Witricity - Wireless Electricity - Wireless Energy Transfer - Seminar Report

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eminar Report on
ricity - Wireless Electricity

Seminar by : Parikh Samarth 1.

Guided by : Mr. Nirav Patel


This is to certiIy that the Iollowing student oI Final year Electronics & Communication
Engineering have successIully submitted the seminar report entitled WITRICITY
WIRELESS ELECTRICITY, Ior the term ending in May-2011. The work prepared by him
is Iound satisIactory.
Name Roll No.
Parikh Samarth 1. 82923
Signature oI Guide Head oI Department Jury Members
Mr. Nirav Patel ProI. Ninad Bhatt
I would like to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to ProI. Ninad S. Bhatt, In charge oI
Electronics & Communication Engineering Department Ior allowing me to undertake this
seminar and Ior his guidelines during the review process.
I would like to express my endless thanks to my internal guide Mr. Nirav Patel (CKPCET,
Surat) Ior his constant guidance and motivation. He devoted signiIicant amount oI valuable
time Ior discussion and planning oI the seminar.
Also I wish to thank all people who have helped me directly or indirectly in the proiect and
my classmates Ior the valuable guidance and eIIorts behind the seminar.
Last, but not the least, no words are enough to acknowledge constant support and sacriIices
oI my Iamily members because oI whom I am able to pursue my degree program.
Parikh Samarth 1. (82923)
Wireless energy transIer is a very exciting technology which promises to radically change the
way we perIorm any activity. In this report I like to explore the concept oI transmitting power
without using wires. I will also like to discuss about how the technology developed and
evolved over the years. The report will also cover the practical experiments conducted and
look at a Iew companies that have successIully brought out working products into the market.
The advantages, disadvantages and the biological impacts will also be covered in the report.
And Iinally the report will also discuss the way Iorward in the wireless power transmission


Acknowledgements iii
Abstract iv
List oI Tables vii
List oI Figures viii
1) Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 History 2
2) WiTricity Technology - The Basics 4
2.1 Basic Terminologies 4
2.1.1 Electricity 4
2.1.2 Magnetism 4
2.1.3 Electromagnetism 4
2.1.4 Magnetic Induction 4
2.1.5 Energy/Power Coupling 5
2.1.6 Resonance 5
2.1.7 Resonant Magnetic Coupling 5
2.1.8 WiTricity Technology 5
2.1.9 Electromagnetic Induction 5
2.2 Basic Concept oI Electromagnetic Induction Ior EMF Generation 6
2.2.1 Resonance 8
2.2.2 Resonators 9
2.2.3 Resonant Energy TransIer 9
2.2.4 Resonant Coupling 10
2.2.5 Energy TransIer and EIIiciency 10
3) Witricity Technology How it Works? 11
3.1 Near Field Techniques 11
3.1.1 Induction Technique (Inductive Coupling) 11
3.1.2 Electrodynamic Induction Technique (Resonant Energy TransIer) 12
3.1.3 Electrostatic Induction Technique (Capacitive Coupling) 13
3.2 Far Field Techniques 13
3.2.1 Radio and Microwave Techniques 14
3.2.2 Laser Techniques 15
3.3 Witricity 15
3.3.1 How Witricity Works? 16
3.3.2 Witricity Principle 17
3.3.3 Experimental Construction 17
3.4 Range and Rate oI Coupling 20
3.5 EIIiciency Curve 21
4) Comparision oI Witricity with Traditional Methods 22
4.1 Witricity Technology v/s Magnetic Induction 22
4.2 Witricity Technology v/s Radiative Power TransIer 22
4.3 Witricity Technology v/s Magnetic Resonance Imaging 23
5) Witricity Technology Features and BeneIits 24
5.1 Highly Resonant Strong Coupling Provides High EIIiciency over Distance 24
5.2 Energy TransIer via Magnetic Field can Penetrate & Wrap around Obstacles 24
5.3 Non-Radiative Energy TransIer is SaIe Ior People and Animals 25
5.4 Scalable Design Enables Solutions Irom mW to KW 26
5.5 Flexible Geometry allows devices to be embedded into OEM Products 26
5.6 Limitations oI Witricity 26
6) Witricity Technology Applications 27
6.1 Consumer Electronics 28
6.2 Industrial Applications 28
6.3 Transportation 28
6.4 Other Applications 28
7) Conclusion 30
8) ReIerences 31
List of Tables
4.1 Showing the amount oI power radiated at a particular Irequency 19
List of Figures
1.1 Nikola Tesla 1
1.2 Nikola Teslas Wardenclyffe Tower (Tesla Tower) 3
2.1 An Electric TransIormer 4
2.2 Figure Showing Magnetic Fields 4
2.3 Flow oI Energy in Witricity 5
2.4 Faradays Law Ior Electromagnetic Induction 6
2.5 EMF generated due to Electromagnetic Induction 7
3.1 Wireless Energy TransIer 11
3.2 Electrostatic Induction using Tesla Coil 12
3.3 Resonant Energy TransIer 12
3.4 Teslas Wireless Bulb 13
3.5 Diagram Ior Microwave Power Transmission 14
3.6 Wireless Energy TransIer using LASER 15
3.7 How Witricity Works 16
3.8 Simple Witricity Implementation 17
3.9 Schematic Diagram oI Coils 17
3.10 Simple Frequency Oscillator 18
3.11 Principle oI Primary Coil 18
3.12 Principle oI Receiving Coil 18
3.13 Actual Experimental Setup at MIT 19
3.14 Coupled Mode Theory 20
3.15 Graph oI Losses versus Distance 21
3.16 EIIiciency Curve 21
5.1 Pros & Cons oI Witricity 24
5.2 Electromagnetic Spectrum 25


