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Mrs. Caroline Reppert EMAIL: OFFICE: Allgood Hall E 346 HOURS: 11:30-12:30 T & TH and by appointment

LOCATION: University Hall 239 T University Hall 234 TH SEMESTER: Fall 2011 DAYS/TIME: T TH 10:00-11:15

Important Dates September 5: Labor Day Holiday, Campus Closed October 10: Midterm November 23-25: Thanksgiving Holiday, Campus Closed December 5-8: Final Exams (See the full academic calendar for more dates: REQUIRED TEXTS & SUPPLIES Augusta State's English 1101 Reader. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. Print. Aaron, Jane E. The Little, Brown Compact Handbook with Exercises. 7th ed. New York: Learning Solutions, 2010. Print. Choice Voice 2009-2010. COURSE DESCRIPTION English 1101 emphasizes the need for students to produce thoughtful, well-constructed texts within and outside the academy. As a student of English 1101 you will complete in-class writing exams as well as multiple- draft essays outside of class. You will also read many articles and essays and learn traditional grammar as influenced by modern grammars. By the end of English 1101 students should master: College Reading: Analysis, Evaluation, and Synthesis As a college student, you need to do more than soak up information passively. You will learn to analyze, evaluate, and write about the many essays and/or books assigned by your professor, and also to relate them to your developing understanding of yourself and the world. College Writing: Learning the Composing Process In many college courses, you will find that writing is an integral part of the learning process. Your first step toward writing to learn on a college level is to master the whole series of steps that a writer takes in working toward a finished essay from an initial idea or question. In learning the process, you will be writing some out- of-class essays. Also, because college students often find it necessary to go through these steps quite quickly (for example, in essay questions on exams), we will look at how to write extemporaneous essays--those written entirely within the fifty minutes of a regular class period. College Thinking: Mastering Logic and Language

Good logic is fundamental to all college-level reading and writing. We will look at ways that published authors have used to make their points, and we will analyze their logic. We will also look at ways that you yourself can analyze and improve the logic of your own essays. Finally, because college thinkers cannot get by with high- school vocabularies or high-school ways of understanding language, you will be learning many new words and heightening your sensitivity to the complex ways that people use language to express themselves. College Researching: Learning How to Do Field, Library, and Electronic Research One of the essays you will write, either the expository or argumentative essay, will require research. By using research, you will be able to support your ideas with more authority, data, and examples of interest to your readers. You will have special instruction and support in doing online research, and in some classes you may learn to publish your own documents on the World Wide Web or do web chats with your classmates about the essays you are reading. As well, many of the supplementary resources for this course are located online, and your instructor will show you how to access this information. COURSE POLICIES & GRADING PROCEDURES Attendance Regular attendance is essential in all writing courses. While some instruction is delivered through lecture, much of the course content is taught through class discussion, workshops, and interactive activities such as brainstorming or editing. When students miss a day, they will often have missed not just hearing a lecture but actually working toward the successful completion of an assignment. According to the ASU 2011-2012 Catalog, If the student has been absent for more than the equivalent of 10 percent of class time, regardless of the cause, then the professor may withdraw the student from the class for excessive absences. Since this class meets 31 times, students are allowed up to THREE (3) class periods. Any class activities, in-class essays, tests, and quizzes cannot be made up if you miss the class in which they are assigned. Arriving late to class or leaving is unprofessional and will be factored into the attendance policy. Each recorded instance will count as ONE (1) Tardy. Three tardies equal one absence. You are considered tardy if you walk into the class after roll has been called and considered absent if you miss more than HALF (35 minutes) of the class period. As the student, it is your responsibility to keep track of all tardies and absences and to ask me for clarification if unsure of how many days youve missed. Students with Disabilities It is university policy to provide, on a flexible and individualized basis, reasonable accommodations to students who have disabilities. Students are encouraged to contact Student Disability Services to discuss their individualized needs for accommodation. For more information visit The Classroom Unless I ask you to use for a specific purpose, laptops should be stowed during class. Cell phones should be off, and placed in a pocket, bag, or purse. I should not hear, see, or see you looking at your phone/PDA during class. If I do, you may be asked to leave the classroom, and you will receive an absence for the day. We will work in a computer lab every other class period. This will help us do research and make progress on writing assignments. Computers are useful tools. One suggestion is to take notes in Google Docs so you can easily share them with your classmates. Beyond that I dont care what you are doing on your laptop its your responsibility to stay on task. But students around you do care especially if you are playing games and

