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Introduction to Language Testing

Current situations of language testing

In groups of 4 or 5, discuss the current situations of language testing at schools or language centers.

Current situations of language testing



Multiple choice Using mostly written forms Testing the vocabulary, grammar structures, reading, writing Less focus on communicative skills Oral skills are not assessed

Impacts of current ways of language tests

Students learn to the tests  reluctant to oral skills of the language Not being able to use the language well especially in communication Language learning becomes tiring and boring since students have to learn lots of vocabulary and grammar structures without knowing how to apply them in real situations. Tests used can not achieve their main objectives.

What are the purposes of language tests? 1. To measure students performance - individual performance (classroom tests) - for purposes of comparison or selection (external examination) 2. To enable teachers to increase their own effectiveness by making adjustment in their teaching 3. To identify the precise areas of difficulty encountered by the class or by individual students 4. To provide students with an opportunity to show their ability to perform certain tasks in the language 5. To enable students to learn from their weaknesses

What should be tested?


Testing the language skills Testing the language areas

Testing the language skills

Four major skills in communication through language are listening, speaking, reading and writing.  These skills should be carefully integrated and to use for real life communication. There would be no rigid distinction drawn between the four different skills Tests should be able to reflect students general fluency and ability to use the language.

Testing the language skills

To give some indication of the students scholastic ability in some of the language skills needed as a student, tests of each language skill can be designed

Testing the language skills

Listening comprehension (short dialogues, talks, lectures ) Speaking ability ( interview, picture description, role play, problem solving task) Reading comprehension (questions and answers, true/ false, multiple choice, matching, etc.) Writing ability (letters, reports, summary, instruction, accounts of past events, etc.)

Testing the language areas


Grammar and usage Vocabulary (word meaning, word formation, collocations) Phonology (phonemes, stress, intonation)

Testing Grammar and usage

To measure students ability to recognize appropriate grammatical forms and to manipulate the structures

Choose A, B, C, or D to complete the blanks in the following:
Although it (1) . Quite warm now, (2) will change later today. By tomorrow morning, it (3) .. Much colder and there may even be a little snow. (1) A. seem B. will seem C. seemed D. had seemed (2) A. Weather B. The weather C. a weather D. some weather (3) A. is B. will go to be C. is going to be D. would be

Complete the following dialogue: A: does Victor Lee ? B: I think his flat is close to Tan Son Nhat Airport

Design/Select an English test Present the purpose of the test

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