1.1 Introduction
In this era oI modernization, electricity has become the cup oI liIe. A moment without electricity
makes our thinking go dry. The maior source oI conventional Iorm oI electricity is through
wires. The continuous research and development has brought Iorward a maior breakthrough,
which provides electricity without the medium oI wires. This wonder baby is called
There are certain small but very useIul discoveries made in history, which changed the world Ior
ever, Newtons gravitational law, Watts steam engine, Thomsons bulb and many more. But a
renaissance occurred with the invention oI Electromagnetic Waves by Maxwell. Sir Jagdish
Chandra Bose successIully generated electromagnetic waves having wavelength in the range oI
5mm to 25mm. ThereaIter an Italian scientist named Marconi succeeded in transmitting
electromagnetic waves up to a distance oI several miles.
And with this there started a new era called WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY.
Today, as we can see the word wireless is common in day to day liIe.
Wireless communication has made the world smaller. Almost each and
everything is wireless or cordless. Cordless mouse, cordless keyboard,
satellite communication, mobiles, cordless microphones and headphones,
wireless internet service i.e. Wi-Fi, etc. And these have deIinitely increased
the standard oI living.
In Iact it dates back to the 19
century, when Nikola Tesla|2| used
conduction based systems instead oI resonance magnetic Iields to transIer
wireless power. As it is in Radiative mode, most oI the Power was wasted
and has less eIIiciency. Further, in 2005, Dave Gerding coined the term
WiTricity which is being used by the MIT researchers today.
Moreover, we all are aware oI the use oI electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) which is quite
well known Ior wireless transIer oI inIormation. In addition, lasers have also been used to
transmit energy without wires. However, radio waves are not Ieasible Ior power transmissions
because the nature oI the radiation is such that it spreads across the place, resulting into a large
amount oI radiations being wasted. And in the case oI lasers, apart Irom requirement oI
uninterrupted line oI sight (obstacles hinder the transmission process). It is also very dangerous.
WiTricity is nothing but Wireless Electricity. Transmission oI electrical energy Irom one
obiect to another without the use oI wires is called as WiTricity. WiTricity will ensure that the
cellphones, laptops, iPods and other power hungry devices get charged on their own, eliminating
the need oI plugging them in. Even better, because oI WiTricity some oI the devices won't
require batteries to operate.
Nikola Tesla was the Iirst
to experiment with
wireless electricity.
1.2 History
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, at the dawn of the electrification of the modern world,
some scientists and engineers believed that using wires to transIer electricity Irom every place
it was generated to every place that it could be used would be too expensive to be practical.
Nikola Tesla, one oI the most well known oI these scientists, had a vision Ior a wireless world in
which wireless electric power and communications would reach around the world, delivering
inIormation and power to ships at sea, Iactories, and every home on the planet. Tesla contributed
signiIicantly to our understanding oI electricity and electrical systems and is credited with
inventing three-phase AC power systems, induction motors, Iluorescent lamps, radio
transmission, and various modes oI wireless electric power transIer.
In 1902 Nikola Tesla patented a device, he called the device a "high-voltage, air-core, selI-
regenerative resonant transIormer that generates very high voltages at high Irequency": it was a
Tesla coil that transIerred its energy using resonant transIer Irom the bottom coil a Iew Ieet
through air to the top coil. This avoided arcing and permitted very high voltages to be created,
and is one oI the more common types built today.
In the early 1960s resonant inductive wireless energy transIer was used successIully in
implantable medical devices including such devices as pacemakers and artiIicial hearts. While
the early systems used a resonant receiver coil, later systems implemented resonant transmitter
coils as well. These medical devices are designed Ior high eIIiciency using low power
electronics while eIIiciently accommodating some misalignment and dynamic twisting oI the
coils. The separation between the coils in implantable applications is commonly less than 20 cm.
Today resonant inductive energy transIer is regularly used Ior providing electric power in
many commercially available medical implantable devices.
Wireless electric energy transIer Ior experimentally powering electric automobiles and buses is a
higher power application (~10 kW) oI resonant inductive energy transIer. High power levels are
required Ior rapid recharging and high energy transIer eIIiciency is required both Ior operational
economy and to avoid negative environmental impact oI the system. An experimental electriIied
roadway test track built about 1990 achieved 80 energy eIIiciency while recharging the battery
oI a prototype bus at a specially equipped bus stop. The bus could be outIitted with a retractable
receiving coil Ior greater coil clearance when moving. The gap between transmit and receive
coils was designed to be less than 10 cm when powered. In addition to buses the use oI wireless
transIer has been investigated Ior recharging electric automobiles in parking spots and garages as
well. In 1995, ProIessor John Boys and ProI Grant Covic, oI The University oI Auckland
in New Zealand, developed systems to transIer large amounts oI energy across small air
WiTricity technology Ior power transIer is diIIerent than the technologies proposed by
Tesla, but his work is reIerenced and acknowledged in the scientiIic articles published by
WiTricity Iounding technical team.
In November 2006, Marin Soljai|3| and other researchers at the Massachusetts Institute oI
Technology applied this near Iield behavior, well known in electromagnetic theory, the wireless
power transmission concept based on strongly-coupled resonators. In a theoretical analysis, they
demonstrate that, by designing electromagnetic resonators that suIIer minimal loss due to
radiation and absorption and have a near Iield with mid-range extent (namely a Iew times the
resonator size), mid-range eIIicient wireless energy-transIer is possible.
The 187-Ioot Nicolas Teslas WardenclyIIe Tower|2| (Tesla Tower) built
on Long Island, New York in 1903. Tesla wanted to transmit electricity
Irom this Tower to the whole globe without wires using the
Ionosphere. The tower was destroyed in 1917.
The reason is that iI two such resonant circuits tuned to the same Irequency are within a Iraction
oI a wavelength, their near Iields (consisting oI 'evanescent waves') couple by means oI
evanescent wave coupling (which is related to quantum tunneling). Oscillating waves develop
between the inductors, which can allow the energy to transIer Irom one obiect to the other
within times much shorter than all loss times, which were designed to be long, and thus with the
maximum possible energy-transIer eIIiciency. Since the resonant wavelength is much larger than
the resonators, the Iield can circumvent extraneous obiects in the vicinity and thus this mid-range
energy-transIer scheme does not require line-oI-sight. By utilizing in particular the magnetic
Iield to achieve the coupling, this method can be saIe, since magnetic Iields interact weakly with
living organisms.

