odd to toospoon ol vlnoqor or llmo or lomon or cltrlc ocld
ond thon wolt throo mlnutos boloro oddlnq qloss ol [ulco. Thots
lour ouncos ol [ulco lor thoso ol ;ou who oro moro sclontlllc.
Wlthout tho vlnoqor or llmo or lomon, tho wholo oxorclso conslsts ol
drlnklnq o nlco hoolth drlnk. But nlco hoolth drlnks dont do tho [ob.
And romombor, DO NOT uso [ulco wlth oddod vltomln C.
So tho oxoct procoduro ls thls: Add two drops ol MMS to o cloon
ompt; dr; qloss. Add tho to toospoon ol vlnoqor (on; klnd ol
vlnoqor ls oko; lncludlnq opplo cldor vlnoqor or whlto vlnoqor) or llmo
or lomon (ll ;ou uso cltrlc ocld soo tho lnstructlons ln choptor 10).
Swlrl tho qloss b; hond to mlx tho vlnoqor ond drops. Wolt throo
mlnutos. Add qloss ol opplo [ulco. Drlnk rlqht owo;. You con
substltuto qropo [ulco or plnoopplo [ulco os lonq os tho; oro lroshl;
modo [ulcos, moonlnq dont bu; [ulcos wlth vltomln C oddod. Do not
uso oronqo [ulco. Oronqo [ulco provonts tho productlon ol chlorlno
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 10
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
Tho rooson lor uslnq lrosh [ulco ls thot most [ulcos hovo vltomln C
oddod lor o prosorvotlvo. lt mokos tho [ulco lost lonqor ond lt ls qood
lor ;ou, but lt lnhlblts tho rolooso ol chlorlno dloxldo. lt con ovon
provont ;ou lrom qottlnq tho rosults thot ;ou wont lrom toklnq tho
MMS. ll ;ou do uso storo bouqht [ulco moko suro thot lt doos not so;
thot vltomln C hos boon oddod. ll lt doos so; vltomln C oddod, ;ou
con olwo;s drlnk lt sovorol hours boloro or oltor toklnq tho MMS.
Allowlnq tho drops ond vlnoqor sot moro thon throo mlnutos ls not
nocossorll; o problom. Tho chlorlno dloxldo ln tho drops boqlns to
soporoto ond tho chlorlno qoos oll lnto tho olr ond thus tho
concontroto ol chlorlno dloxldo romolns lolrl; constont lor up to
hour, howovor tln; omounts ol chlorlno do romoln ln tho solutlon.
Puttlnq o lld on tho contolnor mokos tho chlorlno dloxldo much
stronqor. Somo pooplo do thls to moko o stronqor drlnk. Tho vor;
bost proctlco ls to not ollow tho drops ond vlnoqor to qo lonqor thon
throo mlnutos boloro oddlnq ;our [ulco ond drlnklnq lt.
To bo suro ol o stronq drlnk ol chlorlno dloxldo, drlnk lt lmmodlotol;
oltor oddlnq tho [ulco. (lts not donqorous to ollow lt to sot lonqor, [ust
not os olloctlvo). You con ovon lot lt sot ovornlqht, but tho chlorlno
con somotlmos moko ;ou slck.) Julcos thot con bo usod oro opplo
[ulco, qropo [ulco, plnoopplo [ulco, ond cronborr; [ulco.
AGAlN: Do not tr; to uso oronqo [ulco. Oronqo [ulco provonts tho
productlon ol chlorlno dloxldo ond thus provonts tho MMS lrom
bolnq olloctlvo.
