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STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Slow CRZ Power Attitude Speed 2100RPM 2 fingers 80kts Normal CRZ 2300 RPM

3-4 fingers 110kts Fast CRZ 2500RPM 5 fingers 115kts

CLIMBING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Set reference (altitude and point) PAST ALAP ASPT ALAP Direction DG, Speed ASI, Balance co-ordinator, Oil Temperature and pressure BAoC Power Attitude Speed Full Half PFD 62 kts BRoC Full Top of PFD 74kts CRZ Full Top of Dash 90kts

DESCENDING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Set reference (altitude and point) PAST ALAP PAST ALAP Direction DG, Speed ASI, Balance co-ordinator, Oil Temperature and pressure Glide Power Attitude Speed Idle 2-3 fingers 68 kts Approach 1500 RPM Horizon Half 75 kts CRZ 2100 RPM Horizon Half 500ft/min

STALLING Height to recover by 3000ft Hatches/harnesses Engine FMOST Fuel selector BOTH Mixture rich Oil temp and pressure check Switches magneto BOTH Throttle friction loosened

Location Lookout Loose articles secure

Entry Throttle idle As IAS decreases, increase back pressure to maintain altitude

During symptoms: High nose altitude, low IAS, sloppy controls, stall warning, buffet Stall height loss, nose pitch down, possible wing drop

Recovery Relax back pressure Attitude: 5 finger below horizon Correct wing drop: OPPOSITE RUDDER As IAS increases, apply FULL power Adopt climb attitude (BRoC)

Effects of power on stall symptoms 1500 RPM speed reduces more slowly shorter stall warnings stall speed is lower wing drop more likely

Effects of power on recovery At stall, adopt attitude 5 fingers below horizon Correct for any wing drop with opposite rudder Apply full power Raise nose to S&L ( 3 fingers below horizon) Check speed and adopt climb attitude

Effects of flap on stall symptoms Speed reduces more quickly Shorter stall warning Stall speed is lower Stall more pronounced Wing drop more likely

Effect of flap and power on stall symptoms Stall speed is lower

Stall more pronounced Wing drop more likely

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