WiTricity Technology - The Basics

2.1 Basic Terminologies

Transmission oI electrical energy Irom one obiect to another without the use oI wires is called as
WiTricity. With the basics oI electricity and magnetism, we will work our way up to the
WiTricity technology.
2.1.1 Electricity: It is a Ilow oI electrons (current) through a
conductor (like a wire) or charges through the atmosphere (like
lightning). A convenient way Ior energy to get Irom one place
to another!
2.1.2 Magnetism: A Iundamental Iorce oI nature, which
causes certain types oI materials to attract or repel each other.
Permanent magnets, like the ones on our reIrigerator and the
earths magnetic field are examples of objects having constant
magnetic Iields.
Oscillating magnetic Iields vary with time, and can be generated by alternating current (AC)
Ilowing on a wire. The strength, direction, and extent oI magnetic Iields are oIten represented
and visualized by drawings oI the magnetic Iield lines.
2.1.3 Electromagnetism: A term Ior the interdependence oI time-varying electric and
magnetic Iields. For example, it turns out that an oscillating magnetic Iield produces an electric
Iield and an oscillating electric Iield produces a magnetic Iield.
2.1.4 Magnetic Induction: A loop or coil oI conductive
material like copper, carrying an alternating current (AC), is a
very eIIicient structure Ior generating or capturing a magnetic
Iield. II a conductive loop is connected to an AC power
source, it will generate an oscillating magnetic Iield in the
vicinity oI the loop. A second conducting loop, brought close
enough to the Iirst, may capture some portion of that
oscillating magnetic Iield, which in turn, generates or induces
an electric current in the second coil. The current generated in
the second coil may be used to power devices. This type oI
electrical power transIer Irom one loop or coil to another is
well known and reIerred to as magnetic induction. Some
common examples oI devices based on magnetic induction are
electric transIormers and electric generators.
Fig-2.2(a) Fig-2.2(b)
(a) As electric current, I, Ilows in a wire, it gives rise
to a magnetic Iield, B, which wraps around the wire.
When the current reverses direction, the magnetic
Iield also reverses its direction.
(b) The blue lines represent the magnetic Iield that is
created when current Ilows through a coil. When the
current reverses direction, the magnetic Iield also
reverses its direction.
An Electric transformer.
2.1.5 Energy/Power Coupling: Energy coupling occurs when an energy source has a means
oI transIerring energy to another obiect. One simple example is a locomotive pulling a train
carthe mechanical coupling between the two enables the locomotive to pull the train, and
overcome the Iorces oI Iriction and inertia that keep
the train still and, the train moves. Magnetic
coupling occurs when the magnetic Iield oI one
obiect interacts with a second obiect and induces an
electric current in or on that obiect. In this way,
electric energy can be transIerred Irom a power
source to a powered device. In contrast to the
example oI mechanical coupling given Ior the train,
magnetic coupling does not require any physical
contact between the obiect generating the energy
and the obiect receiving or capturing that energy.
2.1.6 Resonance: Resonance is a property that
exists in many diIIerent physical systems. It can be
thought oI as the natural Irequency at which energy
can most eIIiciently be added to an oscillating
system. A playground swing is an example oI an
oscillating system involving potential energy and
kinetic energy. The child swings back and Iorth at a
rate that is determined by the length oI the swing. The child can make the swing go higher iI she
properly coordinates her arm and leg action with the motion oI the swing. The swing is
oscillating at its resonant Irequency and the simple movements oI the child eIIiciently transIer
energy to the system. Another example oI resonance is the way in which a singer can shatter a
wine glass by singing a single loud, clear note. In this example, the wine glass is the resonant
oscillating system. Sound waves traveling through the air are captured by the glass, and the
sound energy is converted to mechanical vibrations oI the glass itselI. When the singer hits the
note that matches the resonant Irequency oI the glass, the glass absorbs energy, begins vibrating,
and can eventually even shatter. The resonant Irequency oI the glass depends on the size, shape,
thickness oI the glass, and how much wine is in it.
2.1.7 Resonant Magnetic Coupling: Magnetic coupling|10| occurs when two obiects
exchange energy through their varying or oscillating magnetic Iields. Resonant coupling occurs
when the natural Irequencies oI the two obiects are approximately the same.
2.1.8 WiTricity Technology: WiTricity|7| power sources and capture devices are specially
designed magnetic resonators that eIIiciently transIer power over large distances via the
magnetic near-Iield. These proprietary source and device designs and the electronic systems that
control them support eIIicient energy transIer over distances that are many times the size oI the
sources/devices themselves.
2.1.9 Electro-magnetic Induction: Christian Oersteds discovery of magnetic field around a
current carrying conductor was quite accidental. II a Ilow oI electric current can produce a
magnetic Iield then why can't a magnetic Iield produce an electric current? An attempt to Iind an
answer to this lead Michel Faraday to the invention oI generators. You know that the conversion
between electrical and mechanical energy is the principle behind the working oI generators and
electric motors. They play an important role in reducing the work load and in enhancing the
Iacilities in our liIe. Hence this chapter is important in Iamiliarizing the parts and working
Fig-2.3 Flow of Energy in Witricity
The WiTricity power source, leIt, is connected to AC power. The
blue lines represent the magnetic near Iield induced by the power
source. The yellow lines represent the Ilow oI energy Irom the
source to the WiTicity capture coil, which is shown powering a light
principle oI the devices such as generator, electric motor, transIormer, microphone, loud speaker
2.2 Basic Concept of Electromagnetic Induction for EMF Generation
Make a solenoid having a large number oI closely wound turns oI insulated copper wire.
Connect its ends to the terminals oI a galvanometer. Bring the coil swiItly to one pole oI a
magnet. Observe the deIlection in the galvanometer. What happens when the coil is suddenly
taken oII? Keeping the coil at rest bring one end oI a magnet swiItly to the coil and then take it
back at the same speed. Note down in your science diary the direction oI deIlections in the
galvanometer. The needle deIlects to opposite directions in the two diIIerent situations and
suddenly comes back to the initial position.
We know that the magnetic Ilux lines have a basic property oI magnetism. What happens to the
magnetic Ilux lines when a magnet is moved into a solenoid or when a solenoid moves in the
vicinity oI a magnet? In the above situations a temporary electric current was generated either
because the Ilux lines were cut by the moving coil or the Ilux lines linked with the coil were
changed. The process oI inducing an emI in a conductor whenever the magnetic Ilux linked with
it changes, is known as electromagnetic induction. The emI so developed is called induced emI
and the current so obtained is called induced current. Now, with respect to Fig-2.5
II magnet is stationary, no current is produced.
II magnet is moving in, current is produced.
II magnet is moving out, current is produced in opposite direction.
II the poles oI the magnet are reversed, current changes direction.
i.e. on summarizing
Fig-2.4(a) Fig-2.4(b)
(a) A solenoid when brought in vicinity oI magnet (magnetic Iield), current Ilows.
(b) When a solenoid swiItly moves in a strong magnetic Iield, the galvanometer needle deIlects
indicating the Ilow oI a current.
When there is a changing magnetic Iield around a conductor (the coil oI wire), a current
is induced in the conductor.
The amount oI current induced is related to the strength oI the magnetic Iield and the rate
at which the Iield changes.
An easy way to create a magnetic Iield oI changing intensity is to move a permanent magnet next
to a wire or coil oI wire. Remember: the magnetic Iield must increase or decrease in intensity
perpendicular to the wire (so that the lines oI Ilux "cut across" the conductor), or else no voltage
will be induced:
Fig-2.5 EMF Generated due to electromagnetic induction
While Oersted's surprising discovery oI electromagnetism paved the way Ior more practical
applications oI electricity, it was Michael Faraday who gave us the key to the practical
generation oI electricity: electromagnetic induction. Faraday discovered that a voltage would be
generated across a length oI wire iI that wire was exposed to a perpendicular magnetic Iield Ilux
oI changing intensity. Faraday was able to mathematically relate the rate oI change oI the
magnetic Iield Ilux with the induced voltage (note the use oI a lower-cas letter e for voltage.