Furthor Tochnlcol Stull: Thls ls [ust to lurthor clorll; somo polnts
modo oorllor. Thoro oro two lovols ol dotorlorotlon thot toko ploco
whon wo oro tolklnq obout o doso ol MMS solutlon. (1) Tho llrst
thlnq thot dotorlorotos ls tho Sodlum Chlorlto. Altor tho vlnoqor ls
oddod, tho Sodlum Chlorlto boqlns to dotorloroto rolooslnq Chlorlno
Dloxldo lnto tho solutlon. Chlorlno Dloxldo ls on oxtromol; poworlul
lon contolnlnq vost omounts ol onorq; ln on oxtromol; smoll oroo. (2)
lt ls not o stoblo condltlon to hold thot much onorq; ond lt too boqlns
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 11
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
to dotorloroto. Tho Chlorlno Dloxldo lon rotolns lt oblllt; to dostro;
pothoqons, dlsoosod colls, polsonous substoncos, ond othor hormlul
ltoms lor onl; obout 30 mlnutos. lt rooll; boqlns to loso lts onorq;
wlthln soconds ol bolnq roloosod lrom tho Sodlum Chlorlto, but lt
usuoll; con do lts [ob lor up to 30 mlnutos. B; tho ond ol on hour or
so, lt hos dotorlorotod to tho polnt thot lt wlll no lonqor dostro;
pothoqons but lt con stlll comblno wlth vorlous othor chomlcols. Oko;,
so mo;bo l wos ovor onthuslostlc ln so;lnq vost omounts ol onorq;
os lt doosnt sound vor; sclontlllc. So lots [ust so;, chlorlno dloxldo
boqlns to dotorloroto olmost lmmodlotol; untll lt ls no lonqor chlorlno
dloxldo. lt soporotos lnto lts constltuonts ol chlorlno ond ox;qon ond
onorq; ond nothlnq olso. Tho chlorlno ond ox;qon undor thls
condltlon hovo lost tholr chorqo ond thus oro not octlvo.
As tho chlorlno dloxldo contlnuos to dotorloroto, so doos tho sodlum
chlorlto. Tho dotorlorotlon ol tho sodlum chlorlto ls ot opproxlmotol;
tho somo spood os tho dotorlorotlon ol tho chlorlno dloxldo. Do ;ou
soo Moro chlorlno dloxldo ls bolnq qonorotod b; tho sodlum chlorlto
oll tho tlmo. Thus os tho chlorlno dloxldo ls consumod b; kllllnq
pothoqons or b; slmplo dotorlorotlon lt ls roplocod b; tho contlnuod
dotorlorotlon ol tho sodlum chlorlto.
Tho chlorlno ln sodlum chlorlto olthor comblnos wlth holplul
chomlcols thot tho lmmuno s;stom con uso or lt bocomos o chlorldo
whlch moons lt bocomos o tln; port ol o tln; omount ol toblo solt.
Not onouqh to ovon rocord. Tho dotorlorotlon ol chlorlno dloxldo ln
tho humon bod; loovos obsolutol; nothlnq bohlnd. Tho octlon ol
dostro;lnq on; pothoqon or othor hormlul ltom ln tho bod; loovos
nothlnq bohlnd but dood pothoqons, ond oqoln o chlorldo ond
ox;qon thot con onl; bocomo o port ol tho wotor ol tho bod;.

Arnold ond l loundod tho Molorlo Solutlon Foundotlon. Ho`s ln
chorqo. l wlthdrow lrom thot loundotlon whon l roollzod tho; woro
not vor; commlttod to trootlnq molorlo ln Alrlco. Tho; lnlormod mo
thot tho; hod plont; ol mono; ond mllllons to spond trootlnq molorlo
ln Alrlco, but tho; contlnuod wlth mlnlnq ond rlco dlstrlbutlon
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 12
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
proqroms ond nothlnq wos hopponlnq wlth tho proqrom to dlstrlbuto
tho MMS ln Alrlco. ll tho; rooll; woro commlttod, ond tho; woro too
bus;, tho; could hovo sont mo.
Wo hovo tho onswor to tho dlsooso thot hos boon tho blqqost klllor ol
monklnd lor hundrods ol ;oors. So whllo mllllons ol pooplo sullor
ond dlo, whot ls m; qroup dolnq Wo`ro ovor ln Alrlco qlvlnq out rlco
bron pockots to school chlldron. Thot`s o nlco proqrom. lt`s nlco to
holp chlldron, but our orqonlzotlon wos lormod to solvo tho problom
ol molorlo. l mo; bo bootlnq thls polnt to dooth, but thoro woro o
numbor ol pooplo who could not soo wh; l lolt tho loundotlon ond
concontrotod on wrltlnq thls book.
