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Second Semester MCA MCA 203: Microprocessors & Embedded Systems

Time: Two Hours

Maximum: 50 Marks

Part A Answer any five questions. Each question carries 4 marks.

1. How is physical address generated in 8086? 2. List the Flag bits of 8086. Explain the role of Overflow flag and Auxiliary flag. 3. What are the advantages of Memory segmentation in 8086? 4. Explain the RQ/GT signals with the timing diagram. 5. What is meant by Data transfer schemes? Explain Programmed I/O. 6. Explain the different Operating modes of 8259 A. 7. Define the Control word register format & its operations of 8253. 8. Explain the different ways of setting priority in an Interrupt driven data transfer scheme.

(5*4=20) Part B Answer either (a) or (b) from each question. All questions carry equal marks.
9. (a) What are the different types of registers in 8086? Explain in detail there tasks. OR (b) Explain the maximum mode of operation of 8086 with a neat diagram and read& write timing diagrams.

10. (a) What is meant by an addressing mode? What are the different addressing modes supported by 8086? Explain any two of them with examples. OR (b) Explain DMA mode of data transfer scheme with the help of DMA Controller 8257. 11. (a) Explain Interrupt Controller 8259 A and its command words with the help of diagrams. OR (b) Explain Programmable Communication Interface 8251 USART with the help of a diagram.


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