This reIers to instantaneous voltage or voltage at a speciIic point in time, rather than a steady,
stable voltage.):
The "d" terms are standard calculus notation, representing rate-oI-change oI Ilux over time. "N"
stands Ior the number oI turns, or wraps, in the wire coil (assuming that the wire is Iormed in the
shape oI a coil Ior maximum electromagnetic eIIiciency).
This phenomenon is put into obvious practical use in the construction oI electrical generators,
which use mechanical power to move a magnetic Iield past coils oI wire to generate voltage.
However, this is by no means the only practical use Ior this principle. II we recall that the
magnetic Iield produced by a current-carrying wire was always perpendicular to that wire, and
that the Ilux intensity oI that magnetic Iield varied with the amount oI current through it, we can
see that a wire is capable oI inducing a voltage along its own length simply due to a change in
current through it. This eIIect is called selI-induction: a changing magnetic Iield produced by
changes in current through a wire inducing voltage along the length oI that same wire. II the
magnetic Iield Ilux is enhanced by bending the wire into the shape oI a coil, and/or wrapping
that coil around a material oI high permeability, this eIIect oI selI-induced voltage will be more
intense. A device constructed to take advantage oI this eIIect is called an inductor. A magnetic
Iield oI changing intensity perpendicular to a wire will induce a voltage along the length oI that
wire. The amount oI voltage induced depends on the rate oI change oI the magnetic Iield Ilux
and the number oI turns oI wire (iI coiled) exposed to the change in Ilux. Faraday's equation Ior
induced voltage: e = N(d/dt)
A current-carrying wire will experience an induced voltage along its length iI the current
changes (thus changing the magnetic Iield Ilux perpendicular to the wire, thus inducing voltage
according to Faraday's Iormula). A device built speciIically to take advantage oI this eIIect is
called an inductor.
2.2.1 Resonance
In physics, resonance is the tendency oI a system (usually a linear system) to oscillate at larger
amplitude at some Irequencies than at others. These are known as the system's resonant
Irequencies (or resonance Irequencies). At these Irequencies, even small periodic driving Iorces
can produce large amplitude oscillations.
The exact response oI a resonance, especially Ior Irequencies Iar Irom the resonant
Irequency, depends on the details oI the physical system, and is usually not exactly
symmetric about the resonant Irequency, as illustrated Ior the simple harmonic oscillator
above. For a lightly damped linear oscillator with a resonant Irequency , the intensity oI
oscillations I when the system is driven with a driving frequency is typically approximated by
a Iormula that is symmetric about the resonant Irequency:
The intensity is deIined as the square oI the amplitude oI the oscillations. This is a Lorentzian
Iunction, and this response is Iound in many physical situations involving resonant systems.
is a parameter dependent on the damping oI the oscillator, and is known as the line width oI the
resonance. Heavily damped oscillators tend to have broad line widths, and respond to a wider
range oI driving Irequencies around the resonant Irequency. The line width is inversely
proportional to the Q Iactor, which is a measure oI the sharpness oI the resonance.
In electrical engineering, this approximate symmetric response is known as the universal
resonance curve, a concept introduced by Frederick E. Terman in 1932 to simpliIy the
approximate analysis oI radio circuits with a range oI center Irequencies and Q values.
2.2.2 Resonators
A physical system can have as many resonance Irequencies as it has degrees oI Ireedom: each
degree oI Ireedom can vibrate as a harmonic oscillator. Systems with one degree oI Ireedom,
such as a mass on a spring, pendulums, balance wheels, and LC tuned circuits have one
resonance Irequency. Systems with two degrees oI Ireedom, such as coupled pendulums and
resonant transIormers can have two resonance Irequencies. As the number oI coupled harmonic
oscillators grows, the time it takes to transIer energy Irom one to the next becomes signiIicant.
The vibrations in them begin to travel through the coupled harmonic oscillators in waves, Irom
one oscillator to the next. Extended obiects that experience resonance due to vibrations inside
them are called resonators, such as organ pipes, vibrating strings, quartz crystals, microwave
cavities, and laser rods. Since these can be viewed as being made oI millions oI coupled moving
parts (such as atoms), they can have millions oI resonance Irequencies. The vibrations inside
them travel as waves, at an approximately constant velocity, bouncing back and Iorth between
the sides oI the resonator. II the distance between the sides is a, the length oI a round trip is 2a.
In order to cause resonance, the phase oI a sinusoidal wave aIter a round trip has to be
equal to the initial phase, so the waves will reinIorce. So the condition Ior resonance in a
resonator is that the round trip distance, 2a, be equal to an integer number oI wavelengths oI
the wave:
II the velocity oI a wave is v, the Irequency is f = v/ so the resonance Irequencies are:
So the resonance Irequencies oI resonators, called normal modes, are equally spaced multiples oI
a lowest Irequency called the Iundamental Irequency. The multiples are oIten called overtones.
There may be several such series oI resonance Irequencies, corresponding to diIIerent modes oI
2.2.3 Resonant Energy Transfer
Resonant energy transIer or resonant inductive coupling is the short-distance wireless
transmission oI energy between two coils that are highly resonant at the same Irequency. The
equipment to do this is sometimes called a resonant transIormer. While many transIormers
employ resonance, this type has a high Q and is nearly always air-cored to avoid 'iron' losses.
The coils may be present in a single piece oI equipment or in separate pieces oI equipment.
Resonant transIer works by making a coil ring with an oscillating current. This generates an
oscillating magnetic Iield. Because the coil is highly resonant any energy placed in the coil dies
away relatively slowly over many cycles: but iI a second coil is brought near to it, the coil can
pick up most oI the energy beIore it is lost, even iI it is some distance away.
One oI the applications oI the resonant transIormer is Ior the CCFL inverter. Another application
oI the resonant transIormer is to couple between stages oI a super heterodyne receiver, where the
selectivity oI the receiver is provided by tuned transIormers in the intermediate Irequency
ampliIiers. Resonant transIormers such as the Tesla coil can generate very high voltages without
arcing, and are able to provide much higher current than electrostatic high-voltage generation
machines such as the Van de GraaII generator|8|. Resonant energy transIer is the operating
principle behind proposed short range wireless electricity systems such as WiTricity and similar
systems. These types oI systems generate magnetic Iields that are unlikely to cause health issues
in humans.
2.2.4 Resonant Coupling:
Non resonant coupled inductors, such as transIormers, work on the principle oI a primary coil
generating a magnetic Iield and a secondary coil subtending as much as possible oI that Iield so
that the power passing though the secondary is as similar as possible to that oI the primary. This
requirement that the Iield be covered by the secondary results in very short range and usually
requires a magnetic core. Over greater distances the non-resonant induction method is highly
ineIIicient and wastes the vast maiority oI the energy in resistive losses oI the primary coil.
Using resonance can help eIIiciency dramatically. II resonant coupling is used, each coil is
capacitively loaded so as to Iorm a tuned LC circuit. II the primary and secondary coils are
resonant at a common Irequency, it turns out that signiIicant power may be transmitted between
the coils over a range oI a Iew times the coil diameters at reasonable eIIiciency.
2.2.5 Energy Transfer and Efficiency:
The general principle is that iI a given amount oI energy is placed into a primary coil which is
capacitively loaded, the coil will 'ring', and Iorm an oscillating magnetic Iield. The energy will
transIer back and Iorth between the magnetic Iield in the inductor and the electric Iield across the
capacitor at the resonant Irequency. This oscillation will die away at a rate determined by the Q
Iactor, mainly due to resistive and radiative losses. However, provided the secondary coil cuts
enough oI the Iield that it absorbs more energy than is lost in each cycle oI the primary, then
most oI the energy can still be transIerred.
The primary coil Iorms a series RLC circuit, and the Q Iactor Ior such a coil is:
Because the Q Iactor can be very high, (experimentally around a thousand has been
demonstrated with air cored coils) only a small percentage oI the Iield has to be coupled Irom
one coil to the other to achieve high eIIiciency, even though the Iield dies quickly with distance
Irom a coil, they can be several diameters apart.