annoying everyone. Getting distracted by other work (or play) will hurt you. If other students complain, you will be prohibited from bringing your laptop to class at all, and I will make sure your final grade takes a hit. It is fine to have a coffee or a soft drink during class, but it is not fine to eat during class. Google Docs Google Docs is a cloud-based technology that you will use to exercise and apply the English 1101 course concepts and skills through focused learning, interactive tasks, documenting learning, and many other practical and technical means of supporting our learning of rhetoric and the composing of essays. On the first class meeting in the computer lab, you will create a Gmail account (if you do not already have one) that you will use for this course. While some class time is provided for computer literacy instruction, the instructor will either provide additional help or recommend other support for advanced applications. The default name of a Google Doc is Untitled. You must rename the document your last name followed by the assignment (for example: Reppert - Narrative Essay). Failure to do this will result in an automatic 10 points off of the assignment. Waiting Policy If I am late for class, please wait 15 minutes. (Also check your email to see if you have received a notice from me regarding class.) After 15 minutes, class will be considered cancelled. Office Hours Please note my regular office hours above. You also can arrange to see me at other times that are mutually convenient. Office hours belong to you just as much as our class time. Dont hesitate to take advantage of my availability and the help I am ready to offer. If you need to contact me outside of class time or office hours, it is best to communicate with me by email as I check my email several times a day. Generally, you can expect a response within 24 hours, but it is imperative that you plan ahead (in other words, do not contact me at 4 a.m. about an assignment due at 8 a.m.!). You are responsible for checking your email account regularly for updates. It is a good idea to check your email before coming to class just in case there are items you need to be aware of before we meet. Writing Center I encourage you to attend the Writing Center located in University Hall 235 as much as possible. Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are preferred. To set up an appointment, you may call (706) 737-1402, or visit Open hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. M-F, with extended hours from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. one day a week (the extended day varies per semester, so you will need to call to find the exact day). Appointments generally last 30 minutes and cover specific questions or issues you are having with a writing assignment. Tutors can assist with all stages of the writing process, from brainstorming to evaluating sources to developing an effective argument. I encourage you to visit the Writing Center often and to build a relationship with a specific tutor, if possible. Its a good idea to come prepared to each session with a list of specific questions/issues to discuss; this will make the appointment more effective for both you and the tutor. Grades Your major assignments will receive individual grades, as well as individual attention from your classmates and me. All of your work will be collected in Google Docs. In the rare event that Google Docs is down, you are responsible for emailing me an attachment of your work in a Word document and then submitting it to Google Docs once it is up and running. These various assignments will be assigned a separate grade and will help to track your progress as we move through the semester. They indicate your willingness to be a part of the course and to collaborate with

others in the class. As with any course, you will get out of it what you put into it. You must earn at least a C (70) on the following assignments to be eligible to pass the course and advance to English 1102. You must also pass the Exit Assessment to pass the course. If you do not pass the Exit Assessment, you will receive either a D or an F in the course, depending on your other work. The following rubric describes very general indicators that you may take into consideration when assessing your work and progress in the course. While the final interpretation and assessment of your grade remains the responsibility of your teacher, the work that earns the grade falls entirely to you, the student. A: Represents excellent participation in all course activities (including attendance and promptness); all assigned work completed on time, with very high quality in all work produced for the course. Evidence of significant and sustained development across the four course strands. Responds fully to topic and thoroughly addresses issues. Shows unusual or substantial depth and complexity of thought, including strong analysis. Demonstrates clarity, focus, organization, and unity throughout. Thoroughly investigates the topic; shows full development with supporting detail. Documents ideas, information, and questions according to convention. Demonstrates superior control of diction, shows appropriate variety of sentences, and incorporates smooth, well-integrated transitions. Evidences mastery of mechanical and technical aspects of writing.