Altor sovorol ;oors l llnoll; roollzod thot l could not loovo tho doto ol
tho MMS lnlormotlon ln tholr honds. Tho world would probobl;
novor know obout lt. lt wos thon thot l llnoll; roollzod thot thls
lnlormotlon slmpl; connot bo ownod or controllod b; on; ono porson
or qroup. Tho Molorlo Solutlon Foundotlon Wob Slto
( wlll olso toll ;ou much obout tho proqroms thot
wo conductod ln Alrlco ond mo;bo qlvo ;ou somo moro conlldonco
ln whot l hovo boon so;lnq. Tho MMS rooll; works. (Thls slto, b; tho
wo;, wos [ust llnlshod ln tho lost port ol 2006. lt wos 5 ;oors slnco l
wos llrst told thot tho; woro qolnq to put up o qood slto). Tholr lost
trlp to Molowl lost ;oor. lt hod nothlnq to do wlth curlnq molorlo ln
thot countr;. lt hod to do wlth dlstrlbutlnq rlco bron pockots to
orphonoqos. Thot ls o lool qood proqrom but whot wo loundod tho
Foundotlon lor ls not qottlnq dono.
You could olso chock, ll ;ou wont to, wlth tho Molowl qovornmont.
Tho; conductod tholr own soporoto tosts wlth tho Molorlo Solutlon
(tho MMS) ond qot tho somo rosults os wo dld ln tho prlson, 0% curo
lor molorlo potlonts ln loss thon 24 hours ond 100% curo ln 48 hours.
Nothlnq olso hos ovor hod ovon o 10% curo roto ln 24 hours or 48
l hovo lncludod two plcturos ol blood on tho lollowlnq poqos. Thoso
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 13
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
plcturos woro tokon wlth o dork llold mlcroscopo thot wos doslqnod
ospocloll; lor vlowlnq blood. Tho llrst plcturo shows tho blood ol o
porson boloro toklnq o doso ol tho MMS. All tho colls shown oro rod
blood colls Notlco how tho colls oro oll toqothor touchlnq ono onothor
ln o clump. Thls ls on unhoolth; condltlon. Thls porson noods moro
wotor ond mlnorols.
Tho socond plcturo shows tho blood ol tho somo porson 1.5 hours
oltor toklnq o doso ol 10 drops ol MMS wlth tho vlnoqor, wlth tho
throo mlnutos wolt ond wlth wotor oddod. Noto thot tho rod blood
colls oro no lonqor stlcklnq toqothor, but moro lmportontl;, tho clrclos
show 3 whlto blood colls movlnq towords tho lorqor cr;stolllno blood
clot. Tho; wlll lnqost tho clot tropplnq tho cr;stolllno portlclos.
Althouqh ;ou connot soo tho movomont ln stlll plcturos, thoso whlto
blood colls oro os much os 10 tlmos moro octlvo thon normol oltor
toklnq tho MMS. Tho octuol vldoo ol thls blood shows tho
FIror pIcrure
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 14
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
Second PIcrure
l[ uou ure nor nou on rhe lnrerner uoe rhe [oIIouIng oIre ro
obruIn rheoe Iremo uhen uou cun:
You muu nor beIIeoe Ir, bur rhe FDA In rhe UnIred Srureo huo
been ouppreooIng uII reuI cuncer cureo, und In[ormurIon
concernIng hou oIrumIno preoenr heurr urrucko und uII orher
In[ormurIon or producro rhur muu In unu uuu reduce rhe
Income o[ rhe Iurge phurmuceurIcuI medIcuI drug compunIeo
PIeuoe don'r ruke mu uord [or Ir; become In[ormed. Reud
rhe In[ormurIon uouIIubIe on rhe lnrerner. Juor go ro unu
oeurch engIne und pur In "FDA SuppreooIon." There Io
ooIumInouo documenrurIon, orurrIng buck In rhe 1930'o.