WiTricity Technology - How It Works?


DiIIerent Techniques oI Energy TransIer can be broadly categorized into Near Field Techniques
& Far Field Techniques.
3.1 Near Field Techniques
Near Iield are wireless transmission techniques over distances comparable to, or a Iew times the
diameter oI the device(s), and up to around a quarter oI the wavelengths used. Near Iield energy
itselI is non radiative, but some radiative losses will occur. In addition there are usually resistive
losses. Near Iield transIer is usually magnetic (inductive), but electric (capacitive) energy
transIer can also occur.
Fig-3.1 Wireless Energy Transfer
3.1.1 Induction Technique (Inductive Coupling)[14]
The action oI an electrical transIormer is the simplest instance oI wireless energy transIer. The
primary and secondary circuits oI a transIormer are not directly connected. The transIer oI
energy takes place by electromagnetic coupling through a process known as mutual induction.
The battery chargers oI a mobile phone or the transIormers on the street are examples oI how
this principle can be used. Induction cookers and many electric toothbrushes are also powered by
this technique. The main drawback to induction, however, is the short range. The receiver must
be very close to the transmitter or induction unit in order to inductively couple with it.
Fig-3.2 Electrostatic Induction using Tesla Coil[13]
3.1.2 Electrodynamic Induction Technique (Resonant Energy Transfer)
The "electrodynamics inductive eIIect" or "resonant inductive coupling" has key implications in
solving the main problem associated with non-resonant inductive coupling Ior wireless energy
transIer: speciIically, the dependence oI eIIiciency on transmission distance.
Electromagnetic induction works on the principle oI a primary
coil generating a predominantly magnetic Iield and a secondary
coil being within that Iield so a current is induced in the
secondary. This results in a negligible range because most oI
the magnetic Iield misses the secondary. Over relatively small
distances the induction method is ineIIicient and wastes much oI
the transmitted energy.
The application oI resonance improves the situation somewhat,
moderately improving the eIIiciency by "tunneling" the magnetic
Iield to a receiver coil that resonates at the same Irequency.
Fig-3.3 Resonant Energy
When resonant coupling is used the two inductors are tuned to a mutual Irequency and the input
current is modiIied Irom a sinusoidal into a nonsinusoidal rectangular or transient waveIorm so
as to more aggressively drive the system. In this way signiIicant power may be transmitted over
a range oI many meters. Unlike the multiple-layer windings typical oI non-resonant
transIormers, such transmitting and receiving coils are usually single layer solenoids or Ilat
spirals with series capacitors, which, in combination, allow the receiving element to be tuned to
the transmitter Irequency and reduce losses.
A common use oI the technology is Ior powering contactless smartcards, and systems exist to
power and recharge laptops and cell phones.
3.1.3 Electrostatic Induction Technique (Capacitive Coupling)
Tesla illuminating two exhausted tubes by means oI a powerIul, rapidly alternating electrostatic
Iield created between two vertical metal sheets suspended Irom the ceiling on insulating cords.
The "electrostatic induction eIIect" or "capacitive coupling"|9| is a type oI high Iield gradient or
diIIerential capacitance between two elevated electrodes over a conducting ground plane Ior
wireless energy transmission involving high Irequency alternating current potential diIIerences
transmitted between two plates.
The electrostatic Iorces through natural media across a conductor situated in the changing
magnetic Ilux can transIer energy to a receiving device (such as Tesla's wireless bulbs).
Sometimes called "the Tesla eIIect" it is the application oI a
type oI electrical displacement, i.e., the passage oI electrical
energy through space and matter, other than and in addition to
the development oI a potential across a conductor
Instead oI depending on |electrodynamic| induction at a
distance to light the tube . . . |the| ideal way oI lighting a hall or
room would . . . be to produce such a condition in it that an
illuminating device could be moved and put anywhere, and that
it is lighted, no matter where it is put and without being
electrically connected to anything.
Fig-3.4 Teslas Wireless Bulb
Tesla has been able to produce such a condition by creating in the room a powerIul, rapidly
alternating electrostatic Iield. For this purpose he suspend a sheet oI metal a distance Irom the
ceiling on insulating cords and connect it to one terminal oI the induction coil, the other terminal
being preIerably connected to the ground. Or else he suspend two sheets . . . each sheet being
connected with one oI the terminals oI the coil, and their size being careIully determined. An
exhausted tube may then be carried in the hand anywhere between the sheets or placed
anywhere, even a certain distance beyond them: it remains always luminous.
3.2 Far Field Techniques
It means Ior long conductors oI electricity Iorming part oI an electric circuit and electrically
connecting said ionized beam to an electric circuit. Far Iield methods achieve longer ranges,
oIten multiple kilometer ranges, where the distance is much greater than the diameter oI the
With radio wave and optical devices the main reason Ior longer ranges is the Iact that
electromagnetic radiation in the Iar-Iield can be made to match the shape oI the receiving area
(using high directivity antennas or well-collimated Laser Beam) thereby delivering almost all
emitted power at long ranges. The maximum directivity Ior antennas is physically limited by
3.2.1 Radio and Microwave (Microwave Power Transmission) Techniques
In 1875 thomas edison worked on this later Guglielmo Marconi worked with a modiIied Iorm oI
Edison's transmitter. Nikola Tesla also investigated radio transmission and reception. Japanese
researcher Hidetsugu Yagi also investigated wireless energy transmission using a directional
array antenna that he designed. This beam antenna has been widely adopted throughout the
broadcasting and wireless telecommunications industries due to its excellent perIormance
The modern ideas are dominated by microwave power transmission called Solar power satellite
to be built in high earth orbit to collect sunlight and convert that energy into microwaves, then
beamed to a very large antenna on earth, the microwaves would be converted into conventional
electrical power. A rectenna may be used to convert the microwave energy back into electricity.
Rectenna conversion eIIiciencies exceeding 95 have been realized.
A block diagram oI the demonstration components is shown.The primary components include a
microwave source, a transmitting antenna, and a receiving rectenna, Microwave power
transmission. The microwave source consists oI a microwave oven magnetron with electronics to
control the output power. The output microwave power ranges Irom 50 W to 200 W at 2.45GHz.
A coaxial cable connects the output oI the microwave source to a coax-to-waveguide adapter.
This adapter is connected to a waveguide Ierrite circulator which protects the microwave source
Irom reIlected power. The circulator is connected to a tuning waveguide section to match the
waveguide impedance to the antenna input impedance. The slotted waveguide antenna consists
oI 8 waveguide sections with 8 slots on each section. These 64 slots radiate the power uniIormly
through Iree space to the rectenna. The slotted waveguide antenna is ideal Ior power
transmission because oI its high aperture eIIiciency (~ 95) and high power handling capability.
A rectiIying antenna called a rectenna receives the transmitted power and converts the
microwave power to direct current (DC) power. This demonstration rectenna consists oI 6 rows
oI dipoles antennas where 8 dipoles belong to each row. Each row is connected to a rectiIying
circuit which consists oI low pass Iilters and a rectiIier. The rectiIier is a Ga As Schottky barrier
diode that is impedance matched to the dipoles by a low pass Iilter. The 6 rectiIying diodes are
connected to light bulbs Ior indicating that the power is received. The light bulbs also dissipated
the received power. This rectenna has a 25 collection and conversion eIIiciency, but rectennas
have been tested with greater than 90 eIIiciency at 2.45 GHz.
