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Cattell happy and sad, don t need to measure part of characteristic Extroversion, nertocism, cycoticism (tough mindedness) 1.

The big five factors of personality a. Openness to experienceb. Indpeendent - Conforming c. Imagintaitve practical d. Preference for variety preference for routine i. Intelligence measurement, usually people with high on IQ ii. Independent e. Conscientiousness do there work i. Careful, disiciplined, organized ii. f. Extraverson first personality trait, heritable g. Agreeableness i. Sypathethic fault finding ii. Kind cold iii. Appericiate - unfriendly h. Neuroticism emotional stability, heritable i. Tense, , anxious, insecure ii. Very sensitive to things in the environment iii. Lay back lower incidence of illness 2. Biological and evolutionary approaches a. Genetic influences on persalitiy i. Social potency ii. Tradionalism iii. Stress reactioln iv. Absorption v. Alienation vi. Well-being vii. Harm avoidanc e viii. Aggressive ix. Achievement x. Control xi. Social closeness xii.

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