The FedEx Lunch Non

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The FedEx Lunch

(You must deliver something by the end of lunch)

Object: Help high achievers share their secrets to success in a nontraditional format. Materials needed: Colored construction paper, glue, glitter, stickers, crayons, and colored markers. Duration: One hour, depending on the number of people. Setup: o Place equal portions of the materials on each table of 4-6 people. o Announce that each individual has won $100 million in the New York State Lottery, and will be retiring from <your company> tomorrow afternoon. In an effort to capture what has made your career great we are going to do the following exercise called The Fed Ex Lunch Exercise: o One: Capture the essence of your career in one sentence. o Lincoln: He preserved the Union and freed the slaves. o Roosevelt: He lifted us out of the great depression and helped us win the war o X Manager: He cared about each person that worked for him, and helped them become their best. Extra Credit: Ask yourself at the end of each day if you were better today than yesterday. o Two: Using the materials provided create your 1-2 secrets of success. o Three: After 15 minutes of creation time ask each individual to present their secrets.

Source: Pink, Daniel H.. Drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us. New York, NY: Riverhead Books, 2009. Print.

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