Theu o[ren pur uurhoro In juII und roId rhem rhur rheu uIII
uIrhdruu rhe uccuourIono I[ rhe uurhor uouId uIrhdruu hIo
cIuImo. Once rhe uurhor huo Ioor uII o[ hIo moneu und Io
rIred o[ [IghrIng he gIoeo up. There ure hundredo o[ medIcuI
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 15
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
[ucro rhur ure ouppreooed rIghr nou rhur uouId ouoe
rhououndo o[ IIoeo uround rhe uorId. There ure munu
recordo o[ peopIe uho huoe dIed under oeru queorIonubIe
condIrIono uhen rheu huoe rrIed ro In[orm rhe peopIe.
PIeuoe don'r urIre rhIo o[[ uo u bunch o[ cruzu conopIrucu
nuro. The MMS Io one more medIcuI [ucr rhur rheu uIII rru ro
ouppreoo. Tru Ir und knou rhur Ir uorko. Your II[e und rhe
IIoeo o[ rhououndo, eoen mIIIIono, ure ur oruke. lon'r rhur
Imporrunr enough ro ur Ieuor rru Ir once on oomeone, or on
uouroeI[? Spend u coupIe o[ houro reoeurchIng rhIo Iooue.
The [ucro ure rhere.
TreurIng Sumpromo: Modern medIcIne, bu uuu o[ docroro,
rreur oumpromo. Drugo rhur uou buu ur unu phurmucu ure
99% dIrecred rouurdo oumpromo. ln orher uordo, I[ uou
huoe u heuduche, rhe docror gIoeo uou oomerhIng [or rhe
puIn, bur doeon'r [Ind our uhur Io cuuoIng rhe heuduche. l[
uou cun'r oIeep, rhe drug Io oomerhIng rhur heIpo uou oIeep,
bur rhe docror doeon'r [Ind our uhur Io keepIng uou uuuke.
l[ uou ger urrhrIrIo In rhe knee rhe docror gIoeo uou u drug [or
rhe puIn, he doeon'r [Ind rhe reuoon [or rhe urrhrIrIo. l[ uou
huoe poor dIgeorIon rhe docror gIoeo uou u rubIer rhur
neurruIIzeo rhe ucId und uIIouo rhe [ood ro go rhrough
uIrhour dIgeorIng. He doeon'r [Ind rhe cuuoe o[ rhe poor
dIgeorIon, or eoen gIoe uou oomerhIng rhur uIII dIgeor rhe
[ood. There ure u rhouound dI[[erenr drugo dIrecred ur
oumpromo und rhe oIde e[[ecr o[ munu o[ rheoe drugo Io
deurh. AII drugo huoe oIde e[[ecro. Nor uII o[ rhem huoe
deurh uo u oIde e[[ecr, bur regurdIeoo, moor o[ rhem huoe
cuuoed deurh ur one rIme or unorher.
Whu do uou ouppooe drugo In rhIo uorId, eopecIuIIu In
AmerIcu, uImoor uIuuuo rreur oumpromo und nor rhe cuuoe o[
dIoeuoeo? lr'o no oecrer ubour drugo onIu rreurIng oumpromo,
moor peopIe knou rhur uIreudu. Aok unu peroon Inrereored
In heuIrh. MedIcuI drugo rreur oumpromo und uII o[ rhe
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 16
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
medIcuI reoeurch bu phurmuceurIcuI compunIeo Io dIrecred
rouurdo rreurIng oumpromo, und nor rouurdo [IndIng rhe
cuuoe o[ rhe probIem. WeII, rhe reuoon Io rhur I[ uou [Ind rhe
cuuoe o[ u dIoeuoe or heuIrh probIem uou cun uouuIIu cure
rhe probIem. ln rhur cuoe uou cunnor conrInue ro oeII rhe
drug ooer und ooer unrII rhe peroon dIeo. IIIIono o[ doIIuro
ure InooIoed. TreurIng oumpromo doeo nor cure or chunge
rhe probIem. Whur Io rhe reuoon rhur rhere huo been no
oIgnI[Icunr udouncemenr In cuncer rreurmenr rechnoIogu In
80 ueuro? WIrh one or ruo mInor eceprIono, rhe oume
rreurmenro ure orIII uoed more rhun 100 ueuro Iurer. The
uorId huo udounced [unruorIcuIIu In uImoor eoerurhIng bur
cuncer rreurmenr und munu orher dIoeuoe rreurmenro. Theu
re[Ine rhe rreurmenr, muke rhe drugo more pure, muke rhe
needIeo berrer, muke rhe X-ruu muchIneo berrer, muke rhe
recordo berrer, rheu muke rhe rImero berrer rhur rIme rhe
rreurmenr, bur rhe rreurmenr IroeI[ doeo nor chunge.
