Amy Budget

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At the moment, your variable costs are too high, and I believe we can cut these by around 35%

by eliminating/reducing some unnecessary expenses

Current Monthly Expenses Potential Monthly Expenses



Current Monthly Expenses by Type

Potential Monthly Expenses by Type

$1,140.00 $1,750.00 $2,315.00 $2,315.00

Fixed Costs

Variable Costs

Fixed Costs

Variable Costs

Here are the things I think you can cut:

$400 $350 $300 $250 $200 $150 $100 $50 $-

I know riding is important, but $400 is a lot of money, perhaps you could reduce frequency

You do not need a cleaning lady: at $150 a month, this is excessively luxurious (I do not have one) Be more organized with your meals to use leftovers for lunches, or allow time to make lunch before leaving Small saving, but do your own god damn nails

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