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Students Interactions with Accounts Department

Student s attraction with accounts departments. Accounts are the back bone of any organization accounts department plays the major role in marinating all the records of any organization when students got admission in the university they should directly interact with accounts and submit their dues because examination card and examination record because it is not properly maintain and server facility over server. The behaviors of the accounts staff are not up to the standard and they are not ready to cooperate. Extra charges imposed some times on the students.

Problems Statements:
Currently in NCBA&E has facing major issue of Student s attraction with accounts departments. Mismanagement of funds that directing affects the efficiency of management as well as student performance because the student s record is not properly maintained that led to the bad impression of waste of time and smooth working is affected. The Department is not linked with each other because of not having proper networking.

Purpose of Study:
The researcher wants to clearly get himself out from research that accounts of NCBA&E is not working as they want to be. Down fall of every department It should be corrected and record should be properly maintained and this problems should sort out.

Scope of Study:
Currently problems NCBA&E is the accounts department interactions with the students of because everything is related to accounts E.G. Fees schedule, installments, examination cards, records. The researcher wants his study implemented in the organization issue of smooth working and saving time that would lead to the smooth and efficient working of organization.

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