US Army - International Rifle Marksmanship Guide (1972)

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THE UNITED STATES ARMY MARKSMANSHIP UNIT # re RO og Oi fy UNITED STATES ARMY * INTERNATIONAL RIFLE MARKSMANSHIP GUIDE ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE FOREWORD a CHAPTER [| THE INTERNATIONAL MATCH. sce eee deeeee renee SHOOTING EQUIPMENT. 220. eee eee eee vee b UI THE INTEGRATED ACT OF FIRING ....-..- ; 12s IV INTERRELATED ASPECTS OF POSITIONSHOOTING ... 44 23 Y THE PRONE POSITION 5. s ss eos Move poet ae Vi. THESTANDING POSITION. eos cece eee eee ness 40 Vil THE KNERLING Position . : - 7 VII REFINING THE POSITIONS «2. see etter eee eee 1X PHYSICAL AND MENTAL TRAINING. 6. sce e eevee 97 KOO ManooTiNG HAMEED isin s yeviece tel eti tcaede wate na AOE XI EFFECTS OF THE WEATHER 20... 0.00.00. 106 HIE COACHING. Ec ee ee ce ee Cee ee eee UE 1, THE UNITED STATES IN WORLD COMPETITION ......064 0113 2. THESITTING POSITIONS 6. esse ee etree eter ee 180 3, SHOOTING WITH TELESCOPIC SIGHTS cece eee 1M FOREWORD ‘The purpose of this manual is to record the principles and techniques of International Rifle shooting with the primary objective of improving the shooters performance in compatition. ‘The techniques and ideas put forth in this mangal represent the collective thinking of the United States medal winners of the last World Championships, Pan American and Olympic Cames. These techniques and idees axe not to be taken e8 the final word or solution to success in international shooting but rather the best information presently available te guide the development of the international rifle shooter. Every Shooter is an Individual, differing {rom his fellow markamex physicelly, mentally and in shooting background: thus, success in international rifle shooting ie the Cirect result of the individual's ability to modify a standard training program to meet his own requirement A shocters progress in Internetional Rifle shooting ts direétly propor tional to his desire to achieve and nis ability to clearly analyze his perform= ance. This manual fe designed to help the shooter with hia amalysix. For Simplicity, the text Is weltten In a manner that perteins to right handed shooters. ‘The valieity of the material presented herein is attested to by the rorults attained in recent years and at pretent. United States Army Inter- national Rifle Teams and individual shooters, using the techniques desersbed in these pages have continued to win in Worlé competition. The effectiveness of training methods ie measured by the suceese in competition. ‘This manual is dedicated to the shooter who is seriously interested in attaining maximun: control of hie developed ghill in the art of International Rifle competitive marksmanship. 7 sions? n, 1axDs, 28. Colonel, Infantry Commanding

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