The phurmuceurIcuI compunIeo opend bIIIIono o[ doIIuro uIrh
ruo Iuuuero und o[ren ruo Iuu o[[Iceo [or euch congreoomun
und euch oenuror In rhe UnIred Srureo. Theu huoe rrIed uguIn
und uguIn ro ouppreoo oIrumIno. l don'r huoe rIme ro cooer
uII o[ rhe [ucro here. PIeuoe become In[ormed on rhIo
oubjecr. The duru und rhe proo[ ure uouIIubIe. The rrurh
cunnor be ouppreooed. Juor reud rhe rhououndo o[
documenro uouIIubIe on rhe lnrerner. Theu opend bIIIIono
In[IuencIng Congreoo on rhe prerenoe o[ pubIIc ou[eru. Do
uou ImugIne rhur ue uouId be much ou[er I[ ue dIdn'r knou
ubour oIrumIno? The rrurh u[[ecro uII counrrIeo o[ rhe uorId.
Ar rhIo rIme rhe FDA juor In[ormed rhe pubIIc rhur Ir Inrendo
ro ohur doun ooer 50% o[ rhe uIrernure heuIrh rupe
ouppIemenr compunIeo. ThIo Io becuuoe rheu [InuIIu
preouIIed upon Congreoo ro puoo u Iuu orurIng rhur uII
ouppIemenro muor be under FDA conrroI.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 17
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
Nou, rhe MMS Io ouch u oImpIe cure rhur Ir need nor be
reIegured ro docroro. The pubIIc ur Iurge huo rhe ubIIIru ro
rreur rhemoeIoeo. ThIo meuno rhur rhe FDA Io goIng ro huoe
u much hurder rIme ur ouppreooIng rhIo one. The pubIIc, rhe
oIck und ou[[erIng huoe rhIo one ohorr uIndou rhur uIII be
open, ue don'r knou [or hou Iong. ur rhIo rIme rhe FDA
cunnor ouppreoo u coupIe o[ docroro or urreor rhe uurhor o[ u
book. (Theu cun'r [Ind me.} LuckIIu l um nor rIed ro oome
epenoIoe Iub, und l cun mooe uround. ur rheu don'r huoe
ro [Ind me ro orop Ir. The bIIIIono o[ doIIuro behInd rhem uIII
de[InIreIu rru, becuuoe uIrImureIu u greur purr o[ rhooe
bIIIIono ure Ioor I[ rhe MMS becomeo ueII knoun. PIeuoe,
pIeuoe ruke rhe urrIrude rhur muube, juor muube l mIghr juor
be reIIIng rhe rrurh.
ThIo Io uhere uou come In. lr nou reoro on uour ohouIdero.
l'oe done uhur l cun do. lr'o up ro uou, rhe reudero o[ rhIo
book, ro opreud rhe uord ro rhe uorId. lr cun huppen I[ uou
uIII reII uour [rIendo. The more peopIe rhur uou ger ro reud
rhIo book, rhe more peopIe uou reII be[ore rhe
phurmuceurIcuI compunIeo [Ind our ubour Ir, rhe Ieoo IIkeIu
rheu uIII be ubIe ro ouppreoo Ir. Up ro rhIo poInr rheu ure oo
conoInced rhur l um u churIurun rhur rheu huoe puId me no
urrenrIon. lr'o mu onIu ou[e guurd. ur uhen rheu orurr
gerrIng reporro o[ peopIe gerrIng ueII und peopIe beIng
cured, Ir uIII be u dI[[erenr ororu. ThIo nou Io nou rhe
oecond prInrIng o[ rhIo book. The [Iror prInrIng ooId our und
rhououndo o[ peopIe uere cured o[ munu dI[[erenr dIoeuoeo,
bur munu uho uoed rhe book dId nor puoo rhe In[ormurIon on
ro rheIr [rIendo. Munu dId, bur munu dId nor. l[ ue ure goIng
ro uIn, munu more ure goIng ro huoe ro ruke u hund, juor ro
dIorrIbure rhe book [urrher.
