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Figure I.3.

12 Gender differences in mathematics performance

G e n

Figure I.3.12

Mean score on the mathematics scale Gender difference (girls - boys)

All students Boys Girls

Boys perform better

OECD average -12 score points

Colombia Liechtenstein Belgium Chile United Kingdom United States Switzerland Luxembourg Austria Spain Peru Netherlands France Denmark Germany Brazil Italy Hong Kong-China Greece Mexico Uruguay Tunisia Montenegro Hungary Canada Portugal Serbia Macao-China Turkey Croatia Argentina Australia Japan Estonia Israel Azerbaijan New Zealand Ireland Singapore Panama Norway Czech Republic Chinese Taipei Thailand Poland Iceland Romania Korea Slovak Republic Finland Dubai (UAE) Russian Federation Latvia Slovenia Jordan Kazakhstan Shanghai-China Indonesia Sweden Bulgaria Qatar Kyrgyzstan Lithuania Trinidad and Tobago Albania 300 350 400 450 Mean score Note: Statistically significant gender differences are marked in a darker tone (see Annex A3). Countries are ranked in ascending order of the score point difference (girls - boys). Source: OECD PISA 2009 Database, Table I.3.3.

Girls perform better

16-08-201120:42C:\Documents and Settings\BlackCrystal\Mis documentos\Downloads\982010071P1G003 (2)982010071P1G003 (2)Fig I.3.12

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-20 -10 Score point difference



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