Power beaming by microwaves has the diIIiculty that Ior most space applications the required
aperture sizes are very large due to diIIraction limiting antenna directionality.These sizes can be
somewhat decreased by using shorter wavelengths, although short wavelengths may have
diIIiculties with atmospheric absorption and beam blockage by rain or water droplets.
For earthbound applications a large area 10 km diameter receiving array allows large total power
levels to be used while operating at the low power density suggested Ior human electromagnetic
exposure saIety. A human saIe power density oI 1 mW/cm2 distributed across a 10 km diameter
area corresponds to 750 megawatts total power level. This is the power level Iound in many
modern electric power plants.
3.2.2 Laser Techniques
With a laser beam centered on its panel oI photovoltaic cells, a lightweight model plane makes
the Iirst Ilight oI an aircraIt powered by a laser beam inside a building at NASA Marshall Space
Flight Center.
In the case oI electromagnetic radiation closer to visible region oI spectrum (10s oI microns (um)
to 10s oI nm), power can be transmitted by converting electricity into a laser beam that is then
pointed at a solar cell receiver. This mechanism is generally known as "powerbeaming" because
the power is beamed at a receiver that can convert it to usable electrical energy.
3.3 Witricity
In 2006 MIT researchers discovered a new method to provide electricity to remote obiects
without wires. Wiricity|4| is based on coupled resonant obiects. In 2007 researchers
implemented a prototype using selI resonant coils. In this Iirst experiment they demonstrated
eIIicient non-radiative power transIer over distance up to eight times the radius oI the coils. This
experiment was done using two copper coils. Each coil act as selI resonant system. One oI the
coils is attached to the electricity source. Instead oI irradiating the environment with
electromagnetic waves, it Iills the space with a non-radiative magnetic Iield oscillating at MHz
Irequencies. The non-radiative Iield mediates the power exchange with the other coil, which is
specially designed to resonate with the Iield. The resonant nature ensures strong interaction
between sending unit and receiving unit.
3.3.1 How Witricity Works?
Fig-3.7 How Witricity works[6]
3.3.2 Witricity Principle
Fig-3.8 Simple Witricity Implementation[5]
Consider two selI resonating copper coils oI same resonating Irequency with a diameter
20 inches each. One copper wire is connected to the power source (WiTricity
transmitter)|4|, while the other copper wire is connected to the device (WiTricity
The electric power Irom the power source causes the copper coil connected to it
to start oscillating at a particular (MHz) Irequency.
Subsequently, the space around the copper coil gets Iilled with nonmagnetic radiations.
This generated magnetic Iield Iurther transIers the power to the other copper coil
connected to the receiver. Since this coil is also oI the same Irequency, it starts
oscillating at the same Irequency as the Iirst coil. This is known as 'coupled resonance'
and is the principle behind WiTricity.
3.3.3 Experimental Construction
Fig-3.9 Schematic Diagram of Coils[12]
Two copper coils were set up-one at the sender end and one at receiver end. The
sender coil was attached to the power source, while the receiver coil was attached to the
light bulb.
When turned on, the sender coil emits electricity in the Iorm oI a magnetic Iield,
oscillating at a speciIic Irequency.
The receiver coil picks up the transmission, while the rest oI the environment is
Our experimental realization oI the scheme consists oI two selI-resonant coils.
One coil (source coil) is coupled inductively to an oscillating circuit: the other (device
coil) is inductively to a resistive load. SelI resonant coils relay on the interplay between
distributed inductance to achieve resonance.
Fig-3.10 Simple Frequency Oscillator
The two coils are made up oI an electrically conducting wire oI total length l and cross
sectional area a, wound into a helix oI n turns, radius r & height h.
Using electromagnetic theory, we can deIine an eIIective inductance L and an eIIective
capacitance C Ior each coil.
In the Iirst experiment they successIully demonstrated the ability to power a 60W light bulb Irom
a power source that was 2 meters away with 40 eIIiciency approximately. They used two
capacitively loaded copper coils oI 51 cm in diameter designed to resonate in the MHz range.
One coil was connected to a power source, the other to a bulb. In this experiment the coils were
designed to resonate at 10MHz. The setup powered the bulb oh even when the coils were not in
line oI sight. The bulb glowed even when wood, metal, and other devices were placed in
between the coils.
Fig-3.11 Principle of Primary Coil[13] Fig-3.12 Principle of Receiving Coil[13]
Capacitively loaded loops generate signiIicantly lower electric Iields in the space surrounding
the obiects than selI-resonant coils. The calculations to simulate a transIer oI 60W across two
identical capacitively-loaded loops similar in dimension to our selI-resonant coils (radius oI loop
30cm, cross sectional radius oI the conductor 3cm, and distance between the loops oI 2m), and
calculated the maximum values oI the Iields and Pointing Vector 20cm away Irom the device
At 10MHz, note the signiIicant reduction in the electric Iield strength with respect to the selI
resonant coils. Lowering the operating Irequency down to 1MHz Iurther reduces the electric
Iield, Poynting vector, and power radiated. At 1MHz, all our Iields are below IEEE saIety
guidelines (Erms 614V/m, Hrms 16.3A/m and Srms 0.1 W/cm2 at 1MHz)
Erms Hrms Srms Power
Frequency(MHz) EIIiciency {Ji m) (A/m) (W/cm2) radiated(W)
10 83 ' 185 21 0.08 3.3
1 60 40 14 0.04 0.005
Table-4.1 Showing the amount of power radiated at particular frequency
The Iigure given below shows the experimental setup. In which the transmitter and receiver coils
are separated at a distance oI 2m. The bulb connected to receiver coils is glowed when supply is
given to transmitter coil as shown in Iigure. In the Iirst Iigure transmitter and receiver coils are in
direct line oI sight. II a wooden piece is placed in between transmitter and receiver coils then
also power transmission is possible.
Fig-3.13 Actual Experimental Setup at MIT[5]
3.4 Range and Rate of Couping
Fig-3.14 Coupled Mode Theory (CMT)
Using Coupled Mode Theory (CMT)|7|, we can give some Irame work to the system. The Iield
system oI the two resonant obiects 1, 2 is
Where F1,2(r) are the resonating modes oI 1 and 2 alone, and then the Iield amplitudes a1(t) and
a2(t).The lower order representation oI the system is given by :
Where 1, 2 are the individual frequencies, 1, 2 are the Resonance widths (Decay rates) due to
the objects intrinsic (absorption, radiation etc.) losses, and is the coupling coefficient.
The solution oI the equation show that at exact resonance i.e. 1=2 and 1=2, the
normal modes of the combined system are split by 2.
The energy exchange between the two objects takes place in time Pi/ and is nearly
perIect, apart Ior losses, which are minimal when the coupling rate is much Iaster than all
loss rates (>> 1, 2).
It is exactly this ratio { /sqrt (1, 2)} shows that, it will set as Iigure-oI-merit Ior any
system under consideration Ior wireless energy-transIer, along with the distance over
which this ratio can be achieved.
The desired optimal regime {/sqrt (1,2)>>1} is called Strong-Coupling regime.
There is No change in Energy, unless /~~1 is true.
3.5 Efficiency Curve
Fig-3.15 Graph of Losses versus Distance
In order Ior the power transIer to be eIIicient, we design the system such that the rate oI
energy transIer between the emitter and the receiver is greater than the rate oI energy
dissipation. This way the device can capture the energy and use it Ior useIul work beIore
too much oI it gets wasted away.
We determine the eIIiciency oI transIer oI energy taking place between the source coil
and the load by measuring the current at the midpoint oI the selI resonant coils with a
current probe.
This gives a measurement oI the current parameters Is and Id
We then compute power dissipated in each coil Irom:
As the distance increases eIIiciency decreases.
Fig-3.16 Efficiency Curve
In 1975 Bill Brown transmitted 30kW power over a distance oI 1 mile at 84 eIIiciency
without using cables.