There Io u poInr, l don'r knou hou munu peopIe rhur Io, bur u
poInr cun be reuched uhIch l cuII rhe poInr o[ no rerurn. l[
ue reuch rhur poInr, rhe uIndou cun no Ionger be oIummed
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 18
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
In our [uce. Thur Io uhen enough peopIe huoe Ieurned ubour
rhe MMS, huoe uoed Ir, und knou Ir uorko. eIIeoe me; u
[eu IndIoIduuIo uon'r do Ir. lr uIII ruke mIIIIono uho knou
rhur Ir uorko. PIeuoe joIn uo. EIrher uoe Ir, or juor uccepr
rhe Ideu rhur rhe pubIIc deoeroeo ro knou. Ger uo munu
peopIe ro dounIoud rhe [ree book (The MIrucIe MIneruI
SuppIemenr o[ rhe 21
Cenruru Purr l} uo poooIbIe (und uIoo
Purr ll}. And/or buu rhIo book. When uou oucceoo[uIIu uoe
rhe MMS ro heIp oomeone or uouroeI[, broudcuor Ir uIdeIu.
We muu onIu huoe u [eu monrho. We probubIu huoe Ieoo rhun
u ueur ro ger Ir ro rhe pubIIc. The eIImInurIon und preoenrIon
o[ ou[[erIng, mIoeru und deurh o[ mIIIIono dependo upon uou.
(Sorru ro be oo drumurIc, bur rhur Io rhe [ucr.}
AguIn, check GoogIe und uoe "FDA SuppreooIon" [or uour
oeurch und uou uIII knou rhur l um reIIIng rhe rrurh.
OrheruIoe, uou uIII knou rhur uhur l ouu here Io rrue uhen
rheu begIn rheIr cumpuIgno ro conoInce rhe pubIIc rhur rhe
[ucro In rhIo book ure [uIoe. The probIem rhur rheu uIII huoe
Io rhur unuone cun rru Ir. ur rhur uon'r orop rhem, becuuoe
rheu knou rhur rheu cun uoe [eur ro preoenr mIIIIono [rom
eoen conoIderIng Ir. Thur Io uhu ue need mIIIIono uho huoe
uIreudu rrIed Ir und knou rhur Ir uorko. JoIn rhe cruoude.
LIoeo ure ur oruke. O[ couroe, I[ uou don'r reII uour [rIendo
rhere uIII neoer be ouch u cumpuIgn [rom rhe FDA und
phurmuceurIcuIo Ig PHARMA.
l[ uou ure ohorr nou und don'r huoe rhe 10 bucko [or book ll,
oend me un emuII uccordIng ro rhe InorrucrIono gIoen on rhe
copurIghr puge ur rhe begInnIng o[ rhIo book und l uIII emuII
uou u [ree copu. l upoIogIze uguIn [or beIng oo drumurIc, bur
l um 74 ueuro oId, und In mu ueuro l huoe Ieurned rhur peopIe
uouId rurher heur rhe [ucro rhun oomeone "beurIng uround
rhe buoh."
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.
Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement Chapter 9 Page 19
The miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21
l uIoo uunr ro ouu rhur unu eceoo pro[Ir beuond rhe epenoeo
o[ dIorrIburIng rhIo book l uIII opend In A[rIcu rouurdo
eIImInurIng rhe dIoeuoeo rhere. l cun nou orure rhur l um u
purr o[ rhe KInnumun FoundurIon. Moneu cun be donured ro
rhe A[rIcun-AmerIcu MMS Projecr ur rhe KInnumun
FoundurIon und ouch moneu Io [uIIu deducrIbIe [or Income
ru purpooeo.
Remember, rhe MMS doeo nor rreur dIoeuoeo, Ir uIdo rhe
Immune ouorem.
Look ur rhe copurIghr puge. ln rhe eoenr o[ mu deurh, rhIo
book becomeo pubIIc domuIn.
See Chapter 8, page 15 for data on obtaining MMS.

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