Pharmaceutical Calculations: Child Dose

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 Kilogram = 1 Gram = 1 Milligram = 1 Microgram = 1 Milligrams = 1 Microgram = 1 Nanogram = 1 Grain = 1 Litre = 1 OZ = 16 OZ = 1 Pint = 1 Quart = 1 Gallon = 2.2 lbs = 1 Teaspoonful = 1 Tablespoonful = 1 Teacupful = 1 Wineglassful = 1 Tumblerful = 1000 1000 1000 0.001 0.001 10 -6 10 -9 65 1000 30 480 480 960 3840 1 5 15 120 60 240 grams milligrams micrograms milligrams grams grams grams milligrams cc cc cc = 1 Pint cc cc = 2 Pints cc = 4 Quarts = 8 Pints kg cc cc cc cc cc

* *

Density Proof Gallon

= =

Weight / volume gallon x % V/V strength 50% V/V gallon x proof strength 100 proof gram atomic weight valence equivalent weight 1000

Proof Gallon

Equivalent wt

Milliequivalent =

Youngs Rule

Child dose Child dose Child dose

Age in year Age + 12 Age in year x adult dose 12 Age in month x adult dose 150

Drillings rule

Frieds rule

Clarks rule

Child dose

Weight in lb x adult dose 150

Child dose

Body surface area of child x adult dose Body surface area of adult Body surface area of child x adult dose 173 M 2

Child dose

* * * * * * * * * Each gram of I.V. dextrose provides Each gram of anhydrous dextrose provides Each gram of fats provides MCT provides Each gram of protein provides Each gram of glycerol provides 1 cc of alcohol provides 1 cc of 10% lipid emulsion provides 1 cc of 20% lipid emulsion provides = = = = = = = = = 3.4 Kcal/gm 4 Kcal/gm 9 Kcal/gm 8.3 Kcal/gm 4 Kcal/gm 4.3 Kcal/gm 5.6 Kcal 1.1 Kcal 2 Kcal

a. b. c. d.

How many grams of Dextrose is present in a 500cc D5W solution ? 40 grams 5 grams 25 grams 10 grams

a. b. c. d.

32.5 mg 3.25 gm 3.5 mcg 0.325 mg


a. b. c. d.

How many grams of drug is required to dispense 1 pint of 1 in 25 solution ? 3.4 grams 19.2 grams 22.3 grams 14.5 grams

If 1 teaspoonful of Thioridazine intense solution (30mg/cc) is diluted up to 480cc mark with plain water, what would be the final strength of solution in mg/ml ? a. b. c. d. 0.52 mg/cc 0.31mg/cc 3.1 mg/cc 2.5 mg/cc

8. 3.
a. b. c. d. How much lidocaine is present in a 1 : 1000, 30cc solution of lidocaine ? 30 mg 30 gm 30 mcg 3 gm

If 60 gram of 1% Hydrocortisone is mixed with 80 gram of 2.5% Hydrocortisone, what is the % w/w of hydrocortisone in final mixture ? a. b. c. d. 2.25 % 3.15 % 1.85 % 4.35 %

a. b. c. d.

How much atropine is required to dispense 1 quart of 1 in 100 solution ? 18 gm 9.6 mg 9.6 gm 18 mcg

a. b. c. d.

Find out the ratio of an ionize drug to unionize at pH = 7. The PKa value of drug is 5. 100 10 -2 0.001 1000


How many cc of 75% alcohol should mix with 1000cc of 10% alcohol solution to prepare 500cc of 30% alcohol ? a. b. c. d. 153.84 cc 456.34 cc 212.5 cc 121.12 cc

a. b. c. d.

An adult dose of drug is 500mg, what is the dose for a 2-year old child ? (Young rule) 110 mg 41.52 mg 63.20 mg 71.42 mg


How many milligrams are equal to 1/ 200 grain of nitroglycerine ?


If an adult dose of drug is 750mg, what is the dose for child weighing 20 lbs ?

a. b. c. d.

250 mg 150 mg 50 mg 100 mg

a. b. c. d.

25.53 mEq 15.67 mEq 38.46 mEq 45.20 mEq


If an adult dose of drug is 100mg, what would be dose for a child that has a body surface area 0.9 m2 ? a. b. c. d. 1.25 mg 0.52 mg 0.60 mg 2.3 mg


How many milliequivalents of ferrous are present in 5 gr of ferrous sulfate? [ MW = 152 gm/mole] a. b. c. d. 3.56 mEq 2.56 mEq 1.25 mEq 4.27 mEq


If therapeutic dose of drug is 10mg/kg/ day, how many 250mg/100cc ready-infusionsbags should be filled ? Patients weight is 156 lbs. a. b. c. d. 3 bags 1 bags 2 bags 8 bags

a. b. c. d.

What is the half-life of drug that has rate constant 0.067 days -1 ? [ First order kinetic] 12.11 days 5.56 days 10.34 days 3.25 days


a. b. c. d.