Comparison of WiTricity with Traditional Methods

4.1 WiTricity Technology v/s Magnetic Induction

At Iirst glance, WiTricity technology Ior power transIer appears to be traditional magnetic
induction, such as is used in power transIormers, where conductive coils transmit power to each
other wirelessly, over very short distances. In a transIormer, an electric current running in a
sending coil (or primary winding) induces another current in a receiving coil (or secondary
winding). The two coils must be very close together, and may even overlap, but the coils do not
make direct electrical contact with each other. However, the eIIiciency oI the power exchange in
traditional magnetic induction systems drops by orders oI magnitude when the distance between
the coils becomes larger than their sizes. In addition to electric transIormers, other devices
based on traditional magnetic induction include rechargeable electric toothbrushes, and inductive
charging pads which require that the object being charged be placed directly on top of, or very
close to, the base or pad supplying the power. An electric tooth brush uses traditional magnetic
induction to recharge its batteries.
The power exchange eIIiciency oI some induction systems is improved by utilizing resonant
circuits. These so-called resonantly enhanced induction techniques are used in certain medical
implants and high-Irequency RFIDs Ior example. However, to the best oI our knowledge,
WiTricity Iounding technical team was the Iirst to discover that by specially designing the
magnetic resonators, one could achieve strong coupling and highly eIIicient energy exchange
over distances much larger than the size oI the resonator coils, distances very large compared to
traditional schemes.
4.2 WiTricity Technology v/s Radiative Power Transfer
WiTricity technology Ior power transIer is non-radiative and relies on near-Iield magnetic
coupling. Many other techniques Ior wireless power transIer rely on radiative techniques, either
broadcasted or narrow beam (directed radiation) transmission oI radio, or light waves.
Broadcasted radiation oI radio Irequency energy is commonly used Ior wireless inIormation
transIer because inIormation can be transmitted over a wide area to multiple users. The power
received by each radio or wireless receiver is miniscule, and must be ampliIied in a receiving
unit using an external power supply. Because the vast maiority oI radiated power is wasted into
Iree space, radio transmission is considered to be an ineIIicient means oI power transIer.
Note that while more energy can be supplied to the receiver by cranking up the power oI the
transmitters in these systems, such high power levels may pose a saIety hazard and may interIere
with other radio Irequency devices. Directed radiation, using highly directional antennas, Is
another means oI using radio transmission to beam energy Irom a source to a receiver. However,
directed radiation in particular microwave radiation may interact strongly with living organisms
and certain metallic obiects. Such energy transIer methods may pose saIety hazards to people or
obiects that obstruct the line-oI-sight between the transmitter and receiver. These limitations
make directed radio transmission impractical Ior delivering substantial levels oI wireless power
in a typical consumer, commercial, or industrial application. In Iact, deIense researchers are
exploring the use oI directed energy systems to deliver lethal doses oI power to targets in space
and on the battleIield.
In addition to radio waves, visible and invisible light waves can also be used to transIer energy.
The sun is an excellent radiative source oI light energy, and industry and academia are working
hard to develop photovoltaic technologies to convert sunlight to electrical energy. A laser beam
is a Iorm oI directed light radiation, in which visible or invisible light waves may be Iormed into
a collimated beam, delivering energy in a targeted way. However, as in the case oI directed radio
waves, saIe and eIIicient transmission oI laser power requires a clear line oI sight between the
transmitter and receiver. As mentioned at the beginning oI this section, WiTricity technology is
based on non-radiative energy transIer. It does not require a clear line oI sight between the power
sources and capture devices and it is saIe Ior use in typical home, hospital, oIIice or industrial
4.3 WiTricity Technology v/s Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
MRI machines use magnetic resonance imaging to produce diagnostic images oI soIt tissue.
Many people assume that WiTricity Resonant Magnetic Coupling must be similar to magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) technology. However, the technologies are similar in name only. MRI
is, as its name suggests, a technology Ior using magnetism as a basis Ior diagnostic imaging oI
soIt tissue in the human body. It utilizes a strong DC magnet to orient the magnetic Iields oI
atoms within tissues, and radio Irequency Iields to manipulate those atoms in a selective way, so
that tissues and structures can be imaged clearly. The resonance reIerred to in MRI reIers to
the resonance oI atomic structures. MRI is not considered to be a method Ior wireless power
Compared to inductive transIer in transIormers, except when the coils are well within a diameter
oI each other, the eIIiciency is somewhat lower (around 80 at short range) whereas
conventional transIormers may achieve greater eIIiciency (around 90-95), and Ior this reason,
it's unlikely it will be used very much at larger distances where high energy is transIerred.
However, compared to the costs associated with batteries, particularly non rechargeable
batteries, the costs oI the batteries are hundreds oI times higher. In situations where a source oI
power is available nearby, it can be a cheaper solution. In addition, whereas batteries need
periodic maintenance and replacement, resonant energy transIer could be used instead, which
would not need this. Batteries additionally generate pollution during their construction and their
disposal which largely would be avoided.
The WiTricity would reduce the cost oI electrical energy used by the consumer and get rid oI the
landscape oI wires, cables, and transmission towers. It has negligible demerits like reactive
power which was Iound insigniIicant and biologically compatible.

