What Is Gene Cloning

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What is Gene Cloning?

Insertion of a gene into a vector to form a new DNA molecule that can be inserted into host cell.

What is Gene?
A hereditary unit or a segment of DNA coding specific protein.

What is Clone?
Clone is the genetically identical organism derived from the host and both have similar genetic composition.

Objectives of Gene Cloning:1.To obtain large no. of copies of specific DNA. 2.To obtain desirable character into host through gene cloning. 3.To get disease resistance organism. 4.For production of vaccines.

Steps in Gene Cloning:1.Production and isolation of DNA fragment to be cloned. 2.Insetion of the isolated gene in a suitable vector to get DNA. eg.Bacteria 3.Transformation. 4.Selection of transformed host cell. 5.Multiplication and expression of introduced gene in host.

DOLLY:The 1st mammalian clone DOLLY . The World s 1st clone has been created from a fully differentiated non-reproductive cell of an adult sheep. It was born in Feb 1996. The name Dolly has been given by American country, Dolly Partan. The Dolly was produced by the Nuclear Transfer Tech. In this, the nucleus of a donor mammary cell was injected into a recipient cell (egg) This cell was then implanted into receptive surrogate mother and it eventually developed into Dolly- The clone of Donor. This was followed by birth of POLLY-the transgenic lamb containing a human gene.

Importance and Application of Gene Cloning:The modern Biotech. tools have a remarkable influence on animal biotech. Many innovative tech are constantly being used around the World to improve upon livestock. Some areas are, 1.Animal Breeding 2.Production of vaccines. 3.Embryo Transfer 4.Xenotransplatation i.e. transfer of organ 5.Transgenic Animals like Sheep, Goat.

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