B: Represents good participation in all course activities (including attendance and promptness); all assigned work completed on time, with consistently high quality in course work. Evidence of marked and above average development across the four course strands. Clearly and directly responds to topic and to issues. Shows depth and complexity of thought; investigates issues and addresses basic counterarguments. Demonstrates effective organization and adequate development. Incorporates a wide range of sources; uses plenty of detail to support ideas and conclusions. Documents sources correctly, with occasional minor errors. Contains only minor mechanical errors and exhibits no pattern of errors.

C: Represents average participation in all course activities; all assigned work completed, with generally good quality overall in course work. Evidence of some development across the four course strands. Addresses question or topic and explores issues but draws no clear conclusion. Shows clarity of thought and organization but fails to show sufficient complexity or depth of thought. Uses only a few basic sources. Attempts to include adequate detail and development but may leave out obvious counterarguments. Attempts to document correctly. Demonstrates competence in mechanics; avoids major errors.

D: Represents weak and uneven participation in course activities; some gaps in assigned work completed, with inconsistent quality in course work. Evidence of development across four course strands is partial or unclear. Consistently strays from topic; is oblique or irrelevant. Reflects simplistic, reductive, or stereotypical thinking; relies heavily on generalization; shows little evidence of research. Shows poor or confusing organization; is too short. Contains garbled paraphrases; words or passages are nearly plagiarized. Documentation is careless, incorrect, or missing in some cases.

Exhibits consistent flaws in language, syntax, or mechanics. Exhibits inadequate research or reading.

F: Represents minimal participation in course activities; serious gaps in assigned work completed, or very low quality in course work. Evidence of development is not available. Distorts topic or assignment; fails to address assignment; fails to establish topic. Provides no development. Contains obvious or deliberate plagiarism; lacks documentation of some or all sources. Displays gross technical or mechanical incompetence and repetitive errors. Exhibits inadequate research or reading.

Assignments Timed In-Class Essays. These short essays will be based off of readings. Some of them will contribute directly to your writing process for the larger essays. The difference between these and homework, obviously, is that theyll be completed within a defined timeframe in a single class. These essays will prepare you to write the Final Exit essay near the end of the course. Youll get an A or B if I think your essay would pass the Final Exit Essay youll get a C, D, or F if your essay would fail the Final Exit Essay. Expository Essay. At least five pages plus process assignments. The first major essay will be on an argumentative topic you propose, though you wont actually be making an argument yourself. This essay will give you a chance to do some background reading and analysis of what has already been argued about your topic. Youll locate and describe ongoing situations in which others are expressing their views about the topic within a local and/or recent context. This essay will be a way of educating your readers on the conversation youre planning to enter in your Argumentative Essay. Argumentative Essay. At least 6 pages plus process assignments. For the second major essay, youll make your own argument about your Expository Essay topic. Youll use background research as you gather support for your argument and make a recommendation for a change. Midterm Exam. This exam is an assessment of your development in grammar, vocabulary, essay structure, academic moves, use of sources, MLA formatting, etc. Youll be asked to identify and name some of these issues, describe the rules associated with them, and discuss how youve worked with them in your own English 1101 writing. Final Exam. This will be an expansion of the midterm youll continue to work on grammar and vocabulary and to investigate your own development and growth as a writer. Grading Breakdown: Expository Essay 30% Argumentative Essay 30% In-class Essays 10% Homework 5% Midterm and Quizzes 10%