Witricity Technology - Features and Benefits

Fig-5.1 Pros & Cons of Witricity

5.1 Highly Resonant Strong Coupling Provides High Efficiency over
WiTricity mode oI wireless power transIer is highly eIIicient over distances ranging Irom
centimeters to several meters. EIIiciency may be deIined as the amount oI usable electrical
energy that is available to the device being powered, divided by the amount oI energy that is
drawn by the WiTricity source. In many applications, eIIiciency can exceed 90. And WiTricity
sources only transIer energy when it is needed. When a WiTricity powered device no longer
needs to capture additional energy, the WiTricity power source will automatically reduce its
power consumption to a power saving idle state.
5.2 Energy Transfer via Magnetic Near Field Can Penetrate and Wrap
Around Obstacles
The magnetic near Iield has several properties that make it an excellent means oI transIerring
energy in a typical consumer, commercial, or industrial environment. Most common building
and Iurnishing materials, such as wood, gypsum wall board, plastics, textiles, glass, brick, and
concrete are essentially transparent to magnetic fieldsenabling WiTricity technology to
eIIiciently transIer power through them. In addition, the magnetic near Iield has the ability to
wrap around many metallic obstacles that might otherwise block the magnetic fields.
WiTricity applications engineering team will work with you to address the materials and
environmental Iactors that may inIluence wireless energy transIer in your application.
5.3 Non-Radiative Energy Transfer is Safe for People and Animals
WiTricity technology is a non-radiative mode oI energy transIer, relying instead on the magnetic
near Iield. Magnetic Iields interact very weakly with biological organismspeople and
animalsand are scientiIically regarded to be saIe. ProIessor Sir John Pendry oI Imperial
College London, a world renowned physicist, explains: The body really responds strongly to
electric Iields, which is why you can cook a chicken in a microwave. But it doesn't respond to
magnetic Iields. As Iar as we know the body has almost zero response to magnetic Iields in terms
oI the amount oI power it absorbs." Evidence oI the saIety oI magnetic Iields is illustrated by the
widespread acceptance and saIety oI household magnetic induction cooktops.
Fig-5.2 Electromagnetic Spectrum
Through proprietary design oI the WiTricity source, electric Iields are almost completely
contained within the source. This design results in levels oI electric and magnetic Iields which
Iall well within regulatory guidelines. Thus WiTricity technology doesnt give rise to radio
Irequency emissions that interIere with other electronic devices, and is not a source oI electric
and magnetic Iield levels that pose a risk to people or animals.
Limits Ior human exposure to magnetic Iields are set by regulatory bodies such as the FCC,
ICNIRP, and are based on broad scientiIic and medical consensus. WiTricity technology is being
developed to be Iully compliant with applicable regulations regarding magnetic Iields and
electromagnetic radiation.
5.4 Scalable Design Enables Solutions from milliwatts to Kilowatts
WiTricity systems can be designed to handle a broad range oI power levels. The beneIits oI
highly eIIicient energy transIer over distance can be achieved at power levels ranging Irom
milliwatts to several kilowatts. This enables WiTricity technology to be used in applications as
diverse as powering a wireless mouse or keyboard (milliwatts) to recharging an electric
passenger vehicle (kilowatts). WiTricity technology operates in a load following mode,
transIerring only as much energy as the powered device requires.
5.5 Flexible Geometry Allows WiTricity Devices to be Embedded into OEM
WiTricity technology is being designed so that it can be easily embedded into a wide variety oI
products and systems. The physics oI resonant magnetic coupling enables WiTricity engineers to
design power sources and devices oI varying shapes and sizes, to match both the packaging
requirements and the power transIer requirements in a given OEM application. WiTricity has
designed power capture devices compact enough to Iit into a cell phone.
5.6 Limitations of Witricity
The resonance condition should be satisIied and iI any error exists, there is no possibility
oI power transIer.
II there is any possibility oI very strong Ierromagnetic material presence causes low
power transIer due to radiation.
With the witricity method, they anticipate transmitting power over distances about a
meter, which is much less than ideal but still it is very impressive.
Tesla coils also destroy hearing aids and cardiac pacemakers in their vicinity.

Witricity Technology - Applications

WiTricity wireless power transIer technology can be applied in a wide variety oI applications
and environments. The ability oI our technology to transIer power saIely, eIIiciently, and over
distance can improve products by making them more convenient, reliable, and environmentally
Iriendly. WiTricity technology can be used to provide:
Direct Wireless Powerwhen all the power a device needs is provided wirelessly, and
no batteries are required. This mode is Ior a device that is always used within range oI its
WiTricity power source.
Automatic Wireless Chargingwhen a device with rechargeable batteries charges
itselI while still in use or at rest, without requiring a power cord or battery replacement.
This mode is Ior a mobile device that may be used both in and out oI range oI its
WiTricity power source.
WiTricity technology is designed for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to embed
directly in their products and systems.
WiTricity technology will make your products:
More Convenient:
No manual recharging or changing batteries.
Eliminate unsightly, unwieldy and costly power cords.
More Reliable:
Never run out oI battery power.
Reduce product failure rates by fixing the weakest link: Ilexing wiring and mechanical
More Environmentally Friendly:
Reduce use oI disposable batteries.
Use efficient electric grid power directly instead of inefficient battery charging.
6.1 Consumer Electronics
Automatic wireless charging oI mobile electronics (phones,
laptops, game controllers, etc.) in home, car, oIIice, Wi-Fi
hotspots while devices are in use and mobile.
Direct wireless powering oI
stationary devices (Ilat
screen TVs, digital picture
Irames, home theater
accessories, wireless loud
speakers, etc.) eliminating
expensive custom wiring,
unsightly cables and wall-wart power supplies.
Direct wireless powering oI desktop PC peripherals:
wireless mouse, keyboard, printer, speakers, display,
etc eliminating disposable batteries and awkward cabling.
6.2 Industrial Applications
Direct wireless power and communication interconnections across rotating and moving
joints (robots, packaging machinery, assembly machinery, machine tools)
eliminating costly and Iailure-prone wiring.
Direct wireless power and communication interconnections at
points oI use in harsh environments (drilling, mining,
underwater, etc.) where it is impractical or impossible to
run wires.
Direct wireless power Ior wireless sensors and actuators,
eliminating the need Ior expensive power wiring or battery
replacement and disposal.
6.3 Transportation
Automatic wireless charging Ior existing electric vehicle
classes: golI carts, industrial vehicles.
Automatic wireless charging Ior Iuture hybrid and all-electric
passenger and commercial vehicles, at home, in parking
garages, at Ileet depots, and at remote kiosks.
Direct wireless power interconnections to replace costly vehicle
wiring harnesses and slip rings.
6.4 Other Applications
Direct wireless power interconnections and automatic wireless charging Ior implantable
medical devices (ventricular assist devices, pacemaker, deIibrilator, etc.).
Automatic wireless charging and Ior high tech military systems (battery powered mobile
devices, covert sensors, unmanned mobile robots and aircraIt, etc.).
Direct wireless powering and automatic wireless charging oI smart cards.
Direct wireless powering and automatic wireless charging oI consumer appliances,
mobile robots, etc.


The transmission oI power without wires is not a theory or a mere possibility, it is now a reality.
The electrical energy can be economically transmitted without wires to any terrestrial distance.
Many researchers have established in numerous observations, experiments and measurements,
qualitative and quantitative. Dr.N.Tesla is the pioneer oI this invention. Wireless transmission oI
electricity have tremendous merits like high transmission integrity and Low Loss (90 97
eIIicient) and can be transmitted to anywhere in the globe and eliminate the need Ior an
ineIIicient, costly, and capital intensive grid oI cables, towers, and substations. The system
would reduce the cost oI electrical energy used by the consumer and get rid oI the landscape oI
wires, cables, and transmission towers. It has negligible demerits like reactive power which was
Iound insigniIicant and biologically compatible. It has a tremendous economic impact to human


1. http://www.WiTricity.com
2. "Nikola Tesla, 1856 - 1943". IEEE History Center, IEEE, 2003. Lecture-demonstration
St. Louis.
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