How many cc of water should mix with 70% alcohol to prepare 750cc of 20% alcohol? 625.10 cc 714.5 cc 332.89 cc 531.71 cc

What is a rate of constant of the drug having initial concentration of drug 1000mg/cc and 100mg/cc after 90 minutes ? a. b. c. d. 0.025 min-1 0.5 min-1 2.2 min -1 3.2 min-1

20. 15.
Aluminum (Al +3) has a gram atomic weight of 27. What would be the milliequivalent weight ? a. b. c. d. 81 9 3 27

What is a rate of constant of heparin in first order kinetic if 50 units/cc of heparin remains in solution after 10 days ? [ Initial concentration of heparin was 5000 units/cc] a. b. c. d. 2.1 day-1 0.5 day-1 0.46 day-1 1.23 day-1


How many mEq of Na+ presents in 0.9% 250cc of normal saline solution ? (MW = 58.5 gram/mole)


What is an apparent volume of distribution of 0.25mg lanoxin with plasma concentration of 0.1 ng/cc ?

a. b. c. d.

2.5 ml 2.5 x 109 ml 0.025 ml 2.5 x 10 15 ml


What would be total calories provided by TPN mixture containing 1200cc D5W, 1000cc of 10% aminoacids, 100cc of 5% alcohol and 300cc of 20% fat emulsion ? a. b. c. d. 560 calories 356 calories 1232 calories 460 calories


An adult I.V. dose of neupogen is 20mcg/kg/twice a week, how many milligrams will patient receive a week ? [patient weight = 150 lbs] a. b. c. d. 0.68 mg 6.81 mg 68.1 ng 68.1 mg


How many milliequivalents of sodium are present in a 50cc 50% solution of sodium bicarbonate ? [MW = 84 gm/mole] a. b. c. d. 297.61 mEq 135.52 mEq 231.50 mEq 182.13 mEq


If an I.V. admixture contains 1000mg of drug in 250cc solution, how many drops per minute are required to infuse 50mg of drug per minute ? [ I.V set delivers 20 drops/cc] a. b. c. d. 20 drops 10 drops 250 drops 125 drops

a. b. c. d.

What is half-life of drug having degradation constant of 0.693 x 10 -5 minutes ? 0.693 minutes 100 minutes 45 minutes 10 5 minutes


Administration of 1.5 gram/kg/day of aminoacid normally achieves optimum fat metabolism and spares protein catabolism, what would be the dose of aminoacids in grams/day for 155lbs patient ? a. b. c. d. 101.23 gm 85.5 gm 55.3 gm 105.68 gm


If an I.V. order is for 250cc of D5W to be given every 6 hours , what would be the flow rate in drops/min ? [ I.V. set delivers 20 drops/cc] a. b. c. d. 19 drops 14 drops 20 drops 15 drops

a. b. c. d.

How many calories are provided by 500cc of D30W solution ? 250 calories 125 calories 150 calories 510 calories


An adult recommended dose of drug is 5mg/kg/day, how many milligrams of drug is required every four hours ? [ patient weight = 110 lbs] a. b. c. d. 41.66 mg 20.34 mg 12.53 mg 49.34 mg

1 (c) 500 cc of D5W (dextrose 5%) solution

contains 500 x 5/100 = 25 gram of dextrose.

= 1/200 x 65 = 0.325mg

7 (b) 1 teaspoonful (5cc) will contain 150mg

of Thioridazine (30mg/cc). This solution is diluted up to 480cc mark with plain water, therefore 150mg/480cc = 0.31mg/cc.

2 (b) 1 in 25 solution is interpreted as 1 gm

of drug in 25cc solution, therefore we can say 1 pint (480cc) solution of drug will contain = 480/25 = 19.20 grams of drug.

3 (a) 1 : 1000 is expressed by 1 gm of

lidocaine in 1000cc of solution, therefore 30cc solution of lidocaine will present in = 30/1000 = 0.03 gram (30mg) lidocaine.

8 (c) The content of hydrocortisone is final

mixture can be calculated by 60 gm of 1% Hydrocortisone = 0.6 gm 80 gm of 2.5% Hydrocortisone = 2.0 gm 140 gm of Hydrocortisone = 2.6 gm % of Hydrocortisone in final mixture 2.6 x100 140 = 1.85%

4 (c) 1 in 100 contains 1 gram of drug in

100cc of solution. We want to prepare 1 quart (960cc), therefore 960/100 = 9.6 gram of drug.

5 (a) To solve this kind of problem we have

to use alligation method. 75 30 20 (75%)

9 (b) pH = PKa + log salt

acid 7 = 5 + log salt acid 2 = log salt/acid (salt/acid) = 10-2

10 Total parts

45 (10%) 65 (30%)

10 (b) According to young formula

Age in year x adult dose Age + 12 = = 2 x 500mg 14 71.42 mg of drug.

We want to prepare 500cc 30% alcohol solution, therefore one can say To prepare 65 (30%) To prepare 500 (30%) 20 (75%) parts ?

500 x 20/65 = 153.84cc 75% solution is required.