Final Exam

15% Final Exit Essay. This test is NOT factored into your overall average for the course. This timed and prompt- based essay test is administered by the Department of English and Foreign Languages and is required for you to exit English 1101. Like the in-class essays well be doing throughout the course, the Exit Essay is a timed essay written in response to a single reading. If this essay passes (and you receive at least a C from me), you can advance to 1102. IF you fail it, youll earn a D or an F, depending on your grade in the rest of the course, and youll have to retake 1101. Portfolio. Be aware that Ill collect an end-of-class portfolio of your student writing. If you fail your Exit Essay, you can request that I submit your portfolio to the exam committee as an appeal; Ill approve your request if youre earning a passing the grade in the course and if I think your appeal has a good chance of succeeding. You must submit a portfolio by the due date or you will not move on to English 1102. Note: ALL writing assignments must be in an ELECTRONIC format, via Google Docs before class. I will NOT provide feedback on assignments only submitted in Google Docs if also requested in hard copy or vice versa. Assignments are considered late until I have them in all formats requested. Due Dates All assignments are due before class unless otherwise specified in class. This is to ensure that you receive feedback on your assignments in a timely manner. In most instances, I will have assignments back to you by the following class period, granted that you submitted them on the due date. Please contact me if you have an extraordinary circumstance (i.e., death in the family, hospitalization, etc.) that will prevent you from turning in an assignment (and be prepared to supply documentation of the circumstance). Any extensions for assignments need to be documented in writing or in an email well in advance of the assignments deadline. Late work without a valid excuse will negatively affect your grade. You are allotted one get out of jail free card. In other words, you are allowed to turn in ONE (1) assignment 24 hours after the due date (If an assignment was due by 12:30 pm on Tuesday, you have until 12:30 pm Wednesday to turn it in). You must complete the Pardon form on GeorgiaView and staple it to your one excused late assignment, or you will not receive credit at all. If you are turning in the excused late assignment electronically, you must attach the completed Pardon form in an email. Any additional late work will be counted as a zero. I will determine the validity of excuses for late work on an individual basis. All work may be turned in early for evaluation and/or pre-planned absences. Periodically, the instructor might revise the tentative course schedule; students are responsible for formally announced changes in the schedule. Quizzes I may elect to give quizzes on the readings and class discussions/lectures if I feel that the assigned work is not being completed by all students satisfactorily. The best way to avoid quizzes is to complete the assignments and participate in the class discussions. Missing a pop quiz because of an absence will result in a 0 on the quiz. Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty The following is ASUs official statement on Academic Integrity: Academic honesty requires the presentation for evaluation and credit of ones own work, not the work of others.

A simple definition of plagiarismone that we will expand upon this semesteris when someone presents another persons words, visuals, or ideas as his/her own. The instructor will deal with plagiarism on a case-by-case basis. The most serious offense within this category occurs when a student copies text from the Internet or from a collective file. This type of academic dishonesty is a serious offense that will result in a WF for the course as well as the filing of a formal report to the university. To ensure there is no confusion over what does or does not constitute plagiarism, all students are required to complete at least one graded plagiarism assignment. See the Augusta State University catalog (link below) for information about Academic Integrity and procedures regarding the violation of ASUs policies on scholastic dishonesty: E-mail Etiquette I try to reply to emails in a timely manner, but most of my email correspondence happens during business hours Monday through Friday. Please put the course section number or the date/time of your section in the subject of the email. Please use the following guidelines when sending me an email (you may also find them appropriate when writing other professors as well): Include as much context as possible about your identity before jumping into the email. For instance, send the email from an address with your name in it, or include an introductory statement in the email including your name and section number. State the main purpose of the email in the subject line. For instance, "hi" or "a question" are vague and do not tell the receiver what is in the email or if it is time sensitive. Choose an appropriate greeting: "Hi Professor _______" usually works. Be short and to the point but avoid IM abbreviations (ttyl, lol, etc.) and leetspeak (thnks, teh). Tone should be slightly more formal than your professor's tone. Ask for things politely: please and thank you are appreciated. Spell check and proofread what you have written. Sign email with your full name, course number, and meeting time. Don't expect your professor to print out any attachments. Just because you email an assignment before it is due does not mean that the attachment will be considered the official turned-in version. When you get a reply from your professor, say thanks.* If you do not follow these simple guidelines, you will not receive a response and any work attached will not be recorded.
*adapted from Susanna Branyon Klingenbergs Guide to Email Etiquette, developed for use in English 101 at North Carolina State University

SCHEDULE The following schedule is tentative and will probably change. Youll get a good sense of the course from it, but always check the calendar on our GeorgiaView space for fuller explanations of the daily writing and reading assignments. Also, if the date for an assignment changes, it will be updated on the GeorgiaView calendar, and Ill post announcements there from time to time as well. So dont rely on this original syllabus. Remember, you are responsible for any formally announced changes in the syllabus and the schedule.

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