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Taking Readings from the I-TECH Subsea Bullseye / Slope Indicator

Reading area decal The decal is visible through the top of the bullseye (appearance may differ depending on the size and measurement scale) The ball moves to indicate the inclination of the surface The solid spot identifies the centre point of the bullseye The concentriccircles identify angle measurement increments, for example this 2 decal is marked from the centre point at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2. The decal is divided into four quadrants. The quadrants can be aligned and used to indentify direction.

Ball Centre point Increments


Two scenarios are illustrated here, the corresponding readings and conclusions are noted below.
Low Point

High Point

Ball position = centre point Bullseye reading = 0 Conclusions = surface is level

Ball position = above the second circular line in quadrant 1 Bullseye reading = 1 Conclusions = surface is 1 off the level along the axis aligned with the ball and the centre point

NOTE: For the purposes of this illustration a 350mm diameter subsea bullseye x 2 measurement scale has been used nominally. Other bullseye sizes and measurement scales will vary in appearance however the general principles apply across the range.

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