Application Form

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Premio Lissone DESIGN 2011

The undersigned .... Qualication (student, designer, etc.) ... Institute, School or Faculty ... Tax code .. Born on .. In ... Prov Home address . Prov.. Street and no. ... Postcode . Tel Mobile .. E-mail . APPLICATION FOR PARTECIPATION IN THE COMPETITION LISSONE DESIGN AWARD 2011 STREET FURNITURE I STATE that I understand and fully accept all the rules of the competition. Date Signature . IMPORTANT! THE APPLICATION FOR PARTECIPATION MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DESIGN PROJECT SUBMISSIONS.
Pursuant to Legal Decree 196/03 in relation to individuals and other subjects as regards the processing of personal details, the participants authorize the competition organizers, from the time of application for participation, for the processing of their personal details for thepurpose of the running of the competition.

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