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Workflow Standards and Associated Documents

Workflow Reference Model Basic Reference Material WfMC-TC-1003 v1.1 (Jan95) Description of the underlying workflow system architecture Terminology & Glossary WfMC-TC-1011 v3 (Feb99) Lists technical terms, definitions and common industry synonyms Specifications White Papers - Policy & Explanatory Workflow & the Internet Workflow Security Considerations Common Object Model Conformance Testing Policy Events Process Definition MetaModel & WPDL WfMC-TC-1016-P v1.1 (Oct99) Process Definition model & interchange language (I/F 1) Workflow Client API Specifications (WAPI) WfMC-TC-1002 v2 (Jul98) APIs for process, activity, worklist and process definition operations Workflow Interoperability - Abstract Specifications WfMC-TC-1012 v2 (Dec99) Defines logical message sequences & contents Workflow Audit Data Specification WfMC-TC-1015 v1.1 (Sep98) Standards for logging operational audit data

WAPI Naming Conventions WfMC-TC-1013 v1 (Nov95) Naming conventions for use with WAPI APIs

Workflow Interoperability - MIME Binding WfMC-TC-1018 v1.2 (Jan00) MIME based encoding of interoperability messages Workflow Interoperability - Wf-XML Binding WfMC-TC-1023 v1 (May00) XML based encoding of interoperability messages

Joint Workflow RFP - Revised Submission to OMG OMG documents bom/98-06-07 and bom/98-07-15 (Errata) (March 99) Workflow Facility Specification covering object model, methods & interfaces (IDL)

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