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Submission on M50 / N3 Junction Improvement Scheme 2008


8 Hy Brasail Court
Circular Road
Phone 091 582853
Mobile 086 6007866

An Bord Pleanala
64 Marlborough Street
Dublin 1

August 4th, 2008

Submission To Hearing Inspector

Re: M50 / N3 Junction Improvement Scheme 2008

Taffic Access to Auburn Avenue & Other Matters

With reference to the above, for your consideration, this Submission is to highlight
the following issues:

1. Unresolved issues associated with access from Connolly Hospital and

other locations to Auburn Avenue & the M50 south bound;
2. That a modified layout as attached does not require an EIS;
3. That massive immediate construction savings of over €65m are realisable.

There are now 3 junction layouts from the NRA which can be seen on the attached
Figures 1 to 3.

• Figure 1: An Bord Planala Approved Layout

• Figure 2: NRA Construction Contract modified Layout
• Figure 3: NRA’s Contractor Modified Layout

Issue 1: Can be seen from Diagrams 1 & 2.

Issue 2: Can be seen from Figure 4.

Issue 3: Can be seen by comparison of Figure 4 to Figure 3 and my previous

Submission dated 25th July last. In summary, the savings/benefits include the

Cormac Rabbitt Associates
Submission on M50 / N3 Junction Improvement Scheme 2008

a) The total new bridge deck areas can be reduced by 9,000 sq m;

Value €25m+
b) Released land area for other use is well over 40,000 sq m;
Value €30m+
c) A 1 km length of new dual 3 and 4 lane carriageway and othe auxiliary
roadways are is eliminated;
Value €10m+
d) Improves traffic movement through the junction, and overall shorter travel
distances of some 8 million km per year, that reduce fuel consumption by
at least 500,000 litres per year. The figures assume that the junction is at
operating at 70% capacity of the NRA’s estimated 2008 traffic level;
Value in terms of CBA parameters, such as value of time, would be
e) Significant reduced in effects on the environment that are associated with
Items a) to d).

Inspector, I believe that you should not complete you deliberations until you have a
full Report from the NRA on my Submissions.

Should anything further arise, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Cormac Rabbitt BE MIE MIEI

Consulting Planning and Civil Engineer

Cormac Rabbitt Associates

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