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Barcelona Possession 4vs4vs4

Drill Objective(s) 1. Develop players ability to maintain possession. 2. Develop players ability to pass and receive. 3. Develop quick attacking transition.
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Drill No: Age: No Players: Difficulty: Area/Time:

10 12-Adult 12 Intermediate 25x20yrds (20mins)

Diagram 1

ORGANISATION: Set up a playing area of 25x20yrds. The playing area is split into 3 zones. The central zone ion only 2yrds wide. There are 3 teams of 4 players. The defending team has 2 players that must remain in the central zone whilst the other two players are free to enter and press the ball. The 2 players in the central zone are free to move up and down and screen through passes.

INSTRUCTIONS: Attacking teams are attempting to complete at least 3 passes before switching play to the team in the far zone (opposite end of the playing area). When they occurs the two defenders int he central area step out and press the receving team. The other two defenders recover to the central area. 1. Y1 passes to Y4. 2. Y4 passes to Y3. 3. Y3 swtiches play to the team at the other end of the playing area. The rotations are shown in the diagrams below further. Diagram 2 Successful Switch of Play & Defending team Movement

Diagram 3 Rotations if the Defending Team recovers the ball

SCORING: Following 3 passes in one end area and a successfull pass to the team at the opposite end = 1 goal. KEY COACHING POINTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Support via creating good ablges for the player on the ball. Create a diamond shape to create good passing angles. Play with open body position. Play with head up to see opportunities to swtich the play. Dont force the switch, be patient. Pace of play should be fast. Defenders should press and transtiion immediately. Transition between attacking and defending must be immediate!

PROGRESSIONS: 1. Allow 3 defenders to press and one holds in the central playing area.

VARIATIONS: 1. Switched pass must be an aerial ball. 2. Before the defending team switches to offense they must complete a pass to a team mate.

NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS: Ensure the defeners are quick to transition also, and press the appropriate grid. As soon as a ball goes out immediately get another ball in and going. If the game stops for more than 10 secs have the players do 5 push ups before continuing.

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