11 (d) According to Clark formula

= weight (in lb) x adult dose 150 lbs 20 x 750mg = 100mg dose. 150

6 (d) 1 grain is equal to 65 mg. Therefore 1/

200 gr is equal to

12 (b) Body surface area of child x adult dose

173 m = 0.9 x 100 173 0.52 mg of dose.

16 (c)Milliequivalents of Na+ can be found

as follows: Equivalent wt of NaCl = = gm mol wt valence 58.5 gm mol wt 1 eq wt 1000 58.5 1000 0.0585

13 (a) Patient weight in kg is 156lbs/2.2 =

70.9 kg. The therapeutic dose of the drug is 10mg/kg, so patient needs = 70.9 x 10 = 709 mg of the drug. Therefore the correct answer should be a 3-bags.

Milliequivalent of NaCl = = =

14 (d)

To solve this kinds of problem, we have to use alligation method. 70 20 0 Total parts To prepare 70 parts (20%) So, to prepare 750cc (20%) 50 (0%) 70 (20%) 50 parts (0%) ? 20 (70%)

Amount of NaCl in 0.9 % 250cc of normal saline solution is = 250 x 0.009 = 2.25 gm, therefore we can say 2.25 units NaCl is dissociate in 2.25 units Na+ and 2.25 units Cl- ions. Total mEq of Na+ = 2.25 gm 0.0585 g/mEq = 38.46 mEq of Na+

17 (d) Eq wt of FeSO4 = gm mol wt

no of valence = 152 gm/mole 2 = 76 gm eq wt 1000 76 1000 0.076g/mEq

= 750 x 50 / 70 = 535.71 cc of ware should be mixed with 214.29 cc (750cc - 535.71cc) of 70% alcohol to prepare 750cc of 20% alcohol. mEq = = =

15 (b) Milliequivalents of Al +3 ion can be

found as follows: Eq weight = weight in gm no of valence = 27 gm 3 = 9 gm eq weight = equivalent weight in mg 1000 = 9000 = 9 1000

Total mEq wt of Fe+2 = 0.325 0.076 g/mEq = 4.27 mEq


18 (c)

t1/2 = 0.693 / k k = 0.693 /t1/2

= =

0.693 / 0.067 days10.31 days

24 (d) Patient weight is 155 = 70.45 kg

2.2 A normal therapeutic dose is 1.5 gm x 70.45 kg = 105.68 gm of drug.

19 (a) 0.025 min-1

k = = = 2.303 x log C0 t C 2.303 x log 1000 90 100 -1 0.025 min

25 (d) 500cc of D30W solution contains

= 500 x 0.3 gm = 150 gm dextrose Each gm of dextrose provides =3.4 calories, therefore 150 gm dextrose will provide = 150 x 3.4 calories = 510 calories

20 (c) 0.46 day -1

k = = = 2.303 x log C0 t C 2.303 x log 5000 10 50 0.46 day-1 Dose of drug Plasma conc of drug 0.25 x 109 ng 0.1 ng/ml 2.5 x 10 9 ml.

26 (c) Total calories provided by TPN can be

calculated as follows: 1200cc of D5W provide = 1200 x 0.05 x 3.4 = 204 calories. 1000cc of 10% aminoacid provide = 1000 x 0.1 x 4 = 400 calories. 100cc of 5% alcohol solution contains = 100 x 0.05 x 5.6 calories = 28 calories 1cc of 20% fat emulsion provides = 2 calories 300cc of 20% lipid solution will provide = 300 x 2 = 600 calories Total calories provide = 204+400+28+600 = 1232 calories.

21 (b) Vd =
= =

22 (a) Patient is weighing 150 lbs = 68.18 kg

2.2 A normal therapeutic dose in an adult patient is = 68.18 x 20 = 1363 mcg per twice a week. = 681.81 mcg per a week. = 0.68 mg per a week.

23 (c) An I.V. admixture contains 1000mg of

drug in 250cc of solution, therefore one can say = 1000 mg = 4 mg/cc 250 cc I.V. set delivers 20 drops per cc, therefore to administer 50 mg dose of drug we require = 50 x 20 = 250 drops per minute. 4

27 (a) 50cc of 50% sodium bicarbonate

solution contains = 25 gm of sod bicarbonate. eq weight = gm mole wt valence = 84 gm / 1 = 84 g


eq wt 1000 84 / 1000 = 0.084 g

Total mEq of sod = 25 g 0.084 g/eq = 297.61 mEq

28 (d) t1/2

= 0.693 k = 0.693 10-5 = 10 5 minutes.

29 (b) We have 250cc of dextrose solution,

needs to be administered in 6 hours (360 minutes), therefore one can say In 360 minutes In 1 minute 250cc solution ?

= 250 / 360 = 0.69 cc/min An I.V. set delivers 20 drops per cc, therefore 1 cc contains 0.69 cc will need 20 drops ?

= 20 x 0.69cc = 13.8 drops/min = 14 drops/min

30 (a) Patient weight in kg = 150 = 50 kg

2.2 A normal recommended dose of drug per day is = 5 x 50 = 250mg per day. Patient is taking this dose in 6 divided doses, therefore every 4 hours dose of drug would be = 250mg/ 6 = 41.66mg every 4-hour.

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