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Unit Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Unit Code & Unit Title: Course of Study: Year of Study: Year and Semester: Credit Hour Lecturing hours and Tutoring hours Lecturer: Tutor: UBMM3033 LEADERSHIP AND TEAM BUILDING Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Year One, Trimester Two Year One, Trimester Three 200910 3 credit hours 4 hours lecture per week for the duration of 7 weeks 3 hours tutorial per week for the duration of 7 weeks Ms. Ng Lee Peng, BBA (Hons), MBA (Email: Ms. Koay Yin Yin (Email: Ms. Teoh Sok Yee (Email: Ms. Juliana bt. Abu Bakar (Email: Ms. Shirley Lee Voon Hsien (Email: Ms. Shanthi a/p Nadarajah Lecture and Tutorial To provide students with the fundamental skills required for effective organisational leadership and team building. The unit will focus on both theory and practical aspects about teams, teamwork, team development, leadership in organisation, and leadership in team building. On completion of this unit, a student shall be able to: 1. Relate a leaders characteristics to their different leadership styles. 2. Illustrate the concept of Ethical and Strategic leadership and outline the necessary structure to train leaders. 3. Explain the characteristics of team and determine various factors that influence team development process. 4. Relate to real life situations on how leaders create and motivate teams, and the different leadership styles required for managing different team structures like functional, cross-functional, self-managed and virtual teams.

7. 8.

9. 10. 11.

Moderator Mode of Delivery: Objective:


Learning Outcome:

Unit Plan of UBMM3033 Leadership & Team Building


Reading List:

Main Text:

1. Yukl, G. (2010). Leadership in organizations (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
Pearson Prentice Hall.

2. Thompson, L. L. (2008). Making the teams: A guide for manager (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle
River, New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Additional Text: 1. Daft, R. L. (2008). Thomson/South-Western. The leadership experience (4th ed.). Mason, Ohio.

2. Lussier, R. N., & Achua, C. F. (2007). Effective leadership (3rd ed.). Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western. 3. Maddux, R. B., & Wingfield, B. (2003). Team building: An exercise in leadership (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Thomson Learning. 14. Method of Assessment: No. 1. Method of Assessment Coursework Mid-Term Test Total 40% 40% (100 marks) 60% 100%

2. Final Examination GRAND TOTAL 1. Coursework (40%) Mid-Term Test 40% (100 marks)

Test will be given to monitor students progress on the understanding of the lectures and tutorial. The duration of the test will be ONE (1) hour and will be scheduled during Week 4. Students are required to answer any TWO (2) out of THREE (3) questions. The test covers Topic 1 to Topic 6. There will be NO make-up exams without a valid and verifiable reason. Students must give reasons for absenteeism and are required to submit evidence (e.g. medical certificate, letter from parents/guardians, etc) before any make-up examination will be considered. 2. Final Examination (60%) The final examination for this subject will be 2.5 hours and will consist of TWO sections: Section A (40 marks) = One compulsory case study question with 3 to 4 sub-questions. Section B (60 marks) = 3 questions in which students are required to answer any 2 questions. All students should achieve a minimum 40 marks for final examination to pass this paper. Otherwise, students will have to sit for the supplementary exam. Remark: ACADEMIC REGULATIONS Attendance Attendance at all lectures and tutorials is compulsory. Students must give reasons for their absence by providing the supporting evidence(s) (e.g. medical certificate, letter from
Unit Plan of UBMM3033 Leadership & Team Building

parents/guardians & etc.) and apply for leave of absence from the respective Head of Department. Poor attendance without any approved leave of absence may prompt the faculty to take disciplinary action, which may include being barred from sitting for the final examination. Plagiarism Plagiarism is defined as the submission or presentation of work, in any form, which is not one's own, without acknowledgment of the sources. If a student obtains information or ideas from an outside source, that source must be acknowledged. Another rule to follow is that any direct quotation must be placed in quotation marks and the source immediately cited. Plagiarism is also defined as copy of all or part of the work of another student(s) of current or previous batch of this University or another higher learning institution. The University's degree and other academic awards are given in recognition of the candidate's personal achievement. Plagiarism is therefore considered as an act of academic fraudulence and as an offence against University discipline. Intellectual Property Copyright must be seriously protected. The University takes a strong stand against any illegal photocopying of textbooks and any other materials by students. Students are forewarned of the consequences and the penalty that may be meted out if they are "caught in the act". Mode of Referencing Students are advised to incorporate proper academic modes of referencing. The normally acceptable mode of academic referencing is the American Psychological Association (APA) system; please refer to the attached APA referencing system document for detailed usage (Appendix III). Fieldwork Clause (where applicable) Students are reminded of the importance to consider their personal safety when conducting research in the field. You will be exposing yourself in new situations and meeting with people who are unknown to you. It is important that you are aware of potential dangers and take the necessary safety steps. You have to be extra careful and cautious if you are going to interview or conduct survey with small, unknown organisations or individuals 'on site'. You should ensure you have the full details (full name, job title, organisation name, address and telephone numbers) of anyone or organisation you intend to conduct the field research. You should establish the credibility of these respondents before your groups visit them. The field research should be made in groups not alone. Leave word with your fellow classmates on your field visit (details of place, contact numbers, person you are interviewing or conducting survey with, expected time of return, etc). The field work should be at office hours.

Unit Plan of UBMM3033 Leadership & Team Building

Teaching Plan Lecture, Tutorial & Assignment Plan Week 1 19/10/09 25/10/09 Lecture Topic Topic 1 Introduction: The Nature Of Leadership Definitions Of Leadership Indicators of Leadership Effectiveness Overview Of Major Research Approaches Level of Conceptualisation for Leadership Tutorial Topic Tutorial 1 (Introduction) Introduction and overview of Unit Plan, 2 essay questions to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class Yukl (Chapter 2) Mid-term Reference Yukl (Chapter 1)

Topic 2 Managerial Traits and Skills Nature Of Traits And Skills Managerial Traits Of Effectiveness Managerial Skills And Effectiveness Other Relevant Competencies Situations Relevance of Skills Topic 3 The Nature Of Managerial Work Typical Activity Patterns In Managerial Work The Content Of Managerial Work Changes In The Nature Of Managerial Work How much discretion do managers have? Guidelines for Managing Time 2 26/10/09 1/11/09 Topic 4 Perspectives On Effective Leadership Behaviour Ohio State Leadership Studies Michigan Leadership Studies Specific Tasks Behaviour Specific Relations Behaviour Evaluation of Behaviour Approach Topic 5 Participative Leadership, Delegation And Empowerment Nature of Participative Leadership Consequences of Participative Leadership Guidelines for Participative Leadership
Unit Plan of UBMM3033 Leadership & Team Building

Tutorial 2 (Topic 1 and 2) 6 essay questions to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class.

Yukl (Chapter 3)

Tutorial 3 (Topic 3) Case study with 2 questions and 3 essay questions to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class. Tutorial 4 (Topic 4) 5 essay questions to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class.

Yukl (Chapter 4)

Yukl (Chapter 5)

Lecture, Tutorial & Assignment Plan Week Lecture Topic 3 2/11/09 8/11/09 Delegation Perceived Empowerment Tutorial 5 (Topic 5) A case study scenario with 3 questions and 2 essay questions to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class Yukl (Chapter 8) Tutorial Topic Mid-term Reference

Topic 6 Dyadic Role Making, Attributions, And Followership Leader-Member Exchange Theory Leader Attributions About Subordinates Correcting Performance Deficiencies Follower Attributions and Implicit Theories Follower Contributions to Effective Leadership Topic 7 Power And Influence Conceptions Of Power And Authority Power Types And Sources Influence Tactics Power And Influence Behaviour

Tutorial 6 (Topic 6) 5 essay questions to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class. Tutorial 7 (Topic 7) A case study with 3 questions and 2 essay questions to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class. Tutorial 8 (Topic 8) 5 essay questions to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class.
Mid-Term Test Students are required to answer TWO (2) compulsory essay questions within ONE (1) hour. (Date to be confirmed)

Yukl (Chapter 7)

4 9/11/09 15/11/09

Topic 8 Early Contingencies Theories Of Effective Leadership LPC Contingency Model Path-Goal Theory Of Leadership Situational leadership theory

Yukl (Chapter 6)

Topic 9 Charismatic And Transformational Leadership

Week 5 16/11/09 22/11/09 Attribution Theory of Charismatic Leadership Self-Concept Theory of Charismatic Leadership Transformational Leadership Transformational vs. Charismatic Leadership

Yukl (Chapter 9)

Topic 10 Leading Change In Organisations

Change Processes in Organisations Influencing Organisation Culture

Tutorial 9 (Topic 9) A case study with 3 questions and 2 essay questions

Yukl (Chapter 10)

Unit Plan of UBMM3033 Leadership & Team Building

Lecture, Tutorial & Assignment Plan Week Lecture Topic Developing a Vision Implementing Change Tutorial Topic to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class. Tutorial 10 (Topic 10) A case study with 3 questions and 2 essay questions to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class. Yukl (Chapter 12) and Thompson (Chapter 4,5,7,8) Mid-term Reference

Topic 11 Leadership in Teams, Team Identity, Team Development, Team Communication and

Decision Groups
The Nature of Teams Determinants of Team Performance Leadership in Different Types of Teams Procedures for Facilitating Team Learning Guidelines for Team Building Group Cohesion Team Development and Socialisation Decision Making in Groups: Factors influence, problems/pitfalls Leadership Functions in Meetings

Week 6 23/11/09 29/11/09

Topic 12 Strategic Leadership By Executive Constraints On Executives Political Power and Strategic Leadership Executive Tenure and Strategic Leadership Research On Effects Of Leadership Succession Strategic Leadership by Executive Teams Two Key Responsibilities for Top Executives Topic 13 Developing Leadership Skills Leadership Training Programmes Designing Effective Training Special Techniques For Leadership Training Developmental Activities Facilitating Conditions For Development A Systems Perspective On Leadership Development

Tutorial 11 (Topic 11) 6 essay questions to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class.

Yukl (Chapter 13)

Tutorial 12 (Topic 12) 5 essay questions to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class

Yukl (Chapter 14)

Unit Plan of UBMM3033 Leadership & Team Building

Lecture, Tutorial & Assignment Plan Week Lecture Topic Tutorial Topic Mid-term Reference

Week 7 30/11/09 6/12/09

Topic 14 Ethical Leadership And Diversity Conception of Ethical Leadership Dilemmas in Assessing Ethical Leadership Determinants and Consequences of Ethical Leadership Cultural Values Dimensions and Leadership Gender And Leadership Managing Diversity Revision Revision for topics covered

Tutorial 13 (Topic 13) A case study with 3 questions and 2 essay questions to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class

Yukl (Chapter 11)

Yukl (Chapter 15)

Tutorial 14 (Topic 14 & revision) 5 essay questions to be answered by the students and discussions to be made in the class.

Notes: The information provided in this Unit Plan is subject to change by the Lecturers. Students shall be notified in advance of any changes

Unit Plan of UBMM3033 Leadership & Team Building

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